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The Kentucky Election

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Tho SleÖtiOÜ of a State T'rtoasurer anc atemben ot' the TiegisiaHi're in Kentucky Wfaich occitrred oi .twlay, attraotedbu littlo atteutioii eithcr ui or out of tl State. The rcaswii of this was obvióos A vietury fot the regular Democratie candidaíe for State Treaeurer and the elecUoïi of most of tho Democratie can didates fov tho Legislatura were assurec beforehaud, for tfaougb the organs afte the eleetion last fall ware loud in thei bousts of what their party would do il Kontucky the next time it had a chance not even a Radical possessed with a graii of commoii senso placed any rnliano upon tbeir utterances. The party die not even noniinato a candidato for tb only State office to be ñutid at tlie elee tion, aiid they were unable to hold thoi own in somfi of the counties which the; canied in November last. This does no speak much for the charaoter of tbc grea mass of the Itadical voters in Kentucky It shows that they netd moiiths of pre paratory drilling and diseiplining befor they can get beat into their heads th color of the ticket "which they are to vot and tho " principies" they are to sustain Then they will bo unsvverving in thei loyalty to the party, and will march ui to the polls and deposit their ballots wit] a proud consciousness ï having don their duty. Fortunately this element i not sufliciently powerful in Kentucky to control even a single Congresional dis trict, but in other Southern States it i more serviceable to the party. Ithasen abled the carpet-bagpers to control anc bring ruin upon South Carolina, Arkan sas, Mississipj i, Louisiana and othe States in tho South. In Mississippi a the present time Senator Ames is doin, considerable trading for the Governor ship on the pica that be lias at his back and cali a strong forcé of oting material - Free Press.


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