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The Latest Novelty For Ladies

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Whatever muy bo suid of tho aim or result of the Vienna Kxposition, it has certainly been the luiaus oí' bnnging toguther tae choieest produote et' tho world and of giviug-tho petfple of variuus nfttions Uvvf id aa cuBoeruiag matton of vvüjuh tht;y had itewr before thought. In no direotiou has u rider runga boen given thun in the manufacture of gluss, aud uew fOTins, designs and usos oí' tbia material ai e novv presentad to tho world tor ttiti iirst tiniü. Cuuspicuous among these is a lady's bonnot or head dress, which tor elegttDoe mul beauty caunot bu exeelltd. The idea of a gluss hat is certainly novel, u.ud uiuny obJButioiig might ba made to it on account of the fiagilo material, but in ruality the glass is ïuuch strongur and uioro durabla thun tho deacate niaterials qow in use tur tho same purpose. Thtite articlcs, as may ba imagined, come f:oui Bohemia, and have already gained a fair sharo of popularity. 8pecimeiis havo been soit to laris and Londou, aud that we should not bo behind haud iu so important a matter, aa enturprising iiriii 111 Western Peiiusylvanin liiivu imported quito a nuatber, and will iuimediately begin tbeil uianufacture, to be ready for the fall season. Thesa bats are of the most delicate and beautiful designs, and such is their adaptability toall uostuiiR'S and occasions that tliey will probably soon come iutj universal use. l'he body of the bat ij luado ot' loose pieoua of line grass, f;.itened eloseiy together by a guita percha band, which al lows it to confuí m to the heiid. Inside Uure is a iiiiiug of silk, which is theouly piucc of fabriü ued m tho uianufacture. i'lie trmumiigs on the outside are atter tliu pievaihng mode, cinnisliiig of wrctith tlowcrs, featbers and riobous, all made of ik-licately spun gluss of wonderful beauty. Oí' eour&e ili tue trimn-ings have their u.i.ui il colors, aud by & patent proo'ss the glassy appearanoe is su weJ subdued l'uat the ni.uenal is not suspected. The most buaulifui humming birds and flowers are used for ornamentation, aud ooloied so uaturjjly that iu uppearauee thi-y uu tupenor to thd usual artificial goo Is. It is almost incrediblp, the stuall amount of gluss that enters irito construotion of ut.e uf tliese hals, for the thread is so fine that a groat space is covered without tny ptrjcptible iucreiMU iu the weigut. Thfy vvcigh but a few ounces, or about onefltth of the av rage weightof the present style. Wiili the care that is usually given by a lady to a new hat, these new articles will outlast twenty of thcui, for there is no waar to theui ; moiture will uot stain tiitiu, and if dust should settle to dim their beauty, it is readily removed by a gentío spray of water. The colors are so ulended that for ordinary occasions they present a general neutral Uut, but at a small additioaal expense they can be made to flash and sparkle like diamonda, either iu the sunhght for a carriage costume, or iu the blaze of a ball-room, or at the opera. Thir cost is iöiiguifloaiit, aud, as it is understood several well known fírms are going irito the business exteusively, they may soon beupon our streets. It is probable, however, they will not be readily . known, as the resemblance to the genuino uiaterials is ëo great.


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