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WATJ6J. rWO youfig iní;n nbuut 18 or 19 yenrsof npe. an apprcntices to tlie tirisli nnci Jilini moking uistrr. Al8i, ono J0URNEYA1AN. ai Uic ibove business. If. GREGORY. Anti Arbor. fcowèr-ToWoJ Dvc. 4, 14"). '241- i f STATE OF MICHKi AN, The Circuii Coun fur the Countv tf W.islitenaw; ol ibu D.cein ber Term, A. D. lb"4 . HtNKT KoLSE j , V9P v VIN ATTACH MENT. Dam Ki. A Hexioru Survivors of thetnselves and Lymnn MUler. doe. lntcly doing business undur ihe natne and style ol Trati. RexiorJ t Co. NOTICE is l.ereby gïvm tnnt on the first day öTOctdbeï A. D. IK4Sr.soJt óf dltachrtient was issued oui oi'ihe Oiicuit Coun lor thcCouuiy of Wasfatenaw atort-.-aid. ogainst ihe !ands únd tenahient, goode chatiels, rihts, credits, moaeyt nnd elfects of Josliua Pratt and Daniel A. Rexford .oarvivois. &i:., at th'J smt ui Héory Roiií-c plniniill". for ihe siim oí onc hundred and thirtcen dollnrs. which snit of auachment was made returnsble on ihe tirst Friday oí Doeembcr A. D. Ji54f. and has been rftumed du!y ieived. II VWKIVS lt Pfc V IT, - KJNG. Atlornies for PlnintifT. Clerk. Ann Arbor. Dec 3 IH4-',. 241- GlC. B1UNCKISU11OFFS r"p:iE Proprie'or dtbiics 10 expresa the fact, J_ ihat his medicine is even cVipabie of more Ihan cnrrylng out what he reconmienils it for.- Aa for Ínstame lie has herctofore r.ot rècommenled it as a perfect cure in all cases oi Consumption. nnd other diseases of the LongB, l.iverand 'J'hruat. Couslis nnd Colds: hut peisons wlio lise it l.eing the best judges -f its nierits. decide it once that il is the pcri'cciion ol an eileciivrmedicinal preparatiari. esrtnióijfatt crpd in ij i the Proprietor. slutingsudi ra;u! cures of the ..bove diseases even whun of tlic most i;; ling ermractcr. 'lint thcre is nn witbs tanditi g ïhe natural irference tliat il e.vcecds in power by ihe ellectol its singnlatly hnppy vegetuble coïiibination. iny of the rhlnerni and dangcroiis iiobiruniB doviséd fy th'e huid of riuackery. This medicine is Sature' grand spedifio ín Liïng complaints; i"t louelus the seat ol the disense, it iiroceeda nt once to urily anddetertre lljc Iudhs and chesi oí thosc humors and decayed paris wliicli icsnlt froni iheaciion of diseabé, and wiien a has pcffyrmcd this part of its ofüco, it coinnionócs to repair ibe ravpc made in the viials. nhdstrengiíientínnd increnses the sSrio'n of the' vis-elsso ihat the part 18 renewivl si', licicnily t. perlfirin its wontcd düiice. n:id tl'b curé is effccte.l. The Consuoiptive , rhoHld fenow1 that 10 tlicm dölays are naiilu wiü dnnger. even a rlay wasted fn v.'orse i on ueeless tampering nuh ihcir eomplninr, il devoted tu the n.-c o''lhe Rcstorative. would Se brillghig lliom inuch nearer to a cure. Títere ia ftrt sbídirrg 8eie ol c'omlort whilt' uridcr ihe niihl aml soOtliinii; yei effectunl nction ol ilus u-imdy. wijten ■ w-" piness indüicribablc by tli" pniienl: ü is ■ feofin ot nn ensurcd escape Intrn doaih by an pi most mirat-uloiip hu-nan invTi!MU. The f.illuwmn coriili"i'e is frow Cbil ton. the wi-11 uii.nvn Nfert Vork che;nw6 I tnve analzod a hoitlc ol clifd CBrinckerhulV's -IJeatih ndlind ihat K 'does nol feiiïwin Rlercuif. oi a.iy oMior metallic prppaMtiun; nor .pi"'" "' ""■! US fürnw. It is compost ol .'■able mnitürcn,..e.. Jamkh Ü.Chmti.ns M. 1. Sol Proprirtor. T.8Í) ffroémd ft-ict. N. Y. For sn'eby W. 8. & J'. VV. Mayniru. Agen, Aon A.l-or. _ 24-Uv "OtJiVrï ORDERS. hipliestpricc paid m C'sh hy ( 1" Lew w,' Bxchango Broker, oppoiito ihe lirsurhdcc Bank, Detroit, fur orOera on nnv f 'u countf8 in the State ot Mf.h nn, ali ■ lor S'nlv securitioó of wil kinJbanJ uitcürrint (uu I fcili nnd si ' . . Dcc 1; 1845. 1 - '


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