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ThU Cut liustrates the marnier of Uslng 1 SDU. PIEROE'S Fonmaia Injcctor. PSffffi QQÜGBEP I Thls instrument in ospecially dosigucü for th perfect application oi' Díl.'SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY. Ttistitc on?y fotra Winlnnnwt yot hiventod .. tul inudicmu can lío carried high vp :■ -. Tuir;s ei' the aöeoted iiuu ;)isrt;i;.M'w, anfl t!h rlun: Ikts or cavitieBOomFEtunicating therofl ítb, in wbicb sores and ulcera trequcutïy exiet, and frota whiclt tlie cataiBbel ■.'ral)y ]irocectls. Tho want ot' añcjpess in treating caiftrrb horotoforo haa arlsen ipciöijibiUty of appiying ronie! caXUlrfa an:l c'nifmTïpra by any of Unary xuelhoda, 'i"tiia obstado in the way ; euros is entii'cly ovcrconio by tba tnreiition of líic Donche. In ntjing thm iñstru. :id z carriüj by its own weight no snufnng. forcine; or pumping belng required.) up cue noatriJ in u niU gently flowiug tream to tho higbti&t jiortion of the nasal úftssages, paaaes into aml thorouphly cleaJI&ea ."11 tho tuboa aml clAmin ■ ■ ■ ed therewitlf, aml flows out of the oüpoite nositil. líe uso ia pleuwmt and bo ai ui pi e tbat & cbiW can anderatand it. Hul txiui expllcltdliictWiiKacoonipauyeachinstruüient. When tiBflö vitb thta instttiment, Dr. 'Satíe'9 Catar rh Remcdy cuit-s recunt attajeks of 4 old in thé Ileitrf" By afew appncationn. lyiBlipmi ot Hti l. Ftauent bwid; , )■ dischavpe falHuö íuí. tíbroAt, lometitfiea profufe, watry, tua-k ïdöctib, punaïent, offlsn Blye, se. In pther a drj peijs, dry, watery, weak MMÍ eyea, etoppiHfi ] m obstvuution of uasal püiwiiieB. ringingincaB(deiifBeaM, hawktng cu4 cujxbH:g to ciear lliiuat, nlcerations. Beaba {'rfYfl rtlcwfr, voico nttPi'fit, nwn:) tflRBp, offefisive brea tb, tiDpMred or total iv.'iriv;ition of aoaso of fimell and taste. diss7iiie88,incutal dpreavion, lesa pfaprcüte iiultffCRtion euUrcod tonails, tickhiiK poufii ótc. ( .: -■' l'i n of tlieatï hymptoiua (W e at caie tiiuo. Ir. vtigf'ti t atarrb i n!y, when aeed hritti Dr.2:Itr Cs N'a%il Jüom he, anil ftrompauiod with tu conatitutiooal treatment whioh is recomniendfd in tbo paiupblettbat rapa cacb bottle of tb e Hwaudy, is a pt-i -l-rt qppdfio tortilla loatbaome diftnse, and tbo propriefcor oöers, jn pwriJ l.iitli, $5OO wanl for a caso Iiocan unt cure. TÍie Keme'ly is mild and pleasant lo usa, Lontainiug ho hliotíB or canstlo droa or f. . 'J bo CataiTÏi Uymedy i;; sold at 50 con tg. shlcïiü at ii. ci-jitM, bynii fcrt-upcHU. oreitber Wlubeiauilüdb uioprit:tüLüuieceiptofÖOoenta K. V. IPIMRCIC, M. D., Proptietor, ■ TTV.T,a y. y. Vïnesar Bittert are not a vila Fancy Diink, made pf Poj r Rijm, NVliiskey, Proof Spints and Retuse Li mors, r ■ 1, spicctl, and &weelenil lo piense the t,:;,, , . ' Appctizcrs," "Restorers, te, that ïerïa tlv: tipjiler on to drtinkenness and ruin, bal are a true Medicine, made fiom the n.itive roots lof California, fieefrora al' AlcoIioHcStimulants. ïl lüood Purifier and a Life-giving Renovator and Iiivigorator of Jhe f all poisönous matter and restoring the blood to á liea tliy condition,enricliing it, refreshing ind invii-.iratiiig Uotli miad n.i.l bi.dy. The) ■ of adinini mimi iin,pr(iin:it ín (lleir action, oer(ain in tlieir lesnlts, i We in all forms of disease. ': Peroi eau talce tHcse Bitters accordina in direclions, and relhain long unwell, provided lliulr bones are not clistroyed bv raweral poison orolher incans, and llie vaal urjana waslcd beyoud the puint ysiMjpslaorIiIljreHon. Headadie, Pain in il,"e Slioulders, Cnuglia, 'figlUness of Uie Clieit, , pizliness, Eructations of tlie Slnninch, Bad laste in th Mouüi, UiUoiis'Alwcks, FalnU&tion of the Hart! tuflammationofthe [.unirs, Palntn thertgionsól the K.idns. and a Immircd otlier paiufu! symptoms, are ttiê nffsWngs of Öyspepsia. In these comnlamu it has 1)0 equal. and t:ie Linltie will prove a beller guaranteë ..f lts merili ilian a lehifthy adveitisement. fr Feniiile tomiilniiit in yonng or old, married nr single, at iTie rtawn of woiiiarihoorl, or tlie Ul"rn of , : inic Bitters displav ïo decidcd an influeuce ti'." a iñarüed iraproveineiit ia soon percepTor Inflammatoi-r itnii fclirónl H.ieniiiatism and Gout, Dyspepsia or Indigestión, Uiliou% ent and Intermittent Fevers, l)isease of the i;, .„„i, Livcr, KidiH-y.- aud ni.u'ulci-, these BiUers have been moBt snccessful. Snch Diseases are causea by Vitiated Blood, wlvch is gcncnüly produceil by deringeinent of lila Digestive Organs. Tlicy re Bïo1lc 1'iirünÜveiMwellm n TuniCi possessina culi ir nieril of aciing Bsa'iwwerfM assenl in reljevinf Congeiton ot Inflam. Riation of the Liver and Visterai Orgaus, and m lii.iouj DiseasesPor Skin Disensos, Emptions, Tetter, SaltRlieum, l'.lolches Spots, Pimples, PuMilles, Boils, CarUincles, KiiiK-vvonin, SrakMIead, Srae Kyes, Lryeipelas. Itch, Sim f-, Discnloratinns of the Skin, Humors ■uid Di-,i-.ises of the .Skin. ofwlmterei name or nature, are literally du np and cirrlcd ont of the ysleni in a short time by tlie use of cliese Bitters. One bottle in such c.ises will convince the most incredu'.ous oí thetr curalive effects. Icanse lic Vitintccl Illooil wlienever you fincl its mmnities bursting ihroiigh the skin in Pimples, ErnptipA, or Sores; cleanse it wheii yon luid K.OOstructed and sluggish in the veins ; clennse it wlien it is foul ; your feeling will teil you wllen. Keep the bluod pure. and the heallli of the system wil! foilow. Gratefnl ilioiisnmls proclaim Vinkgak Bitters the must wonderful Invigoraut ih.u ever suslainod ; tlie sinliini syslein. ... ' Pil, Tap', nel ollier Wornis, Inrking m the systerti of so m.iny thousands, are effeclaaily deetroyed and removed. Saya a distingnished physiol. ouist : There isscarcélyan mi i vid na! pon the face of the earth whose body sexempt íram the (ireaence ot It is not 1"M the heahhy elementa oí the body that worrns exí-t, hut upoii the diseased hninors and shmy deposita Ihat breil llrtse living monsters of cujease. Nu system of Hfedicine, ttii verraifiiges, no anthelmmitics, witl fiee the system froin worm like tliese BitMJClan!cal Mlsenses. Tersoni engageel in P.únts and Minerale, sudi as Plimibers, Type-setters, Goldbeaters, aud Minen, xi tUey advance in l:h, wtll be subiéct tn paralvsis of Ihe Bnwels. To Rtrard agamst this lake a dose of Wat.ickks VlNBGAR DlTTERS once or twice a week. as a Prevcnlive. Ititious. Rellllltent, mul Illicrililttellt FevfM, whicli ore so prevaleiit in ihe valleys of out pruat rïvers iliroucliout the United States, especially those of tlie Mississipiii. (Jhio, Mjssoiiri, Illinois, 'l'ennessee. Cuinherland, Arkanua, Red, Colorado, lir.ios, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabaina, Mobile. Savaonah, Roanoke, Jame, and many others, wiih llieir vast tnbutaries. ïlironglToiit ourentire country dnring llie Summer and A'itumn, and (emarkably so dinjint; eeasons ot unusaal Ittat and aryness; are invafiabiy nccranpanied bv exitnsivc deranjrements of the stomaob anti hver, and cera, Thera ara always mor obstructious of the liver, a weakness and irritable state of the slomach, and great lorpor of the bowels, being i up w.ih yitialed accumitlatipns. In tlieiv treatinent, a purgative, exerting a powerfíil innuence tipon tliese various, is essentially nc-ressary. There is no cilharlic for the pulpóse equal lo Dr. J. WALKER s Vinïga Bitters, as they will speedlly remove the il irk colired viscid maller with wlitch the bowels are loaded, at the same time stiimilatmg ihe seoretion of tlie liver, and generally restoring the healthy funclious So'ro'fuhlh or'ltlilB' Kvil, Wliite Swellini, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goiter, Scrofulou Inllimmalions, Indolent Indammations. Mercurial Atfcetions, OM i es, Eruniiona of ihe Skin, Soie Eyes, etc.. ele. In these, as in all otherconstlruhonal Diae.ise?, Wai.ker's Vineoak Bittebs have shown their great curative power in tbs most obstinate and lntraot Dr. Walker' CallforalaTInegar Bitter act on all these pasea in a miiuI.u inanner. By punfying the lïiood thry remove ihe catise, ;ihl1 byresoiving away the éflecta "f the iutlarnmation (ilic tubercular deposits) the affected jurts receive liealth, and a pennanent cuie is ffected. Tlic roprlïes of Dr. wat.kkr's vinegar Bitters are Aperient. Diapjioretic and Carminalive, Nutiltious, Laxative, Diuretic, SeSatiye, Counter-Imtant Sudorific, Alterative, and Anti-IJilioiis. Tll Apcricilt and mild Laxatjve properties of Dl; Wai.kku1:, VINEGAR lllTTERS aiL' llie best safeuuuê in all c.i--i ('f ernplions and malignan! fevei-3, ttaeir balsamic, healing, aiia tootliing properties protect the Iminore ol Ilie Their Sedative propwtws allay pain in tli nervoiia iystem, stomach, and i either from iníammstion, wind, olie, enntpt, etc Thcir Counter-lrriunt inllucncc extenda tliroughout the systero: Tlwir Dimehc prapeiM ac' " the Kk1' nays, correcting and reRiilating Ilie tl vv f urine. 1 heir II linus prop rtie Btnmilate the hver, in the secretion of Lile, and ta discharge i llirough the Uliatyductü, and are superior lo all remedial agents, for slie cure of Uili,,us Fever, Fever and Agne, etc. Porttfy lic bodyagalnt Iliense bjrpunfyinn all iu fluida with Vinegar Bitter. N epu dcnile cn take hold of a Bystera tlms foreanned. 1 ie liver ilie stoinach. the bowels, the kidneys, and ilie nerves are renderéd disease-inoof by tin great invig'lïu-ec(ioll.- Take of Ilie Bifferi on poing to bed „tnigUtfrom a half to on and on-)ialf 'wme-glaMfulL good nourishing fooi, nich as beef steak, muitoa cliop venwon, reast beef, and vegetables, and ui.t ont-door erdse. Tliey are compoMd of purely régetablc- ingredients, and enntam no spirit. J WALKEH, Prop'r; R.H. McUOJf AI-D&. CO., BruggisM and Gen. Agts7, San Francisco, Lal., anïcor. of Washington ïndCharltooSt., NewYurk. SOLD 1!Y ALL KRUGC1S1S AND DEALERS. WAW GUMMEB & ÜlIAUrEN'EU. A CH-T5AF. Nmpie, ank durable M(Wbine i: ■,■(((■ i ui.ü ïuii Hifi WheeU ivom ös '- uTohf toiSS 1 inclt. Pricë:-of Machine, $15. ' Whcclis wifh'tpveïled, donble bcvelled umi round facie froin 3. IS Iu S7 .S."j7 Bcourtjing to üiickoess. lit i n.1 .Uai-liiiu s $70 ind $9O, runiniig Whecl üp tci 2-1 iiidiw in ummrli-r. ïor illuatinttd l'nmplilel.8 or Photograph, addross THE TANITE C0„ U13m9 streiidsbuijf, Monrooüo., Pa. ■ WASHfEWAWCOÚMTY. j PpaM p ik.ggj ra-ra ra EJ f----31 w. . . ■■ ■ - _ fc=aLL=i GENERAL 1 IlL,1-] t Ji) -JkjMCOHVEYANCER '--Ji- i y"'K3SBTSj ■ 'S, ANN ARBQR '"Ti S15 h-rf ferTfMtr ff-üiriTTfiJ fea OLTK ABSTRACT J3UOK8! A.e partlallj indioated above, are now posted to date. XJiey at once, in a condenad or posttíd forra, how rlic orignul cha n and llnCTB chaitisuf utle. Inttaucej SU( II ÍIS AUDITOR GENEEAL'S DEEDS, Knowu as Tax-Tltlcs, vhlch riro vcry uumeruna in lilis County, Decrees, Contraéis, Deeds ! WILLS, 3cC, Alsn, no-ff :is hellas all of the oíd nndischargi d [G9 act ftti back as lttM- whieh ure legiom Persons tïiï?X2 title or morcases and liens will remete ber that Tax-TitU;s nid other coUutera) mttttevi are not fonnd in the u-iul mode of wearoli by lüdexn ut tiie Ktiiuster's ütiic. Tho books or liutT in tlie l', gifil cr ölöfre hve becomeso ïiïiuit'roiiRfind vohim inous (luit lontr time is necessarüy reouired oven Ui muke a hnsty and ünrelitiWa scarch. wilh ourfiicüitiea we sayto tlic public tluit we cnn ihow tliem Hile and Titlft 'llistury, raake peedft, Mortgntros, AaBipnmcntH, Dis'inn?, vVr.. a oorrectly, qnicker nud in bet ter styio tbau oy ötheï office iu tlie County. W hare MONEY TO LOAN ! On Bond and Mortgage rn long time. REAL ESTÁTE Solil or exehnnged. IIOU8E8 TO KENT. 33 acre oppotte the Ubscrviilory for nale in lots to suit purchusérs. KOOT & LEITER, lical Eatate Apents, So. 1. Grestory Block, Th,vcy W. Boot, uuJ opposite the Fiutolfioe. Chablks A. Leiteh. HU tf I5H. A.. TEASKS T Magnetic Ointment POR THE CURE OF INFLAMMATORY DISEASES. Dr. Trask was engasa for twenty years in o course of experimenta apon the medical propertie and power of vegetables, separate and comtnned. At the a"e of seventy yeara he succeeded in presenting to the world, as the resul t of his experiments, a combination of Vegetable extracts. the power of which in rfcmoving diseases is unequaled m the anaal of Medicine. Hls dlscovery consista In a combinatíon of these powcrful Vegetable Extracte with Electricity or Magnetisin in the ïorinof au üiutment. Certain, it Is.that tlie remnrkable and nnprecedented snecess whicli has attended itsapplication in the cure of discases, stamps it at once as the greatest discovery of the age, and calis lor a trial and close investigaron of its properties. It never fails wliile there remains suffïcieitt life to restore a natural and healthy action to the e, piliary vessels of thf: hody, and equaliae the circulation of the blood. By this raeans a controHin" power is gained over the most malignant forms of disease, wliich cannot be obtaiued frem ny other remedy. Sucb Is the po xver of iliis comblnatlou, that it penetmtea to every portion of the linman frame: every bone and miiscle, vein, nerve and ligament is Bearched out and made sensible of its Durifyin? and healing nfluence. Henee it copes as readily with interaal as extemal diseaee. IVimierous Instanee are on record wher tliis reraedy haa reatored liealth to patients so near the n-rave that the most powerful internal remedies failodto produce any efl'ect. Such has frcqueutly been tlie cas'e in [nflamma tion of the Bowels. No patiënt ever need die with this diseaae where the Magnetic Ointment can be obtained. Eor Inflautiriatory KUeuinatlsm this Ointment ia the most complete remedy ever prepared. For Dipatberia or Futrid Sore Throat it is unnvaled. Inninetj'-nlne casf out ofa hnndred, it will afford en tire relief to the worst cases of Nervous Headache in thirty minutes. For Nervous Biseases tlüs medicinas of immense valuf. Affcclionsof the Spine, Rhenraatísm, Lameik-?j, Ulcérated Sure Throat, Bronchitis, PJettriay, Cruup, Colic, Cholera Morbus, Aaue in the Face or Broas!, Burna, SialdHead, Srrofiila, SaltRhenm, Ery. sipelas, Inrtaraed Kyes, Pover Sores, Sores, etc, will be immediately rclioved by the use oí Dr. Trask'e netic Ointment. D. Eansom, Son & Co., Propr's.'Buffílo. N. Y. jHHirTTT ai rF.R Ti', i; and MpJ BLOOD PUJRUIEK. yaWJ Itisnotaquafk nostrntn. Tho I n B ingredients ure publislied on each l VS fl bottle ofmedkine. Itisusedand HLfflrecomnicnded by Physicians Hgl wherever it has beca iatroduced. M It will positiTely cure HSCROFULA W ABand hindrei distases, nTIEUMAW lOT, WUITE UWELLINO, ÏLJGOUr, GOITÏIE, BRONCmHyS, NEliVOUS DEBILITY, B fclNCH'lE.T C0NSUMPT10N ■ and nl-1 diseases nrisiufc lïom an B BJ fl impuro condition of the Blooii, Bj- ■Mj Son '1 fcr our Rosadalis Almanac, pBHn which you will fiad certifícales 9 i WH frota reliable and trust-worihy ■v WJ Pliysicians, Ministers of the Gosf ■ pel, and others. ■MIÉ ■ Dr. R. Wilson f'arr, of BaltiHmofc, saysbe boa used it in cases of ■H Scrofulaand otber diseases with muca 9 satis iiiction. DR9 ' Dr. T. V. Pngll, or Baltimorc, teH B mnimrod it to all persons suffering mbB with discased Blood, sayiiig lt is supe■D lior to env urepara tion he lias ever uscd ■ BB Hev. íubnry Ua!I,üt tho BaltiM moro M. E. Conference South, says BH BHH he has been so much benefitted by ■) BB itsuse,thathcchcerfuHyrecommeaas BbbBBI ittoallhialriendsandacijuaintances. ■Hi tiaven it Co., Druggists, at _Gor■ iMH flonsvillo, Va., say it never has íailed BW"Í t0m'ï! McFadden, Murfreeo■ M boro'.Tennessec, says itcured him ol BmsK& llheumatism when al 1 elsc iailed. thekoJadalisin connection with oür will cure Chills and Fever, I.iver Complaint. DysTionsia etc. We pnarnnteo Bosadai.18 superior to ff ot&w Blood ?atlflrfc Scua for DescripUvo Circular or Almanac. Address, CLEMENTS &CO., 5 S. Commerce St., Ba'timore, Ui. Bemember to ask your Druggist for Rosadalis. TAMKS McMAHON, Justice of the Pcacc, OfBco in ne w block, Nortb of Court House Money collecled and promptly paid over. HSTSTTreANCiC -A.GKT5TT. Trtompb, Bt, IS'2S?oi Nortn Misioori, " H4M1T.91 hiberum, " S30.00u.0U RKAIi ÏSTATK. I bave 81) aeren i land '., ol a mik: from the city in.ii. nnelj located for fruit ur garden purposes. Also 10 acres, wltb h Tise nnrl bnrn, and a llvcl strcani of water ninniiii; tlnvugtl the l)ai-n yard. 6(1 acres, a mile nut. 1 wilUell .invor all the abovi; clienp. or exchaDcr fov city propei'ly. 1,-4 JTAMES ïlcMAHON. _ _ HURRY UP ! ■pAIlTIli" WlhtltK "11 P.ipff. Cloth I anö PApef Shades. HoUanca Window l-'ixt üii's, Coids. TrísoIb. Ac, fn Nht Stvles. fit aatifctorj Prlce by J. It. Wobütcr A; Co., B iok tore, near the Exprc-s Offlce. X- X ■1-ÖU SALE -OÑ LONG CREDIT ! Ann Arbor City I.ots, -wit hf?oodtitlp, and well locateil lor rosideiices os btwhwsa. Alo eTeral Mortgagu foi ató., „„n iV AR iUS BULLETIN ! WANTED 200Ö NEW SUBSClilBEllS WANTED. Moro Merchants and Bii8;ness men, who knowing tboir own interests will advcitise in the Akgus. t GET YOUR BILL-HEADS, CIRCULARS, LETTER-HEADS, STATEMENTS, At the Argus Office. GET YOUB BALL CARDS, BX SI STESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, At tlic Argus Office. }ET YOUR LAW BLANKS, LAW BRIEFS, LAW RECORDS, PROGRAMMES, AT THE ARGUS OFFICE. New Type, Best Presses, Good Workmtn, AND REASONABLE PF ICES ! 23 A WOED TO THE WISF. ÍMju..hLh KJáAL fcSXAl'E ■ SALE! 'he eubscnber, on account oí' iú health oflers hi 33 ACÜKS n the cnrpoTation for sale. Tlïia pround ndjoii 'nivei?ir Obw i ratoi y on 1 ■ ■ ■ he tticeti it liaut u KLQ&t exceUeut 8PUTNG ! )n the northeast coi (ovmcrly suppliöd tliu lí i i road . 1TS ADVAPyiTAGEf Are as foU'rwa : - '!.'"■ Ti mi on E i pt menn i k 8ü to W i oda, Hiici i ■ jiii. i oí thi Watci Power )n the Bivei ín thia ■■ hedí vation (m ti , northeiu ■ :-.■■.. y hípli and ijtleto snj ply the citj neoeasiU [oí waíet umi tisepui THE WESTERN PORTION ■ rt t road u rer5 apppppií ; nnd BUiíabl1 fox i i'ui.lic ' 'i i i'm y. ii. citj hu no such gvoivitcli !HV bilt D ■ ..i"';:;.'.!. ■ . ■ mil ibi y (lo . ■ ■■ ' nc to HSf, cutí bp Btld tvl bu ndvas -i, ni ;. -i-, i i! ■ ■ I ■ I lie Wilt ÏJ i OÍ : , ■ (Uid emctery, woulri b im t. n nominul. 1 1 th ilno jjoI ; i i ttewuC) ha grouuds vould be iii uiuiible lüi FRTJJTS, LAEGE&SMALL TliMt leingsome IPo trees now in beaiing Vegetables and Pásturage, Aml íilsu for MILKsupply.BLQODED STOCK Hovses, feheep, nd oilicr niirnnls ahvitys ín preife wan hy mnny irl ;he eityand iís vicimly." Aj r ; lots ri. dmiíg'ihi íorthHttit emuer ot this lund ;ne how Belliuj ihree hundied to tluce hniKlred and tiítj ' hese hnuls -vuitld nr be Bold ifl a ehorl lime to v jood advautaye aud lo inucli prolit lo thu puxciiaaer6 LIBERAL TIIMIE Will be giren or tlie parné will be exchanged fir ]rer ohnutuble goods ur Drugs aud Jieclicinet, at cusí TRAOY W. ROOT. Aun Arbor.Jan 31 18:3. 1411 THEBÁBCOOK HOOK&LAUDER TRUCKS Equipped iii Bal k Fin K sjiiguhi i-. I ttenBio:. mi1 Seuliuü I. ddti Or] iliis Hooks und i Buctn M Ltilid nie, l'üti l"olca ! ik .' xi Í;.-.. &p., uvi'hilIK lecB 1,1 0(1 i!--.: I lUsilj ■ i.miiiM.iiii ly lii.isliu'i. iiml noord tlit grentesl piotcction út lew expenw thrni auy Uuck in the mmket. Just wiiat. every Fiie 1' i inení wjints. 'i he Bbcuck Five Engmesund í iré Éxtmsruihhere are bhvíi ■ vMliiiiblu prnperty all uu-i the eouutry. Senil for their rtcord E. T. BAltM'M, Agent, lis Wondwarii Ave l troit Maniilactuvcr of Iimii. CoppiT and Brse Wlre Wlfe Uloili, B'ilting ('loth, Bun MiH Stoncs, Broom Wiie lul Tiviiii', Coppir Weutller Vanes, Wilf Rntllns, Wiru Ifenclng nnd Ornamenta] Wint Work, :Ojrrl O PE1NG BULLETIN ! 1 J. JöfiiOI THI3 " HATTER! Has turned hls back upun Winter anti opened bis stock oi SPRING GOODS! Induding uil the latesst styles of Hats and Caps! GEXTS' FURNISHIXG GOODS, &c. ■Vh:cJi must be boI& . GOOD GOODS AND LOWPRICES 1 the word to pass uloug the Une. 7 Soutli JMUiu sí., A n Altoor. 1424 m Xgmi The world is full of jHf "- j Children crying tor , H -, H& Itis delicious.effeftivr and J6W 1 Jt W. I , : 1 1 ■ i ; Tlin ri'liulsivu BlK. JBHK tasteaml snicll of tíus CusJM ■9nï torOillsi'litlrelyi'Vi itihuo VBh lts catliartii! IXIWI.TS ave WlBff uotimpalicU. ïrice i") tls. McLAIN'S wiu,w VERMIFUGE BONBONS are elcsant and cffective. They resemble ('roam Bohbiins kent in coniectloners' shops. Uhtlureii Iuvb them aud cry tur them. l'rlca 25 cents per box. AljUlíj.Hop Pilis Pilis do nut contain Quiniiic or Minerals. They are lugar-coated. l'rice, XO ets. p r liox. Vr. J&eMann.Gnrdner, JU., says: "I have taken tliein mysclT and glven them tomy wlfoai 4 children. Tliey have cured them anti inany othera whaliavensciltlM'in." Iliey tue made to care Fever and Agnc at onco. Dumb AcnesintlAgne I vr.s aro ciircil spoedily. They are simple, hannJess, and ahvays reliaiilc Direcüons lu iour languages aocotupauy tliem. K. . jil.LlS & CO., are the Agenlf. UÜOjl r IVE ÖEE8E FEATHJiïlS FIRST QTTALITT , Vni" lyonli'"' 'UitlforSHlcby ABEL: SH860-X f '■' ■ i TB PURET.Y A VEGETABLE PREPAKATION, comi. poaMaimp!yof7e'.l-iír,'jwnROOTS HE.RB3 na FRUiTC. combincd with other propeitieB, wlitch in their nature ars Cathartic, Aperient, Nu tritious, Piureüc, Alterativo and Anti-Billioua. Tha wholelï prcaerved in a Bnfflcient quantüy of spirit from tlo HUOAll C1NK to icv} tliem ia aay climate, wbiclunakostlia plantation Bitters onooftho mostdosirril.laTonic nml Cathartii- ia ilie woild. 'Xlicy are iatonded etrictly as a Temperance Bitters only to te usta ai a medicine, and always according They are the shect-anchor of the fccble and debiHtatri!. They Rct upon a rUseased liver, and stimulate to such a dcfd'ee that a healtiiy action ia at once brouglit abouU As a remedy to v.hich AVomi-n uro cspf ciaily ünbjcct it is superseding every othcr BUmulbiit. Al a Spring aiitl SummerTonic thcy have uo eqnal. They are a mild and gentío 'Purgativo a well aö Tonic. They Purify the Blood. 'Xhey are a splendid Appetiaer. They male llie wealc Btroni?. ÏLey purily and invigorate. Ihoy cure DyBpèpsia, Conatipation and Headache. lliey actaa aspeciflc inall speciea of disorders which imdermina tbe bodily etrengtliand break down the animal epilitfc LeDot, 53 Park Place. HewTork.'. liATHAIROÑ - ' Only 50 Cents per Botth tt promof ea the GROWTH, PRESEItVES the COLOR, and isicreases the Vigor and BEAUTÏ of the HAItt. . Ovktï TnntTY Yeatïs ago Lyon's Kathaihow roa the Haiiï was firat piaced in tho market br l'rofesaor H. Thomas Jyon, íi praduato oí l'rinceton Collepe. The name isdeiiveJ f rom tho Orcelc, " Kathro," rignifyingtO clcaine, wurify, rcjuvenate, or restore. Tho favor i t has reeei ved, and the opularity it has obtnined, is tmpreoedented nnd increrlible. It increases tho Growth and Iïeavtï of tho IIaih. It is a delightful dressing. It eradicatea Dandrufl. It preventa iha Hair from tñrning gruy. It lceeps the liend cool, nd giveslhe hair i rica, roft, fjl nppearance. Itis tho same in CiiuNTiTY mu I Qualitï a it wa over a QuAnTBBOÍ a Cbntoby Aon, uiul UddljyUDrugKÍsteaTid Couutry Stores ut only Fifty Cenia yer llottle. Kf oman's Glorj fe Her Hair.1 LYOfti'S ATHAIRON "tinges."" BOOKS. j. ií. we3steb & (o. m:w hook stobe KEÁR THK " EXI'RKSS OFFICE.? LOOK TÖ YOIJK INTEEEST AX1) (ALL. BOÖKS. L.C.RISDCOTS AUVBRTISEMENr. 1 Now is llic lime to buy JPAW&IATLMJ STORES. I vill sell tliem íit COST uutil further notice. o. 31 S. Main SI, Aun Arbor. 1 1 1 pHAMBERS' EXCYCLOPiEDIA. A DTCTIONAltY OF Universal Know-ledge for the People. IlElíáHX) KDITION. WJTÍT Maps, Platos, aad Engravings. Complete in 10 Vols. of S32 pa!?es encli. lüustrated wilh a&oul Tour fhomand gngravingl and ƒ■„,;., l,ir with a Seriet ■'' from Ki'jlil'i in Unwired BlegattUy l'-ngravtd ''.''■- íítwtralivi fif (he Sutyêcts '■!' Waiural Htstovy -itow for the i TiMi oppearittg ñt íhf toort: rr.ici". PER voLtniíB. xlt Cloth, bveled boivrdi - ' - $.'.50 Ige, ttalf 'i'urkoy Moíwko, - - - 6 M Tms Edition is Sold only by Agents. Fui.liflioil by J. B. LirPIXCOTT & CO., I ! Iphia, l'a. SYLVANtrS WARKEN,189 Woodwnra Avenus, Detroit, (i-iicnil Ageut lor the Stal of Michigan. Ity r .mivrincr r'hnmbrrs' )niipy'ilip."l1ifl wifh the ' r, ( clopeediti ! ith wliich it I fiiquentl ijr. nplil nto comparison, tt wlll '„. tound tin wni ' imbere' ,". . i !h' nri{ii ;i I ixUcn voluines oí the ')-w A mei icjiTi contftin Ie hu I ■ re, rt l.f Fonnd thirt n pnpe n( Ch itn ,ul] 0, , - iatt( r I híiji a i il: ut ( h A.inerioaD, raaking ilif ten volumes ot the [ent in amoimi "i prlnted matter tr fit lenal ttpi, nol l luention 1 'ie rous Pintes nbonl 6 i w,. i 1 "OOi, .,.,,1 m] ■ thnt ■!)■!■ ini'lmli'tl in (liiseaition mbers', and to wlncli the New AAerienn poêirrespendin fsatnres. It is conüdently bilievei] tha( na k pcjln! ir " Dictiosabi of U.kiti-bal Knowledoe." th" wrk i" without au equol in the English langnoge. K2fyl Mortgage fcsaie. 'tv ol ïl . n. i" u owletteedoii tht twemy-ümïïï wlik-1] iir' . ■ , of theBÏ1 ift' 'Jl nty oi Wl.tMMn ■,,- ■ ';.ui,uu tlu.'28thd&] oi May.A.D Igw inhber&ol dj , ;._, 224; vbkfa nmi .-, uu tin '.m!' dti o Mnrch, .%. d 1&73 1, ■ ■ ,■ ,;,,'" 1 ïi ■ '1 Ri ciuti r ■y r Mntch, a. d. Ik;:;, 1n ], , , ■ ' ■'■■ " Tl mp L ■ ortguao m th dati In '■ ■ ■ : i ,-]),,.. !■' ''t 1 ■ ' i ';l -' ' i Rliitl 'feóvt ■ ■ un gu eithcr ui ial Nuticeisheieby girtn tliai tv iinJ 'i thi : u si id m mr ponli inü 1 ■ ■i 'J in .-i!:iy, the nmth üny uï SrtpttinbeT i '■ [": '■ ■ ■■■■! that dfv' il l lie 1 1 ■ ;"' l ouri Bon e ín il ■ h 'i ■ ..r Wrtuhtenafl Umitij . ..{ , e_ ii R the i Uctii) Cunn in h í,;íi tor, ie tlie 1 gin .f ■ ; ■( iii said i orígi re to ■ ihe mi.oi.ih ofpiircipuï aiu! jnttrt-et uímc 1 limvd öa dut . with tle cl -i1-'. - o st.,], Ki, a oitnattoroey fet oj tueniy t;. ■ olUrsw nijl, tid XDurtguge, to wit : ïhe wwi half oitle ullowmg dctcribed Land sitúate in tovnehii ol ■ fpfilaxiü, "Wasfateiui litinty. MiiRau anus, ■ iii'i wtt quartfci lim oi aoctittn totir ; ] ia townnhip [hl h - oui I oí 1 1 i nst, in tbe eenler ot the liighway Utadirg rut wSk i-i 'i psiluuii pu ensi - oí thi ■ tiTcr; thenc luTiniriR east ftlng the aid qvartn ,-t Uir".-ll:l"r 23 ohuÏTll ;.iul f 1.' lit -i i„ nks 1 ■ i corner ui sfiid quart.i ttciiuni lom tbcDCP noitli on ilie line (il smd qutitr eet wil, :)....'■■■ ï'v ■ tiifls a ad tijU'tn i.'i to o Gitnkefium wliich a rwi k ten [loj nu' l; HO t ll:iil y :; (il inks, imd a ■■ ■ int-bw in Aiametex ast forty foiw '4. links; tiitnee north 84 wt8t wen'y-one [213 chnins und tbiiu-niiif [RB] linkn to tl mentioiied biaJiwits to a stKiü rom whioh an Englit-)i i.'!,.n i. [C] inches inninia. ■■ í loaiii north sixty-tttee [R] di'giees -w-rst, Iotít hrce [43] link, nnd n lnciibt tree tint r [3] incí.ü in Wfe1 MXty-eighl [6-]liilks; th yiniTii MÍBE [9] ír'-tcir west, aloTig1 tl:e OentCT of ttHÏd ehtdits hdíI ninetoen [W ]jn]t8 7lacp of beginnïng;, contnining in all thirty and F 5-100 oi au , reerving fmm the ubove - i ion three [;í] ocies trom thv north end dwiefj t-oJohnMiUer by Ebeï Pattee, nlso reserving lots -iinubered one [1], two [2], three [3J, tour [4] seten 7 , eictht [8T, nine [9], ten [10], iirid eltveu [11] of Pftttee's addition to the eity of Ypsilanti. Dated.June6th.lS78. LOBENZO TABOR, Awñgnee. Oeoroe L. Bachman, Att'y lor Asaijinee. Mortgage Sale DKFAULT having been made in the eondition of i certaiumórtgageexecuUrbj Edgar M . (jrtgmy ndDovli-kitN.Grfiri.ryoitiiecityof imAiboi.) t,un. y oí NViithtenitw, and Stut e ot , ieïjipjin, lo 1 jnnn ). James, of AVilliambburp, Mashachusettp, on the il teen th day of June, A. D. 164, nnd recurüed in the ffice oí tV i t l)c?(U, tor the ('ounty of JVushtenaw afoiesaid, on the &eenteeth dny of rune, A. D. lfiG4 ;it H% o'clock a, m., in Liber 32 of vloitgaijes, Dag 422, and tlial there ú nowclaimed o he due nud ur.])!ii(t on fhUI mortgape nd notes (Ccoinpunj i ji tr the timo, the kuiq of Dineteeii iLouamd üve hundred dollnra and eighty-four eeati' tlbo the Biim of throe hundred and sevpnty-tiirfè lollara iird stveiity-ono cf.nts pnid by said nioitgu;ee f or inaurance upon buildings, p providtd foi in jaid mortpHfre ; ftlso a reasonubte attorney'n or iolitiitorV fee lor services, should any piocetdjn( ) taken t o forecloee Baid mortgnge, mid noy.ircHdinga at IffW ör Ín qaity having been had to recover ïaid Bum ox my part tbereof; Now, thtretoïe motice is hereby giventhal byvirtne uf a power of sale in Baid jnortgfle contiiined, 1 shall Bellatjublic auction to thehighest bidder, on tlie thhteenth day oi September nest, ftt two o'clock in thp liternoon ofeftid dtiy, Ht tho frnnt dnor vt the CoBrt Hoase Ín the city of Aisn Ar in siiid Connty tthat beicg the pluce of holding tne i'ircuit Court), Bu tfaoseCPTtain tiaets or pnicels of land knoivn, boundtd n.s follows, to wit: The equal hboÍvided onelialf of th Franklin House property in the eity oí Ann Arbor in the County oí Wuktenau and Btate ot Michigan, viz: Comnieiiciiijr at tlitBouthRiist eorntr of s;ud blocfc, nnd ruiming we?! eiht acenorthon the wet line of lot Rtrnbf two (2) uinety-five feet to N. P. Purson's line, thenre tast on Pnraon south line ETi-nty eightftet, therct aouth eighteen feet, thence tast flfty-tia (eet, tlience Bouth to the place of bepinnïrig. And ilso lrts thïee andfour {'-i and 4] all in bloei onenorth, inraDpnrm. ber thieeeust, in the city of Ann Arbor fexctp'.ingihe enst eighf feet wide of the north thniy-sevcn fret wide of said lot number three, ulject to the nght of wny over the wme.J Dated, Jnne 20, lft73. LIMAN X). JAMES, Mortgngee, John N. Oott, Att'y for Mortagee. Sheriff s Sale. STATE OF HlCHKrAK, Waehtena-w Counly, I ps. By virtue ot aii t'xeeutiou iseutd out ui acá theBeAloi the Cireuit Court i'er the Countj of Waahtenaw, in chaniMsir, iinrï to ni {ihteu-ü tad út liveitil, wherein Klizacwth Hun ter in ecaipbunurf in biïl and James. Hunter defendsnt, hik) wheuin James il mi ter i- cwinplaiuHnt in eross-liil u.d llliziibfth limiUT is ikitnüai:t, f;iiir.t the m,wits, : chattle's, lande and tenenu nts ut James Huhut, I i hiive fchia 23rd dny 00 Ay. A iJ. l;;i, seizeil Hi.d taken all the right title and interest James ifunttr hasinnndto the folio wing defcrited landi toiit: Lotanumbeiüve ■, and twehe (12), in blockfuui a Boutb oi Hurón Btreet and range iiiüe B] ea&t,inÜc ! city ol Ann Artur, in ilie CountJ ■ 1 nsfattiittit t.xA MG to the nconliii jiluiif "TIk1 Ann Axbor LandCompanyV uddition lfigi! [now Sftid city] of Aun Arbor : Ateo all iLnt I portiou ot the wt'si balt ot the ;-uuth-wt-i qmttttai s6ctíOD nuinber iwt'nty-stv s ('2' j in towi ei] i: m mbor two f2j scRith oí' niBffe Dumbei ix Tfij usst, beibg the townataip of Ann Arbor, in said Couu x oi j teiiaw , wliiiili is bounried rp j 11+ s to wil Os i).p north by a line ranoins paruflel witli ili nortlilnc d the wmtli-wíítt tj'iiirtíi oi il.f --(uiJi-ne t quutuiti Bai'i eection immbir twenty-teven i:7j ai d 1 in distMT - ■ i '■■; chaiw and st-vtuty tW) liaM north o i: m.uü ly tl.e Uiöiesiwid (so calledj crossinp euid west lwiif oi unid qu;.ï!t'i iv tion; on the ast by the we&1 Hneoi a putlios ol f-aid quaitei yection, heretofon ct-ncjtd ly iiwt JHt ter and wiïeto Bug) ÜKae wl ilcidld ii. de ui Baid Coontj M WnshUnaw. in Libea ü'- ■ i ])(vii-. uu pi ge -:!- i id on the w et by the irêft liue ol biI ctl m avMitf twBiity-M ven: Anl lso a part oj 1 e etu t )iU ui il e aouth-eusi qu;irter of section nnmtei tTFcni-eifkt ú; intuid townshipandraiipf, cik i e Pf in il e eal lihi; ot h.uii qiiiiiTi-i' sten. n. al a omt in niyfour C24J ind ighl fS; íink noi 1 1 easi coin i ol aid sectiou numbertity-ï.t '.',, :uil tuiinii Lr tbenoe west, inyJieïto tl:e s utI: clion liuo, eight frods; thencpfconfh '-lev. u (iihs Cl!1 and forty-five f 5; minntra T(rt, niin.' '(f diaJM und tweutv-flvi (.fij Inits ti. tin iti,iii(.i l.p(.idms road ai int tr m whiái a cio kt t! whiff o ktiif, stxtci ii inehea in diameter, benra n.iiTth seTtn -foi '74' .)'■-!.. - m!, u in e '!j links, Hiébíí e mly ilfirg said rond four C4J cïiainp ai d iliiiiy-ilm 'MJ lihksto iheeection line ; tlji ir in iili oefl-?W wet-t on stiid pectiou Hkc 1i fK cbitú-s id ti tink to the plnce (lt' lgininít. wntaftiiiii u f-, ;.n-l ninety-tLr. e UimiliU (ï-S-Vü) nriiioH '! of tin ni ave deocaftjfcd jejreii) bril aled in ihe lownship oi Ann AU" p, roiinty et A nb tcnuw, Stati ot Michigan, vbieh iihí-re -t-onlií propeify 1 ehall ''.xi" bc fur - ï al i-nl lic htciwü, '■ the hignesi bidder ai lli souih tfott of líf r w' Roupe. in h' oityot Aun Ardor, on tlie 2Ctiidujo' JuJy, A. D. 1373, at ten o'cJock A. M. Dated, Dth aay ol June. A. t. fT3. MI( HAEL FLBMIKQ, SbeiifF. Chancery Sal. STATE OP MICHIGAN- The Fourtli Judicial Circuit, in ' hanccry. buit in IU Ciriri i ...i.inyoi VViibhtrnii], GwmoTi l.i-nin baron 1-. Bndnn ia cninj'liiir.uiit una K ti Hudson is fleletKteirt, t Ann Ai lor. naly ■ StaU ulpreeuid, i'lst dj ui Ji:n ■ p. lw On ronding nntl filiuij dm i roof ' y KiHmyit ubove nnmed dritiutact, Wilton BnitM, iw" the StaU of Kenlucky, on muiion of Jul.n . Oou, solicifor. lot rompían ut, it is tniixti I)'' tl. f deienclont, Helton Hudwi, wtt hi jeiim w be eutered in sai.l cunse witlnn lliiee montiis In. ti ,. thipidcr; hihI il tuse of : rr' '" ■"■ " ciiuM' hi nn lo lUe crmpluiliHUt'fc tl L ploiottobe Bied, nnd a tlicnuf lo Wie" tnc complaiiinnt'B Bolicnoi wiiliin iwcniy :iys '"■ a oojy oi Miid Lul ad notire "' U order, and in deinult thersoL, ilu.i lie ftiri w f' taken as confesSed uy tbe said aefendiint. Munt fuitherordeted, il, at itbi twcnty diiyst'"' complaimtnt cnuse a topy ol this onlertow lisliedinthf Michigan u.nis.n wwspapcl l1"1" nthtfoityof Aun Arbor, in iJ poimty. ""'!' Bnid pubÜcation be (c.n'iiiucd in Bid paperon11 each week for six bw . r__ JOUX F. l.AWJU-.NCE, Circuit CVuitCi niroiioi"-'"" Jam N'. 9ott, Wariitenaw Conoty, M Soiicitür lor Comylainant. '4 3 Estáte of Ebenezer AVost. OTATE OF 5IK HIGAK, county of WaAteBS. f; 0 At a scísion of the Trobnte ('oiirt for thtcon! of Washtenaw, holden at tlie Trobate Office, tjiw city i-i Aim Artór. on Münday, the twt'niy-tlmuo. of June, in the yeax cue thouoand eight liuno'1" iiii.I seventj Ihree. , , riLini. .Noali W. C'hccTcr. Judfif of Piobjte. Ln tbe nutter oi the ostute of Ebenezei "" Ón readinK and llins thepetition. dnly wj.., ,1.1111 ■■.!. I'íii--.!! iü. l.naniiai,, prnying tlint he! l (ain real cstute lielonging to1" 1 ! '■■' '' ■ "■ , Hlk H is ordered, Ihat Tuesday, the "■" ■la; .i Ai.i'iisi ui-m, at teno'clock In thetow"J benaaigned for the honiiain of mid petitiun, n ti.ii; tbenexlof kin of sniil Ebcnezel West, """'T pei'sone intorest&d in sai.: estafe, ' "J, quired tu appear ai ;t Wfsion i't sai.l rotnt. tlirn tbr l'robaie Office, ia the citj '-"", ,i hi.i.amlsl.ou i-iiusv. il' aiiy thiTC be. Why tlU ij) ' of the petitionet nhouM Tu.t b grmted: Ami furthi t otdrred tbat said petitioner give ootu i peiBone interested in miM estafe, ..t !a' P'1'""'",' , said i'tit.ion. and '1: ■ hearini thereof, to '"'',„, oops of this order to be publiAcd in tlie -Kl'"ji printfrd imd drcnlntii JJ! coiinty, witlis prevunitto suin unj -' - iw„:ii;:;1vii-, e STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, A perfect hair dressing- not a dye - n"r " " torative, but a dressing, elemint "--"1 " STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE is cooling to the réarp, imparta a delishtful sen vitahty ■ and softness to I_J U0 " STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, Bweetly porfuined and liuijiid. randera the nl''r " 'j ple and -- - ) dresses it m any H"""H aL" form. mmÊ STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, cntirclv oil, preKMit thut aryneM oí v w h j c"h ( t causón dandruil r-H t0 muíate. V ' I f STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE containa in one largo Imttlo moro oil aüd more n f íimio - . - thau nny ollur -,;Mii drtssinR 'm maticef, and I I ne;' Bold twenty-flTO per cent. less üian most otbers. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE briphtens blonde liair, dalli roa aub , ■ '■"' j„. ronderslustruua brown and black - " nlu" eens the harsbaess of coardClmir. STEARNS' COCÖ-OLEINE IS MADE OM.Ï BI - PEEDEBIOK STEAEÏIS, - GFEMf1' DETROIT, MICn. wa Sold evcrywhere. Be snre and get the e. Itie Coco-Olelne. It no one.uam oCf on you " f0. of some címp oud worthlcsS "imitation ol i jW Olelne. There are more'than twenty counter of i t now sold, put up as neor lik" the greouin w jóatrs Jre eniovade the U-w.


Old News
Michigan Argus