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Centaur I.iiiiimiK. Tliere is no pain which the Centaur Liniment will not relieve, no swelling it will not subdue, and no lameness which it will not cure. This is trong language, bat it is true. Where the arts are not gone, its effects are marvelous. It las produced more cures of rheumatism, neualgia, lock-jaw, palsy, spfaius, swellings, cakedreasts, scalds, burns, salt-rheuin, ear-ache, tfcc, upon the human frame, and of atrains, spavin, jalls, fee, upon animáis in one year than havo all other pretended remedies siuce the world began. Cripples throw away their erntches, the ame walk, poisonous bites are rendered harmess and the wouuded are healed without a scar. t is no humbug. Thé recipe is published around each bottle. It is selling as no article ever before old, and it sells beeause it does just what it pretenda to do. Those who now suffer from rheumatism, pain or swelling deserve to suffer if hey will not use Centaur Liniment. More than ,000 certiücates of remarkable euros, mcluding rozen limbs, chromc-rheumatism, gout, running umors, fcc, have been received. We will send a circular contaming certificates, the recipe, &c, gratis, to any one requesting it. One bottle of ,he yellow wrapper Centaur Liniment ís worth one hundred dollars for spavined or sweenied uirses and mules, or for screw-worm in sheep. Stock-owners - this liniment is wotth your attention No family should be without Centaur jiniment. Price 50 ets., large bottles SI. B. Rose & Co., 53 Broadway, New York. Castobia is more than a substitute for Castor Oil. It is the only safe article in existence which is certain to aasimilate the food, regúlate the bowels, cure wind-colic and produce natural sleep. It contains neither minerals, morphinè or alcohol, and is pleasant to take. Children need not cry and mothers may rest. Bcyond tlie IHississippi.- Thousands have already gone,aud thousands more are turning their eyes towarda new homes in the fertile West. To thosc goingr to Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Nevada, Oregyn or California, we recommend u cbeap, snle. quick and direct route, via St. Louis, over the Missouri Pacitic ltuilroad. whieh runs itd titie Diiy Coaches and Pullman .Sleopers frutn 8t. Louis to principal points in the West witltout changp.. We bolieve that the Missouri Pacific Railioad has the best track and the finest and sat'est equipment of any line west of the Mississippi, and ita connt'Ctions with roitds further West are prompt and reliable. The Texas couuection of thia road is now coinpletcd, and passengers are offered a nrst-class. allrail route fnm St. Louis to Texas, either over the Uissuurti Kansas & Texas R. 11., via Sedalia, or over the Atlantio & PacüoK, E., via Vinüa. For maps, lime tables, Information as to rates. routes, &c, we leier our readers to I. tj. Wheeler, Northern Passenirer Agent. 72 Lloyd street, Uuüalo, N. Y., or E. A ford, General Passender Agent, yt. Louis, Mo (uestions will be chterfulhi and promptly answered! Emipration Tu riiinir ! Cheap Farm ill Soutll-west .tlikNouri ! -TIn: Atlantic & l'aciflc liailroad Company oHers 1.200,000 acres of land in Central and Southwest Missouri, at from }3 lo $1 i per aere, on even years' time, with free transpjrtalion from St. Louis to all purchasera. Climate, suil, tiinber, mineral wealth. schools, chuiohee and law abidinï society invite emigrant from all points to this land of fruits and Uowera. For purticulars, KddreM A. Tuck, Land Commissioner, öt. Louis, Missouri. 1-17 TIn' Vicuña i:liilntioii. The Vienna Exbibition, whatever use it may be, will not be a success financially It is said to have cost the Austrian Government $10,000,000, while the very highest estimates do not place the number ot' visits which will be iuade to the Exhibition at morethan 10,000,000. The price paid for admission has lately been reduced to half aflorin ; but even if each visitor paid a florín the reoeipts would not reach $5,000,000. It is therefore almost certain thit there will be a deficit of at least this gum, while it may be considerably in excess thereof. But if the government will lose rconey by the Exhibition, the people of Vienna will reap a rioh harvest, which will be inore tban compensating. Of previous universal expositions the one which was held in Paris in 1867 was the most largely attendod, the number ol visitors beiug noless than 10,000,000 There were 6, '21 1,000 visitors to the London exhibition of I(i2, 5,160,000 to that held at Paris in 1866, and 6,039,000 to the Loudon exhibition of Wól.-Free Prest. Dr. Fontaine, of Spencer, Mass., was ïeld in $,000 boud Monday morning ur ïuunslaughter, iu causiug tho death oi' chiid by using small-pox virus tor vacinatioii instead oi vaccine matter. The editor of the Fredericksburg (Va.) eie was asked by a strauget, " if it was jossible that llttle town kept up four övvspapers," und the reply was : " No, it akes four newspapers to keep up the own." The river Neva was frozen over for the econd time this year, at St. Petersburgh, n the 16th of May, large bodies of ice ïaving drifted in trom Lake Ladoga. It emained frozen for several days. A Germán journal seriously declares liat all the great fortunes in this country ïave bfen madeeither by petroleum wells or by the sale of patent medicines. " I have found a very effectual remgdy br the annoyance of ants nesting in the garden paths and borders. A strong soution ot' carbolic acid and water poured nto the holes kille all the ants it touches, and the survivorsimmediately take theinselves off. Care must be taken in its use, as it destroys animal aud vegetable, as well as insect life." - Ex. Thrce Russians, representing 500 of :heir countrymen, are looking around northwestern Iowa ïor a suitable place 'or a colony. In a recent case of nssault with intent to kill in Indiana, il was ehown that the affray carae about trom a father insisting on reinaining in the room with his daughand her beau. The jury clearud the yjung man. A Catholic father of St. Louis lias warned his congregation that ho will read froui the altar each Sunday the names of all persons belonging to the parish who may have been found druak during the preceding week. The Counecticut Senate has passed a resolution approving the Centonnial celebration at Philadelpbia in 1870, and asking its eneourageinent by the people of Connecticut. On Monday evening a patent ga machine at the Diinforth lo.comotive workst, Paterson, N.J., was exploded by a watchman approaching too nèar it with his lantern. Two watchmen were seriously Bnd oüe dangerously burned. Thé daroage to the building ws trifling. ts?A. EJYOCli MORGAN'S SOINSS' S APOLIO Is a substituto for Soap for all ïïouBehold purposes, except washing clothes. SAPÖLIO" for cleaninf? your House will save the labor of one cleaner. Give it a trial, SAP OLIO for Windows ia better than Whiting or Water. No removing cuitains and carpeta. S A P O L I O cleana Paint and Wood, in fact the entire house, bettorthun Soup. Waves lalx)r. You ctin't añ'ord to be without it. SAP OLIO" for Hcouring" Knivet is better and cleaner thun Bath Bríok. WU3 notecrutch. sa pcTlTi ö is better tlmn Sonp ond Sand for polishing Tinwiire. Hrightcns without fcratchiiiR. "SAP OLIO" PuHshes Tïrass and foppt-r utenils better than Acid r Oil:ind Kutten Stone. "SAPOLiy for Washing Dishcs nnd Glnie.s-ware iainvaluable. (.heaptr than Soap. SAPOLIO removes Stnins fron Marble Mantels, Tables and Stiuuury, ironi Hord-fiDiahed Walls, and from China und l'orcelain S A PO L I Ö removes Stains and Greaae from Carpeta and other woveu fabrics. Ttiere ín no onc articlc linoun tliat wi!l do vo iniiny kinds of work und au it us well uu Supolio. X ry it. HAND S A. 3? O H. I O new and wondrfully effective Toilet Soup, haviiig no tqual in tliiu couulry or übrotid. HANü SAPOLIO as nn artiele f or the Bath, "naN the foundation " of all dirt, opens the innen umi irivfs a Jifuliliy uction and trilliant tint to the bkln. HAND SAPOLIO Cleausea nnd Beautifles the Skin, in(jtantly removinf? any í-inin oí blemibb from buth handti und lace. HAND S -A. jP O L I O is without a rival in the world fo curing or preveutinjï i'oughneaë und chapping of either lmiuW or face. HAND S A. F O X. I O removes Tar, Pitch, Iron or lok StHine and Grenst; lor WOfkeTt fan Micliine hop, Mines, &c, ia ïnwluiible. For mnking the Skin White and Soit, nid giving lo it 5 " bloom of beauty," it i unsurptts&ed by uny Cosmetic known. HAiD SAPOL I O costs from 10 to 15 ctints per cake, and every Iwdy bbuuld have lt. You wiil Uk,; it. DON'T FAIL TO TttY THESE GOUD8 Buy it of yonr inerctaant if he kas lt or will procure it for you. lï uot, tlicn unir for our I'ampblet, "All Hbuul Sapolio," anti it will bc uiailcd OCH MÜHGAN'S 8O8, SS Parle Place, N. Y. r N TIME! Wm. Wagnek Has opened a hirge stock of SPRING & SUMMER C3-OO3DS, Includiñg new and FASHIONABLESTYLES FOB OOATS, PL.NTS, and VBSTS, Which he will manuctare in th boet and lateet atyle, aud VVarranted Fits and Work. AIbo keepa a good stock of READY-MADE CLOTHINli AND Gents' FURNISHIEG Goods. Which will be sold cheap. OALL AND SEE THEM. No.21 Sonlh MaiD Street,- EnetSide: Wll.l.l ASI WA(;!VI.K. Ann rhor. Mny lt, 1ST3 1424 EXTRA OFFERT SECOND .anntjax. distribution. TBE CHROnO " CtTE " EI.F.GAJÏTM i v. tm; asd a siMKK n the dis ritu - llll OF 8730 l'RKUims ATIOlMiXti 10 $41,000. GIVEN AWAY! To every subscriber of thot Popular Weekly OUR FIRESIDE FRIEND Chromos are delivered at once. The distribution will POSITIVELY tuke place ou the TWEXTIETH DA. Y OF A.UOU8T, E10HTEEN HUNDIIKD ANI SEVENTY-TSREE. UUKOHItOMO "CTITE" is 16x20 inches in aize, ackuowledped to be the tinüat and handsomest picture ever L'iven with iny paper. OL'It FIKES-IDE b'lUEND in an eiht page illustrated tamily and Btory weekly in its tliild volumo, has now over SEVENT Y-ll VK THOl'SAND 8UBSCRIBEHtf, and rapidly increasini;, which insuree the sucosa of the present distribution. The Publishers of Our Firepide Kriend have sent to its subscribers this year over r.v üis j ï iüi u f5 ü-ixi copies ui me chromo "Cute" and are Rhipping hundredö every d.iy. SUBS' RIPTION FRICE, THREE DOLLARS PEK YEAK, which sives the subscribers FIFTY-TWOnumbers of the best Fumily Weekly, the chrmnu " CUTE" ttuely framed, and a numbered CERTIFÍCATE ntitlinR the holder to one share in the distribution of premiums for 1873. SUBSCRIBE now with the tigent ov send direct to the Publisher. SPECIMEN CnPIES, particulars, etc, sent free. i r TTVTU I" every town, at home or travAvT-Eill 1Í3 ding. Largecaahpay nd libW A VTTITIÏ eral premiums for guttinR up TI All A JllU clubs. The best outfit. Secd ut once for f erma and partiuulars. Address WATERS & 'CO., Pubs, Chioago. T3EAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE. THE VOLNEY CHAPÍN ilüMESTEAD, Near the north east corner of the Court Houee iquare. Thls pjoperty will be Bnld at reasonable priccs, in lots suitable for a residence, or for busi uese purposes. Also lote on Milier Avenue east oí Totns' green house. AIbo a Farm of 160 Acres, Wel! watered and fenced, with good orchard anti fair biiildiuP. withinamile of the Court Houee in St Johns, Michlsran . andseveral hnndred ncres o: pine and oak tiinbBred lande in Sayinaw C'ounty Mi'hijran. Innuire of B W. CHEEVER.or UVmt C. A. CHAPÍN. I ii. con en 's Advertisement. BMGAINS ! BARGAINS ! As I intend to give up the Dry Gooils ! trade, I shall offer my whole stock, j cluding i DRESS GOODS. SHAWLS, BLANKETS, CALICOS, o-iisrc3-i3:A.3yts, STRIPES, TICKINGS, BENI.US, Cassimers, Table Linens, FLANNKLS, NAPKÏNS, TOWELS, Lace Curtains, Etc., Etc., AT LESS THAN 1TB"V7" "STOBK COST, In order to dispose of the whole Stock with all possible dispatch. Eeme.mber this is no Humtmg Sale, so cali early and secure your bargains at 33 Soulh Main St. 29! 2?! 291 O. 0 XWhen Hrst I. COI.BY hung his Bign Or C. O. IX- AtNo. '9, And offercd (iroceries chenp for cash, Some people aaid, " he's bound to go to smash. And old-time Groeers would íaintly smili', Prophmying "C. O. D. will last bu .little while. ín sixty days we'U nin him off the track And cali our wandering cuatomers bacK. The croakers said and thought it trae, "He'll surely lail bcfore the year ís New I You can't sell Groeeries in this town And get youv pay in greenbacks down ; Where dry goods merchnnts on every street With silkt, and satins, hang out chickens to at , Where trade ia mixed in every place, At the same counter you buy butter or laco ; Where credit and losa go hmd m hand. Mr. C. O. 1). but a slim chance will ataña.' Let prophet and croakers have their say, _ L. OOLBYsnUsGROOERIKSonlyforREADYPAY, And sella so cheap for daily cash He fears i o dunger of a smash. And to his patrons all, and business menos, Tlie greeüng of the season he extends, To young and oíd, a glad New Year, With hoats of í'rwnds and loti, of coeer 1 Give him a cali, and from his store Your tablee spread with good things more. At that place you will always find .... Fresh n-w Groceries of best q'uuhty and Riña- . Fverythinif needful for good cheer Rt home You can buy at his counter whenever you come, 'l'hn days are so short thia bitter cold winter, To mention details would weary the printer. ISut ask if you choose for anythinit e.itable, You get it at once, in quality unbeatable 1 For hungry men who are weary and colil, He has Üysters hot. Oyster that must liesold - Oysters p'ickled, Oyrter stew, and oyster fry, i h Oysters any other way you choose to try. He will serve up Oyatera at any hour of day, And the best of cigara to smoke on your wny. A dish of hot Oysters will do you much good. And checr you while aelling youv grain or wood. And with cash in hand lay in a store Of Coiïee, Tea, Silgar, Flour anl miny more, Of all thinera substantial for daily use. Nor treat lií'e's good tilinga with abuse ; Trockery and Glassware and Fruits to put in them, Num, Kaisina, and Candy, for ohildren who win thein. And ye who are blessed with their beautiful faces, Will flnd [JO] the best of all plaoea, 'Po buy a triüe, to bring a smile or ringing langh, Your pleasure. than theirs, will be greater by half a i'hen do not iorget to cali on Mr C. O. D., And buy of him your Fruits, Sugar, and Tea. Thongh the big (!( may f;ill frora its place, The C. O. D. Zo store is still on the race. And does not intund to Hy from the course Till croakers of evil tnlk themsflves hoarse. Oroceries can be aolil for re;ily pny. And Ij. Oolby had leiirnod the wajr : Sold five times more than he expected - By 0. ü. D. from loss proteoted. And the secret he is not afraid to teilKeep the best of all things- with prices low- be good natured, give good measure, And you are bound to sell I 29! 29! 29! A Cnance tor Jiargams For Bale at a frreat bargain, ICO ACRES OF CHOICE I,AND,lyui? 2 mïlesirom the city of lonia. 100 acres under improverneut, with good orchard, barn uud sheii, and a coml'ortiible house. Terms of payment- from $2,000 to $2,500 down; bulunce on long time. Also 90 ACRES, about ÍH miles from Augusta. Kalamnzoo County, all improvcd, with good buildings. Terms- extremely low. Also 40 ACEES about ctght miles from Hasting. AIbo 80 ACEES on section 8 in the town of Hnzclton, 8hi:iwHnst' County, about 12 rniles iïoni Corunuu. Well timbered. For terms addreBS the undersigned. E. B. POIVD. Ann Arbor, April 2, 1873. TOHN FEED. BROSS, MANVFACTCKEB OF CAEttUCES, BICOIES, MMEER WAGOXS, spui; itois, ciTTtiis, SLEIflilS, fcC All work warranted of the best material. Ropairing done promptly and reasonubly. All work warranted to give perfect tistaotion. 68 South Main treet. 14aa BACH & ABEL. W ï have now in store and are receiving our usual large stok of New Spring Goods, bought for cash, and will be placed on sale at as low prices as any house in Michigan. BACH & ABEL. A large assortment of fashionable dress goods in the new 6liades. BLACK SBLKS! A sDecialty. We nave them direct from the Lyon'b manufactory agents, aad can warrant them made of pure stock. BACH & ABEL. FIFTY PIECES -OF THE M4BÏ STILOT BLACK ALPACA! And cali special attention to the 45c, 50c, aiwl 75c qualitses. These Alpacas are manifactured by Alex. T. Stuart & Co , anti wit li out doubt excel in texture and flni.h ui) ever brouglit to tliis country. BACH & ABEL. Iiom the tmporters, dietd, a large stock f Taftlo Lincns, Napkins, DAMASK TOWELSi&O. BACH & ABEL A FÜLL LINE OP 3rown and Bleached Oottons, Tickings, Denims, Cottonades, Êc. Phose goods we buy by the packago, getïng disoounts, and can inako low prices. BACH & ABEL. We drsiro to cali especial attention to our stock of FBENC1I AND EN0L1SB CASS1MERES, And SUITINGS, the largest and best assortment in the city. BACII & ABEL. A FULL LINE OP SHADES IJf THE STE WAHT ALEXANDRB KID GLOTES Iii both one and two buttons. This Glove has been recently improved, and is now conceded to be tho best in use. BAGH & ABEL. A GENTS WANTED FOB BOOKS NEEDED BY ALL FARMERS! The best books published od the Horie and the C'ow. Liberal tercas, mimey maderapidly by AgentB sel int' these bookB. Send for. circu lars, PoliiliU & COATES. l'ui)USHEB8,Philadelphia,Pa r IVE ÜEESE FEATHliRS PIBSTQtrAI.ITY, ftoaet lyochand andforaalcby BJCHfi ABEL. I ISTEW SPRÍIG HUL The Largest, Most Elegant, and much the clieapest Stock of first-class superb DRESS GOODS Black and Colors Ever Exhibited in this market is at MACK&SCHMID'S! The Cash Dry Goods House CIMlllPSi offer all the novelties of the Eastern and European markets FOR SPRING AND SLMMER WAR ! We invite special attention to om BLACK ALPACAS AND PURE MOHAIRS, Whieh for quálity and cheapness can not ht turpassed in the city. Gome and see our DRESS GOODS, STEIPE SILKS, PERCALES, GRENADINES, MOUENING GOODS, LAMA LACE POINTS AND JACKETS, PAISLEY AND STEIPE SHAWLS, LACE AND SILK TIES & SCAEFS, PARASOLS, &c The flnest stock of Hosiery in the City. Ladies if yon wish the Best KID GLOVE in the market tmy a pair of the "CAMILLE SEAMLESS." We hare them in all the new sliades and Opera Tints, in two, three and fout buttons, 3P Onr stock is new, and we sell for ca6h and give bottom prices. C. H. MILLEN & SON, 1423tf -THE Ajsnsr aeboe TRADING ASSOCIATIÖN Are now receiving their SPRING STOCK OP NEW DRESS 009DS Wo ' are the largest stock of FIRffiMSS CARPET'l IIsT THE CIT"ST„ ENGLISH BODY BRUSSEL AT $2.00 PER YARD ! Tapestry Brussel, Super Extra Lowell and Hartford, also Slcdium Super, WHICH WE WILL SELL YERY CHEAP FOR CASH! NotcI anl elegant ndilitions to our Dress Goods Stock1 ARE NOW BEING OPENEI?. The backwardness of the season han eanssd a very large decline during the last flfteen dftys in the price "f Dress Fahrics, which wfll enable us to give to ourcustomers a profit of 20 to 25 per cent. Every Lady should ine peet tbem ! A handsomcr line of Press Goods was never brought to Ann Arbor than are now opening, at extremely low priees for cash, whieh will place these cboiua goods within the reach of all who may favor ub wltb. a cali. Bíy We are very thankful for the past favor and hope to continue the same, as we sliull inako it to tha advantage of tliose who favor ua with a cali. O. W. HAYS, Supt. DURE WHITE LEAD. LEAD. & # " WABUAATED O Í PURE WHITE 1 L2AD I VIEILLE MONTAGNÈ FRENCH WHITE ZINC Parlor Snow White ZincCRYSTAL PALACE , WHITE L.EAD,. Permanent Green For Blinds, &c WHITE LEAD ! In Colors for Outside and Insido Tainting, Varnishes, Oils, Colors, Brushes ÏBON - C LAD "lïiAERAL PAINT! Manufactured from pure Iron Ore, far superior to m those made of Clay, Eotten Stone, Dirt, &c. Our Pure Brand of WHITE LEAD we otfy to th public with the positive assmance of abtohOt pvrily. As much of the White I.ead sold ns puro is iidultcra-r" ted from 20 to 90 per oent., Consumera will consult their interest by giving us a cali. B. W. EttlS & CO., Druggitts, Ann Arboh, Mich. Corner opposite Savings Bank. 1419m6 -DUT TOUR MONEY WHEKE Iï WILL DO THE MOST OOODA. A. TEREY HAS A FULL STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS! IN THE LATEST STYLES.' QUAI1TY AND PRICES TO D E F Y C Ai VE T IT1O N, ALSO, A FULL LINE OF GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS Call before purchasiug. 15 South Main Street. _gj "ÜLOÜE AND FEED STOEE. HBNB1T VZILEGT1, (Successor to üeo. Laubengnyer,) At 1 + Veil Iviborty Street, wiU keopconstant ly on hand a full stock of Flour, Mfal, Oato, (, Ml Üee4i &c. All orders promptly Pilad al I he low. eat cash itrict. (.'neh paid tol Curn umi O(c. J16yl


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Michigan Argus