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Fire Insurance

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Milwaükee, July 11.- Tha Conven tion of Underwriters of the Northwest met at the Newhall House, to-day al eleven o'clock. After preliminaries H. J. Smith, President, addressed the Conveulion, closing asfollows: "In my opinión the most desirabln legislativa action in reference to tire iusuranoe we éould have would he for tho general government, insteail of the Siate, to take all organizalions in. the business undcr its care by tlie cuuctmont of a general insuronoe law in miuiy reepeoti similar to tho National iUnking law, thus doing away with all sui visiun and at the same time placing all tlio organizations of the country uuder charge of ono dopartment, the requiri;meuts of which should be that thu intcrofits of all coneerned would be protaeted and guarded without being buidensome or nesdlessly requisitional. Then it' coinpnmcs were rcquired to have a given amount _pf oaijital besides a working surplus, and to make statements of their actual condition when calkd apon insteal of certaiii fixed dates, as now, we ahould, I think, feel that the pnporvision would be wholesoine, while the company would be relieved of a va--t amount of labor and oxpense nttendant now upon making separate stuteirientê for the insurance offices of each State, which all must admit afford but littlè protection to the policy holdors." The afteinoon session was devoted to a private interchange of sentiment, and to-morrow the officers fcr the ensuine yoaT will bo elected. The proeeedings wiil bot bu made publio for tho presbnt. On Saturday night Jim. Johnson Avas shot and killed at White'a Station, Tinn., near Memphi. Johnson was visiting Davi's Bister, and had buon ordured not to come there agnin, which warninft was disregarded with the result 8tated. Davis is in jail. All are colóred. It is estimated that the Eed Biver country, which two years ago was uninïabited, will thia year ship to Duluth 250,000 bushels of wheat.


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Michigan Argus