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Ann Anaon, Thüksdaï, July 21, 187a. Buttei;- l;")c. Cojin- lirinfr 50c per ba. Dresscd 12c. E'jgs- Comraand 11@12 ',i Hay- $ 2 -j 10 per ton, uueording toquality. Honey- In cap, 2.'ic. Lakd - The m;irkot stantUat 8c. (Ia 3!ta3T4c. PoTATOF.e- New ?1 fl WaiAT- Wc quote Waite at $..tí&lM amber 1.40 1.50. Detroit Produce Stfkêt. Latestqnotation for le.idinir ;irticle of country pro duce- July 24th, ure is fol'ow.s : Whkat- white, 1.45(0.1.78 amber, $1.56. 1 .35 a 1 52 per ceutul. Rye - röfS2 per lm. CoiiK- 48@50c Oats - 40íg 42o. Pot atoes- il. OOíí 1.25. DfiJWSBD $6.0 (aiP.75. Uay -$18a.i22. Buttee- '6 '44 Sc. Egoi - 15 fflfic. Lahd- 7iiSIc. Honey- 22(ii ite Wool- 35 u 4óc. per lb. Detroit Live Stock Ma ik et. From (be Deiroit Free Pu n. Kino's Cattt.f. Yahus, ) Deteoit, Monda; evening, July 21. CATTLE. The market was lar;;e!y overstoeked, and about fifty cents lower. Not lesa thim 200 head wore heU over fornext week. Drovers reporte'! a largo amount üf catt!e in tho country which famiers rto not care to sell so long as feed is good, but thcir predictions are that within a month thee will e thrown upon the market and prices naturally decline. We (uute : Cholee beeves, younjj, are, well fottensd, weihing fr_.m l,'00 to 1,400 lbs. 81 03 o 5 50 Good beeves, well fattenetl.stñers ai)d hoit'ers, averaginy l,00 to 1.200 lbs, 4 00 a 4 38 Medium grades, 'fair steers, averagiiiii 950 to 1,050 ti., 3 60 a 3 90 Worküig cattle, wcll fnttened, avsraging 1,000 to 1,500 Ibs., 4 00 a t 25 Coinmon stock, medimn stcors, and fair to extra cows, in (iuc(;nt flesh, 800 to 1,000 lbs., 3 00 a 3 -r,0 Thin cattle, 2 25 a 3 7ó Sales íncluding Iota tlmt werc weiglied (generalij the beat), and lots that were sold by the head weight being estimated and calculated in dollar and cents, f rom the first class were the foilowhig: 11 head of choice steers, averaging 1,162 lbs, ato l-2c ; 4 choice steers, ftroraging 1,140 lbs, at 5c; 4 head, averaging 1.Í90 Ibs, at 4 3-4o ; 11 head of good butchers' stock, averagiug 1,000 lbs, at 3 7-8c ; 1 fat cow, weighing 1,240 lbs, at 4c ; 7 head oi good butehers' stock, averaging 960 lbs, at Si 45 ; 2 good oxen, averaging 1,325 lbs, at 84 65 ; 2 good fut stecrs, averaging 1,190 lbs, at 4 l-2c. Sales by the head mcluded 6 good steers, averaging about 1,050 lbs, at 3 7-8c ; 8 head of good butchers' heifers, averaging about 800 lbs, at 3 l-2c ; 2 bead of small yoaxig butchers' cattle, in fair coiidition, averagmg about 600 Iba, at 2 l-2c ; 3 head of butchers' stock, averaging about 800 Ibs, at 3c; 1 young heifer, smill, but choice, eighiug about 800 lbs, at 3 i-4c; I good fat stagish teer, weighing about 1,150 lbs, at 3c. milch cows. The market was well supplied and sales were slow, the range being from $30 to PÖO, including calf. VKAL. Only a few hetd were offererl and these sold readily at $5a8 for good six weeks' calves. SJ1EFP. Ouly a few anal] lots were offrred andprices were about as last reported ; 18 head of choice enes ;md wetliors, averaging 95 lbs sold at 4c and 16 head, averaging 91 bs, at 3 7-8c.


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