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T11E3I AIN & COLeT GROCERS AND PROVISIÓN DEALERS! No. 30 East Huron Street. Country Produce L&L? fcf Ml'8 in your Butt" E, ro,. Jf. H. EOI,Í; has estiib'lshod hin ('nl „re store of TU KM AIN COLE, whère aU Sí' fe be promptly attended to. ]u Estáte of John C. Burkhardt, Senïo7 OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WMht O At a session of tho Probate (Wforfk ?■" of Waahtena, holden at the Propte Office kVl,0 "fü1' of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the UntyutVÏ.?'' July, ra the year one thousand eight hnl2 und seventy-thrce. B Mnj Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate In the matter of the estHte of John C. Burkii.m Senior deoeaacd. Emamiel Una, adminlïSx! Siiid eftate, comes mto courl and representa tht ■ now prepared to render his ünal account „ „i1 Thereupon it ia ordered. that Tusdny, the u j dny of Bopterabet next, at ten o'clock in the f omZ, be uaigIMd f„r esnmining nnd allowing Sïïco„nt and that the helt. at lnw „f T ceaaed, and all other persons intererted in ,tó Mtote, are required to appear nt a se,L 4, Mud Court, then to be hokk'n at the íroS Zn ' in the City ot'Ann Arbor, i„ ,Md u„ y ífa & cause, it any there be, whv the baid aprnññi i not be allowed: Anditis or ïtrei uï." ,%ffl mmiMt twgiVi notice to the penon, SS (A true copy.) NOAH W. THEEVER 1438 Jnlse of Probate. Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wart,. O ss. In the marter of the etate of KW,!' West, iucompetent. Notice is hereby given thnt " pursuance of au order granted to the undérsier? liuiirdian ol the estáte of eaid Ebenezcr West k ' tlieUon. Judgeof Probate for the connty ofwk.ï' tenaw, on the liflh day of Angnst, a. d 1873 thr" will be sold at public vendue, to the highest bidder at the Bouth door of the Court House in the citr of Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtetüiw in mifl State, on Wednesday, the twenty-fourth dv uf 8tn tember, a. d. 1873, at ten o'elock in the forenoon n! that day (aubjeut to all enenmbrnnces by morttaM or othtrwise existing at the time of Bale), tho follow ing desclibed real estáte, to-Tvit : That picceoi n cel oí land described as iollows : commencing al tha southeast corner of the west half of the northeait quarter of section twenty-one, towmhip two f2) sonth of ranye six (&) east, thence north one degree and twelve f12) ininnies west six chains and twenty-W and one-half links to the southeiist side of tlie Dít. boro load, thenue on the southeast side of the Dii! boro road sonth flfty-six degrees weat to the north." east corner of a lot of land lately o-wned hy E L Fuller, and now owned by John Lennon, thence it rijfht angles trith saidroad till it interstets the qua ter section line, thence alony said line to the place of bezinning, contnining one acre and eleven rods of land, be the same more or Ichs. Also thnt piec o? parcel of land beginning on the line between theeait and west halves of the northeast quarter of sectioo twenty-one of township two south ot range flix fast ín tlie center of the hiiihway leading trom the tv of Ann Arbor to the villaje .of Dixboro, and runnin thence south one degree and filteen minutes eau along said line six ebaina and seventy-three linlti to the southwest corner of the east halÏF of snid northeast quarter of section twenty-one. thence Past alonn the east and west quarter line two C'ij chains and twenty-WTen links thenee north twenty live depreei west eren chaina and twenty links to the plaee of be'-rinnini?, eonlaiuing one acre of land more or leu, in said State. Diitcd, August 5th. A. D.18Í3. U:S'J JAMES J. PAESHALL. Guardian. If yon are Suffering froa any CHRONIC DISEASE, , Broken Down CVmst ilution, Or require a Itemedy to Pnrify and Enricli the Blood, You will flnd Dr.Crook's Componnd Syrap of Pokefiool to postes greattr merit, cura you more upeedily, and do you more good than any and all other remedies combined. 1U.H litl-.r-ll.N 'ek l.v-loohlng ÍShiD la chauged to oue of freshnes nnd liealth. ■ Those Uisenses of the .Skin. Pimples, Pnsíiilis. Blotclies ui'i Kriipiions are removed. Scrofula. Ncroliiions DJaensea of tbe, White Nu. llmu- . Viren, Oíd Sores or any kind of Humor rapidly , dwindie and disappear nnder its Influence. What ts it? It is nature's own restorer! A Boluble oxyd of iron combined -with th medicinal properties of Poke Rooi divested oí all disagreeable quallties. It wiJlcnreany li neiise wbose real or direct cause i Bad Blood. ICIn iimiui-iii, 1'miiih n l.mitu or Bones, Coustitutions broken down by Mercurial or otlier poisons, are all cured by lt. For N.v .1iíIih, Sypbilltic taini. tbere ls notliing equal to il A trlalwilí oro ve it. fcsold by -E=r 11 ANHOOD: HOWLOST, HOW RESTORED. Just pulilished . a ncw ciition of Dr. Culverwel I's Celebruted üsnay on the radical cure (without medicine) ot íívermatorkhcea or Seminal Weaknesü, InvoluntaTy Semiiinl I.osses, Imfotknít, Mental uudriiysicul Inciipacitytlmpedimentsto Mnrriítire, etc. , ttlao, Consumption, Kpilepsy und Fns, induced by selt-indulfífnce or sexunl extr:VHgitnce. r Ï" Pnce in ;i Bealed envclope only abe ceius. Tha Oelebruted nuthor, in this dmir:ibíe essny, cleuily denionsti-Mtes irorn a thnty j eais' suict8stol praejjfí, that the alarming coiistquencea 'f self-abiise limy üeradioally cured without the dangerous use oí inlern:il nicdicine or the nppiication of the knife; pointÍDg out ;i mode of cure at once simple, certmn, and effc tual, by measa ot' whu-h every sufferer, no matter irhathia condilion may beF may cure himself cheftply. privntely iud radicaUíf. QSW' Tai lecture $hould be in the hands of evcry youih and every man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envclope, to anyaddress, poxt-p'ü'l. on receipt ot' six cents, or two post stampi. Address the Publishers, CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO. 127 Bowery, New York, Postoffiee Box, 4586. 143(yl rNLY 35 CENTS. THE GKEAT TBIZE STATIONEEY PACKAQH: rontnins 10 Sheets of Writiiif? paper, 10 KnVelopes, 1 lVnholder, I l.e;id Tencil, 2 Ven, 1 Blank Book, f Blotter, l'hotoíi;tpl)s ot 100 Btautilul ornen and i pieCQ di Ladics' ox (íents' Jewolry. Sninpie package sent by mnil, post-puíil, on reeoipt of price, 35 cents; 2 paeknges fur (! eents, or4írtr?l. beii'l fnr a packagre; it wlll b the most goods you ever bought íor the money. The prize is often worth more than the pi ice paid for the eniire package, md the othr nrtides would biiiijr at rctail not les than 75 cents. Don't pnss this, tiy one packiige and you "will never buy Stutioncry any other -way. Aildress, J. C. TÍURROW, Lock Box 151. Biltimori', Md. BLF" Apeuts wanted everywhere to sell Tuckages,' Pictures, liooks, &c. ('titaloues sent free. H37w2 TAEM AT AUCTION! By vïrtue of anthority to me given by power of atlurney, executed by uil those owmng murrsts in the AVinï.iw Farm, and by an order troin the llon. Juilfc'0. ( Frobate for the Connty of Washtenaw, I will tselí at l'ubhc Auction, on the premises, on the 13th day of August Jxt, At one o'clock p. m., the Winslow Farm , situated on Section 2R, in the Township of lima, 1 '4 miïessmithresl of Lima Center, Washtenaw County, Michigan! ContaininK 1S8'.,' acres. Abont 188 acres improved, the balance well tiïubtrcd. Said l'aii ha comfortable buildings, a plenty of all kinds oí Fluit, and vratared by n never-tuilin(T brook and a t?ood well, and is umler ft pood state of culi ivat ion. r!.1iere ar.ujno ilicumbrane'eB on t?ïe Farm and the tifié is perfect. TERMS (OT SALE: , One quarter cash down, and the balance in 3 or 4equal finnutil p'nyments, ivith annnal interest ttt 7' per cent, secured by note and. mortpape, piyable at the .nn Aibor Savings Bank, Ann Arbor, Mich. ■ For furtlvr particulars, cal! upon or address me öt Ann Arbor, Mich. FKAÏMtlilIV CATE, Ann Arbor, July 14, 1S73. 1435 Administrator. ' ■jDEAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE. THE VOLNEY CHAPÍN HUME8TEAD, Near the north east corner oftïïe Court Houpe pquare, This pjoperty wil] lic snltl at reaaonable prieel, in lots suitnble for a re.ideuce, or for business pnrposes. Alsolots on Milier Avenueeast of Tums'green house. Algo a Farm of 160 Acres, Well watered aiifi feneed, with goorl orchard ard fair hiiildinsi1. wilhin a milc of the L-o:irt Hnuscin' 8t. Johns, Michiuan, andsoveral hnndred acref or pine and oak timbered lauds in Saginaw Countyv' Mitíhiíían. Iiiqairc of B. W. CIIKErER,or 14i:m6 C. A. CHAPÍN. MRS. H. J. HILTON, M. Ik7 PHY81CIAN AND SURGE0N, Office and Residen re 3 'o. 88 Ann Street, corner of Ingallt, Ann Arhor, Mich. VSF Office honrs- 8 to 10 a. m.; and 2 to 4 v. m."Ij Eeferaiccs- PSor: Pageii, Pbof. Palmek. T IVE ÖEESE FEATHiiRS F IR S T C1TJ ATuIT-Y , tonel lyouhand arfdfoisali by BACEfr ABEL.


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