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gUtr jdmfemcntis. NLÏ 35 CENTS. THE GREAT PRIZE STATIONERT rACKAOE : T 3Et X XJ 3VI DF H , entains 10 Sheets of Writing pnper, 10 Enveïopes, 1 l'tt.lioldcr, i Lead l'encil, 8 Pens, 1 Blank liook, 1 Inoiter, Fhotograpba 't IWU BeautiflU omenand apieee of i.adies1 oï Öettts' Jewolry. Sample pftdcige sent by mail, post-paid, on rect'ipt of priee, 83 cents; SptiekHgea forbu cents, or4iur?l. iSendfcr a packat.-; it wtll be l)ic most goodi jou ever bought for the rooöey. Thépfííe is of tea worth moie tnau theprice puid for the tnuif puckage, and the otlipr articies wooüd biing at iet ai] not lea tban Ï5 oenta Don't pur.,-, liiis, tryone paeknge nud you will uever buy ïLaLiinery nny oÜJer way. Address, J. C.BVRROW, LockBox 151. B.ltimore, MöL Öi" Apent wnnted everywliere to stil Tackages, Pictuits, Book's, &c. Cataktgaea sent free. 143 7 w2 TAEM AT AUCTION! By virtuo of mitliorïty to me ivea by power of attoriify, execuled by ;ill thoee ownmg ïnteiests in the WinsluW Faiin. and by an ordejr iioim bbfl Hun. Jude of Trobiite for Uit' Conuty of Washtcntiw, 1 will st-ll ut Public Auctiou, on thfl iremises, on tlO 13th day of August JVext, At on e o'cloek p, m., ITïo "Winlow Farm, situated on Section 2S, iu the Township of j_ima, 1 ', niiicssoutJiwéai oí' Limó Center, Wtfshtenaw Cmrrrt, Michigan, contáiaiDg Iñ8'í acres. A hout 108 Bttas improved, Üie biüttsce well timlvTpd. 8aid Farm has comfortablo bnflrïinirs, a pïenty of ;ill kijida ut Pru t, nul WRtCied by a never-íaihnp lronk and a-rooA wl Mid ieaijáeí a good stotaof cultivation, xliere ;iif ïiomcumbramts ou the Pturm, ind the thle is perfect, TERMS Oír SÁXHI: One qnnrtor cnnh down, and the bfilance in 3 or ■! equal jdinual pnymonts, with annua] ÍJlteiSl a( 7 per cent, seeurecf by note and mort#Age, ntyable at the Aun Arbor Savlnjfa Bonlt, Aun Arbor, Mfch. Fot tvivLhpr purticuifir?, mil upos or addrtss btc nt Ann Arbor, Mich. FRAAKLIK CATE, Ann ArlVr, July 11, WÍS.. 13 Administvator MRS. H. J. HILTON, M. I., PHYSIGIAN AND SURGEON, Office and Kesidenee No. K8 Ann Street, corner of Iiirtalh, Ann Arlor, Miei. 3?" Office boon- 6 to 10 a m., aad 2 Io 4 p. M."a Rtferencu- 1'eof. Saoee, Pno; Falmeb. 143 iyl JYOÏ'IC'JK I t'nme int th(? pi?rnie of the snhscribrr on the Tth il.-iy it ,iui:v iii, A BLACK MAEE COLT, bout two j-enrsiH.i, two white himl foei, and slnr in foieh,,. Tlié owïier ík rqut'sted to prove property, puy chnrges, and t-nke said colt away. Snperior, July 7, 1873. Iw8 A. O. ROOT. Mottgage Sale. WHEREA8 WillHira H. Hallory „ni rr.i Mnll..ry,of the city óf Aun ,h , len t, Wa.htej.uw, and State oí M,,-h":ri ,"■.." '""iy "' dayot September, onethousaud ei] , ; MM,''"h eventy-two, i ■ i aiij .l Míame pía, toaeeure nL U „ ,„'" tN' '"t, t-rindpal and i,,,,, ta wiücii mortmge mus reeordwl n ti,,. „E,' tl0""l, Itegislerof beedíiusaid ,.,,.,,Mv „. ,w " í' th ■W of muxtgagn, ou pige 398; whi akj' mL, lbt welt, ot the7, 't? Arbor, county oí Wushtena-H alareei' d ,i , Ao a. D. i,ütpga 83, at 8:5J cViock "J9! Jivy : And wneiens defRnlt has hei n i.-i, V 3" .aid interest money bccume ,i,. ,„ '' "'.of twnthdny ol March, 1873 by ),■,, ■ ,,■ tUe s'ipuxraant (o the tetto ui míj „,, ',"': '""1 m remaiM nnpúd with all arrearafteí , ■' ' ','aW (liurwn símil l ,.,, -„„i i,,v,l,l. ,m "'"" Andwherewth BclaimedlS U iiw Z j' ' on aaid mortiage al ihe clnte ol hundred an.l thirty-one dobio. and oeatfor prinoipul an.l interest, abo vi . ," toe ai tifty dollar should „,,y ni íediSS SfíT1 '" 'e1!0 ■ '. ni no uit or .„J! ? inga harág her,: natu ut, .1 eithtr in law , , , , ,''" reoover the BHiue ot uny part thereiif: !r '? i hereby !im, ti,„t t,„ the Swt'da .tv0 jember two u'olock in the anemoon of S day nt the fimt douroif thefoort Hoom in tl e ri ..1 Ann 4rbor, county afonuid ítí.-t. t,, íy bundingtaVhich the Uireuit ('m,rt ",„r .„",';„!" whfiWJ.nndbyTiitueoi the power nf ale mtJSil ■nortgage, [ .hall 11 al pnl li, uSdÏÏÏÏ highest bidder the premi-es desciibed in Z 21" gnge to Biiiisfy the amount of principiil nd Lu, i aboTedalBied'maoe,Wkh the' eluirVe. ', U , iï' andattomey'a feo of fltty dolían, all oút „n ' piecHorpnroel rfland si tont ed in the ntt ofkZ Arbor coanty afoKmid, hnown, bovnded aiid ñZ jcribed as follow, to W1 . Commènoin at „t the north Une _ot Huron Btreet, in Ihe city'SM Arbor aforesaia, eight roda and effrhteen inchea mï otthwethn ol U.MoInlyre'Bland, Knd ,,"nS thencenorthpa-RÜel wilh wid wes.1 line o "SS tyre' land twelve rod, thente west prall.-l iï aurprjtreet toheeastMni rf M;„„, rtrért, ihS southtw lTo iodBto the corner of Mann and. Un, Btn ets.thence east t.j the: place of beeisnins August iBt, 1S78. b" SAMUEL P'. JEWETT Awigttee of aaid Mortnna John N. Gott, Attonuy ioi 1OTIïa8e. the Asaignee of Uoilgoöce. )437ta Mortgage Stile. WHEBEA8 Jolm Chut and Kliza Cl.iir of tlu. city of Ann Arbor, Couut v ui' Waihtenaw ai.,1 State of Michigan, cm tho tenin day 01 July „ w, year ol out Leid one thoaaaná naht hnndrèd and seventy-one, neented a nioitgi.ire 10 Cl.ailr i Uowell, 1 tne tT of New Ymfc" to kcu tilel, ment oí cenara piiuoipul uid iuteiest money tut-ie ra rueniioned -wnich motigage ;, recoided in h office ot Uw Kcgist.-i ol leed In said Coumv ,? Wuahtenaw, on tlM (enlï-'n n'h . .iy oí July A ü IS71, ut !:2ao'cloek in the altcrnoon of wud d'av' mllberjlofmurtgagesonjwge 7J2; aud. ■uheu' dofaolt ha been mude tor moru iu,i thitty duvB a thu paymeot of un instaUment ut .iiid iuteret munpv which bcoame due ou the tlrst day ot Jauuaiy a d' 1873; byreuao wherco) and jraraiaut to ü tnu of said m irigage.uiid mortgagee bereby eluct tliatso iiiuou ui .i.i piiucipal .ia reiauiiii uniiaid mth all r. reuragtsof ïutrest t hert on, nhiil] bicorne dn mí payable lmmeditely; u. .il, i e i ft, theft is chimed io be lue and Duuaid on íihí mortj l'o at the date of this notice two thouaud two hu dr d and twtntv. tluee dolliitl and thirty fonr ceuip, tor principal nod interest money, alao nn attoruey .- fes ol titiy iiollur ahould any be titkeu to toictiiMf s-nj mortgage, ai.ü no buíi i r pioorediaga Ëtrina bn jn nütuted elthfrin lawoi equily to '■■■over hi-ttmeof any part thereof; Noti o i t. e:e oit ïnr.J y g,i(.a that on flret day ot November titxt., at two o'clocli in the atlemoon of tliat ciay, af Int: hont c](or of tueC'oiirt Uouse, in the city ol Ann Arbor in uid county, (that being the building in which tlie circuit Ourt f saiil County ot aliHiiaw is held!, aud by vmui' ol the power oí als oontoiued in aaidmortirage Isbullsellat itnblic auciion to the highest bid der, the premisea deseñbd in ai'! morte.itie to sa'iify BtnouBt Of principal and interest bove olttimed afl due, with thcetiarües of suob sale aud tn atttirney's fee of rttty dollars : All tliose eertain piecea or pturoelaof land Btuate and beisgiii the County of aahtenaw and Mate of Michigan, ana desciibed as toUows Io wit: beina a part of lot Diimber two in block number two (2) north of Huron htreet. rimire uumber tour (4) enfct. In the cily ■ f Ann Arkor, r.nd State aforesaia, deacribed ai followa to wit: ei m. mencinK on the soiith :ine of said lot tMrty-otie feet ■md weven inolies eaat of the south-west corner of -ai'l lot, mnriirg theucf fü4 .-ji ihe scuth line of said lot twelve fjet and tívc inohea, iheico north parallel witu the east line of aaid tot veo rods, tlirnee west parallel wilh lï estuth hne f taitl ut tue've feetand rive inches, th-nee running ttontb pu all '1 "fti h 'he wo -t line 'f Mti 1 lot í-even rods, tö the plnce of be rinn Dg ; Also loi.s No. one (l). two '2)t thie'ftl}, jour M; and ñve in bl c": C, Onu by and Page's i d Ntion to tht c tv of Ann Arbor, uc L-i.rd ng to th(? recordcd plat therof. August lst, 1673. CHAELES J.HOWELL, Mortgagee. John N. GoTt, Attorney for Mortgagce. If you are Suffering from any CHRONIC DiSEASE, Broken Down CunMitmion, Or require'n Itemedy to Purify aud Eurich the Blood, You wlll flnd Dr.Crook's Componml S.yrnp of PokeBoot to posni'ss greitter merit, cure yon moro speedily, and do yon more good than any and all other remedies combined. rii.K I'alr.YcIIon. S chly-lookinirSliin I chaneed to one of freshnes lid Iiealih. l'hose I3temios of the SKín. I'íüiiicjí.I'ii-ítiiles, ISlotolie and Erupiiona ure removed. Scrol'iila. Scrofnlons Hiieases o) ttje Eyes, Wliiic SwelllaKS, drers, Oíd (Sores or any kind of Ilnmor rapidly dwlnd e and dlsappear iiiidfr its inünence. Whntisit? Il is irature's own restorer! A Bohible oxyd of iron combined -with the medicinal prorierties of Poke Iioor divested ot uil dlsagreenble qiwllties. It wiilcnreany wbose real or direot cause is Bad Klool. lüieumntisiii, l'ailin in LimlM ot Bones, i'oiistitutions brwfccn ilowu by Mercurial oroLher jioisons. areall rured by lt. Fot ByplllllB.or Sypbilllic laint, there is uothiny ujuh1 to ïu A. trial rill oro velt. Boldby -SEN AIANIIOOI): II OW LOST, &3T HOW RESTORED, Just published, a oW rH&ioB of lïr. ÜtslverTCll's Ceíebraied EsMty ou the radi'cil cure [without mediente) ot Syerm?obbbla ox smin;il Wtakm-SM, [nrolantary Semina] Loases, Impptuíct, tiental and Pbyaieal EnÁpaiftyrlnpediaUte Marriayp, ete , also, Coksimitjon, ËPULKVflTUid Fris, induced by selt-indulprcnce or sexual ext-ravngtixuA. DejT l'rire m a aealed envclope only aix oen:.--. The oelebrated author, in thi.s'k; wwftjr, clearly áemcnBtr.'tcB fiotti i thnty yenis' racecrafvl pntctiee, that the alan&ing conseQuencesnf aelf-nbuac m:t radicully eured without the dangeróus ase f interna] toedieme or the ippiicatiun of the knife; pointing out a mode oí oure at onoe simple, ecrtaiSi and eííV'-tiüil, by meftoa of whieh every suti'erer, nt matter whni hin oonditioo mny be, may cure faimwll ohenply privately and radioaÜv. " TJiis lecture phould be in the hands of eveïj ynniU and ever) Baan In the land. Bent ander senl, in i pl;iin eüvclope, toany afldrcss. post-paid. on reeeiw of bíx cents, oí two pst slumps. Address the Pnblisht ra, CHAS. J C. KLItfE&CO. 127 lïoweiy, Kew York, Postoflfoe Box, 4586. l4Myl MICHIGAN CEXTRA1 UAJLK0A1). SUMMElt TIME TABLE. PaMengeitrainsnow leave the several atatioHí,ai GOTÍG VF:fT. -.r-, m STATIONS. M = iL o _5_ JLjlíi iL i_ A. H. A. M. I'. M. r. ir. r. M. P. M. Detroit, leave, 7 00 !) 40 ] -I i -I 5 S 40 fí 10 1' pallan ti, a 2s m 15 2 :: s S6 7 lo n 25 Aun ArUor, S 52 11 00 3 Hi 9 5S 7 4f. 11 4S üexter, B 20 3 40 6 2-7 S I OhelMB, 9 te 4 no 8 SO SramLak, 10117 4 : '.' i1 a. k. Jackson, !l. 40 12 lí 6 0& 9 85 1 00 p. si. r. m. ,- b. ICülnmnzoo, a 13 8 12 S5 Ohic;igu trriTe, 15, 8 00 0 8 00 GO1NG EAST. 1 li ilíf! A. M. A. M. F. M. P. M. Chicago, leave, 5 00 9 00 5 18 J 00 P. M.A. M. A. M. Kaliimazoo, 1J 15 2 03 5 00 ! 2 15 Ï. W.1 A. M. Tacltson, Ï 30 4 15 S 00 12 30 4 45 lú-ns I.uke, 2 8 32 ; Chdam, 3 24 - - s 58 a. . Dexter, ' 8 40 l 20 R ?(► Ann Árbol, 4 ('") 5 11) 0 50 I 55 6 00 6 55 Ypsilnnti, ! 4 2.í 6 3( 10 0.5 MI S 2" 7 20 Detroit, arriv. 5 50 6 40 11 20 :i se 7 2J S 45 The Atlantic and Pacific El.pi- 1 run betiree Jackson and Niles un the Air Line. Datjd.Maj '2ti. 187S DF.TROÏT, IIILLSDALE & INDIÁNA. BAJ.LBOAD. GOING WF.ST. - IK"- GOlVa TAST. stattoKs. Mixed. Mail.j stations. Maiï. Mix. Detroit, dep... '05 -. w. . M. Ypuünnti 7:'2.ï !: lii Bankers P:."0 2:40 Kaline 8:30 dale 6:44 ?:5 Bridffewuter.. 0:"5 6:33 ■ beste.... 8:42 (MS Manchester.... 9:4! 8t5S BrtdgewiUl .. 9:' 5 7:Si p. jj. B:Ï8 8:10 HBMte 1:10 8:4 VpeilKOtr..... íftOO &05 S Traína run by ( ihioago tiinb. W. Fl'AKKKE, Pnp't, Ypeitmiti. O TÖfiE TO RENT ! Corner of Wnshinpton iind Müiu streets. T.nri-'e, oaüTenfent and one of the beet kicatioofiid the cityPoflseasioD given imiuedi;i;t !■■ lnquiro of HÉNION & 8ÏTMNTÏR. Ann Aibor. May 10, 1873. 1421 tf TOE KENT ! A náST-CLASS KNABE FIAJNrOI Imiuil-e at the Music Store of J. I!. SAGE de M' . Ann Arbor, Jüly 14, 1873. U35w2


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Michigan Argus