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A mkktïno of Miissacbusetts Kópublicaira oppoaed to the nomination of Butler for (iovernor, was held at Boston on the 2th uit., and was largely attended by prominent men from different portions of the State. Tn calling tho moeting to order, Judge Itoar, Corigressman eloet, " denoum;ed in unqualified ternifl the lalary grab, and pronounoed himself as willing to do all in his power to prevent the State from being carried by the author of tliat nmasure." As no repeal can cali back into the treasury, froia the pocket of the salary-grabbers, the?.J,000 back y.iy, Mr Hoar must only mean to declare in favor of a bilí reJucing the inlary of Congressmen to íhe oíd figure, (5,000 tiyear. Does he mean Ibis 'i Interpreting the deolaration by the fact that he has already commenced drawing his salary at the new rate - if Washing ton advioes are to tns relied apo'i - there must have been more buncomb than sineerity in the declaration. Judge Hoar should beware of such platform tricks. - The claim that Davis was unfairly nominated for (Jovemor of Minnesofcs, by the Kepubliean convention, was bascd upon the report that two votes for Wasbburn were mjeideütally coucealed undur the lining of tho tellcr's hat, which counted would havo given him ono inajority on tho seoond ballot. The report is denied, however. Again the iiomination of Davis ia accouutod for in this wise : One county had four delégate, two beinK for Washburn and two for Davis. The Davis men wore a'nsent on the teoond ballot, wlien, under the convontion rule allowing the dulcgates present to cast the full vote, ít was given to Washburn. Iiicensert at this Unfojinesa tbe Davis men threatened exposnre and a row unless allo Wed to cast the i'ull vete for Davis on tlie third ballot. Their colleagues " gave in," the foiir votea were givun to Dj,vis and nomiuated hiiu, A close shave. - Ex-Senator ("Hangmtin") Poote is writing up lus political ïcminiseences. Ho says that Assooiate-Justioe Swayne was offured the Chief-Justiceship by Lin coh), prior to tho appointment of Chase; signified that Barkis like ho was willin', and tlien gitvo vvay to Chase to get the then Secretary of the Treasury off the presidential course. Foote thinks tlmt Swayne earned the Chief-Justiceship in his defense of' the fugitive slavo law before the Ohio Suprenie Court, when Chaso was Governor of Ohio and seeking an o]iportunity to evade its requireinents. A doubtful claim to put forth at this time. - It is given out in llepnhlican quarters that the Democracy of MaFsnuhusetts syropathize with Gen. Butler, and will give him their votes if ha shall bc pitted against anotliet Republicau candidate. Which will be the very best argument in favor or a tborough reconstruetion of the party. Uemocrats support Butiur! Chloride of linu1, bromo ehloralum, eopp ras, and all ether disinfeotants eombiiied would fail to purify the party aftjr that. - Anothcr royal marriage is on the ;arpet. This time it is Queen Victoria's 'sailor son," the Duke of Edinburgh and the daughter of the Czar of Russia. It is said to be q, uiurriage ot' affection, witliout political eigniüoance or iiegotation, yet an appropriation of L25,000 per annum is asked for the duke, with .E0,000 per innuin to prinoess if shü shall survive her husband. it is fit least i tnarriage of considerable finauoiaj aigniflcance. - Wiishingtoa advicea givo it to be understood that tho condition of ViccPresidüut Wilson is not iniprovinjj, and it io nut anticip ited lu; will be able to presido over the Seuate during the next session. The Register of this city is inclined to attribute his parilysis to bad habita ratber than severo inentl labor : tho use of toa, coffeo, tobáceo, etc. Porhaüs '. - The snit brought by P;igc to recover the $7,000 clairaed to have bei.'n paid by " Subsidy Poin." to Ooi, Yorke, and by Yorko deposifed with the presiding officer ot' the joint eonvention of the Legislatura, has been dismissed, Pnge paying the costs. Will I'omeroy now confesa and reolaim the money ? - Meditating on the sad fact that the l.itely deceased father of the President willed all bil property to his daughters and nary cent to Ulysses, the Louisville Conrier-Journnl ia moved to excbtim ; ■What that poor, uufortunate orphan is to do now for a living is more than we can teil." - Hcjnry Ward Becher is credited with saj-in : " If Mussnchusetts doesn't spw Geu. Butler out of her mouth, she will picase, in futiire, to take a seat yery far back in the court of SI ate honor." líow it is Butler's turn, and Mrg. Woodbull will need look to lier laurels. - The Popo is credited with saying to somo lufw Bishops, to hom he gave an andience on the 21 til uit., " Tlmt Free Masons aro Hable to excoinmunication the same as raembers of otlier secret societies, optwithstnnding the charitablo object of tlieir organization." - It is now a question as to which has the most ' choek," tho Cliiton Houso landlord, Niágara Palla, orGraco Groenwood. Data : the foriner charging the latter $2 lor a room m wtucl to wasu her ia.ce. What a face ! - Com. Vanderbilt hns signalized his accossiou to the presideucy of the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railroad by cutting off the " dead-heads." üutstanding passes aro to be respected, but no new onos are to bc issued. - And now the Postinaster-General decides that anything written on thoface of a postal card in addition to its address wül Bilbjeot it to letter postage. Whicb, if law, isn't cominoii sense by a long shot. - The United States steamer Tigresa sailed from St. Johita on the cycning of the 26th uit., on herstarch for tliu I'olar!--1. The vessel is not yet tiaoned whicii it is proposed to dispütch in ueareh. of the Tigr(;SJ. - Ewing, Groasbeck, Pendleton nni riiunnan havo BeveraMy dedined to accept the Democratie nouiination for Governor of Uhio in the coming eampaign. Who stands next on the píate 'Í - Gov. W'iishbilpn, of Massachusetts, now eerving a second term, has entered ;ho lists against Gen. Butler, and will claim a, re-nominatioii. The Constantino Mercury has "never seen fields of corn malee a finer appearance than do thost; of St. Joseph County t the present timn. The stalks are be;ining to tassel out, and stand from five o seven 1'uut high, clear above the fence, and as eyenly and close upon the grouud as to look like a solid ma-sa of greeD." Trre numbeh of buildings destroyed by the firo at Baltimore, MiL, ou Fiiday last is put at 113, including 64 threo story brick houses, 18 four story brick houses, 2 churches, 3 school houses, 4 restaurants, 3 boarding houses, and 4 stables. The total loss is put at $500,000. No livcs were lost aa át firat roported. - A destructivo firo oceurred at Nor folk, Vu. on Sntuniuy last, with an estimated loss of $160,000, - A iré in Portland, Me., also on Saturday, broke out in the paint shop of tho Portland Car Company, and spread wiiloly, causing n loss of $500,000, with $lü(),(i()0 insurancc, - Xumerous, but sotüewhat smaller fires in comparison have occurred in other towns and citius during the week. A I'eoIt.e's State Convention, rupresenting the Allen County New Departurists was held at Columbug, Ohio, on Wedncsday, tho 30th uit. The liberal Kupublican Convention, ealled for tho day befbrè, dissolved and struck hands with the New Departuristg. A platform was adopted and a full State tickot nominated, hoaded by Isaac C. Collins, of ILtiniltou, for Governor. Judge ColLINS is a Dcmocrat. His associates on the tickot muy be classed by old political asaociations, Uiree Demócrata and four Liberáis. Speeches wero made during thñ 8ession by Hen. Thos. Ewixo, Hon. QrMQ. E. Pugii, Judge CaldWELL, and Hou. Pbed. Hassaurek. - At the Virginia Republican State Convention, held on, the ÜOth uit., Col. B. W. Hughes was nominated for Governor. The Demócrata have a rlmnrc now to go for a Senator Hippie in their owa party. State Senator Mathew ( y&inea, of Texas, pne of the Deiuocratic wheel horses of the State, lovednot wise'y bnf too ofteti, and though lome unaccountable 'ut in his bolitical friends, has been sentenced to a ye:ir's imprisonment in t!io peuitentiary for bigiimy.- Teleifo Commercial. Why " go for" ÖAINES wlion justicehas already been done tóm'f Dispose of HipPle in the samo way and this Demócrata vvill cease to " go for" hira. And there's jast whern tho difiérenos ia : the Democrats screen no bigarnist or other violator of the law becAuse he is a Deuioerat, while the Keputlicana deein it a duty to staud by every politioal brother and cover up all bis villainios, - for the good of tho party, you know


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