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All Sorts Of Pen-scratches

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Ix A LEADER on "Thé Cost ff tlie Royftl Family of England" the Detroit Tribune sadly mixes up Princo Ai.fred and Prince Artitur. It Is the formoi who is Duke of Edinburgh, wbo is betrothcd to the daughter of the Czar of liussia, and who has jusc had bis arinual allowsnce increascd from $75,000 to $125,000. Prince Arthur is a still ycranger royal sprout, whose allowance is not natned ia the Tribunes list, but who is doubtless provided for in sorue way or other without being made a burdensome cbarge upon hia poorly-paid and iinpocunious raothcr. She must be impeounious or thereabouts, as her yearly allowanci'S only amuunt to the very rneager gura of ftbont 12,000,000. - John Morrissey is charged with " putting up a job " at the reeent Saratoga races. He statcd thatHubbard wonld start, be pulled up, and leave the contest between Wanderer and Harry Bas&ett. And so bets were freely made on Wanderer. He did beat Bassett, but Hubbard was not held up, and " scooped the pile " - Geo. C. Bates, cx-Unitod States Attorney for Utah, haspublished a long letter, offonsive and defensivo, and whioh will maVo the fur fly from somo of the territorial officials. He gives Parsou Newman, charged with general supervisión from. Washington, " most particular fits " - Unless Mis. Young No. 17 was legally married to Brigham sho can get no legal standing in court, and té claim jurisdiction on the bilí she has filed praying divorce, is to judicially recognize polyggamy as a lawful institution. That is the knot Judge Kmerson is to cüt; ■ - A fast train has been put on the Toledo, Wabash and Western ïlailway and its conncctioiis, the time between the Mississippi Eiver and New York being thirty-eight hour3. The first train made the trip from St. Louis to Toledo in 13 hours and 55 minutes. - And now the betrothal of another English princo is announced. This time it is Prince Arthur, and the bride elect is the Princess of Thyra of Denmark. Parliament at its next sessiou will probably be " boned" for another liberal allowance. - On Monday last we receired three issues of the New York Erening Post (daily), thoso for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday preceding, and Piiday's New York World. Couldn't Postmaster-General Creswell spur up his mail carriers a little. - The petition for divoroe of Mrs. Brigham Young No. 17 was thrown out of court on the 5th inst. It is also reported that Mrs. Young has agreed upon terms of compromise, to which her lawyers refuse to consent. - The Chambers-Seddon8 prizo fisrht, at Brooklyn ("City of Churches"), N. Y., on the 3d inst., Sunday, uufortunately resulted in the death of neither combatant. Seddons' seconds "threw up the sponge" too early. - The Virginia Iíepublican State Convention refused to pass a resolution censuring the Congressionalsalary-grabbers. The motto of the Southern Bepublieans is "get all you can and keep all you get." - At the last session of the Legielature 102 acts were passed amending the Compiled Laws of 1871, and yet the orler loving citizons of the State are expected to know and obey the l&ws. - The Boston Traveler gives it to be understood that Gen. Butler's friends will not be bolters in the coming campaign, md intimates that the bolting, it' any, is ;o be done by his opponents. - Ex-Secrutary Cox, and Judge Stallo - fained for bolting the nomination of jreeley bj' tho Cincinnati Convention of May, 1872 - havo given in their adhesión o tho Ohio "People's Party." - An appncation ior a new triai is to ba inadc i'or young Walworth, vvhich would indicato that Gov. Dix isn't favorably inclined to exereiso the pardoning power. - Counterfeit half-eagles, of the coinage of 1872, aro reported in circulation in New York and Boston. None of them have been offered for the Aegus. - Blue overalls and hair powdered witli hay-seed'is the unifojm an Indiana journal prescribes fbf stuinp speakers in the eomingcarnpeigii. - President Salmerón, of the Rpanish Bepublic, has been intervi-wed by Minister tëickles : and " still lives." What's the man made of? - A shod'dy mili was b'úVned' aL Áyer;Mass., on Moriday : büt the race of shoddy-ites still surviví-s. - The President ïttta in Washington on Wednesday, - the guest óf ö-ov. Cooke. TnE Penssylvania Constitutional Convention is dping its level best to trap dishonest and corrupt legislators, and so it provides that within twenty days after the close of any session of the Legislature, euch and every member shall go beforo a local justice and make oath that he has not listened to or erttertained any corrupt solicitations-of propositions; that he has received ño gifts from persons intested in legislation ; that he has ín no way been a party to any bribery; and that he has voted for no measures which hc believcd unconstitntional. ïailïng to take sach oath he is to be forever disqualified frortï holaing any office of trust or profit in the State ; taking falsely subjccts him to the same disqualifiention ; and, besideS renders him Hablo to a prosecution for pefjury, This iron-clad oath may protect the people of Ponnsylvania and give them honest legislation, but we don't believe it. A legislator who will viólate the spirit of the oath he takes on enter ing upon the discharge of his duty will not scruple to swear to all that is roquired of him when he goes out of office. Ho will expecfc to so cover his tracks that exposure will not follow or at least stave off conviction which must necessarily precfftle disqualificatiofl taking effect. The State printiug contract Bas been lot to W. S. George & Co., present printers ; the print or book paper contract to the Pertnisular Paper CompañV, of Ypsilanti ; and the stationery contract to the Detroit Paper Company. No chango execpt in the latter, Riciimonds & Backus, of Detroit, being the present con tractors. GoNKLlNO ia 8aid to be ahead in the contcst for the vacant Chief-Justitiship. His claims are: a salary-grabber oi the fust -water, an earnest friend of doubling the salary of tho President, and other reasons equally potent. A Chicago law suit for fifieen dollars, which has been in court sixteen years,. was thrown out the other day, after the plaintiff had wastod f800 in litigation.


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