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Bismarck's Religion

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Xew York, 3xxy 18. - A correapondvni iftho ÍV, ff i under daté of Berlín. June 9th, lunkes public the most remarkable eonversation with the Prince Bismarok, in wbiob the Prince after giving nn oxpression of big Uüeasiness of spuit ia niado to say: "The truth , thre is not a balt doien men in Germany on otir side. [ mean wlio clcarly coinprehnd the real tneaniüg. The conliict in whioh we are engaged, and in whnib, notwithstanding uur suüces thüa far, I now bolieve we shall be beaten. The Emporor does n„t onderstand it, and if iio did, ho would ohange 9 Wei in n moment: The Crown Piinc;, i -rbüps, does uuderstttnd it but ho will put hiiuself on tho otbor side, if indeed, he ia not airead y there. The iii l t. i Empire agaiutChureb. It is tho flghl of ihe State, Empire, Monarohy or Republio agtiinst O,m, md in Ihia fight the Btate will eet the worst of it, unlégs it sucoeeda in dostrüying the idea of God and places itself in íí:s place. Men say they raust have sotnething to worship. Well, then let tbem worship tho State; let it bo all in all ; let it take tho plaof of tho family au well as tho place of the deity ; let it be the deity. In two generations, if we had the field wholly to ourMlvea, we couhl so oblitérate the idea of God and of ' the imaginary iijihU bestowed on hian by him as thcir creator, that the rulsti tntion if tl. o fifn n "ï-T;.. placo would bo eftected, and tho State, us in pagan Rome, would he all ín all." The correspondent giving in his own lunUttage the spirit of the conversation with Bi.sumrok, saya the seminal idea of the whole was that the asiiration for liberty gruw out of the belit-f ín God, that it would be impossibli) to 'mak e n perfectly subservient peoplfl out of the men irnbued with the dogmas of Chrietiuuity, and that whilu all the forins of Christianity are were alike and fallatïioiiH, he cared to war uainsl; none but that of the Román Catholic Churcb, for the reison that it alone was formidable. He gaid : " Nothin; has amused mo more than the nraises whieh I have received f rom the Protestant, Christians of England and America. I have wished to ernsh Romo that I might erush Christianiiy They praiso me for my services in tho cause of whnt they eall the reformed Cliristianity. If anythint; oould console me for the chagrin which I foresee I am to endure for time to oeme, it would be to witness th amazement of these good friends of nvine when they understand tho trutb, but undorstar.d it they never will."


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