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- JPitN J. Nortox was adjudged to owe the People Y23 and costs for belling liquor against ae forrn of the statute , etc, on Saturday last. - Wool Í3 coming in slow, aud the liojior soliera lay it all to Snyder. But they can't accouut for the reason of its slow moveraent in towns btessed with no Snyder. The Couucil are in muddie about the approaches to Cross Street bridge. They don't know exactly how to tix them, and if they are not fixed soon, the st.reet will be impassible, at least so say the rummies. The saloons burned down last Tall are to be rejjlaccd this Summcr by a couple oí good brick stores. Mr. Moorman also proposes to build a tirst clase, building on the corner of Huron and Congress strects. City properiy is high, and there is scarcely a tenantable house to rent in the city. And yet thecroikers say that temperance will be the death of our town. No serious accidenta have occurred during the last week. Bverything is quiet The 4th ot Jaly pas;ed oñ without any disturbance, the Light Guards takmg in about $700 during the day. A half mile of the Missouri Pacific iailroad back, near Kickapoo station, dropped hilo the Missouri rivcr Tuesdaj evening, and sank out of sight in the looded stream in one lurch, and withoul any warning. 1. seems that the. ri ver hac undermined the track without the knowl■dge of tne railrOftd men. The water where the track was situated is now 40 'eet deep. Railroad men say it is the mos' 'eartul rent ever seen. Tha escape o: trains was almost miraculous One hundrpd and fifty new cnttlo 8a'ls been ndded to the accommodationR .it the State Fair grounds at. GrRiif Rápida since the last meeting, mnking two httndred and fifty in all. The Agri cultural Hall lias aiso been nnteriaSly pnlareed. The prospect is fiattering tor an urmsually large cxhibition of manu factures. Russia is espeeially nnfortunate in the matter of manuf.iotni ies. She has 00,000 of them, with a millionof operativos. But the lattPT havn a bad babit of getting sick. The 6Íck rate is froin sixty to ieventy pr cent., and the average life in a factory is on'y twcuty years At this rate, her tnamifactories will prove more destructivo than an anny of invasión. A disputen frora Winchester, Va., statos thiit while a fnmily named Liltle were at breakfast on Ratiuday, a feud broke out, ivhen two sons named Osear and Lycius commenoed firing at the four other sons and tlieir molhtr, tlio firing being returned by the other sons. Oscar was wounded, oaptured and sent to jail. Another son, named Clinton, was wounded, also the mother. Clinton died S.-iturday eveniug and tho mother will die. A prominent business man in Springfield, Mass., wants to know who "Mttilda" is. She sent him a postal card on Saturday, saying she w:is out of money, and unless ó was forthcoming immediately, she should go round and see his wit'e. - AootbuT man is croes, because somebody i Boston sent him an invitation to address a Sunday school, and, also, to pay $12 75 for drinks, all on the same card. It's eetting to be unpleasant to look a post office clerk in tlio face. Becently 220 Assessors and l,0"8 Assistant Assessors of Internal Rovenuo went out of office, under the act of December 24, 1872. The total cost of assessments for the fiscal year jiist ended was $3,231,013 45. The assessing and collecting to ïethcr bave hitherto cost anuually about $5,000,000 Henceforth, under the new law, the samo labor will be performed for half tho sura. It is reported that tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company has caused the arres: of four conductors on the l'hiladelphia & New York división, and also a gate keep er at tho Jersey City fe-ry, for swindling the company in some way in conpon tick ets. The speculations aro said to have been going on a long time. In the r gion of country tributary t Sioux City, embracing Northwestern Iowa, Northern NebraSKS and Southern Dakota, the aioa in wheat is ooe-ha' IHïgpr thaii last year. Crops without ex ui are reported better than the btoi age, srúall grain rspeci:iHy proiüisihg a unuDually larg yiöld. Fetee and Agüe.- No man fully appreciates the terrora of this disease until he gets it himaelf. Itiasimply terrible. To all aJílicted with it we heartily commend Desliler'a Fever and Agüe Pilis. This thoroughly reliable oíd remedy has been in use for nearly a quarter oí a century. It never fails. Eminent physicians recommend it. Hón. Schuyler Colfax Bpeaks warmly in ita praise. No quinine, arsenic, or mereury. Write to Frazer & Lee, New York, for descriptiva pamphlet. A Hint to Housewives- How to keep Kitciien Ware clean and bkight. - Evory housewife of neat and tidy habits takes especial delight in keeping all the tin, copper, and iron ware of her kitchen as clean and bright as painataking labor can inake them. A pride in this direetion is commendable, and alwaya meots the smiling approval of the " tyrant man " who jaya the household billa. Eemembor that Sa'OLio is the only tliing on earth that will raake an old tarmshed tin pan or a rusty kettle shine ns bright a9 new. And by the use of Sapolio it ■ the quickest and easiest thing iu the world to :eep every utensil in a higli state of polish.


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