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"business directory. -r r. COLÉ. Dealer In Co!. Office w'tbFUTi ft'ftBANT, ovr -laws n & Sous' Sture, r , pju'rtli ■■'": ; llr!l St. .ittSJTS TJIrrHi;, Attomev nnd E , nselor at I-", No. 6 líiut Hurón Street, r.Mich. 1S6 ,v 43B JIIXERAL SPUlSCiS. 4 f i-rii Uil-J I '.i Superintendent Ofllce Ulldln'i corner Minn and iVeatHurou Street. ..Mrs & WORDEX,tll outh Main strekt, W nu Ar or, Mich-, whulesnlc aad reta il 'ilenl i. Dry ■■ 1. üarpei aud Qrocerle. e issuf ,1 1CK SCimiB, Dealer In Dry G Ie. Mecerles, OroofcerjTic. No. M -o;.ib Molu II. JACKSOJf, Dentlst aocceseor to C H W. Portcr üfflcucorui-rMaiBandHBrouitreeM , ,to f R. W. OU- ■ 0 . Ann irbot, nusiheiics dmliiittcrrd if requin d Ei XOHNSDPf, Dealer In Hu nul r"P , rare Straw OooUa Oeuts' FarulbiB Gooob, k Nu ; Soot . Main -tra-t. Aun Arbor itli 7Pt7iK1U-AN WHEDOS, Liro and SVr ■'"= "■"'"■"' 4ealet.a Keal Bsiatt(jceonHuroa Stu-ct rrrïjnrXBHI., Dealers n lryQood GroDerrie, te &C..N -6 ottth Main ítreet. Ann j_ 7ITw1SO!V &-S!i, Groccrs, Provlflon and Soïmmta""n Merrhant.. and dealerf ir Waler U „o ïï"rt Plter, and Pla.Wr Pari,. No. 16 Eaet Hiron strect ■7" i lVüLII Wio!esa:e and Re!iU.'iiler r„tli andOeot Pnrntohliü Go .ds.' No Soutl, Mat" Streel. ' WVbi Cas'lmere. Vesting. lUts.Caps. &c 21 uuth .Main street. nlLHOBE A; l'ISKK, BookBellcr and StaG " Vu " M dtol Uw and Üollege Telt Bonk., 9d, "lVd WeHane.ra Boota. Ko.J North .Main reet.Groïory Rlock, Ann Arboi yOA.ll W OHEBVBK, VïTORNEY AT LA.W ! )M with E. W. Jturgan, EJet slde qrCoïrtllonse qilirc. "" LHAKLKSM. VVOOÜRUFF, Attorüey at Law and SOLI3IÏO"R IN CHAKCEHY. Office, Anttd-e Bloei, Ypülanti, Mich. Cíáittikins mnd?ni pmmptly revnitted. AU legal liuainesa fuithlully attmded to. i-X (Tb 0 C K E K Y GL.VSSWARE & GEOCEEIES, J. & t Donnelly HivBiu itore tUrgeatnck -f ockerj, Olasjware. Putei Ware. ("r.llfi y Qroctrie, Ac, 4c. all tobe iuWatnuuminlly luw pricfs No 12 Basianrou Slreet.Ann Arbor liatf J. & P. UOÜIELLY. TÖHN G. GALL, DBALEB IKT FRESÏÏ AÏÏÜSA.LTMEATS, I, tKO. S irSMiKS. F.r., Orternollclted ana promptiy flllud with thebost ■Mt In tna m.trküt. 81 Kast Washiogton str.-et Ann Arlior, Sept. lKn, ISCK 1-J8ftf ï AEKSEY, oéfJk ■ MiuiHracturt-T of _- Carria?33, Bigies, Wagons, ANBSLEIi H. of evury tyle. mide of the Iicki ■!. tn w irranter). Repalriufi rloiie [inimpt lydud pnces reasonable Di-.truit ttrect, ncar n R Di-p t, Aün ArUor. .ïich. UMyt IjR C. A. LEITEK CO.VriNÜES TO PUT ÜP AND FILL Physicians Prescriptions, At all huurs, at No. 1 (iregory Blnck. C A. LEITER & CO Ann Arlor. Deo. -22d 1871. !3r4 nil.Ü. B. FOUTER, DE1STTIST. Office in the Suvlofl Bank Block, Ann Arbor. All Operatmns on the Nnural Teeth Peifüirad with Care. JifStJRPASSED FACILITIES AND SXPERIENCE smimta mmukí teeth, PU UíVE tí ACH OïhlVIMJAL, Vtutrtê of i&e proper êice, ukape t:olor, ürmnesêoii ■ mal'ir li '.zprettion 1244 PAHTIKS wl'hlog WhII Piper, -hartfS lI'illaQds, WinJow Pixturcs. Codi TuraU &c , 'ill Nw Stylea. at Sntisfactorj P icet. bj J. It. Webster Sc Co., Uouk Stort-, utiiir the E.'. piceis Office. x ; W. A. L0VEJ0Y, TOBACCONIST ! Deals in both FINE CUT AX1) SMOKING TOBACCO, BnnfF, 3?ipes, &c. AT NO. 7 BAST HUROX STREET, text to the Express Office ANS 5UBOK, Mlf'II. !S45tr TiWELLING HOUSES FOR SALE A lárice ani very Tfell built brict honsp. with tw o? morti Ïot4. Two lai-Re frumed U#sjk. Al-o a n jlzert lnck house inri irainod houw ; and a ema frame hoiue on a good lot inteoded faroddin; afron lor sale oa fair berma and a rnuoaable credit. AUo üthcr buildings, lotb, aud property. MONEV WAJfXED- So many wibhinff t barrnu! muncy apph to me thftt I run readily obtui 'or UtuUrt gotid öatiafactory iuveotments at ten pe Cent. interest. E. "W. MORGAN, Asn Arbor, April 23, 1373. U}3lf


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Michigan Argus