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Fiv'e Insurance Company. al. IK ngetil Air iIjc llnjd tn, laiuranct C mu'uny, tukva plum.ire in Iy úi ilio pubSic the fIIiwnï circular; li tHrroi.D FRt fsunAcr. Orrira, ? . uly 22.1 I '15. Thü recent disistrous Tire in New York wil! 'of nre excite oüci:ii:lo in regard us efleer on die sojvencv o liwirance Companies iaat c:iv, and i!ic nefghbuinü pliices. The üirectoip of the If Trrf'r J Tire Insurnnce Company a'c hiy 'o ns3uro iheir enstomers ami the public, tfnulipy are prepared tn ndjust nnd pny at mn'.uriiv. all losse by ihcir office, 6urplut nn I currem receipta, without deliy "" wiiliou1 wiihlrswing thcir permanent inv ainu-iu?. Then apiia! remin noiple tor lie securuy of uil who insure with :iiem; an i th-'' ini'íto owners of de im!.!e pn-perty to obtflin Politie on frrorable (rrns, bol h ut ilie lióme Otficc and nt iheirsev rn! Agencies. Their mode of trnaacingbii6inesB, wliich Tor 35 yeats psst hr s seciired the pul)hc confi 'ence. will ionntn umhinged. By ordr of the B rd of Dirrctoi, JAMÉS G. BULLES, Sec'y. F. J. B. Cnor.r Ann Arbor. Bv this ir will he secn, that the Companv par th'U Iosm-x. 'lurinc; the last tix ir.ontha oí firo. OUfOF THETR SURPLUS FUÑOS. Sincs the p;i) ment ol one thuiiiand d.! to R. D. Powers, of Brighton, lor lbo los suaoiin cd by hint, the C'ornpany hnve piid ihe subseribei an.'tlier thousand, lor Flour Barrels, luimt at the rpocm fire in this vi.llage Forthielnst thou s.m:l the suhscnl'cr pcid tl;ö Company four dollars-a ir.).n! nestment as he thinks, during thee htirJ tunes. All w!io me not insnrrrl src in'Vited t cnll on hún, and he will usue l'olicicp wiihont dtliy. F. J. B. CRANE, A f;en r. Ann Arhor. Jnly 20, 18J.=. 2?IU ïji Chaucery- Ist Circuit. Geurt t F. Porter, ad:rifnidtrf!O." ui' ()-.iv r Knne, denoseJ, co'Dpl'iinitu, r5. Loren Mili, tlijah VV. M'j-etn an 1 VViiüim S. Mnynnfd, defeiidniirs. BY virtue of a docrotul order iwucd "u of the eoint of clnnctry of the Smtc of Michigm. I slïcl' exposé to snle to the highcet bidder, w th C'jurt Flotiee in ih of Ann Ailior. V;islitrn'iw couiny, n the 'Jild dty of SeptetuSer ne.xt, at 1 .i'clock, P f.. o! that d.iy, tbf follawing desc'ribed premisea sitúate, fo wit: "s . to, Iviiii nnrl beinst in ihe tuwn of Ann Arhjr. in thoouniy of 'ashrcnaw ; n 1 3iit! cl Mtc'nii'in: rieinning at he contre of Whites Ft.M !. .J ciüeJ, on the west line of ection ÍÍ9. -in tuwn two stnv.h of rnnge aix cast; thencis :i!i on :he line of the sa i il eection aml on tlx lirve if.xection iliiriy-two; foriy rodi emith of thr eo"j;h went corner oj the snwl .seciion to a at.ike; thenco eist nt riht nnk-s wiih snid secrion linf t'iiny nids: thence north and pnrIIi-l with snid. seciion line to the centre of saul Whitea' rond. - Thence south sevemy five degrees west in the cen tre at the ssiid road ;o the placo of becitming. fo'itaintii!; tbir!y-thrce nerca and sixiy-five hunUruddis of an acre of land more or léi. GEO. DANFORTH, Muster in Chancery. Jot A PoRTr.R, Sol's. I.itei. August Ihh, Ifil.1. 2Í4 Tho abovo snie is pnsiponed uniil the 20;h dny of Cctobor A. D. 1Ö45 a', iho sanio hour anri place. GF,O. D A N FORT Ff. Mastcr in Chancery. Daied, Sopt. 2P.d, 18:51 he ibove in!o 18 until tho !7th dny of November, A. D. 16-15, at Cm same hour and plnce. GEO DNFORTH, Mnster in Clnncery. I)iicd. 2üth. IHir. Thr? nh-ivo sde is postpond uniil the C5:h dny of November, A. D. 1S45, at thn oatno Iiout nnd p!:cí. GEO DANFORTH, MasteJ in Cchanccry Nov lötli l8 .". Tho nhovu i?ilo ii postpinel un:il the 2id dnv f Dcccmljer nex'. ai tbe sme p'ace nnd time o áay. GEGRGR DANFORTH, Mister in Chancery. K W THLV VIÓTORS BELONG THL .SPOILS." ALTIIOlJGII many prep-irniions in the lorn ,.! "PQPULAR MF.ÜlCiNKS" hivcbfei: beforf! the public, cluinung to give reüef. uu even cii'e the most inveteróle dicenscs, yct r?un hare o wi-ll iins-ered the purpose as Dr. Shcr man's Meititcitéd Tbcy are acreeaMi ttv thi laste, ensilv ndniinibtered. an:i Irom thi unprectileiiteiJeticctss wiuch i'iey Irate met wiih. linó the rèm.irknble cures whieh they liave perfjrrne:!, nny jusily 1 ty cl;iim to thenilé ol Conquerir over the diseSBcfl f'r whicii they havi been recomiriended. Dr. She iiin's COUGII LOZÍ.NGES" Cure the m8t obstinate case of Cough in a few hourd. They hnve etired a large numfier oí per:ins who hive been given up liy hfir physicimu aJid fricada, and m.-iny who have bern reduce.' tn the verje of (he grno by spittine bloud, Con ■ampttOiX'flnd Htctic Fever, by their use hnvi! ilio roso of iieaith restored to :hc hnpjarf cheek nnd now live to spe;k forih the praiseso his i.'ivaiuab'e medicine. Dr. Slicrman's "WORM I.OZENGES" II ive been pn-ved in more ihm 4i'.000 c?ecf tO be infullü'le, in fact tho only certain Worr Destroying Medicine over discovered. Childici wiü en tiiern wncn il. cv cannot f-e inreed to tak nny v!ier medicine, and the benefit denved Iron ti;e ndnHnístratíoñ of medicine to them in ttin forin is rent beyiid c)iicepii-)n. Wlicn tlx breath of the cliild hecomee oiTensivc, ani! ihen 4 pickine oTths nose, grinding ófihe terth du rin? sleep, pilones? abmit ihe lips wiih fltishe' chetks. liciiil iche, drcwsincftsi, siJirtiniï durint elteep, 'lisiurbed dreame, uw;tkin with fright ani scrcTiniiiir. troulilcsume cough, feverishness,ihirft. apaetuc. sickucaj at the stomneli ;iri( bloTted sto'.nncli - these nrc ainon" ib'e man prominent symptoms of worins, and can btt re lieved-'by these incompnralilo Lozpnfiea. The have nver bc-n knnwTj'to-fnfl. !)r. Sherinan'? 'CAMPHOR LOZENOES" Reliove Ileid.icho, Nervoua Sick Ilcüdiichc, Pal pitinon l hti heart. and Sickne-a in a very lev utinirt-s. Thoy cu'e Liwr era of Spirits, Dt-epoleiicy, FaintnesB, Cnüc, Spatms, Crnmps "■ ihc Stomach. Slimmer or Bowel Compl.-iints :hcy keep up the spirits, dispel dl ihe distreAsini i-y:iiufuin.s of a nightof di8iintiri, arm enoble i pcrs.ui to uadergo great mental or bodiiy toil. - Dr. ishenn iu's 'POOR MA VS PLASTER Is BjCknowledged by :il! wJio have ever usi d t t bc the bet sirenythcninc Piaster in t!ie worjd. nii.l a"ioveruign remedy lor pains and veiJincfti in the bflck loine, side. breas', tieck.. lirfibe joints, rheniiintisni, lumbago, &c. One millio a ye tr wil! no' eupply the demand. Cnuiion necessar' , as ihere nrc many unprinripled persona who woul! lirce a spuriooa ariiele npon th C'iinmiinity. Be carelul to et Bhernmn'a Pooi Min's Piaster, wi'h n '[fuc simile" of his vvrii tt'ii i-míe on i!ie back - nneothcrs are genuine. and will dó morehurt thau nod. Whcn s'.icfi men ns ihe Rev. Dnrius Anthony of tlie Oneiila Conferenco Rev. Bebaslian Sneet er, of n.;ioni R. Mr. Duisiiar, Mr. Hancock. Rev. Mr. De Fiirest. ILn. Aaron Clark. J. Hoxie. Esq. IJoiJ' PA Benrdsley. Daniel F;ii ehnw, -Eso., and a host of ñames oTlfie likc reput;ition cin be broiiïht flrward t provo ihe i-iiicacyofDr. Sherman's preparations - when llicj are ao wornity recoirunendèd by the medical pi o ffseun, and prescribed in the practice, nn' whei such univerbalupprobaiion follows thcir us amon all cluoscs, we m.iy justiy siy ÜU Dr. in not only emitled to the appellation o' 'VÍCTOR.' but canïnirly-lay cáann lo the patroni;f!ol tl,opni'ic. and will rrceive it. Agenta for Ann Arbor. H. M. Thompson & Co.. W. S. it .1. W. Maynard; E. Snmpson, Vpsilinii; D. C. Whi'twood. Dexter:' V t'rfiiir. Snüne: Siniih fc.Tyroi. Cünton. II Bower, Mnncheaier: P. Farlicl; & Co., PJymouth: D. Grcgory and A. Gram, tfÖTtHvüle. 2IH.fim liii mbcrtiicii A wake r -viOlO a'c j1fs wmUed imtri.-iiiafeU'. OlVPVJ bv M. W.QU,V:KKiBUSII7 Ann Arbor, Lower Town, Nov 22. 1 3-J5. Albany Cultivator. THIS valiia!le A;r:culturnl iwper should b rend bv ever Farmer and Mechonic in thiCounty. and in order te í ís more extentivc circulation. Wm. S. Maynard. nger.i lor ihie county, will furu;8h it to subscribors at hia Store. froo of Ponogo, föi ono dollar por year in adano. 338'


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