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The New Dog Law

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The following is a correct copy of the dog liccnse law enacted at the late BesBion of the Legislature of this State : Seotion 1. The people of the State of Michigan enact, that every person who shall own or keep a dog shall procure a. liceuse thercfor, from the olerk of the township or city in which he mny reside, for which he shall pay such clerk as tollows: For a, itialo dog ono dollar, for a femalo dog three dollars: which license shall run and be in forco from the day of its date to the lst day of April next thri-pafter. He shall canse the dog to wear afotind its neck, during the date of license, and no longer, a collar distínctly marked with its owner's natne and registered number. !?■ SEC. 2. The clerk on proper application and payment, as herein providud, ghall issue such license. It shall be dated, shall contain the name of the person to ■whorn, and a description of the dog for ■which issued, the siira paid for it, and a statement of the time when it shall run out. All licenses for any ono year, cominencing the first day of April, shtll be numbered conseoutivfly in the order in which issued, connnencing with No. 1. The clerk shall register, ia a book to be kept by him for that purpose, the name of eaoh license, description of his dog as in the license, the number of the license, ond the amonnt paid. The said clerk ehall, on request, perniit any pólice officer or constable of h3 township or city to take copies of such register. The clerk miy retain twenty cents for each Hoen se given by him, and the balance of the money received he shtili pay into the treatmry oi the township or city ; ana me rnoneys roeeived for licenses for any oue year, and thus paid into the treasury, Bhall constitute a fund for the payment of damages which any porson or persous inay sustain by the killing or wounding of sheep or lambs, by a dog or dogs, within such township or city during such year. Sec. 3. When any person 6hall bc damaged by the killing or wounding of his sheep or lambs by a dog or dogs, he may cali on a dtsinterested justifo of the peace of his township or city, not of kin to such person, and not a uiembt-r of the township board, who shall pioceed to view the sheep or lambs so killed or wounded, and if f rom such view he shull be satisfied that the saaie were killed qr wounded by a dog or dogs, he shall niake a certifícate thereof in writing, stating the aruount of damages sustained by suoh person, and shall deliver the same to 1 be clerk of said townsliip or city, who shall file the sanie in his office, and record in the recoids of the township or city. The said justico sluill receive for his servicos in each case the sura of two dollars, and ten cents for each inilo actually and necessarily traveled by him in perforio ing such errice, to be paid out of the aforesaid fund, on Ihe order of the townBhip board or proper city offijer or oflicrs. Sec. 4. At an annual taeuting of the township board in pach year, and at a meeting of the comtnön council of each city, in March or April of each year, 'the paid board or council, as the case may be, ehall examine all eertiiieates on damnge filed by the clerk, as aforesaid, d uring the precediug year, and if satisfied that in any case or cases the certified dauiagts nre excessive, they inay reduce the sume to such arnouut as thty muy oonsider just, and may order the paymcnt of nlldniuages as they may consMeT just, (u'if the fund afuresaid, ii it. be suflicicnt tor that purpose, and if not sfffiioieut tluy niaj order a proportionute payment of cacli olaiin. If mythingrftnainsof such fund, after gatisfying all olfcrrns uu it as gháll bo aportioneti amung tl.e several school aisfriets of svich towtrglrip or city, in proportion to the nnmber ol children therein of school ago : Provided, that no payment of damages shall be mide, as provided for in ibis section, uuloss the party appl ving for the same, hall inake it appear to the satisfaction of the township board or cornmon comicil, that he has made 11 due effort and been abk to obtain satisfaction therefor froni tlioirner or owners of the dog or dogs which hive done the damage : And provided further: That it any dog or dogs for which a Iicen8e orlicensesshall have been givon by the clerk of atiy township or citv. huil kill or wound any shpep or limbs, in any adjacent township or city, and the owner ot' such sheop or lambe eball not be able to obtain satisfaction therefor frotn the oivmr of such dog or dogs, thn damage or a proportionate part thereof'shallbopaidoutof thnlioensefund of the townhip or city by the clerk ot which such Hcenso or licens(s were given, in the same mimner, and subject -to the game proceedinp, as ncar as may be, as if guch damage had been doue in suchtown, shivi or city. Sec. 5. Wboever hall koep a dog contrary to the prov:kns oí this act, ghall forfeit the smn of ten dollars, to 1)0 recovered with copfs, in an action of debt or assumpsit, in the nane and for the use Kil . __ 1 _ Jf Lía , i oí Tnc peojnn ui luifiuww. Bec. 6. Any person iniy, and it shall bo the duty of every polioe oilicor and constable of auy townsliipor city to kill ' any and all dops going ailarae, and not licenscd and collared ñccordinp: to tlie provisions of tíiis act, and lucfa officcrs ühall be entitlod to reoeivo from tb town ghip or city treasiiry flfty cents for each dogr sotillcd by him. Sec. 7. ín citie? having no clerk, the offioer who sliaU hare the Ountody of thf records of tho common council shall havo the power conferred npon, and perform tho duties required of, the clerk by this act. Sec. 8. All actsor parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act are hcreby repealed. An individual havinp; beon convicted upon rthor slight evidenee, tbo j mlge pronounced judgruent as follows : " Prisoner trt the bar, you have been fouud guilty, by a jury of your oountrjmen, of a crime ■which subjeotö you to thepoimlty of dcath. Yoa say you are innocent- tho truth of that a6sertion is only known to yoursolf and God. Tt is uiy duty to leave you for execution. If guilty, you riohly deservo the fate -which awaita yon ; if innocent, ii will be a gratification to feol that you irere hanged witliout such a crime on your conscience. In either case, you will 1 be delivered from a world of care." ' The state of New Tork is considering the propriety of eitablishing astato park, ■which is to embrace the entire Adiroadaoke, an area of 834,000 acres.


Old News
Michigan Argus