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OPEING BULLETIN ! E. J. JOHNSON, HATTER! Ifas turned kis back upon Winter and opened lus stock of SPRING GOODS! Iiicluding all the lutest stjles of Hats and Caps ! O E N T S ' FURMSIIING GOODS, &c. Vïh ch must be ao'A. GOOD GOODS AND LOWPRICES II the word to pass alonj tlie line. 7 South Main s., Ana Artoor. 1424 CTOEE TO RENT ! Corner of "Washington nni Main streete. T.nrtrp coomnfent and one of the bert locatioasin the city. ñon '-'iven ïmnieüia'ih . - InquJxe of UÏiION & SÜMNBE. Auü Ailxjr, My 10, 1873. itóKii iinmiSSSSrvSlínooii In t lio winitifi!:;] medicina to wliieh tlio , afflicted aro abovn polnted fur relief, the dia, covurer bellevea ba eorabined n harmony i moro oí Natnre'a most aovereigu cnratíve prnp] ertic, whloh God bus Instilled hito tlio vece tablu kiogilon 'r uealiag the sn-k, thaa wero livcr befare ooniMneil in one medíoine. The byldence of this faet la f.mnd in the eroac variety of most obatiuate dlaeaaea whiuh it has ' benu fouiid to conquer. In tlio curo of BronI rhltu, Mnn toiíglu, aud tlio rail y atagea t of Consnmptlon, it liaa astoniahed the modi. cal facnlty, and eminent physicuuis prononnce it ttic ereatest medicttl dlscovery of the age. Whilo H cuivs tl.e m vf n-st C'oiighs, it Btrenuthem tlie yatein and ]uillis the blood. Uy iiR groat ondthorough blood purifying propertla, it cures all Muiuora, from the worst Mcrorula to a common Blolcli, FIíuplc or Kntptlon. Mercunui diíeaBo, Mineral i'oiOns, and tlioir effecti are cradu-ated, aud vigoróos hnalth and a sonnd constitutiou eatablislied. Kryalprlnu, Snlt lllKUiu I'ercr ii t , Scaly or Itough Skin.' Ín oiort, ali thc nunierons diaeases oanaed by bad tiooa, aro conquored by tbis jjoweifol, purity. Irc acá lnvigorating medit-ioe. Tt you taei dull, drowBj, debí litatod, "have lovr color of skin, or yelknvisH browu ppot on face or body, frequent neaclache or dizzluíiss. bad taste n inoutli, iutornal heat or rhillp, altcinatcd with hot flashes, low ppirits. xnd glooniy forebüdings, irregular appetite, and toDgue coaied you are Biitferiug froin Torpirt TLiver or " BUioumiOfis." In many cases of "Livor Coittpialiit" only jart of these lyniptoiua are erueriencsrl. As a roinedy for all fuch casei. Dr. Pierce'a ö.ildi;ii Medical Discovcry bas no eual, a it eftucts perfoct cures, leaviiig tbe liver strenijthoiied and healtby, For thc cure of Habitual Cousti p ilion of tbe bowels it 1 a nevor l'ailhiir remedy. and thope who hava' ued it for liiU purpoae arí loud in íts praite. Tíie proprietor onera $1.COÖ rcward for a medí, ene tliat will eqnal it for the cure of all tile día. i eases for which it is reconimended. &.)ld by dru!.','itB at $1 per botllu. Prepared hj R. V. Pierce, M. D., Solo Pruprietor, at hia Chelnt cíiI Laboratorv. 1S3 í-eucca e trae t. BulTalo, N. X tend yuur addr;sfürapupMi;t. Vlncgar Hlltern are not a vüe Fancy Drink, made of Foor Rum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits and Refuse Ltqnors, doctored, Bpiced, and stveetened to piease the taste, called "Tonics," " Appetizers," "Reslnrers," &c, that lend the tippler on to drunl;enness aiïd ruin, but are a trae Medicine, inade from the native roots and herbs of California, freetïdln al' Alcohol ie Stimulants. They are the Great Biood Purifier and a' Life-giviug Principie, a Perfect Reuovator and Invigorator of the System, carrying o(T all poisonous matter and restoring the blond to a heallhy conditirm, enrichiug it, refreshing and nirrgorating both nrind and body. They are easy of adinimitration, prompt in tlieir nction, certa'iu in their results, saté and reliable in a!l forms of disease. Sio 1'i-tmii can talie ttieae l!i((m according to directions, and remain long unweil, provided tlicir bones are not destroyed by mineral poison orother means, and the vital organs vvasted beyond the point of repair. iVHicpsiu or IiKliirrsUon. Headadie, Pain in the Shoulder;;, Cotlglls, Tightness of the Chest, Dizliness, Sour Eructationa of the Stomnch, liad Taste in the Mouth, BiVoua Attacka, Palpitstion of the Heart, Inflamination of the Luogs, Pain in the regions of tlie Kidncys, and a hundred other painru! symptomx, are the offspringa of Dispepsia. In these complaints it has no eqnal, and one bottle will prove a better guarantee of its meriis a lení;tliy advimisenrent. Por Femnle Complatnts, in ynung or old, married or sin;;le, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decided an influence that a marked itnprovenient is soon perceDtible. For 'nllnmrimioi y njirt Chronic R.icullintium and Gout.Dyspepsiaor Indigestión, Uiliom. Reniitient and Inlermittent Ftvers, Biaeasea of the Biood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have been most successfu!. Such Diseases are cansed by Vitiated Biood, wlrch is generally produced by derangeffient of the Digestive Organs. Thoy ure a Geni Ie Purgntlve ( wcll n Tonic, possessing also the peculiar merit of acling as a powerfnl agent in relievinr Congestión or Inflam. mation of the Liver and Viseer! Orgaus, and in Biiioua Diseases. Por Skin Kli.aiM, Emptiona, Teller, SaltRhenm, Blotcïïes, Spols, Pimples, Puslules, Boils, Carhundes, King-irorms, Scald HeaH, Sore Kyes Erysipelas. Itcll, Scurfs, Discolorations of tlie Skin, Hiunori and DUeasea of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literaHy dn;,; up and carried out of. the system in á short time by the me of these Hilters. Ocié bottle in snch caes will convince tlie most ucredulous of their CunHive effecis. iMiite tbs Vlllnted Hlool wbenever yon flnd its impnnncs bursting through the skin in Pimples, ErunUotiS, or Sores; cicanse it vvhen yon find it obRtrncted nnd slitggistt in the veins ; cleanse u wlien it is fonl ; yonr will lell yon when. Keep the bloud pure. and tlie heahh of the syslem will follow. -r.iefiil tlioiiftHitris proclaim VlNSGAR Bitters ihe most wonderlul Invigor.tiu that ever. auslaiiwd the linkine system. Pin, Tape, aml other Warm, lurking in tlie system of so inany thmisands, are effecluany deatroyed and removed. Says a dtstinguíslied phystologist : Thfrci an individua! iipon llie face of the earth whose bdy isexempt from the presence of worms. It is not upon ilie lie.iiihy elements of the body that worms exist, hut upon the diseased humors and slimy deposiu that breed these living monsters of disease. No system of Medicine, no vermiuiges, no anlhelniinitics, will free the system from wonns like these Bitters. rIechnnicnl Piseanes. Persons eiiRaged in Painls and Mineral, such as Pluiribers, Type-setter. Gold-bealers, and Miners, as they advance in lile, will be subject to paralvsis of the Bewels. To guard against tliis take a dose of Wai.keu's Vinhgak Bittbks once or twice a week. as a Preventive. Hilloii. Reiuittent, rtml Inlermlllent Pcvcrs, wlucli are so prevalent in the valleys of our great rivera throushout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tenliessee, Cumberland, Arkamas, Red, Colorado, lirazos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobüe. Savannah, Roanoke, James, and niany others, with their vast tributares, turoughqut our enlire country during the Suininer and Autuinnf and remarkably so during seasons of tnuisin! heat and dryness, are iuvariably acenmpanied ' by extenuve derangementa of the stomacli and liver, and other abdominal viscera, There are always moreor les obstructions of the liver, a weakness and irritable state of the stomach, and great torpor of the bowels, being clogged up wnh vitiated accumulations. In their j ment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upon these various organs, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr. J. Walker's Vinicar Bitters, as they will speedily remove the dark-colored viscid matter with wllich the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating tlie secrelions of the liver, and generally restoring the lieallhy fuiictious of the digeslive organs. Scrofula, or KlnKa Evll, White Swelnngs, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goiter, Scrofulous Inflaminations, Indolent Intlamniations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptious of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc, etc. In these, as in all other constitutional I eases, Wai.khr's Vinkgar Bitturs have shown their i great curative powers in the most obstinate aud intractable cases. Dr. Walker'e California Vlnegar DM te act on all these cases in a similar manner. By purifying the Biood they remove the cause, and by resolví ng away the etfects of the nflaminalion (the tubercular de'posits) the allected parts receive health, and a permanent cure is effected. Tlie propertleg of Dr. Wai.ksr's Vinkciar BiTTBRS are Aperient. Diaphoretic and Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-Irritant, Sudorific, Alterative, and Antt-Bihoua. THe Aperient and inild Laxaiive properties of Dr. Walksk's Vinitgar Bitters are the best safeguard in all cases of eruptions and nialignant fevers, their balsamic, healing, nud soothing properties protect the humors of the fauces. Their Sedative properties allay pain in the nervous system, stomach, and bowels, either from inflammation, wind, colic, cramps, etc. Their Counter-Irritant inrluence extends throughout the system. Their Biuietic properties act on the ' neys, correcting and regulating the floyv of urine. Their Anti-Biliotis properties stunulate the liver, in the secretion-of bile, and its discharges through the biüary dncts, and are superior to all remedial agents, for the cure of Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, etc. Fortify tlie n;iiiit ilKrnir by purifying all its fluids with Vinegar Bitteks. No epi. 1 demic can take hold of a system thus forearmed. The liver, the stomach, the bowels, the kidneys, and the nerves are rendercd disease-proof by this great iuvigorant. Olrectlons. - Take of the Bitters on going to bed at night from a half to ona and one-half wine-glassfull. Eat good nourishing food, auch as beef steak, mutton chop, venison, roast beef, and vegetables, and take out-door exercise. They are composed uf purely vegeN able ingredienls, and contain no spirit. J WALKER, Prop'r. K.H. JIcIXW AI.D Jfc C., Drusgists and Gen. Agts., San Francisco, Cal.. and cor. of Washington and Charlton Sts., New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. jAW GUMMElí & SHARPENEIi. A CHEAP, simple, ank dumble Machine -eaaily oponUed and ruuiiiug W huela iïum 8x i iuchc-ii to l'x 1 inoh. Price of machine, $15. Whéel with bevellcd, rlonMe bovellcrt nd round fnceïrom $3.13 lu $7.30, acoürding to thicki VlHPhinPB 7O ïnd $9O, ruiiuinif beela irp to 24 iuohmia dmmetet. ïor Uuatiuted Puiutihluts ur l'liotor.iphs, iiddrues '1H.K TAÏÏITE CO., 1413m6 btroudtbui'g, Mouroe Co.i Pa; Tl wa ■.:-öümty: " ''OTARY PUBL:. Ifrl ANO SENTRAl I I L- -MCONVEYAHCL' LJ 1" ANNARBOR ; 1 F?3 ..,.-... - . . .. ' - '■ ':i. ;-- ; Á 1 inirirE-"' KíCj íkjOKs; ■ now postcd to .i-,;(. 1 ' ' I fo m.shcrti Cfa'r ' ! "' " ':"l;i;'1 '''"■■■ (.UStUDOU AUDITOR GENEEAL'S DEEDS, Knowi] aá Tax-Tltles, rhich are very uuuieroua in ttti.s Coiinty, Decrees, Contraéis, Deeds ! Aljn.naw aa well a all ofthe oíd andisohnrtfnd i na 1824-whtch are legión. ' ''rr":i' ' and lien ili ,e■rtltTx-1 ,er oolbiteral miuten 'iré not found in tha asaiil rao-ie of aeuroli by Inrif-xer's oliif . The book or lioerain the ' oliice Imve bi u m 10 nuiufrous und volum inonsthai lons time , necensarily lequii-ed eren o ■i.-i-iiy i t'i unrplinble eiirch. with onrfndlities ve iay fc the pul it i ,:,,, h IW them 1 1 1 1. ■ and ritió Uistory. m . . . , ,, ■,.„,,,,_ ment, Wschuríres, &c. ai o tly, qnícker aufiíi betti v Btylo Ih.-iu auy oiher uffloe in the County. Wt MONEY TO LOAN! On B'jn.l nnil llortgagecn Iong time. REAL R 8 T A T E 1 ; 'I.' RfiKT 83 atro in lo tosuit purEOOT á: LEITER, Real Estáte Agenta, No. 1. Oregory Black, Tuacï W. Koor, and oppoaite the tuetutBcé. ;!.-.:::■ a . . Leiteb. 1J]' tf DU. A. T7.4SZ'S Magnetic Ointmenl FOR THK CURE' OF IOTLAMMATOSY DISEASES. -O_4 . Dr. Traste was enased for twenty yoars in a courso of experiment,? upoii the medical proporties and power of vegetables, separate and combined At the age of seventy yeura lie succeeded in presenting ■ to the world, as the resul t of hia ciperiments, a con ! bination of Vegetable extracta, the power of whicb. MerdichiVe'Ug a3c3 ib """"Waled E the annals of Hl Alaeovery conMlsts in i combination of these powerful Vegetable Extracts with Electricity or Jttagnetism m the ïorin of an Ointment. Certaln, it Is, that tborcmnrkablcaiidunprecedented necea whicli has attended itoapplieation in the cure of cuspases, Btamps it at once as'tlu; greatest sssfj&'és" ibr a -í e ai lt falls, whilo there remalns snflicient Ufe to restore a natural and healthy action to the ca. pi i arj -vessels of the body, and equalize the circula, tion (f the blood. By this means a controllinE power Is eained over the most malignant forms of diseaie which canuot bu obtained trom any other remedy.' Siiet Is the po wr of Ui is combliiatluui that it penetrates to every pórtion of the Immau frame; every bono and mscle, veto, nerve and Hframent 13 searchcd out and made sensible of its purify. SeS'af Z%sa " " ' gïKSSgK 4T"?ysrüs the wave that the most powerfal internal remedie faüed topiodace aoy eSeot. Wiich has frequeutly been the case ín Inflamma tion of the Bowels. No patiënt ever ueed die with this disease where the Magnetic Ointment eau be obtained. For Infla ïumatory aiteumatlsm this Ointment is the most complete remedy ever prepared ForUiphtliena or Putiid Sore Throat it is unrivalecí , Ininety-nlno cases out ofa Itnndred. it will iulord entire relief to the woretcases of Nervon Eeadache in thirty minutes. uSSSJÜSíOmm Bi8eaBe8 tbi """cine U of AOectioiisof the Spinc, Rhenmatism LameCroup, ColK-, cholera Morbus, Agae in the Face op D. Eassom, Son 4 Co., Propr's, Buffalo, N. Y. % tÖË gr alterative a.v HK3-j ELUOD PUim'IJiB. TB Itisnotaquacknos'riirn. T'i ■ ingredients are pubLslu-d i u e.ic ■ botüo ofmodicine. - QWrecommended by Physicinn PH w herever t ma bsea atrod-ced l H II wil1 positively cj:o BUSCROFUifl m AmÊari'! l-indrcï distase, IHTEÜMA Y M i TIS-V WHITE SWBLL1NQ mSBbsmouv. guitre, buoncui kTlS, KEHVOVS DEBIUTY miArcnjjf;. t consumptioa ■ and a!l diseaacs ariaine from an JÊ impuro condittoD ot' the Blcod, KaHH Send f er our Rosadalis Almanac, Af BH in which you will ünd es IBfrom rcliable and trust-wonby MBl Pbysicians, Ministers oí' the GosW m . Pe1, atul others. I HB 1 Br. R. Wllson Tnrr, of BaltiB HlHBmoi'e, s;iys h-o has used it in casesol B Scrofulaand otlier diseases with inucll H HHsa[i3factÍGii. BFH " Dr. T. C. Pugh, of Baltimore, re ■Hcommends it to all persons suüering ■MoHHB with diseased Blood, saying it is supe!■■ flHfl ïiortoany preparatiouïiehaüeverused I Kev. Dnbney itall,ot the Balti1 B more M. E. Conference South, say3 I H lio has been so much beneiiUi'd by D itsusc, thathecheerluilyrecoinineada BmH it to all nis lriends and acquaintancea. VTJH traven Ui Co., Diuggists, at Gor'7 B flonsvillo, Va., ay it nevcr hasfailed BJBf to civo satisfaction. BBn Sam'l ti. McKadtlcn, Murfreesm B boro', Tennessee, says itcured hiiu of BBSBMS llhoumatism when al 1 else iailed. THEKOiADALISIN CONNTECTION WITH OUE will cure Chills and Fever, Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, etc. Wecuarantee Robadalis superior to all other Blood Puriüerd. Seud íor Descriptivo Circular or Almanac. Address, CLEUENTS & CO., S S. Commerce St., r.a:timore., Mi, Kemember to ask your Druggist for Rosadalis. "JAMES MoMAHON, Justico of the Péaee, Office in new blook, Xorth ol Court Uouse Money collecled and promptly paiil over. INSUKANCü AGENT. Trlnmpb, aaaeta, 7STonn NottaMiMonri, ■ ■■;■,', jiï'.j HibernJ, 850,ooo.'ou KKAL E3TATK. Ihavesn aerea of laad i ol a mile from theolti imliB, üncly located for froit or garden purposes. Also 40 aerea. Also 10 acres, witli hBM urn! l)iirn, and a livel strsam of waterronnlnif throogh the barn yard. 60 acro6, a mile oiu, 1 wfll sell any or all the aboTO cheap, or exchaDc-' furcity property. lü74 JAMES McMAnON. HURRY UP1 pARTIKS jrLhlng Wall Paper, Cloth -; and Paper Süade, Hollands, Wlndow Fixtures, Ooids, Tflwsels. fee, nll New Stvle, at Satinfactorj Prices, by J."lt. Wbtcr de Co., B,,uk slor., Baar the . - X lOli SALE ÜN LONU CREDIT ! Ann ArboreitTLon.withgood tltlo, and well 1,:ated tor resideuos or buüiii Alao seTera] Mortgages turnale. Xncjuire of JS. tv. 3Í0EGAN. ARGUS BULLETIN ! WANTED 2000 NEW SÜBSCRIBERS AVATVTISJ. More Mercliants and Bor-aesa meo, wlio kuowing their own interest! will advertisü in the Alious. GET YOÜE BILL H 3ADS, CI.tCULARS, LETTER-HEADS, STATEMEXTS, At the Argos Office. GET YOTTR BALL CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, WEDDING CARDS At tUe Argus Office. GET YOUR LAW BLANKS, LAW BRIEFS, LAW RECORDS, PROGRAMMES, AT THE ARGUS OFFICE. New Type, Best Presses, Good Workmt-n. ANO REASONABLE PRÍCES ! ÍW A WOED TO THE WISE. jjESIRABLi; EEAL ESTÁTE ron SALE! The nbacriber, ou account of il houlth offers his 33 ACRES In the-corporation rorsals, Thi gronnd ndjoinathg SïïïiSg0] :X''{ leo5 SPRING ! On tbLMiorthpnH iormerlysupplied tbeEail road tunkö with water. ' ÍTS ADVANTACES Are as foUows: Forclty plirpoiw. the Huron Bivpr menndentbe sam hbk W to 01 iods, ;uid is pi,it of the best "STater Power Ontlielüvei ii, thii vidi iiy. nml the eleTntlon en tbi nortbeiuiJ ooi ui r ia sulfioientlj lúfrh ;ui,i ani] !■ to avv ply the city iiecebsitiea lor wultr una ñrepu THE WESTERN PORTION On the road is vt-ry sppropriiite and anilnble for n uy i enietei-y. Xliecity ha no such gi-oundi !■■■ butmurt Iwvesonii, and wrhatevei (noundn th ei y doe notcuie to use, on be sold at sn adrantaite Bomnch so.thul theoistoithe Water Aorka itrouni)! iii.l ■ emetery, rould bemeivly nominal. Ií tl ecih 'ii'iu "1' WUI" 8"me lhe srouuds would be invuiFEU1T8, LARGE & SMALL, There beitig some leo trees now in hearing Vegetables and Pasturage, And nlsü for MILK supplytBL00DED STOCK Horsetr, Micep, And other nnimuli ahvajs m frrrat wnnt by m.irv in Uiecityimdns viciint.y. Aa city l.tta dioinina Un Aortbwest ranner 61 tina lanc! ore now sellino froni t Jireu .iiiube.l lo thice h.mclred nnd flfty dollurt iheselandii would or could bttojd iaashorl timi" to a gooa adruutage und tu inucli pïuLi to the purchaseis "iil be Biven or tlit imi-will be ezchangcd Por Mi r hmitiibje ;,'o(;d or Jüiu untl Medicines, at cb TKACY W. ROOT. Aun Arbor, Jan 31 m. 411 I BOOKS? I - J. E. WEBSTER & CO8EW UOOK STORE iEAR THE ' EXPRESS OFFICE. LOOK TO YOLK INTEBKST A.M) (ALL. BOÖKS. L.C.RÍSDQN'S ADVERTISEMEN 1. i j j l Now is tho time to Ijuy { PARlüfl & HBAT1AG STOVES. ! I will se'-l thcm ut CÓ8T uutil furthcr llutirc. j o. 31 S. Main St, Aun Arbor. HAMliEliá' EA'CYCLOPyEDIA. A D CTIOXALY OF ümersal Knowüedge for tb Feopl?. riüvíse:x kdition. w.ia M.ips, Piafes, and Fngruving. 'omplete in 10 Vol, of S.'22 pages encli l'uttraird witli abnut Fmir Thmuand Eigrtiringt „, tor 'i Slapt, t'ujUt.r iffHh a Seriei qf t'nm EnjMy ín Otu Unurlnd Etrgontly Lngramd Platel - ilfushxttim af Me Xi.bjcrU nf Natural llidmij - ?i(fW fnr the FIKfsT time oppeirrfng ib ín work, PEICE l'Elí VOLUME. 3xtra Cloth. beveled b.inrds, . . $5 í( ibviuy shoep. meilied, - . (í (;, iiilt luikej lOitcco, - (j (, Tuis Editio.v is Sold o'ly by Aoe.vts Published by J. B. LirPIXCOTX & CO., Pbilndelpliia, Pu. SYLVANffi WARREN, 189 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Geneiul Ajjent lor the Stut of Michigan. By eompiring Ohambers' Fncyeloreein with the New Ajnerietra CyolopevtHa. - the work with Ml.ieh it is most tnquentlv br-mgbt iiito compurjson, it wil] bo foiind thut ivinlo the lev volumes nf Chambers' contain 83 0 pafris. the ürígínal ixtten volume ei the New American con tuin leas ihun 12,000 pape. II will be found thnt n page of Ohnmbers' o nliiirs ruil "tip.-fifth more matter tlian h it-trre of the New Ameriuan. makiug the ten volumes of the iormcr equivalent in amount of prlnted matter to at least tbirteen volumes of the latter, not to mention tl!e Dumetoug Flutes (about 80), Woodcuta (some 4 oo) and Mapa iHbout 40i. that me iuündéd in this editicn oí' Chamberí', aml to wlncli t !u New American pesBesscs no correBpuniüi]!,' feature. It is conridently belioved that as a popnlur " Dicxiohabt of Uhiterbal Knowieeoi," the work is without an rquulin the Knglish liiiitninye 142fiy1 COCO-OLEIRIE, A perfect hair dreasinp-not a dye . nor a reBtoratire, tftit a dressiDg, elegant r"__""l and economical. I ' I STEARNS' COCO-OLEÏNE ie coolinff to tbe scalp, imparta a delightful sonso of vitality -mm m aa(i sottnesa to __ tbo hair. STEARNS' COCO-OLZINE, sweetly perfumel and limpid, rendera tho supÍ)le aud " dresses it in any hm desirel orni. mf STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, entirely vegetable oil, preventa that dryness of eealp whieh rf"- causes dandruü" f"- 1-" to uccumulate. v ' T I STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE contains in ono large bottle more oil and inore perfume _ __ than any other - . hair dressing V ' in market, andl Ibesidcsia sold twenty-üve per ce.nt. loss than most other. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE brightens blonde hair, darkensaub mh urn hair, rendéis lustrous brown and blaik - - ' hair, lesBCD8 the havumeai uf coarse hair. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE 18 MADE ONLY BY FEEDEEIGK STEAENS, - OHEMIST, 'f DETUOIT, MICH. 0 Bold everywhort'. Be sure and get the Genuine Coco-Oleiue. Lot uo one palm off on you a bottle Of some chtap and worthless imitution of CocoOleine. There are moro tlmn twenty counterfeit Of it now sold, put up aa neur hkc the genuiae aa tho makers dure and evade the law JiVE ÖSESE FEATIijüKb PIKSTQUALITY, louíl lyonáand andforBHicby B ACE Sr ABEL. SLl860-x H Hsnküon m s. m TSPÜRET.Ï 'EPAEATIOX, com. X posedsini] . i , ■ ■ , , fll .OTS HERQ3 li(l FRU1TS, COl i"otiior pn,peitit3, wliich In their mtnre a.o Cathartio, Aiudcut, Nu. tritlona, Diureüc, Alteratlvn on 1 Auö-Billlona. Tha wholiii i preBerved in a i . tity oi' ipirit trom KDQIK CANZJ to ku Uiw ia'iny cJiiuHtc, Tliich laakes Ulo PLANTáTION Bitters oneof 1h-i mofït desirabío Toniri nn Cnthar_j iu. ilie woild. 'lliL ara intandeU stricüy as a Temperance Bitters only to be used as a caouichio, z-d tlwava according tü i'arectious. 1 bey are tho shecfanchrr of the feeblo rurt debilltated. 'J liey act upon u dieeasi el Lvcr, and btimulato to Bucíi a drgiee tbat a liealiliy action is at onco brou{-í t eboiir. As a icíiuudy to ■whicli Womtn re eppcially rabj 1. it ts eupersediag everyotber t. As a Sprine and SummerTonic they bive iü iquul. TSey are a reiid añil k1 ut!o . Tenia Xhey Pxaiij the Kood. ' ïbey a:e ftbplendjd Axi etisor. lbey laake iho weufc . stroiig. They pnriljf aad invigorate. 'lhi-y cura ' Uysptpsia, Constipaliou mi llcadache. 'Jhiy actas spe.ciilc; iiiailspecies ol aisordera whicb nndeimina th c lioáilybtruui'tli and breakdown llnüuUiial spirits. _íesot, 53 Park. Place. EewYork.. Kathwrm L% 7? L?e?fo Bottte. It promotes tlio GIÏOTVTÏI, PIÏESEttVE3 the COton, nd i:1Croa3e tlio Vigor lid JBEACTiT of tlio HAIIt. , ■ Over TrmtTT Teabs a-jo Ltou's KATaunor ï-ob ÏF'Lr1" "'i8 lirst pl'ico'' i:' th0 'a-Tköt ky Profesr i L. I liornas Lyon, a gradúate of Princeton Caliese. The imrao 19 derived from tlio Greek , " iCirnno " jfc, nifyuigto cUttrue, purtfg, rrjuvtnate, or rt.,!c,rr. Tlio fvorrthasreceiveá,anathepopulapítTithpbtaÍBed. anprecedented ond iucrcdible. ft nerenws tl. Growtu and Bf.íuiy of ifaa Hair. 3t ia , delightfu! flresgmif. Ir, rradiottea Dandruff. It pMTenta tli Hair from tumin gray 1; koep, tlis UnA cool, nn.l ame 111 Qóakxiti nnd üoautï R.i í i wi over a QuAaK' Woman's Glory is Her Hair. L YON'S ATHAIRON THE BABOOCK I ! m .R; ... ■ _ í' -■ U W I .y' iOQK & LADDER TRUCKS Bquipped witi Bttbcook Fire Extingi "J" ' '■■! ■ ojts am nains Btioketa Luuti uw, 1 i] SO., c., WOMTbiliu i linndsomely fluished. hih) .. let , - pi ,,.,■ ihan nny truck iu lusl wiiüt eveiy '"'■ Di pnrlmi di wauts. ri eek J i rnluable ) roperty all ove the couutrv. Seud foi l lieu rtcoril E. T. BAIÍ-VJ II, Gen. Ascnt, 1IS Wuudwa.rd Ava 1 = Monufocturer of hn, Coppir und Brass VVire A'ir.'Cluih, B.iltinü U] .11 I liroom Wiie nuil Twine, ('opper SVeilther Vane Win """'■"' f Kailing, Wlre FoucJoj and Urn WiruWork. .Jidil A Rare_Chance TO LET. Alm-gt' and mod i RIock, t'etro t Btreet. In in xh-M part of he city fur sni ■ i larga cellar and new barn attiiehed to ihe urenTisus. The rent ia JSOO yearly, to be takeu In ny fiiiiiih ue. Ak a flue now'Maat Market, il] compl :te,inMnu myblo Ie, uu m idem impr ven &c , larsiu new tmoke houw, brick clsierr onii cplhir, new bani ..„ ■ all ... ■ . ; [ln,. aimly momsabove. 8tore reuUfari 'Sujearlv ; taki-ii iu mi 't lor my ramily use Alao :i amall stut ia my W ck, honses, rooms, ie to let. FOR3ALB.- Three good largo carrlasre or f:irm 'inrc-, nue ane new carriae, buggiee, wagons larmng'tpols. Also thrae soné cowa li'Oti InqnireofL. K B0CHOZ. mm 'sr - , The world is full of BT ■ i' . Clnldreii crying lor jmim CandfefSr on. ": MM B Am HSt iiannlrvs. Tlio repulsivo '■■■■KaL JBt BK taste amlsmoll of the e. - ■■■■■Vp torOHJstMitiiv! f V V9q IV lts cathfirtïcj i)ot-rs aro fci llL Xm Kt___Uü Jlll)uil0t 1'1'iti -'■} ttd. VEEMirüGEBOIíBOIÍS aro elofrant and effeotlve. They resemlile Cream jiunbuiis kept in confectloners' shops. OliUUren luva tluuu iuul cry lor theuu i'rico 2t ceuts per bui. A n TT-p ; HOFMANFS ÜUUJL.Hop Pilis These PUI do not conten Quinina or Mínenla pr.Ucitann, Oardner, III., says: "I h nê caiiuu'ii. Tnrylmvccui'cdtlii'm a:l manv othera v, ' vo-iitli-.." ïi..y are made to en M'rand Agueatonce. Dumb Aeue autl -tio K?ri ÜSlytfe" ,Dlrcctlon5 iu lTOBuagM a K. W. KLLIS & CO-, are ttie ■■:- KUOyl """"'"-aJumMWBBEww. . Mprtgage Salê. Dm,. . .-, a. ]). 1872, I "'H'ntüa, ! ' ' 4 ,1 ■ "■'ï, ,,.■,■:.., "■'■"■ s ■■'tl, L.1. ■ ■ ■ ■'!■'■ m lier al !„■ 'r üïïi m .mij - v "'■'"i . . . , ■ .llrt'i) . themmh V! T'"H ■ i A.iu Arbor, V ron5f? I und ntcïmi ■ te lll tl e .ÓJu'j '-", eol I p,il,,nii ou i ■ til, . ihen.,niMiir,Re ■ 11 on t),o line ui j "'""' "'"nli ..m?4 „ ' : ■ !■ n 11 2 Pnttee's additioii totheciiyof Tpsilanti Jl rt Duted, June 6íh, : I.OKKX.OTABOR !„:,„,„ Geobob JL. Bachmam, Att'y for Assinee. Mort ga ge Sale. rT" i. r,T haring been made in l!,t. conditior of mts, ot Williamabuig, Kt? Jï" VVashttimw .1'oves.iid, on Ibe vemmnli ! ';-'■■ A. D. 188-1 .: B53 o'el el A. ,., In Litará 2 mortgM and ,7e, "" mp:myiii!j lian n Ui, „m ol nfmW ,i'? ü ,11. ni .1 Bevftity-one o. nts p, i, by f,,, „10 ';e " ; BiOit(fu(te; nlM) reascnuM „ ,,„, . ■ " takento Icucclr-ve Buid in,i-;;.., ,„,J hur,.I,f ing; :,t hiworineqaityh..ving bm, ),„,] toieoo snitf Bm ..r BBy p„rt thereof: Kow, tl,n,;,t lw tht byvirtac cil „,„.„', .'; Ie in snirt n , j s ;1ji „, „'■ '■ofi to thehi r. on t", " ",' , ;; ''■-"■ d'y t the t ,t ti ■ V J,, Hoase iu the city of m Artior in said ConiitT ifltoï certnin fïüCtBorpiacelsoflandknown.lm'iifci xñrl desciibad rollos - tn wit: j ho tq ■,' i videdonehalloi tl,. Fraaklin Bouse protyhtt s,'y0';H'r ',UI"r '"■""■ r"I11't!"t"iv'.lv,nd Hlnte of Mifilnsnn, i: CommeticiiiK ut the snmi '■ast corner „f s,,id block, „nd running ZZTat rods, thence nnrtb on tl, e tti-t line f int numj. . I'. Panoli Hit, oSS n s-.ini, line 7éntj eightfert, thei n ff-et. ft. I Cl M!8 iilly-HX Iftt tlcii Bouth to the pin Aml nteolcliüui andfoui(8mid 1] uil in bhickonenorth, iniauiteium. u, tlieeity oi Ann Arbor. fexcepiiif ff, eii8t r,..,:i eet wide oi the norlh thirty-wTen it wule of snul lot number U.rte, subject to the ntbl Of way m i II , tl mi j 6 Dated, J une 20. : T.YMAN n. JAMEF, Morteseee .InH.v N. Gott, Att'y for Mortsaitee! Bheriffs fíale. OTATE qjP MICHIGAN, Washteuaw Counlj . O M. By vn-i uc ol an es, Liition utd out oí uíi ?.Y"'!'.' tt Oireuit Covrt tor U CwBtfW Waehtenaw,ii ehanrtry, and iu me oiitcöadic 1, wberein Elizabuth lluntcv is comolniut ni Lia and Jame lunu-r dtlmdi.ul, atd Vlimn James Huuter Ib complaiuant in cross-bul ud J'.li.aooth Ilunter is deUndunt, utainst tLt bco, 8, lands and tenenii ut oí James Hunttr I huva tina Sóiú day ut May, A D. 1878, siized ú,d llthe right-title and interest Jume Himta huBiDundto tlie iulluwiiig deecubed lmuis to-wt; ÜTe (&) and twelve (12), in Wockfuïii south ol Hurón streí i and range Bine Bj euil,wth cily ot Aun Albor, in the Couiay ( f "Wiibliltiiaï ni tp Ihe rtcorfled plato -unyVadditlontollievillage [nowsaid cuy, u{ Ai.n Arbor : Also all tint purüou of the i si half of tlie eouth-wesl cmiirteml . nombei ivui,iy-.,ivtn (il) in tonntliip i ber two [2J Houtli ot i ane uumber ix Cli) east, beitc ! thu townsliip of Aun Ai bor, in r.Hl County ut Wï tenaw, wbich a bsuncleu a fullow to wit : Oa ti by i line running parallel v. ili thciiorllliiitrf I luth-west quarlerof tlie somh-west qiulutl f ection iiiiintiir tweatf-tevtn (S;i una st the e of !l:u-e (S) ciiiiiiis und aevtntj CIO) links ■ en tjie touch by tba lieddeeroAi Csoeulledj orossiu i{ said wesl hulfoi aaid 4iuitei bk■ ■ ■ ■ -t lineof a poiüonof nid quarterw etion, herrlcfon w Diejtd by . anteEinn-O'Kane ) y üVtd ricordidintbe t llii Eugiflter oi Deeds of said o[ i Wiishlennw, m Líber 65 of Deuda, on page ül : nj I 1111 '- ■ if üíiid si etion nuiDltr I i'-sevin: Aiul nlso e pan uf theeaBl half ol tl.e routh-eaat quarter of nection nuiubei WCDfy-eiftt '-■■.'■ ;-' , ■■ lÉ.iiui riift ín (lie Kist Inieof said cjii! ... al i i míj:! uvitii;i ítlit () links north oí tl e.-ouiV rnir uf si. id se üon nuiubei tHenty-eifhl t!l , and ruunina tht-nce vest, iminlli I to s n i siclion Uno, eight frj roda; theiuip touth elñm itthn a !o!t-hvc ( 'j, minutes v.cst, nine (1) úitm ■ i '■ , Imkí tu thectiiiu of theGidiíi ; laktr, I eis i oí ti, .v'i.tyiout ' "'.'J lii ks, thfnce ei.sltttj iü"ug s.ul i oiid tour and Ihiit j-lhreefSIJ Iii'ka to theseetionjinc; thtucc Borlli ci.édj (lime, vt -ton su í] st etion line ten flCj chaiusfind tivu'ii 'iiks :" the ptite oi mtiiipiug w f") IJ -' i : : c mil i, [TS n I') nme n tie or ertj bi ïïiv" sítuuledinll ■ ,,t .í.im Ail r, i 'muii v el S a.-l ■ It-nnw, Stale of Vlicliifan, v. .Mi iiIwto' i en'iibíd propeilj ■..,■,,] sitie nt i nblie anetiea. la iei ui ihc m.ii li , M. i of Ibe i t Hoiise.ín thecilj-of Ann'AThor, on the cethdnyo lork a. a. Uuted, :'th da oí'. ■ . r h73 M1CHAEL rLBMING.Sherií i'tuto of West TAI I . ,. . ,.„...,. i; of Wushtemvir, Ai n seüsioii oí the I ruüate I ourl for tliccunniy I of Wushfamaw, holden at UieFrt ■ . m the f Bre Arboj. ui _M..nuii. the twcDly-ltod dny l June, in tlie year oue tiioustuid eiglit liundied trad seventy i . L'it ut, Sonh W. i heever, Jndge o ['jobnte. i oí tho catute ui i.benezei Vct, : tent. I m reudingind aiing the pi tilion, Suly Tentad, of ! Juma.!. i'maiiiiU. uiiaidian, pra.ving ihnt be ma? [ i lic need toselïcertaiurta) estáte beloncine loxi l.l H..7-1 W ' ipon il ü 01 ., y, the flfth ; ';l "! ■ ■ ■■.ai ten o'clock in the ftorenoQBi ■ the Ueaiing ol nia petítkm, ml pf kin of wel Kbenezer Weai and all j nther jkijus intereetcd in irt estnte, 'ut ! lulïed toKppeiiral n conrt, Uien loba . the utv ol AnnArbor, imd sIioïi niui-e, if imj tin re i e ivhy tl i ■ 11 '■?} .uld nol l.t (?rntcd": AM it is lni'-' i " - j i - i"l th.ii ,.i.l j ■■ uu, nu (tive notice tetie ■ ncyof ( i ion, umi the heatii b cmtoíhx a ■ in liie ilidiia ■ priuti ii i inmld omity, four suü ■ uiid d-iy of ïeuring. (Atnii NOAH W. CHEEVÉH, ÍI03 .1 iirliM. (1f l'vnlinffl ]L B. G1ÜIEY, Sncccssor to COLGKOYE 4 SON. % DRÜÍJeiSt AMÏ CBBMJST IN COOKS NEW HOTEL, N"o. 12 E. HUEON STEEET, ; DEALER 1IJ DRICS, TIEDlflíKS, SOftGlCAL MSTBIUCATS, PIHE WHE8 UB LIQIOBS, fFGK MEDICAL PÜRPO8E8 ONLY.) Fíincy Ooods, Períumery, PAIiVTS, Oll.S, VAISJÍlSHIiS, I.ASS JIM) l'll'ÉTV,' mwwkw ñiminim Carèfallycomponnded ut all boim. PEOPOSE NOT TO BE UNDERSOID BY ANY FIRM IN THE CITY WHOPTJRNISH AS GOOD AN ARTICLE. B. B. IIJI.KV. insrtr S'%ía ítft it dftTl Awnis wsnteiil AJ ?JIW ?V&aMes-'of working pi-ople, of ■ r sex, youn or oíd. mnk' moro immoy afi workfor usiu taelr pll moniouts or all tha time, tlian at anytliini; tisc Particular frff. Aditross C. Slinsou & Ca., roiüand, Mbíuh


Old News
Michigan Argus