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A Russian Arctic Exploration

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Tt-issia must now be added to the list of the uulions activoiy eugagcd in Arotic discóvery. Tiio liüponal GeograpUical Sociuty bas made use of its special adva ntagos to eond out au experioneed Siberian traveler, M. Tscbanowski, on au expeditiou, which is well equipped and supplied tor two years. The exploriug party, which bas aheady set out m slüdges from Irkutsk, is to foliow tiiü Ttmguejc, a branch of the Upper Yunisoi, uu til it reachea the Polar Basin, and to survey the vast unknovvn región (int skiits that part of thefrozen ocean whioh con taina tht Xew Siberian Island. ïhe return routu is to be by way of the vulloy of tbc Lena and Yakutsk, and the hitherto uuknown regiona of Arctio Siberin, whicli Alc-xander Von Humboldt eagerly dosired to explore. It is believed thut in tbose higher portions of Sibeiin is to be found enorruous mineral wealtb in gold, fsilver, precious etones and eoal. Observations made upon the geology and mettiorology of the coldest regiun of the globe cauiiot fail to be of value, oven if ado romains unsatisfiod. Perhaps tbe possibility of finding tbat tbe frezen noitb may eontaiu actual nnd tangible gold will doprive "practical" economisls of tbcir eole argument agaiust pushing ou Arctio discovery as quickly as püssible. Iiussia is abovo all tbiugs a liracticiil natioD, and deaervoa to reap the full fruit of her energy - at least, wliori directed nortbwards. - Pall Mali UazMe.


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