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fc - - - 155SE33DÏRÊÖTÖBY. "I"cm 13. Dealer In Coal. Office w'thFELCH V ?;.„'„. over rlaw n & Bon Store, Cr , b M HwonSt. -"Tirrs TIIVrCIIEK, Attornoy and BlÏÏtor .t La, No. 5 ftwt Ham Street, i jöw. 1,. _ (BS!) MINEBAL, SP51IJVOS. l, i il il' I D . Smurintendent. Othce fdi'a",conier Manu and WestHuro.i Street. ' r 1VORDEX 10 ;oitth Main etrect, V inn Ar .or, oh., Wholesale and retail dealOfTflortd, Carpeta and öroceries. "" ' i3Mtf Ti.V SCIIMIU, Dealers hl Ooocls. M&s,Cruokery,kc. xNo. M outh U.ta. Str.-et. _ . - - TACKSON, Deuttxt.successortoC. B. W i'rter Oce corner Main aDl Üoron utreet. " ..Se of R. W. KIHf & Co , A.m rbor, 7j(HSOif, Dealer in flats and Caps, E,íiís"w aJ. Gout." Fortahln GjMKta, " 'JJlSottli Main treet,Ann Arbor.Mlcn. "ZZKlÈ.f.Aim WREOON. Life and " .„„llnron Streef CTra A BEI, Dealers in Pry Goods QroB'efr".c "c.No 26 South Main Street. Ann Irlwr . rTTwsoiV & SON, GrocerB, Provisión and SoSSSo" Merchau'u. and dealer, in Water P,, Plaster.and Plasler Paris. io. 16 East Biron strect. ""TTvdIikÏM, WhoIesalAnd Retail Dealer r',n!";tpet B ag, &c 21 Sonth Main street. í."uv.í i,iUneou, Books. No. 3 North Mali, treeLGreïory Block, Am Arboi ÑÚUÍ W . OHKEVE B, VrTORNET AT LAW ! 3ï.ewithE. W. Morgan, East side of Conrt House !qire. Ji QBAULES M. WOOÜU t FF, Attoraey at Law and SOLUITOK IN CHANCEEY. ' Office, Arcade Bloofc, TpUanU, itich. MJections mad? and pmmptly.renutted. All legal business faitfcfully uttendeil to. 142B EO CKEliY GUSSWABE & GROCERIES, J. & P Donriellv Inelnitnre 1 irge stock 'f 'ro-kerv. ;i.-ipr:ire ?' Wsn ■. ' ly OrociTics Ac, Ac. li tobe níonlly luw pr' es No li BastHumn Slreet. Ann Artwr ÏOBif G. QALL, DEALER, ZN FiESÏÏ AND SALT MEATS, URO. SU'SMiKS, BICÍ. OrJcrMiü'-itc'lnii'li'roinptly lied with tliebest Wil tk mirkat. Si But WliUigtOTi street M arbor, 8ept. Ifth, 189: lOMf N ARTíSEY' esOrl i" Mnim'iictiirer of Vií__SE_ Oirria, Barias, Wagons, ÜHMLÏUIK nf;v-!itvl!. mulcif the heet Ultrial, tnd w.irraut4. RepilriDic fcD prQntj) Ijttd prteea reaonable Detroit trcet, nef. H ü Dup t, ÜIQ r-jor i ich. 1JS4-.1 ÏÏrTÏTa. LKITIili ÖO.I'INÜES TO PUT UP AND PILL Pliysicians PrescriptiOHS, At all Uour, at So. 1 rcgory Block. C A. LEITER & CO AnaArbor.Dec. 22d 1871. S nR.Ü.B. POUTER, DEWTIST. Office n the Savings Bank Block. Ann Arbor. AU Operatinns on the Natural Teeth Performed wirh Care. 0S3UHPASSED FACILITIES AND BXPBRIENCE Sïïïl AHTÍFÍCÍH TEETH, TO UIVE EACH INDIVIIIUAL, VivvutfUc proper tie, tkapc f,oltr. jirmncnane Hal'iril ttpritiion 1244 C HURRY UP! PAUTIi:S wihini Wall Paper, stiartes 1 H illauda, Win.1rw FixtureK, Cordf, Bels, &-; , all Nrw Styies, at fSatiafaetorj 1' ■te, bj J. II. Webster A; t!o., Hooit $tr-, naar the Sxpieae OiSce. C X W. A. L0VEJ0Y, TOBACCONIST I Deals in both HXE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Snuif, Pipes, &c, A.T XO. 7 E.VST IIÜROX STREET, W to the Express Office, 1Uw axx arror, nn:n. ÍysfELING HOUSES FOE SALE A lr?e Md very W(11 V.iiïlt brick hnuse. with two 2ïiL. ■ Two '""F8 i"amei hooMa. Abo a goud 2,m i ouso illld framed ; and n trnM 'me hoiis-j on „ joodlot intendcd fmaddinfr afnwt, r jaie oa fur terras ana a iWMonabli (Tulit. othet bolldings, Ipts, and propert f money appl5 to me thnt I can readily obtain Wat i t o ütisfactory investments at teu per i„„ , , K. W, MORGAN. Aio Arbor, April 13, 18f. l3tf


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