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LT1CAÏEI OUBTOl.HH " From the premises of tbe sirbscribei', two miles west of Ypslluuli, on fvilurday, July 5th, A DAKK BAV liUltóE, ten or yeiiü olu, very heavy iiud withuut slioes ; alsn i BKOWN UAitfc, oboul iume ge, bIioJ licloie ; iilso a two ;:ir uid DAHK I!Y MAliE j()L l1, wii h -.i Kinallntur iníoreheid. iV liberal rewitrd wül ba paid for lufuluiatiou of the ioibeii or tor their relurn. J. KEr.LOGO. Ypollsntl, JuIt 9, 187. 1434wl MICHIGAN CENTRAL IlAILUOAD. SUMStEE TIME TABLE. ■gertrainow 17 tho eevera, „. ooñtcT wkbt" ' - ,. STATIONS. W Ï S W 5 AAlMlí GrawLake, 10 o; - i S? " 30 Jackson, lo 40 12 15 6 05 I Sí . „ , P.M. p.m.Í j t( irnlainazoo, 2 03 2 55 8 20 íi?;1 Chicago .urive, 8 15 8 00 J! "- - 1 =n-- -■== __gjO jjn _ OOING F.ABT. ====: ÍS ii i O ■ .iiSiliiliJj Chicago, leave, A "ó 9 oó P u ' Kttlamazoo, HlSl'sMOO A? fS? I24=!SI?=:E'. Ann Arbor. 4 05 11 q '.n i I - " 10 Yril.;nH. 4 2? 5W1?S J U DetroitLMmeL____s_so__4ojjo S si ' JJ _aon.o we8t. -13-___ooo.„ stations. Mixed. Mail btatiohbTÜTÜ AM-r-A. ',.„■ Detrnit. dep... 4:05 limkera ... ., , ' i;slanti 5:00 5:36 HUW.le...... M? SS "■""'" 6:07 6:20 Manchester.. 8;27 ■ M,ii,ch..Bter.... 7:28 7:"5 Buline .'iH 8 HillKlale 11:12 9:05 Ypsilnnti.. i;l VI Banker. li;g4 8: 5 Detroit.... '.'. i'.'ij Traína run by Chicago time W. F. PARKER, Sup-t,Yp,il.ntl. il Carne into the premisea of thesubsoriber on tl.-n clay ot June lust, A BLACK MAItE COLT bónl two years old, twowhite hind feei, and tr 'in tm. head. The owner is rsquested to prove proDertr r.. charlea, and tukv imid ooit away. ""7W Superior, July 7, 1873. li3iv6 A.C. ROOT. Chancery Sal. UTATE OP MICHIOAN-The Fonrth Jnüci,! O Circuit, in Chancery. Snit perding in tb Pi, cuit Court for the countyof Washtenaw, in Chancm wherem Sarah E. Hudson is complainart nd M.Ï' ton Hudson is detemlant, nt Ann Arbor, countr i State aforcsaid, this lot day of June, a d U;i ln ïfadiutf and filint; due proof by afhdaTit thñtthi iibovenumed defendHnt, Melton ÍBudson, reíide.ii tlie State of Kenlucky, on motion of John N Go solii'ilorior compluitiiint, it ia ordered thai (hf n (lefendant, Melton Hudson, canse his nppeoiÍMl; bc enttreil in sai.) c.iuse within three mnnthi lnm the date of this order; and in case of flppt'ATanet hi oiiuse his answer to the eomplainant's bil] ol Mm. plaint to be flled, and a ropy thereof to b Mrïedo the cnmplüinfint's solicnor within twenty daysafter the service of a copy ot said bill and notice of th order, and in delauit thereof, that the gaid bill bt taken as confessed by the said defendant. Andit turther ordered, that within twenty days th uM poniplninant cause a copy of this order to be pub. llsl'ed in the Michigan Arpa, a newspnper pnbliihij in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and that said publieation be ronMnued in said paperonceia eaeh week for ix auccessire veelis. JOHN F. I.AWEENCE, Circnit Court Commissiorirfnr John N. Gott, Washtenuw County, Micbiiu. Solicitor fur Complainant. 14J3 rODGE'S PATENT REAPER & MOWER SELF-RAKE! J.A.PDLHEWIU3 Hfs fiain received his usual siipply of the aboTi OtebroUd Macliines, wliicb he is prepared to furnbk tu .vny iaimer iu VVashteuaw or Jitcküou Countwi wllO Wrtilt A TIRST CLASS MACHINE. He is alai prepared to furnish all extras for tut 3o!e ilachiue. Alsü, uil extras required to icpail he ola BALL MACHINES. Office ex the LIVERY 8TABLE OF - J. A. POLHEMUS & SON, Cor. Tl a ! ii anti Catherine Slrects, Where may be found the most extentire ontflti ol Horses and Carriages In the city, connected with which is a IAGI, BUS MD BAGSAGE WA60S LINE, Ready lo 911 orders at all times. Special attentioi giveu to furmshing IO!tsl AM) I AIUMA4.CS FOR FMF.R4I1. Ann Arbor, May 23, 1873. ltóTtf Goldsmith's Brjant & Stratton BUSINESS UNIVERSITT Business priictically tniijfht after the counting hom ystem. Booksjind business papen ar written vp troui iransiiciions nrigiaating trom domg businen with thf riirious I)uinesa Hohsps, Offices, Board of I i:u]c, Itunks, &c... conncetwl wifh fbe insfitution.- Pleasesend tm roll(erppr trriagtall pñtJeuMn. Address -J. H. OOZ.1WH1TB, Iesident, Detroit, Micb. AV. E. HF) A MBSCO., G3 WOOUBRIDGE STHfKI, Corner Slicll.y. DETÜOIT, MICH. Choioe Kye and Jiinnesota Flours for linkers' use Rpecinltj. Fire Btick, uil simpes and sizm, trom Jfisey aad Uhio olays. Foundry Faiangs and SuppliM. -A- 65-A.BIIsT, Flour & Grrain Oom. Merchant ATWATER STREET, (Between Gris-wold and Shelby,) DETROIT. OES" Liberal avdanees mude upon eonsignmenti. "ÏS8 JOHN H. WKmpELl, A IO. COMMISkiloN MERCHASTS II Flour, Gitoln, Pork & SeeA OKFIÍ'E AND WAHEHOÜBE Nos. 50, 52, 54 iind 56 Woodbridte Ötreet "West, IJETKOIT, MICH. 3S" Liberal advunces made upon eonsignments. "1& BOILER WÖEKS All kinds üf Boiler nd Sheet Iron IfV-ji)! dono to order. All Boilers tested preTious to lenring tba lMips. Competeat m'én kept to do rcpairi. Tubet taken out, pierced, and íeset. Old boilers and tubes bought or tüken in exchtinfre. J. & rl Mo&REGOR, 83 Atwater Street, DETROIT. DETHOIT Throiit and Lung Institute For Ihe cure of Catarrh, Thront Diseases, Asthma, Brondiitis and Consumption. NO. i ASPINWALL TERRACKi MACOMB AVE. If possible culi personally for an exanusation, ' atherwise send for circular. Address, W. Hilton Williams, M. D., Prop'r. I JT f" Business College, i I nïïhnw Coiiege Journai' i Si. lij 11 U II LBusiuess Practica'. THÉ BKST."-For Jonrnal givivg full inbrmation of College, Hook's and Btismess Practico. , Addrew 1KA MAYHEW, Detroit, Mich. jtfarble, Marbleized Slate A.M IRO9T MANTI.ES, All leading styles anrl pnHerns. "With every VBrietf oí ornamental wid jr-tain eniimêled GRATES. Afcnt for " Striug's patent flre-plncea." Send tot' [esnpÜTe dTahlar. . P. A. BILL1NG8, 50 'Woodbridge St., Detroit. MUS. H. J. HILTON, M. DT 'HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office and Residente No. 88 Ann Street, corner of Ingalls, Ann Arbor, Mich. W Office hours- 8 to 10 a m., and Í to 4 p. M."W Rifc-meet- Pnor. Saokh, Fbof. 1'ai.mib. H31)l


Old News
Michigan Argus