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Massachusetts And Butler

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The New York Tribune expresses itself thus frankly as to the prospecta oí the freat " grabher" tbr bttcoming the candidato oí' the Kepublican party in Massaohnsetts : " Maasachusetts is a very respectable State. Her citizens have it great deal of State pride, and a glorious history to be proudof; and her üovernors and Senators and public men havu been, with very rare excépticas, men of great ability, of unspotted integrity, oí' nobility of character. But Massachusetts has not escaped the plague of the time. Sho has something to do besidee fold hor arms and strike im attitude. Daniel Webster is dead. Since Oakes Ames and Benjamin Butler have represented her in Cuugress no Senator muy stand up in his place and say, " Look at her," as his eulogium. ïhat perio'l lias pasged. Possibly the reapectable Itcpublicans of the Stato may defeat Mr. Butler's nominatiou. They bave something to do, however, besides dt'spise him or laugli at the fears of those who have seen heretofore the triumphs of his ftudacity. And if they place any pendonce upoii tbo oppositiou oí the administration to him, or the refusal of my. department of the government to zÍM! him all tho patronage and all the iid hé seeis, tliey ara leaning on the elendersst of reeds, that will sliortly break under them. There ure no eignj yet of auy real downright opposition to him. It has yet to orystallize. The only hope the opposition to him has so far is in his own blundering. It is possible he muy defeat himself. Bat the eredit will not be due to tho respectable Rppublicaii.s of the State or to tlio hostiliiy of the administration to him upon whioh they seem to be depending." A youiig man in Bonoma, Cal., drank to intoxicution roeeritly for the first time in his life, and the knowledge that he had been drunk so affeoted his seitsitive riatnre tiirtt he took strychnine and died, leaving a note stating that he would rather dio than Uve to be a drunkard. A tempéranos lecturer wtth a very red nose accounts for the floiidity oí' it by saying that he wai etuag by ;t bluobottk' fly ; but ill-naturtd peojjle say that it vviis caused by quit another kind ot' bottlt) to whlch people sovneiiuies íly for relief.


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