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Slortgage Sala. l-jEFAULTliaving been male in the conditie I v. cuied on the flret ,,, ï1! tCl Oi i i 11 ,■,,„!! ] „f ,tl,L e% ■ - bh ,;,-',' -f. ui : , ■";!, . üntheMïkiöi'Xch i D.'ts-?01 igncd by the juid. Sidnèj Calidos to Loreiijo Y'.1-" ■ WMn shIR f„,"S th 2aihlay oí Murch.A. i). 187S f, n"'1 ■■ ■ aio i, on i aee f '■ -r 'I: ilauai ■ i .. du( aud uupujd i V f "' ira [4ï6j, na stipnlated in 11, :' "I '■■■ '■" P? ■- t ga nfticr al fe "r Iliustitutrd to mcomt ll„. u, Mrttl f: Notice is hereby ghen that br 5 'i Oii , ... iel' sale ia siiul mortgage eonin l" fuday, tbe mnth .UyfV;;: o. 1 ,. i ...... u doek in the aftenwon of th-,t .1 the f ntdrotuT the Couit Hou „ tbc cIt ' A mi A b i, Wushtennw County, MiehlKn.itff J ing tlie iiuioe o holding tU Circoit Cour! -„ ,' 9 jaid county), wll ut publjo auction, to the 'wi B biddir, the pmnites described in naid norttaiTÏ satiafy the aroount of prii.cipul und interest L tlnimed uaduc, with the charges of such ulr ' siso nn atlorney fee of t enty live dollars ,„ „'3 ted in said morwnge, lo wit: The west half ,,,i:toUowwg deseribed land sitúate in the toitn.lL rpsilanti, Waahtenaw County, Michigan, eoni? cing ,,n the eaat and wewi qnarter line ot secti,m iT1 rij in township three ,:; sooth of nnñ ktm .'■ eiwt, in the center of the blRhwy out nf ,k; 0 psilnuti on the eat ide of the H i? Rirer; thencj imnning east alonE the „aid ,,„., ne twemjr-thm [1 chai,,, and eiKhtj-riS"' l.nkB to the southenst corner of said QUart,., ,„,; trom tbence north on the line of B„id o7.„r ectton, Urenen twetve f 2] chaina ml fln „,''. links tOH?lakeirom which a red . Bk trw t r t' au i ■ is diameter leuning sonth o west ihhtT ÍS links, and a red o ik thirtera [VS] inohe in flim3 eat [44] links; thence i.orth 84 l , iwenty-one [21] chaina and thirtv-nine [39] M,,„ i oi ii: ■ iii-i mentioned highmn to a ,i,i iek ot Eogli, i, cherrj ix [] laebn in nm eter leans north .ixty-Utee [H8] dfree. e.t, w Uiree [43] linkí, and a loenst tree tlirce [S] inóh.t, !, diameter north WwiatBxly-wght [O Mnks: thet, tnutn Dine D] degrecs west, along the c.-nter of 8a hlghwnT, flfleen [IS] chaira and ninet.en ri'Jl lini, lo ilie piace ot beginnlng, eontaining in all 75-100 ot an acru of land, reserving fr. m the bot, descrlption Ihree [3] nes f rom the north rnd1 dep loJthn vüiiT iy Kber Pattee, nlo resnvin t nurabered oim [1], two [2], three [Jl. tour r4i , [7], eieht [8], nine [9], ten flu], and eleTen mi!! Pa :- ; % aíMition to thp city of Ypsilanti Dated, Juue 6tb, 1878. LORENZO TATíOR. AMii;nee GeoeoeL. Bachman, Att'y for Asuisnee. Mortgage Sale. I 'N EFA1.TT.T havinsr bet-u made in the condition „i acertáis mortgage executed'by Edgar M.Untm and DorU-ka . .Gregory ot Uie city „r ,,n AiW,( u ty ot Washtennv, aml state of vichigan, to I !D,S, D. James, of WiUianubsrg, Masi-achuactti, oi ik htteeuth day oi Juné, A. V. 1X04, and reconltd m ,i office ot t li. Register of Dceds, ter the Couhit o luw ftforesaid, on tlie seventeciuh tí, Z June, A. D. 1SC4 at X o'clock a, m., ia Libcr 3' Z Mortgages, pag2i, nnd that theie is now rlaiilj to bedue andnnpaia on said ínortK.-ige and coi inyina the game, the sum of ninetttn Um sand ,'ive inmdred dollars and ntialso the mini of tliree liunilred and scvi-nty-t),,, dollars ur-d Berenty-one cents paid hy said orin gee for ïnsnranoe upon buildings, as proïidfd tM 1 BHid moxtftag; also a reasonable attorney'ui policitor's iee for services, tliould any piocct'dúi u takc-n to forecloee ;titi mortgftge, .and noprewd inga al law at in equity haring been had tontoï„ BHid sum or ny part thcreof; Now, Ihtrrfon motice is hereby giren th:.t by virtne of a poner oi eulein wiid mortgage oentained, I shall stil at uk lic auction to the hiy'icst bidder, on the thirttenlk day of September next, at two oelockin therif-rr ncion of said day. at the front door ot the totrt ■■1 il. rny i.f Aun Arbor in snid t'ountj ithit beiu(i the place of bolding the Ciieuit Cnrlil, d Brtriin tractsoi parcela of land known, bounáiJ cribed as Follows, to wit: The cqtial tndt vided one-hulf of tL. Franklin lloup pTopeitT in (U ctly of Ann Arbor in the Connty of Vnshtd'jM( Btate of Michigan, viz: Commenebig at tln-sonth. t :l tiiiiH-r of said Uock, and running weittkM rods, thiiio: north on the weet line of Int n timbo 'wo (2 niuetyi-flve fet to N'. P. Fnrson's line, tkitn rüs! on i';iiun's south line stvinty fightfeet, thera eoutli eighteen feet, thence east fifty-r-ix tctt, tliew south to the pl;ire of bepinninp. And aleolotsthiw andfour [3 nuá 41 all in blockone north, in rangp hue. ber three east, in thu city of Ann Arbor, fe.tceptingHi east ci-lit i.i't Miilc of the north thirty-acm ln wideoi s:tid lut'inirubür tl.rce, Böl-ject to the neht ofwny over theaame.J DatcJ, June 20, 173. LYMAN T. JAMES, llortgattf John N. Gott, Att'y for Mortgagee. Chancery Sale. OTATK OP MICiliGAX-The Foarth JoditiJ Circuit, in Chancery. huit peiiiling ín the (h ..-uil L'ourt for the county of Wnshtenaw, in Cliatirnr, whereiu Sarah E. Hadeun is coniplmr.ant uod M r i 1m1s;ii is defendant, at nn Albor, euunty xnd state Hforesaid, tliis Slyt day of June, a d. Uil, ind illiDg due prnof by ainOavit. tlttli) iibovfc nam&d defendant, Milton fiudsoa, ïcsidpnin the State of Eentneky, on motion of Jolin N. Coti, innt, it i uidmd iIihi tlie &.i efem :, t , SMton Hudson , cause his appciímeio ■1 inssid caase ivithin three months Inm oi Lhiserder; and in caaeof nppt nance, fc cause his annrer to the .niplninunt's Uil of tom. plaint to be (lied, and a copy tbereof to be serTedra thö's solicitor wiiJiiu twenty daysafter tceof a copy ol said bill nnd notice'of tti grdor, and m detavit tliereof, that the said lili te taken as eonfeseed by the said defendant. And itu further ordered, that witliin twt-nty Sayi thesaid complainaat caase u copy of tliis order to licpnfclishi l! in the Michigan Argtu, a newspaper publisliei iptheoitj Of Ann Arbor, in said countj-, umi tint said pnblication be tontinued in said papel once il eacli week fuï six Bncceraire weeks. JOHN F. I..4WEENCE, ( ir(uit ' '. tn! ( uimissioiier fm John N. OotT, Washtenuw Louuty.llinliigat. Solicitor tor ( omplainaJit. 1433 Estáte oi' Ëheuezer West. CTTATE OF MICHIGAN, eounty of Washtennir, h. 1 -.-ion of the Probate ('onrtfor thecountj of Wtishtenaw, bokken at the Probate Office, in tt city oi Ann Arbor. on Monday, the twenty-tlnid i'ï) June, in the yèar out; thousand eight hundiei 1 nty three. nt, Nooh W, Cheerer, Judiu'e uf Prol nte. I:; the matter of tlie estáte of EbBBezei West, ín. md rilinir tlie petition, duly ventiel, ol JasaeeJ. Parfthall, (.iiMiihan, prayiss tlint lie msj be liceust -i '; aellcextaiB ii;i '.-state belonging toatid . Bel Wt t. rpon it ia onleiMi, that Tuesdny, the SW daj of August next, t tt-nvi-lot-k Lu tlie foienwïi . ed for hearing of said petiiion, mi 1 111 x: 1 r kin of sajid t-'bentzer "Wpst. nr,d d other pei-soiiE toterestod in siikl estittt-, are Bo appear ;tt h neysion of sairl conrt, tïifn te)W liulden. at the Probate Office, in tlie city of Annif t show catme, it any there bfl the ]iajt: - tier sbould not be grttnted: And iti' i'tii,. 1 ordered tliat titi jjetitioufr jjie fcoisi intorested in m1 estáte, of the pendemyol Bitid petitiou, and the hearing thereof, by cansii:: copy ol íIm ordor to be pubtished in 1 ij 1 printed und eü'cwhiting inwiifl four 8ueceeBv weeks previou&tü bsw dayw (A trueeopy,) JJOAH W. CHEEVEE, 433 Jutlae of Probate. Estata of Erastua Eoot. ■fATi: cl MICHIGAN, Cmintj ot WnshtcWi , t ;, .-.i,.,. ,,f the Probuti Court for the tontiy uf Wasl Mm-, holden at the HoLatt oiiitf , in tbj city of Aun Arbor, 1. 11 wednesday, the twent.M' -ir, ol .Mm-, tn the y' om ti.uusand eight hw 1 and sol entj -1 lin .-. l'!.tnt. N'o.iii W, hrtvor, Jutlgeof Probate, Li the matter of tbe estáte of Eiastus Iti Bed. ' '11 leading and flüng the pelition, dul verifico, l'i.lly Kout, prsyint; fliat a ct.riain il' gleiu 1 his couii. purporting 10 te ue md teotamtnl of e ddfeeased rn.y te ? prol (. 11 í Uiat arluiinistni iuii o Vt ■ 1: ;ty De rauted lu her ur some otUer suiteH pci-son. pon ii ordried, tlat Moaduy, the li day oi Se] t -mbt r next, at ten u'clcck in the forcM be tusigned for the heaiSng erf said pttitu n , ar.a thal ihedevisecs, legareis and l.eiis at law ui '■ dtceased, and all other persons inlerertw " tut f. are reqnirfd lo appw fit ledsit n tti j-aiti Court, then to bc holuen i the l'robnle Office, in the ity of Ann AfHJ and show ontlse, il uny there be, why the priytr ot the petitioinr sbtnild nul be giunted. [" further ordeied, thal said petitioner gire notwetoK persene iuteineted in Baid ette, of the pendrotT" itiyn, uit 1 lite heiueing tbmof, by t;;uifiii.r copy of thÍÉ order to be pubushed in the M; '' Irgut, .1 aeTrspaper printed aml ciroulitting ■"■ ' oiniiy, Hit, succeaaive weeks previos to eaid !" ' (A trwo copy.) KOAH W. f'IIKEVEB, USB Judgeof Protate. pllAAIBEIlS' ENCYCLOP.EDIA. A DICTIüNAIlT OF Universal Knowledge for tbe People. EBV1SKD KDITION. wint Mapa, Pistes, and Eugravings. Compíete in 10 Vols. of 832 pages e llluttraied tcilh ahout Four ThtMtartA gngraW'l' !'' Party Hapt, togtOur Uh a Smia j "im tghty i" Om Unudred BI ■ nthj iaraved Plata - iUusff'Qtív "f tte Suhjivls of traUral ft :ory - now' or the. 1111 time appeartng in the work. PEICE PER VOLUME. Extra Clotti, beveh-d bonrds, - - j; Libvaiy Shcep. marbled edgCB, - - jjj1 llulf luiki-y Moreooo, ÏHia ElJlTION IS SOLD OXLY BY AoW Published by J. B. LirPINCOTT & CO., í8' j lelphia, Pa. SVI.VAXFS WABKHN, 1S9 Woodwnrd' AW1 ( Detroit, Qeaati AgOTt lor the ol ilictuS' Byoompring Chambers' Encydopiedia j,, rican CyclopEdia, the work "7ítíí t ,iuently br.ught into - tonnd that while the U '„ê"ot"" ontain 8 I " '" '"''iï ooö iew'American contairi less than IJ."11"1 '■;„,."' riiTahlX round Ibat a pe of' „ tl, more matter thnn a pat-o ot ■ ,, he ten volumes of the p quivolent in a.noui.t of printed ma ! to ' J thi hiitcen volumes of th i to men' ■" „„1 ■■V Th,%a110' Bboul Itr. tltti.v-iclm.o ■" , pojI to-irhich the Nt7A.'"onfide it aa popular 'Uictionaet of l ,„ .u. Kmowledgi,'1 the work is irithoat on j-efl :he EuLUsli languose.


Old News
Michigan Argus