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EJVOCH MORGAIV'S SONS' S A P O L T O I n subsiüute for Boap for iül Household purposes, exoQpt waihing clothes. for eieaning your Houee wfll save the labor uf onc ('lciiiu.T. Givo it a trial. S A PO L ÍO forWindowb is bettw than"W'liiíingor Water. No reinoving curtains and cárpete. "sapoliq" rloans Faint and AVuod, in fnct the enliro housp, bettertban Boap. Nosiojipinj?. SbT labor. Vuu Oiin't tll'ord to bo illiout it. sapo lITo" for 8courin? Knives isbetter and cleaner than Bftth Brick. Will not scrateli. 8APOLIO bter thnn Soup and Band forpolishing Tinware. Brighteua wifli mt ecratchinp, S AlPOLIÖ" pnlishea BraL and Copper utecsüs bettor -Acid or Oil an.l Kotten Stone. S APOLIO for Washing Disbes and Qlaesware Uinvaluablo. heoper than Soap. S AÏM3LTÖ removes Stains ron Marlde Mantels, Tablea fuid Stntunry, trom Harü-iini.-injd "Walls, and from China und l'ureflain "sXpöXYöT retnovs St;iiuy and fioni Carpeta an'l other woven f:ibri Tbere ín no ono artlcle knoun tliat VFill lo xu muiiy kinds of wutk uud ua it sa wcll is SApoIIb. Xry it. EIAND SAPOLIO o new and wonclert'ully effect ivo Toilet Soap, haring no equul in tbis country or ubroad. HAND S Ji. IE O I_i I O as au art iel e for tho Buth, "ronches the foundation of all flirt, opens the pures Hiid pives n, houltliy act ion and brïlliant tint to the &klu. HAND S w. 1PÖ LIO deAiises and Beantifiea the Skin, inBtïirtly rtiHovinir any itaiJB 01 blemi;-h fi'uiu botli bañan unU fuce. HAND S . JE O I-. I O ia without a rival in the voild fo ouxing or prevent ing roughDeu and elityppuig ot' eiLher honda or faC6 HAND S -A_ I3 O L I O removes Tav, Titch, Iron or Ink Stnius :ui-l i i i i'is' ; for workers in Hucbine Shops, .Mines. &c, in invaluntjio. For milkilli? the Skin Wliite and Soit. and piving to it a " bloom of beauty," it i unaurpuaKed by uny ('osmetic known. HAinD S A. T? ÖXTÏ O costs froni 10 to 15 cents per cake, and every body Bhould havo it. You wiil likü it. DOH'T FAIL TO Tllï TBFSE GOODS Buy it ot ynr mire luim ii' lias it or will prorurc il lor you. If llt, IHon rite for Oliv l'niuphlct, "All Lboiil Siijulio," ulid it u ill bc maüvd ÈiNOCIl MOKGAN'S SOJMS, 28 Park Flace, IT. Y. ElTlFOFÏER. SECOND .AISTNTJAI, DISTEIBÜTION. THE CHRONO CITE ELEATLY ! HAHKI A. A 8IIARE IV THE., DI8TRIBUrioa or 8730 premiums AHMnrcnn to $41,000. GIVEN AVYAT! To every subscriber of thnt Popular Week 1 y QUR FIRESIDE FRIEND Chromen are delivered at once. The distribution will POS! CIVELY take pli on the TWENTIETH DAYOF W UUöT.EIGHTBENHUNDUJSDAND SEVENTY-TH REE. ÜültCHROMO "OUTE" is 16x20 inchcs in sizo, ackuowledged to be the ftnel and handsomest picture ever triven wtth any i on; FIREBIDE "I: I KV1 is au eight pae illnstrated family und story weekly m ts thiid volume, has in-w overSKVENTY-Flva THOUBAND si-' BBCRIBEKci, and rnpidly inoreasini?, which insuree the euooesa of the pro&ent diatributJon. The Pubttóhersof Onr FiresideFriendhaveseni to lts tlhecE ibera ,',,: y. ,ii .iv. ■-, -SKVEN'I YTIK U8ANt copies of tbe chromo "Cute" und ure Bhipping huBdreds every day. 8UBÖ1 RIPTIOlï PllICB, THREE DOIir.Aüs ]'i:i TEAR, wblchpivea the subscribers FIFTY-TWl Dumbera of the best Family Weekly, tho chismo OTJTE" liueiy Amnted, and a nilmbered UERTIPK ! ATE entitling he holder to nno share in the dwtribution of preiniunw for 1873. SÜBSCttl BE now with the agent oi' send direct lo the Publisher. SPECIMEN Ctp] Eö, articulara, etc, aent free. i f" 57"VrPkl ín t'verv tow, fU Jiome ortr.nvAlxrjJI In ding. JHTg; cash pay snd übW t Vlïll era premiums for pfltting ap ï? jXjA 1 IjIP rtuiis. The best outfit. Sendat onco for f erras and partiuulara. Addreaa WATERS & CO., i'ubs, Chicago. JL C. GIDLEIT, Succesaor to COLGROT E & SON. DRÜGGIST AND WMIST IN COOK'S NEW HOTEL, No. 12 E. HURÓN S1EEET, DEALER IN omes, bedwugBi SIIU.U AL NSTROIEÍTS, PIRE WISE9 WO LIQIORS, CFOIt MEDICAL PUEPOSES ONLY.) Faitey Goods, Pertumery, PAIIVXS, OILS, VAli.-VJSIÍKS, il.ASN I ANI PtTIY, PfiYSICIASS' PRESCRIPTIOKS Careftilly coraponnded fit all honrs. PROPONE NOT TOBE UNDERSOLD BY ANY FIRM IN THE CITY WHO FURNISH AS GOOD AN ARTICLE. i;. It. GIJDIiEY. lSíTtí T)EAL ESTÁTE FOK SALE. TI1EVOLNEY CHAPÍN 1IUME8TEAD, Near the north cnp-t corner of the Court Houpe pqiiiire. Tbis paoperty wil' be Bold at reiMiDftble prices, in iota tuttable Ipr a reeldnce1 or for busioeftspurpoaes. Alaolota on -Mil i er Avenue cast oi Tomb' grt;en house. Alïo a Farm oí' ltíO Acres, Wcll watered nnfl fencod, with good orchnrd and fáir balldtogB. within amit' oftbe Court HooBeio Bt.JobnSj Mi('tiii:;in , ftodsevera] huntlnd ncres 01 pine and oak timbercd taude ïn öaginaw Oüunty, hU'JinInquire of B. W. CHKEVER.or 141 m6 0. A. CHAPÍN. f IVE GEESE FEATHiiRS FIKST C3T7-A.LIT"5T , Í.ODEI iyon hand and for saleby BAGIIfr ABEL. II. CO HEN 'S Advertiscment. ifttftiQ! BAINU1NS! As I iutend to give up the Dry Goods trade, I shall offer my whole stock including DRES3 GOODS, SHAWLS, IÏLANKETS, GÁLICOS, STRIPES, TICKINGS, Oassimers, Table Linens, ■ NAÍKINS, 1WELS, Lace Curtains, Etc., Etc., AT I-ESS THAX asTE-vcr -í'oük: cost, In order to dispose of the aliólo Stock with all possible dispatch. Eemember tliis is no HumbUg Sale, so cali early and secure your bargaina at B3 South Main St. FAODGE'S PATENT REAPER & MOWER SELF-RAKE! J. A. POLHEMUS Ilns again received bia usual supply of the tbove Celebruted Maohiwes, wMch lm is preftTed to furnish to tivery farmer la Vvaalitenaw ur JucksoQ Couutica wliu wunt A FIRST CLASS MACHINE. TEo is nlrti prcpnrr-d to furnisli all extras for tue li idge Machute. Also, uil extras required to repulí the oïd ÜALL MACHINEri. Offlce ut the LIVJERY 8TABLE --- - Vi JL - J. A. POLIIEMÜS & SON, Cor. Main an Calhcrinc Slrccts, Whereraay be found the most exten&ive outñts of Horses and Oarriages In the cky, counected with which is a HACK, BUS AKD BAfifiAGÏ WAG0X L. X 3ST 33 , [(oady lo flll orders at :lll times. Special attention yiven to furmshing HORSES AD CKllIV(ii:s FOtt FUSERALS. Ann Arbor, May 23, 1873. H57(f -N TIME ! Wm. Wagnek Haa opened a lurge stock of SPRING i SUMMER O-OOIDS, F IneludiüL new and FASHIONABLESTÏLES FOtt- - OOATS, PAJWTS, and VESTS, Which hs will manufüi-'tiire iu the best and latcet Btjrle, aad Warranted. Fits and Work. Also keeps a good stock of RBADY-MADB (MBINB Gents' FÜRNISHIEG Goods AViiich will be sold chcip. OALL AND SEE THEM. No . 21 Sont h Main Street,- East Sidc: WI1XIA31 WAKSÍH. Ann rbor. May lst, 1ST3Ui4 BACH & ABEL. We have now in store and are receiving our usual large stok of New Spring Goods, bou#ht for cash, and will be placed on sale at as low priees as any house in Michigan. BACH & ABEL. A large assoi'tment of fashionable dress goods in the new shades. BLACK SBLKS! A soecialty. We nave tliein direct from the Lyon's manntactory agents, and can warrant them made of pure stock . BACH & ABEL. FIFTY PIEOES Oí1 THE ' MVRY STLARrS BLACK ALPACAÏ Aiideall special attention to the 45c, 50e, and 75c qualities. These Alpacas are mauufactured ly Alex. T. Stnart & Co , and without doubt excel in texture and finióla ais y ever l)rouglit to this country. BACH & ABEL. Ixoni the importers, dier et, a Urge stock of TaMe Linens, Napkins, DAMASK TOWELS.&C. BACH&ABEL A FULL LINE OP Brown and Bleached Cottons. Tkkings, Denims, Cottonades, dcc. These goods we buy by the package, getting tliscounts, and eau mako low prices. BACIT & ABEL. We desire to cali especial attentiou to our stock oi' FRENC1I AND JiNGLISE CASS1MERES, And SUITINGS, tho largest and best assortment in tho city. BACII & ABEL. A PULL LIXE OF SHADES IN THE STEWAlïT ALEXANDUE KID GLOVES In botli one and two buttons. This Glovo has been roconth' iinproved, and is now conceded to be the best in uso. BACH & ABEL. A Ears Chance TO LET. A larre and modern npw Orocrrv ?tore Ín Buchoz Block, Petro t Street Ttik1 uhtí'rtly thehest locntion (n thfti parí of he city for s.-thl bnelneea. A rood Iargft cellur ftnd new harn attaahad t.o the prepiieos. The rent is :í00 yenrly, -tebren in roceries for íliv r:;nni Q9 ■■. Al a lino nevv MpíU Mftrlccf, ill coniplote,.ioining my blok, wlth moiern impr"vrnHíiits. marlic table rg new smoke holtse, Lftrje bríefe clstern nTití cellar new larn and ntl rteíirty for nse, wíth three r:uml rooms above. Store rent for $-50 yearly ; tak-it tu ini"t tor my Family dm, Also a small Btore Id my black, bornes, rooms, Ac, tolet. FOR3ALK- Three gooa large carnage or farm horae, one fine ncw cHri'Iae,baggie8, Wagons, larminloolu. AIro three crorad covCr. ■ 4notf IiiiiTÍrcofL. $, BUCCOZ. , _ - - jSPRIIG KÖÖBS. The Largest, Most Elegant, and mucli the cheapest Stock of flrst-class súpeílü ÜRESS GOUDS Black and Colors Ever Exhibited in this market is at MACK&SCHMID'S! 29! ! fflji j O. O. j Whrn ftrst L. COLBY hung his sign 01 C. O. D.- AtNo.SO, And ott'ered Groccries cheap for cash, Bome people said, " he's bound to go to smasn. And old-tiuie Groeers would faiutly amilt', Propbesying "C. O. D. will lastbut little while. In sixty daya we'll run him off the track, And cali our wandeling customera back." The croakers said and thought it true, "He'll surely tail before the year is New I You can't aell Uroceries in this town And get youv pay in greenbacks down ; Wheio dry goeds merchants on every street With silkb and salina, hang out chickuna to eat ; Where tmde is mixed Ín every place, At the same counter you buy butter orluee ; "Where credit and loss go hand in hand. Mr. C. O. D. but a slim chance will stand." "Let prophets and croakersliave their say, ,L.COLliYselUGROCEIUKSonlyforREADYPAY JLnd aells ao cheap for drtily cash iiu feai'B no danser of a smash. Aud to his patrons all, and business friendS The greeting of the seasonbe extends, 'l'n young and oíd, a glad New Year, With hosts of frienda and Iot6 of cheert Give him a cali, and from his etore Your tables spread with uod things more. At that place you will tlwviys tind Fresb new Groceriea ot best quality and kind- Fvery thinff needful for good cheer at home You can buy at his counter whenever you come. The days are o short thïa bitter cold winter, To mention details would weary the printer. Eut ask if you ehoose for anything e.itable, You get it at once, in quality unbeatable 1 For hungry men tvIio are weary and colcl, Ho has Oyslera hot, Oystors that must besold - Oyttere pickled, Oyster stew, and oyster fry, Oi Oysters any other way you ehoose to Iry. He will serve up üystera at any hour of day, And the best of cinara to smoke on your way. A diafa of hot Oyaters will do you much good. And cheer you while selling your grain or wood. And with cash in hand lay in a store Of i offee, Tea, Bugar, Flour and many more, Of all tirinas substantial íot daily use, Nor treat life's pood things with abuse ; Crockery and Glassware and Fruits to pxit in them, Nuts, liaisins, and Candy, for childreu who win them. And ye who are blesaed witli their beautiful faees, WÜl rtTid [391 the best of all places To buy a trifle, to bring a smile or riging ïaugh, Your pleasure, than tbeirs, will be greater by hitif Then do not forgefr to cali on Mr. C. O. X)., And buy of him your l'ruita, Sagar, and Tea. Though the big Qftmay fall from its place, TIio C, O. 1. ii J store is still on tho race-, And does not jntond to fly from the course TUI croakersof evil talk 'themsclves bOBXM rooeriet ca k be weAA f tr ready pay. And Xj. Oolfoy ba learncd the way : Sold flve tiiaew more than he expeeted- Hy C. O. D. from loss proteetcd. And the secret he is not af raid to teil - Keep tho best of all things- with pxiocs tow - be good natured, givogtxxl mi.-iisure, And you are bound to sell I 29! 29! 29! A Chance for Bargains ! For sale at a great burgain, 160 ACRES OF CHOICE .LAND, lyinf; 2 ' miles í'rom. the city of loniit. 100 acres under improvement, with good orchiird, barn liad flhed, and a coiníortaole houae. Terina of paymfíit- from. $2,00U to $2,j00 down; bulauce üh lüúg1 time. Also 90 ACRES, bonk S milfs from Anfrustft, IvHlamazoo County, 11 ímproTed, with good buildings. Terms- extremely low. AUo 40 ACRES about eight miles from Hastínga. Abo 80 ACRES on section ft in the town of TTaaeltmi, Shïriwassc' County, about 12 ínjlesfrom Coruflna Wcll timbcred. For tcrms addre. tbe underwgned. Ann Arbor, April 2, 1873. TOHN PEED. BROSS, MAKrFACTUHER OF CARRI ViiF.S. BtCCIEg, WAGONS, STtt; WA60ITS, CITTERS, 8LEIGIIS, &c. AU work warrfinted of the beet material. Repair mg done proraptly and reasonably AH wtirli ww ranted to vive perfoot Katistautiou. 68 Sguth Main Ktiect. IOS rpHE TRADING ASSOCIATIOS Are now reoeiving thelr SPRING STOCK OP NEW DRESS GOODS We 1 tre the laigest stook of PIRST-CLASS CARPET'NG HST THE CIT'Sr ENGLISH BODY BRUSSEL AT $2.00 PER YARD f rapestry Brussel, Super Extra Lowell and Hartford, also Medium Super, WHICH WE WILL SELL YERY CHEAP FOR CASH! i Uoyel anl elegant additlons to om Dress Goods Stock ARE NOW BEINO OPENEP. The backwardness of the season has catlsed n very large decline durinir the laat dnys iu the priee of Dress Fabrios, which will enable us to give to our customera a proflt üf 20 to 25 pe-r cent. Every Lady should inspect themt A handsomer line of Dress Goods was never brcught to Ann Arbor tluui are now opening, at extremely low priees for casli, which will place these choicagoods withia the reach ol uil who inay favor us with a cali. BEÏ" We ore verv thankful for the post fayors nd hope to continue the same, as we shall tnako it to th advantagü of those who favor us wiih a cali. Q. W. IIAYS, Supt. T)URE WHI TE LEAD. LEAD. XT WABBAVTED tf% [PURE WHITE" ) VIEILLE MON TAGNE FKENCH WHITE ZINC Parlor Snow White ZincCRYSTAL PA LACE WHITE LEAD. Permanent Green Por Blinds, &c. WHITE LE.A.D 1 In Colora for Outside and Iusido Palnting, Varaishes, Oils, Colors, Brnshes &c, &c. IBOW - C LAD MINERAL PAiT! Manwfactured from. ptire Iron Ore far superior to those made of Cloy, Botten Stone, Dirt, &c. Our Pxiro Brarwl of WHITE X.EA1 we offer to the public with the positive nssurance of absolute purity. As nauehof the White Lead pold as pure is adulteratel f rom 20 to 90 per cent., Consumera 'Rill consult their iaterst by giving us a oa!I. li. . i;ixi.s v CO., JBtrñmtmiMi Asm AitBoK, Mich Corner opposite Sayings Bank. 141üm6 TDUT YOÜE MOKEY WHEEEITWILL DO THE MOST GOOD. A. A. TEERY HAS A FÜLL STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS! IN THE LATEST STYLES. QUALITY A2TD'' PRICES TO DE F Y CO M PE T1T1O UT, ALSO, A FULL LIHE Of GENTS' rURNISHING GOOES $IW Catl lief ore purehasinff. 1 5 South Main Street. J "ÜLOUE AND FEED STORE. HENRI TXTASCH (Suocessor to Oeo, Lanbongayer,) At H West rUjerty Streel, wiU lymihandn full stock of Fiour, MmI, Out. CotB. MillFeed én. AU orders prompfly Hert nt the lowMtuneti jniws. Cah pM tft Cvro aod Ote. j41ítI


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Michigan Argus