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Local Brevities

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Ca - Circuláis. _ Bill-Hcad. _ Letter-Heads. j. 6bippPg Tags. _- fUnted at the Aruus office. - Ib tiro best style and CHEAP. Don't order elsewhere before calling. _ Satisfudïon in every respect. Xhe philosopher's stone : Advertiré - in the Aiiors. - Tf! Pnitsriaa Church o{ this city is to be HiotagWy repaired and renovated. _ Tlie ma-ions have ffot out of the Univetsity Hall, and stuceoiug the -outer walls is now wliat tht-y are at. _ Tlie morohants and Iusinc3s men of Manchester are moving for the mauguratiou of a reaJyiy yrteto. _Prof. Bevoel, of YpsilanB, fonnerly of thiscily. has goue to Gcri.'.anv with his faieily, totakf up a parmanent residence Uiere. _ Steirard í'r.xsin i ha ceeeived letters from Pnrf. Fpizs dviaig hi thaf ba will s&il for home the first ■ second wuek in August. - ThO bouse of John Ai.mia_v, just "wst of tliis city, was slruok by Jightniug on Monda y, (jut not Benoualy injured. We hear, however, bat Mrs. A. suiïered from tiie shock. _ On MxHdy ooon kst, Wiet Newkirk, jon of Sylvesteh Newkirk, living near Dexter, as proetrated by a sUarj) flash of lightning, and thrown int" Bpasnu, but recoverud uuder medical treatment. - Chakles H. Eichmond, of this city, is t'nipovarilv engineering the Peoples' Bank at Muicliestor, and puts in odd days at tlie Xreas,rrrV office of the Eel Kiver Hailroad Company, togansport, lud. - El-President Fri.uroiiE arriTcd in our city T-jesJiiv night, and on Wednesdtiy a re-union of the Fillmore famüy was held at the residence of lus brother, Calvin Fillmoee, living near this city. TesterJay he was t!ic guest of Mr. H. W. ÜOfiEES. - The friends of Prof. D'Ooge- and they are cumtrous i this city - have received " bids " to the "wedding foast." July 31 st (cvening) is the tiniu, Aubvrrndale, Mass., the plaoe, and Ham Wöbcbsus tlio aame of the lady who is lolead liim oaptive. - Tliere was a powerf ui rain storm on Mondar morning last, with heavy thunder and sharp lightning. Also another severe storm on Wednesday afternoon, witu high wind. And süll another yesterday afternoon. It is the game of "üstoh and tlirow" with harrestera. - Alxmt 3 o'clock of Monday morning last the bani of Geo. (.'. Pahe, Jr., in Lima, was sh-uck liy Bghtning, set on fire, and burned, together with ft larffe quantity of hay, 100 fleeces of wool and other propc-rty. Iusured iu the ff ashteimw Mutual, on barti, S30Ü; ou conteuis, $500, which v. iil nut cover the loss. - "Ttay, Blanche and Sweefheiirt"- and all ether logs of hii;h or low degree, mastiff or eur ,-iul all tbe grades lietween, are advised to read the new dog luw ín another column. It will be hereafter, we hope, n?a.!e for any "dorg" to elttim the freedom of city streel or country liisliiijy withüut first procuring his üttiiee aad dunïiiug his collar.


Michigan Argus
Old News