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" He WOU LD not irivi! nu iijipointriK-ni to a relative : " so writos Parton oí that siiigubir oM fogy, 'i'ho.H. JVfferson, vhoso life he is taking i'or the Atlinlic Monthly. Xo wonder Ihat his calamnifttors cuilnd him an "infidel " f'or tlms wilfully refusing to jiruviiie for thoso of his owh ttouaebold." Again : "He declined to re - ceivo presentí wliile th office;" and tbere is no record of his having stolen a palatial bain out of au a;ptcprii.tion for the State Department, naddled big household expenses upon the trciiiiiry, or sigtied a bilí donbüiig up his own salury. ''Once more: ' Jt.'ffrrson reduced the patronage of the goverUmoiit to the Uiihimum ; " and didn't strike hands with his Postmi3tcrOenoral or othcr cabinet officors, and attempt to pt-t control of all the business intcrests of tbe couutry, the telegrajjhs, the railroads, the banking und insurance interests, or the public school system. Ëridontly Jeffursou lived too early to appreciate the ndvantages of his DOsition RTtil its nitsíi!hilitií. aifchar ri' personal or i'amily aggrandizeinent, power or plunder. - E. B. Washburne, sometimos supposed to bu the inaker of (irant, - we mean Grant's Minister to Paris, - speaks some plain worda concerning the salary stottl. Ho says ho used to eave up sometlring out of the oíd snlary - $,000 a year : that a Congressman's constitutents have no desiro that he shall live in luxurious ease, whiie supposed to be ou duty ai "VVaghington, - " buck against tho tiger, and keep half a dozon mistresaes." Washburne evideutly knows the way of the average Radical Congressman. - Postmaster-General Creswell is in trouble again, a nuniber of bis ignorant postmasters having been selling "offiuinl stamps.'1 One Ohio postmaster iñudo imniediate salo of one hundred atid forty of the two hundred stamps sent hiin. Postmasters are ordered not to deliver private letters on which tfficial stamps are used, and are to Si.nd them to the dead letter office. - At the College Regatta nt Springield, Mass., on the 17th inst., the Yale 3oys carne out ahead, winuing both he Freshman and University races: the 'oriner in 17 minutes and 53 seconds, and the latter in 16 minutes and 59 seconds. Amherst was second in tho Freshmau race, and the Weslpyan in the University race ; Harvard was third in both races. - Caleb Cushing's dog suit was "like i short horse soou corrisd" Ie bas taken judgiuent against Wood's man Kelley in tho gum cf f25, and the log is to be removed or buil given for lis good behavior. Let bowling dogs and tnidnight-concr. giying cats, all hrough the country, taire vroraing. - Tho Bucynis (Ohio) Journal tnkes ime by the foreloek and oalls down nalediutions diré upon futuro Congressnen in this wise : " May they who atetupt to reinstiite the franking privilege ie more fternslly, infêtnallj and absoutely politieally damned than even the alary scoopurs." So tuote it be. - Ihe now raí road legislation in Ilh nois don't work to the mtisfaotion of th farmers of Iowa. It costs them $73 a ca to get a load of wheat to Chicago, againa $24 before the " equalization of ratos. The natural result of uiuiertaking to sub ordinute tbe laws of trade aud commcrci to fixed and iron rules. - Aren't Ho we and Conkling and Cnr penter and Morton counting against oddl in oslcnlafing on stopping into tho shoei of the late Cinef-Justioo Chase. Nc-ithei of theiu is fcputed to bc a brother-in-]av iifpliew, lor cousin to Grant or his wife " Blood tells " in thesrt latter days. - The Iihode Island Buprerae Oourt has decided that the sale of imported liquors on whioh duty has been paid can not be prohibited by the Stato law. All of which we believe to be bosh. - Conkling has " gone and done it : " that is he has purchased an "elegant house" at Washington, for which the wise ones say he has no use unless he is to be Ohief-Juatice. - $1,800: that is the snug little snm the New York BoKrd of Supervisors are asked to pay for testing the sanity of George Franeis Train. " Paying deur for the whistle." - Cushman K. Davi?, tho Republican candidato for Governor of Minnesota, gradunW from tho literary departrnent of thb University of Michigan in 1857. - Tho invcstigation of the BowenTilton-Beeober scandal case has been postponed until fall. It is not a saro-y morsel to stir up in tbe heated torm. - Postmaster-Goneral Creswell has ord.-rcd the establishment of the full drlivery systim at Grand liapids, with fiva carriers. "We AGKEE witb the. SegUter trben it says: "The repeal, as far aspossible, of the law increasirg the salaries of tho Presiden tr Judges and Congressinen, is we believe deinanded by all except thosa interested in the steal, and some of those entitled to a sbare of the grab." But tlieii what is the nse of labored editorials in support of our belief, in the face of the fact that eyery luember save ono of tlio next House, which must assent to repeal, has alroady drawn four months, salary at the increased rete, und when Contrress shall meet in December will have pock eted five uionths' moro pay at tho sanie rate. As well " sin psalms to a byeott'1 as to talk rejjcal to such a. Congress. llIE Rural New Yorker tells a story of a famons Ayrehire cow, nauied " old Creamer," which makesnothing of g'.ving from 90 to 90 ponnds of milk per day tor weekR in succession. The owner of that cow should not sound her praises ubroud, but on the contrary should keep close wateh and guard over her stable, for fear that some.of the hungry imd starving " loil" patriota who can't succi;ed, as ytt, in driving other " loil" patriots trom mij one of the mauy nearly exhausted teats which orüce-holders are iamed tor peráist ently sucking will make a raid upon "old Creainers" qiiüiturs, and seek 'to draw rich sustenanco from her capacious and generous-giving uddcr. Tiiie warning in time. Kate Stoddaiid, the alleged raurdiireT of Goodrich, is soarcely secured in jai], before Brooklyn astonishes the wocid witfc-another sensation. This time is the drówmng - accidental or suicidal - of E, S. Mills, Casïïièrof the Brooklyn Fruit Company, tho disco-very that his papers and accounts were ia sad state of confusión, that he was beavily in debt to the compaay, and the couscquent suspension of the compauy. The' "'City of Churches" is svitdentiy thoroughly demoralized, eooially, politically, anti financially.


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