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Specialties In Farming

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■ General fariuiugor wixsd huabaudry Ln more than niuo cases out ot' ten wül ba touiid to bi) bettertbttn exclusive attention to any om; specialty. The owners of cranberry marshes oannot be general farmer; those wlo havo nu land lit lor tillage carmot grow gram, but the general rule holds good. Tüe reasons are inany, - too inany ti) discusa in ftüL The general system enabli s tha farmer to inore eoonoiuically make use ot' hisown or hin-d labor; work can bottur ba distributed tUroughout the year. It is, as a rale, better adapted to ïulain'ng or inereasing the fertility of the soil, and it seeures the farmer i'rom the evils i'ullo wing tlm fluct uations in pi ice m all gpecialtios. With a good erop of tobaceo or hops selling at fifty cents a pound, thospecialty farmer eau look with undi.-guised pity on his plodding neiglibor ; but if oue of these crops ho his sole dependenoe and sell at three cents a pound, the plodding neighbor luay bi. asked tor tho loan of euough ïuoncy to buy the necessaries of life tor a year. I seeiijs parailoxioai, we cannot always afford to cultívate those alone which seein to pay tho best. - Wtttern Farmer. A danghter is almost always righ' when .she eadeavors to imitate her moth er ; bnt it isdoubtful wUether ihu mothe is equally right wben, at a certaiu pericí of life, siio tiies uli bhe can to imítalo he daughtor.


Old News
Michigan Argus