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Railway Robbery

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Chicago, July 22.- The Evenüig JournaVs special from Des Motiles, to-day. gives the following account tf the attack ind robbery from Supt. Roycc who was on the train j The train ltrft Councii Bluffs at 5 o'clock, with four Coaches and two sleepers, the forward eloeper bcinp tilled with a couipany of aristocratie Chinese on their way to an Buglish college. Thrre were also two baggage expresa cara, in whicb was a through California mail and tho eXpresstnatter, cotieisting in short of nearly $2,000 in thu expresa safe, and three tons of bullibn. When about 65 miles wost of this city, at about 8:30, at a sharp curve in tho road, an isolated spot with no houses in several miles in any direction, the trtvin inoving about 25 miles an hour, the engineer, John Bafferty, suddonly saw one rail movo from its place about 60 feet ahead of the engine. He instantly reversed his engine and npplied the air-brake, and while in the act of doing so bullets came peltitig into the engine like hail. The engitio ran off and over tb o bank and turned over, throwing out the engineer Rafferty, and the fireman, th fornier falling on tho latter doad. It is supposed he was killed by the concussion as no bullet wounds are foiind on bis body. The fireraan escaped unhurt. Tho train 'oeinp vory heavy, run about 100 feet and stop ped"; the engine ran up to the bank and turnedoverj and the two baggage cars doubled up and were badly smashed. As soon as tho train stopped, six large athletic men, ruasked in fiill Ku Klux style, a.ppearcd at the express car, in which wero the conductor Win. Btnitb, Superintendent lloyce, tho express messenger, John Burgess, and threo other persons, and comraenced flring rapidly into the car yelling "Git out of there, dama ye, get out of there." Two bullets passed tbrougb the clothes of the conductor, one grazed the skull of the baggago man, and oue the sido of the head of the express messeneer. The inmates iumneá out. when they were oïriered to the rear under cover of half a dozen navy revolvers. Two of the robbers marched up and down the track threatening to shoot any person who showed their heads on the train, saying, " Get down out of sight, damn ye, or we will shoot you." Tho robbers theu took about $2,000 from the exprss safe, cut open the tuail sacks hut took no letters, and mounted each a horse and rode off aeross the prairie in a soutljernly cliroetion, the whole being done in less than ten minutes. They fortunately did not cut. tho telegraph wires, and Supt Eoyee at once hastened to the nearst station and telegraphed in all directions. Engines and a posse of men were sent out from Council Bluffs on the Burlington and other ronds to intercept the robbers in a southerly direction. Their dresses and voice9 indicated that they VHT8 regular bushwhaokern, and they avidentlv intended to sret the usual ablö expresa nmtter sent by this route on Monday, but whieh went through on an extra train on Sunday night. The robbers during the day stole a spike bar and haruiner trom a hand-car housfl at the nearest station. They drew the spikes from ono end of tlie rail, fastened a smal] cord to the end of the rail, aecreted theinselves several rods away, and as the engine approached pulled the rail out of the place. The promptness of tho engineer and the air brakes saved the passengers from harm, as not ono was injured. A track was at once laid around the wrecked oars and the train resuined its trip, arriving here at 7:30 this inorning bringing the dead body of the engineer, who resided here, and who leaves a wifo and three children. THE SCEXES AMONO THE PASSENOERS. The passengers on the train report tlmt the sceno was terrible and baffles description. When the crash came all were thrown forward, tome entirely off their seats. ïhen came a recoil, and iramediately after they heard firing, but supposcd it came trom the wreek. Many of the men jumped from the cars and started to go forward and were ordered back by the robbers, who eontinaed firing, anil enforced their commands hy terrible oath and threats. Back they went with a rush, and in the cars found the wonien and children half crazed with fright, shrieking, crying and fainting, imploring the men to protect them, and exclaiming, " My God, we shallbe killed, we 6hall be killed." Tho stoutest heaits quailed, and feit they were at the mercy of the desperadoes. THE LOSS. Superintendent Hogers estimates the loss sustained by the company at about 13,000. ItEWAED OFFEKEB POR THE CAPTURE OF THE EOBBER8. Gov. Carpenter issued a proclaro at ion to-day offering a reward of $50f for the arrest of each person ngaged in the robbery.


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