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EAOíJl MOItGAN'S SONS' 8 A.!P OLT O Ih a subsutute for Soap for ull Household pup] ■ ng clo1 tic:,. 8APOLI O for cleonn i .vo the labor of one cleaner, Givo it a trial. S APOLIO foi w iiui' ■ . ■.,,, ■!■ W&t&t, No removíug ourtaíni and carpeta. 8APOLI O tns P'aini nnd Wood, ín fací tlie en tira hoiiBt, betterthan Boa] tío l ■ . ing. 8avea labor. You oan't uüonl lo Le without it. B A. P O L I "Ö" Poouiing Knivea ii better and oleaacr thuii Batb Brick. Will notaoratch. SAPOLTO i bi tter than Boaj) and San] for poiifthing Tifl ff are. Bi ïgh teiiü n l.uut gei atchixiff. Poliahea Bn ■ f rsiJs botter Dmn Acid or Oiland Eottetí Stonc. S APÖTTiT foa Wafihiag DUbeB und Olasswaro is iavaluable. heaper tbas Soaj). sTpöLio esStsinsfron Mnrble Mantels, Tablea and Btatuary, trom Hard-fluislied VTalls, nud fioia China and l'urceluiu SA PO LIO n 't, StHina and Orease ij-om Carpeti and olí.. -, on -i I ibrïc-. 'Hiere Is 110 ene nrliclc hnoun tliat w-11 tío xa muny kind ol' werk :ml au it as wel] jik Sapallo, 'i'ry it. HAND S A. JP O Ij I O and wonderf ully effeetive Toilet E oap, havtog no equaï ni tiii country or :;1 HAND S ík. J? OLIO H nu artlclcfoT tho B;ith, (ireaohe the foundation " ui' all tirt, opena tl.i liL'üllhy aetion and Driïliunt tinL to Llie skin. HAND fcL . IF O Xi I O 1 uitiftes the Skin, inBtHutly removing an Muinoi blemiBfc iroin botli hAüdü ftnd taceHAND S CÍE? Ö3L"ÏTc5 is without i rival in the vorld fo c or prevea! .. chuppmg oí either hautijs ui üace. HAND S APOLIO remove Tar, Pitch, Iron or luk Hi ui ds and Greaee; tor workers in Muoliine Sliop.j, Minos. S:c, i ïnvaluablo. For the Skin White and Soit, and lo it .1 " blooui ei' hrmity," it is pas&ed livnnv Co-sjuutic known. cotx from lf lo 15 ccntH per cake, and everj' body shuuld hatéit. Xou ■wül it. DUNrT FAÍL TüTRV THESE GüüDS Buy it of yoiir it)'rlaaiit iL Ho litis it or xviïl procure i iur jron It' uut. tïwii vii((; lot' uur Ü'aiii pit lit, 4i All bont Sapolio,' and it wili be malled ENOCH MOüliAK'S SOJNH, Í28 Park riac-, N. Y. rN TIJIE! Wm. Wacnek opened a Inrgo stock of SPRiNÜ & SUMMER QOODS, Iueluaing and FASHIONABLESTYLES FOK OOATS, Pi W TS, and Whieh he wiU manufacture n tho btt and latctt stylo, nqd Wurranted Fits and Work. Also kocps r pootl Btook of ÜEADYMADE CL0TB1N AND aects' FÏÏRNISHING Gootis. "Wbieh will be sohl eheap, OALL AND SEE THKM No.21 South Mata Street,- East.Siiíe: WII.LIAJ1 VaGSlB, Aun rbor, May Ut, 19M UU EXTRA 0 F FE8. SECOND .ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION. THE CHRO.TIO ' CUTE " ELECiITLT !"! .111 Kl) AM 1 SilAüi: IV THE DISTKIBCTÍO OF 8730 PKE.lIlliflg A.llOlVflYí; TO $11,000. GIVEN AWAY! To every subsoriber of thut Popular WcvUy OÜR FIRESIDE FRIEilD ( ïfarömos nre delivered at once. Tho diatributios wilirOSITIA íl.i tivk. pluceoo TU KXT[L.T1I II VY (!■ A! 1'iM', ÍI.ÜTICIIN J i I N!l;lil) AND 8EVENTT-THREE. (H ÜCHliOMO "0DTE" a ltoíii inches in nize, ackiiowlcdsfc'l to lo the iinist and handsomest piotute 6T6r ri .-ii itli ;my poner. orií FIRKWDÊ FIÚENU isa eight pngo illustra'cd títmily and Btory weekly id its thinl vuluzne, bu now oveïSKVBNTY-FlVB TH0TT8A.ND si BSCRIIiKlís, and rapidly tucroasin, vrhioh insuros the succesa of the preneut distribu tion. ïhe Publiahers of (Jur Pireside Priend bav&ssnt to iti tubsoi ibra tiiayearoverSKVENJ Y TIK LT8AND copies of the chromu tl ( ' vi t r " ;inl are Bbipping hundrêds everj day. SUBO R1PTION P1UCE, THRBí LAR8PEE YEAR, whlohsri i thi Bul TY-TWO nnmbers of the best Fumily Weekly, the chromu '■ CT TE" finely fi'amed, :'.■■'. a ni ■ CERJ tPICATB entitling the bol lerto i ne.ehiueiD the distribution of preíaiui i I !'!I;i; nou with the lígeol (■}' send direcl to the Publiaher. si'i:ci.jE popiBS, partícula", eto,, entiit. A 1 "IVrSliJ In every towa, al lióme ortravADfJul lo tliní,-. f.i.-u ]■.!- and libVr 1 rP[l orul premiums for éotting up Tí All IJjJ iflubs. The bet outflt. Send at once for rerxns and particulurs, Addreaa WATEií.S & (JO., Ptíh, Chieago. TEAL ESTÁTE FOB SALE. THE VOLNEY CËAP1B ÜüMESTEAD, Netir the north enet corner of the Coïirt ÏÏoupc pquare. Tblfl jwoporty wilí he sclcl at reatoaable pricee, in fotSSUltable for ft ïeidcnce, or fur businesp pnrposes ■ Also lot on iülier Avenue eit ol Toras' green houeu. Albo a Farm of 1G0 Acres, Well watered and fenccd, with good orcbard ar.d fslrbuildiUfi. withinamile of the ('ourt H'uiseïu Bt. Johoi. Michïorn, ftudseTeraJ bnqdrd.ncrL oj pino and ouk tíiletd laud ia Süiuaw Cottnty, Mi'hiiin. ïnciuiro of B. W. CHKKVeR.ot Lilm & A. ÖHAPIA. íí. COHEN'S Advertisement. BABfiAIKS ! BARG11NS ! As I iutend to give up the Dry Goods I trade, I shall offer my whole Btock in cludiug I DRES3 GOODS, SHAWL9, BLANKETS, CALIÓOS, STRÍPES, T1CKINGS, DENIMS, Casfciniers, Table Linens, . FliANNJXS, j NAPKTNS, TOVFELS, Lace Curtains, Etc., Etc.. AT LESS THAN 3STT3-%7ir "STOÏIIS: COST, In order to disjiose of the whole Stock b all possible dispatch. Komom'ber this is no Huartrag Sale, so ■ cali early and secure your bargaius at 83 South Main St. OQ i ons oni ld ! Au! au ! j O. ! Whra first L. COLBY bung hissign Oi '.'. O. !.- -A , Na ". And offered tiroccnee cheup for cash, Ie snid, " he's bound to go to smash. Ando] titrn i : irs would faintly anule, , , ü. O. D, wül lust bui little while. [n si! duya wi'll run Mim Ü' the triiek, 1 Aad Oiill our wemdering oustonwrs baok. The croakera aaifl anl thought it truc, lUnï.-ly tui) befoie the year ia New! Yon ean'1 a H Groeerie in Hu- town And gel youi r-i m cjreejibaeks do wn ; ■ [y pierohanta n eveiy &treet wnliMiUsiiiit'. satina, biuigout chiekens to eat ; Whére trade is mixed in evorv place, At Ihe ssmio comí Ut yon buy butler orlnoe; re credit and. loss go hand in hand. Mr. C. O. Di bui a slim chance wül stand." Let prophete and croakera have their any, L.COLBYseUsGUiJCEaiKSóiayforBEADYPAY, Ha so chap for d-iily eaah He f aïfl np danger of a sin.ish. :i 1 feo nis patrona all, and business friends, 1 (;■■ greetwg of the season be extends, ■'. ;,inl n,, 1 g-lad New Year, Witii lioslb of frii'ndfl un-1 lots oï cheer ! Givé hita o cali, nnd from hia Btore STou] tab!) 8 spread wfth ood thinga more. At tlnit place you will always flnd Krcsli new Cirooeüfiia oi best quulity andkiud - IZvorythinft ut'fdf'ul for good cheer at home You can buy at hia oouuter whenever you come. The days me o short tbis bitter oold winter, 'li m.-ni mu dottiilit wmild -wcarv the printer, tc if you choose for anything e.itnble, Y OU get i i uí once, in quuiity unlieatublo I í'orliiniry men who ure weary and colt!, He ha ot, Oyetera thftt mnst beaold - ( % ptei s pickled, Oystar stew, and oyster fry, ' h Oytera any other way you choose to try. He will serve np Oystcrs at tny hour of üay, Ancl tin lx Kt ei .i;' to smoke on your way. A dïï of hot Oyater wRl do you much gooa, A ihl cheaf you while elling your grain or wood. Aml ivi;]; cash in hand lay in n store [ar, Flour and many more, Of all Lhings substaotial for dily use, 1Í1 Iifes pood tilinga with abuse ; Crockíery and Glassware and Fruita to pntiu them, Nutgj Liaisma, and Candy, for ehildren who win ihem. And ye whu are blessed with their heantil'ul faces, Will flud [201 the besi of ftH place, '!'o hu y a rifle, to bring nmile or riningluuR'h, Your pleasure, th-m tbeira, will be greater by huif 3 Thea do not fotget 10 cali on Mr C. 0. 1)., And buy of him your Fruits, Sugar aad Tea. Thongh the big ïj a may fall from its jilace, The O. O. 0. S Ï7 tore is atiU on the tace, And doea ooi intönd to ily fro;u the course Till cronkers of e vil talk themselvos (hocerïes can lie sold for reidy pay. And T OoXloy haa iearned the way : Sold five times more thfui he expeoled- ) 1 . 1 ). I). From loss proteeted. m And the secret be ia not afra i d to teil - Keep the best of all ihings - witb priesa low- be good naturecl, gfve good measure, And you are bound to sell ! 29! 29! 29! A Chance for Bargains ! Kor sale at n great btvrgaio, 160 ACABS OF CHOICE LAXD,lyinff 26 miles iroEü tlic city of Ionin. 100 acre under improvemenfc, with sood orofaard, bars and ehed, nnd a comfort blo house. Terms of payment - from 2,000 to i-2,i!JÖ down ; balance on long timo. Also 90 ACRES, nbout 2K miles from Augucta. Kilidn:izuo ('ouiity, all im]noved, with good buildings. Teruïs -cxtiemcly low. AUo 10 ÁCIMAS about eight miles from Haatings. Alsn M ACRES on ser.tinn R iu the town of HftMlton, Sbiawaasc Couirtj-, about 12 niilcü l'rom (Jurunna. WeH timbered. For terms address the undcrsigned. L B. FO. Ann Arbor, April 2, 1873. TOHN FEED. B1ÍOSS, MASUFACTUBEn OI CARBIACES, BiJCOIES, MJÜIBER WACOSS, KPRLG WiCOÏS, tl'IÏEUS, 8LEICHS, kt. AJl work wariiuited of tho best mnterial. RapairDfptly and rpaonably. } wtrk warto gie perfect tiafactiuif. oëüSuthMün 142? BACH & ABEL. We have now in store and are reeeiving our usual large stonk of New Spring Goods, bought for oash, and will be placed on sale at as low priees as any house in Michigan. BACH & ABEL. A large assortment of fashionable dress goods in the new shades. BLACK SBLKS! A süecialty. We have them direct ñora the Lyon's manufactory'agents, and can warrant them made of pure stock . BACH & ABEL. FIFTY PIEOES OF THE - - MAif STCARTC BLACK ALPACA ! vndcall special attention f o the 45e, 50e, and 75e qualities. These Alpacas aremanufactured by Alex. T. Stuart & Co , and without doubt excel in texture and finish, any ever broitght to tliis country, BACH & ABEL. Ivom the impoiteis, dievd, a hvge stoel of Tafole Linens, Napkins, DAMASK TOWELS.&C. BACH & ABEL A FÜLL LINE OF Brown and Bleached Cottons, Tickings, Denims, Cottonades, étc. These goods we buy by the package, getting discounts, and can make low prices. BACH & ABEL. "We desire to cali espeoial attention to our stock of FEENC1I AND ENGL1SE CASS1MERES, Ana SUITINGS, the largest and best assortment iu the city. BACH & ABEL. A FÜLL LINE OF SHADES IN THE STiWABT ÁLEX.4XDRE KID 6L0VES In both ono and two buttons. This Glove has been rec'ently improved, and is now conceded to be tho best in use. BACH & ABEL. A GENTS WANTEJD FOR BOOKS NEEDED BY ALL FARMERS! The best books jjubliehed on the llorse and the Cow. LJboral term, money maderapidly by Agents sel ing these booke. Sctifnr cUculars. lOKiKB & COATES, ['DBHBHIB8.. Philadelphia, Pa T IVE ÏJEESE FEATHiíRS PIBST GJT7A.íjIT"5r , 6onBt lynntfand aadforsal ir BACÜfr AtSEl NEW fflIÏ&flU The Largest, Most Elegant, and niuch the cheapest Stock of flrst-class superj) DRESS (JOODS Black and Colors Ever Exhibited in this inarket is at. MACK & SCHMID'S! The Cash Dry Goods House Cilb'Si offer all the novelties of the Eastern and European markets FOR SPEIIG AND SITOR WEAR ! We invite special attention to our BLACK ALPACAS AND PURE MOHAIKS, Which for quality and eheapneas can not It surpassed in the city. Como and see our BKESS GOODS, STEIPE SILKS, PERCALES, GRENADINES, MOURNING GOODS, LAMA LACE POINTS AND JACKETS, PAISLEY AND STRIPE SHAWLS, LAEE AND S1LK TIES & SCARFS, PARASOLS, &c. The finest stock of Hosiery in the City. Ladies if you wish the Best KID ÜLOVE in the inarket buy a pair of the "CAMILLE SEAMLESS." We Bave them in all the now shades and Opera Tinte, ia two, three and fout rattons. Our stock is new, and we seil for cash and givo bottoiu prices. C. H. MILLEN & SON 4234f' rpHE isrisr arboe TRADING ASSOCIATION Are now reeeivlng tbelx SPRING STOCK OP NEW DRESS GOODS We 1 ave the Urgeit teelt of MTOASS CARPET'NG inxr the ciT-sr. ENGLISH BODY BEUSSEL AT $2.00 PER YARD I Tapestry Brussel, Super Extra Lowell and Hartford, also Medium Super, WHICH WE WILL SELL YERT CHEAP FOR CASH! NoTel ni elegant additlow to out Dress Goods Stock ARE NOW BEINO OPÜNÜD Tbs baokwsrdncss of the season hu eansed a very large decline during the last flfteen days in tt price of Dresa Fabrica, which will enable ug to giv to our customera a profit of 20 to 25 per cent. a E very Lady BhouM inspect theml Ahandsomorlineof Dress Gooda was netev bronght to Ann ArbOT than are uow opeuing, at extremely low prices for cash, which will place these choic goodü withiu tbe reucb oí all vrho zoay favor us vith a cali. KT "We are very thankful for the past favon an4 hopo to continue the same, as we shall make it to tht advautagt of thoe wbo lavoj us witb a cali. G. W. HAYS, Supt. BUEE WHITE LEAD. LEAD. & O ( PURE WHITE " )■ VIEILLE MONTAGNÈ FRENCH WHITE ZINC Parlor Snow White ZïncCRYSTAL PA LA CE WHITE LEAD, Permanent Green For Blinda, &c. WHITE LEAD ! In Colora for Outsideand Inside Painting, Varnishes, Oils, Colors, Brushes WO -CIAD 1IKERAL PAMÍ Mumifactured from pure Iron Ore, lar superior to jg0 those made of Clay, Rotten Slone, Dirt, &c. Our Pure Brand of WHITE LEADxo offer to th public with the poitire aasürance of absolute pvrit?. . As much of the White Lead t-old ns pure ie ndulteratcd from 20 to 90 por cent., Consumera will consult their interest by giving us a cali. R. W. tlXIS A CO., 3rue?iHT, Axj AiiBon, MicH. Corner opposite Savings Bank. 1419m6 T)ÜT YOUE MÖNEY WHÉKEITWILL DO THE IVEOSÍS? GOOD. A. A. TERÈY HAS A FtfLL STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS! IN THE LATEST STYLES. ' QUALITY AND TEICES TO DE F Y COMPETiriOJY, ALSO, A rüLL LINE OF GENTS' FURNISHING GOODE L3iF" Cali befare purcliasiug. lfl South Main Street, js "ÜLOUE AÑD FEBD STORE. HSNR7 WASGll, Successor to üeo. Laiibengayer,1 At 14 Weit Ubèrty Streef, -rill kpfnt! ly on hunda full stock of Fl ur, Wel, Ol, ClOj, ■ Mül Fee4, o. All orders promptly t!!l at the Ij í t euJí píteos. Cah sW ít Coro oud Ot. ifSj-".


Old News
Michigan Argus