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L30,000 For Three English Women

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.Next to the grass and trees, or perhaps before, tlie women of BngWnd hive had the honor to interest the Shah. Rpg-arding tfaepa naturally i'mm an Orienta] puint of view, Ilis Majesfy h;s made a numberof remarles whicli will suim-iv bear rej.e'itiou in print. The prerailing fashion of dresshas giren liim atmridant opportunity to coinpire thcir attractions with those of bis own hareiu. For three he is roported to have offered L30,000, with tlie option of oancelling the bargain and returning to England if lifter s fair trial they disliked Pt;rsia. One of the three told 1110 sho was 'ncliui;d to accept if the monov could be settlod m lii-rseli', and ií' sha oonld i'eel (ure about getting back. Bat I thmk rio bargain has beon closed. At Lady Gran i'ille's party at the Freign Office, on Tuesdity nijht, it was an Ameriosn lady - or, as sonii'say, two or three fair Ainericans - who had the hom-r to attract Üiis noble savaífu's regard. At oue 01 two dinners he lias found himself with a lady on each side of him, anl chis is n pract'Ce which ho declares hims IJ unableto undeistand. Offers to the Patent Office. - M:ny strane offers ureoonstaut'y receiv.■(1 trom foreigtl countiies ui' all kinds if Lmposaible and schemns and in ven - tions. One. of tbe latüst and most insidious of these ia trom a Frenchman, who proposes a plan "for expnrgating lions umi tiger trom tlie United States of Atuerif. Hf atetes that it is well known tliat lions and tisjis, and all animáis of tiuit kind are vry fond of "oatmint," and on this basis lio proposos to dig, throurrhout the country, vast pits of groat depth, and till these with "eatmint" neai'ly to the surfaco. Ho states that the lions and ths tigf'i's would iuiinodiately go to these pits wxi jump in; tbey would then roll about in tho "cntinint" and sink itdown, when they would be unable to jtiinp out, but would beoome an easy prvy to men stationed with anus for tho purpose of kiliing tb'cm. Hev. Thomas K. Beeuher of Elmirn, New York, anriüüiices that he will preach Sii.nday afternoons at Eldridge Park, a Ihia.itiful resort two milts from tho city, and tbat tho choir is toconsist of a popular brasa band, engaged for the special purposa of pTayíiíg psultír tunes on the occasion.


Old News
Michigan Argus