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The Normal "Gymnasium," located about six ods f rom the Normal building was burned at an arly hour on Saturday morning last. It wa.s noccupied and the lire is charged to incendiares. The Normal was saved because of the abence of wind, though the cornice was somewhat corched. - Saturday night a barn belonging to Mr. [cCullough and the barrel house of the Huon Mills, belonging to Deuhel Bros., were )urned, the fire originatiag in the barn. In the jarrel house some 800 barrels belonging to Mr. i. G. LaRue 4were stored and burned. An inendiary fire. - An attempt was made to fire the barn of Charles Shier, Esq., on Monday evening last. Vood satuaated "With kerosene was found on the oor. A " warning " the Sentincl suggests. - The Good Templara liad an installation on WConday evening last, with a crowded hall and a vely interest. Oeville E. Hoyt is the W. C. br the ensuing quarter. - Mike Bbown was arrested on Wednesday vening, on suspicion of firing theM. E. Church. Dxamination set down for to-day. Meantime he ïas been sent up to Sheriff Fleming's hotel for afe keeping. - The new buildings of Cohdabt and Mrs. AIillee are rapidly going up. Edward Johnson, a potter, and Lewis Creight, a printer; were drowned in the nill pond at Jackson, last Sunday afternoon by the tipping over of a email sheet ron boat in which they wre riding. Thfcir bodies wero recovered after an lour's seareh by Harrison Smith, in seven eet of water. Johnson was thirty years oíd, lea ves a wifeand one child. Kreight was twenty-live and leaves a wife. The Secretary of the Treasury has diected the Assistant Treasurer at New York to buy half a miillion of bonds on he sejond Wednesday, and sell one and a half millions of gold eaeh Thursday luring the month of August. In all, to ell six millions of gold and buy half a miliion bonds. The subscription of $160,000 for the rection of a second theologieal hall for he divinity school of Yale College, towards which afriend of the seminary has ecently subscribfd $80,000 on conditiou hat the remainder was raised by the first of bas been completed by the jrofessors becotning responsiblo for the uin still wanting, about $6,000. A terrible accident occurrod at Butler, near Pittsburgh, on Saturday evening: on he farm of Wrn. Preston, by which three uen were burned to death. They were joring lor oil, and were in the well at he time oil was struck. It scarcely reached the surface before taking fire, jlazing up for a distance of one hundred reet or more. Great excitement prevailed. The bodies of the men who were iurned were not recovered till to-day. A no tice has been served on the Tittabawasse Boom Ccmpany to detain the logs put in by Bennett and Thompson from lands purehased as swamp lands :rom Edmonds, the State Land Conimlssioner who created so much excitement a year ago. It is claiined that a, gross raud was committed in the purchase of he lands. Several raillions of feet are nvolTed, and it is presumed the whole matter will be submitted to the courts. A young girl by the name of C ui ver, aged about twelve, was burned to death last Friday afternoon, at Auburn, on the Fort Wayne, Jaokson & Saginaw Railroad, while attempting to start a fire with kerosene. Some coals concealed in the ashes communioated fire to the can, which exploded with great violence, covering the poor girl in a sheet of flames. She was burned nearly to a crisp, and died in a few minutes. Near Bridgeton, N. J-, lately, Samuel Penn, aged 85, and David M. Woodruff, aged 8G, had a novel reaping match with sickles, after the old-time ways. They cut a width of six feet and a distance of nine and one-half rods in twelve minutes. Both were awarded the yictory by a largo concourse of witnesses. Hon. Wm. A. Howard decliiied to be reélected President of the Grand Rapids & Indiana Railroad, and has formally accepted the position of Land Commissionof the Northern Pacific Railway. It is expected that Torn Scott of the Pennsylvania Central will be made President. It is well known that the average Western Cungressman seldoin opéns his mouth without "putting his foot in it ; " and now this unfortunate proclivity seems to be extending to the nobler animáis, an lowahorse having nearly choked himself to death by getting one of his hoofs down his throat. A tame bear went over the falls of Mirinehaha the other day, feil fifty feet, and struck on a rock. He acted as though he thought the ways of Providente were mysterious and past finding out, but ho wasn't hurt badly, only in his feelings. A little girl sent out to hunt eggs carne back unsuccessíul, complaining that lot of hens were standing round doing nuth ing. A methodist clergyman in this confer ence was recently so deeply irnpressoc with the evil of chewing tobáceo that he gave up the habit, and went to smoking Theodore Ilook once said to a man a whose table a pubiishev gat very tipsey " Yon appear to havv your win cellar into your booküelleíT A very ramarkable phenoraonon is now presented by the relativa price of hay and corn in BufFalo. Corn can be bought at about $15 a ton, while hay readily brings $30 a ton. A pound of hay sells for twice as much as a pound of corn. Á Mrs. Coyle, aged 74, of California, who was struck by lightning reoently, said if she had " only seen the lightning a minute sooner she would have dodged it, but somohow sho ain't so spry as she was sixty years ago." A little three year oíd girl, who did not wish to kiss the fíunily good night, but was obliged to doit "as a ineans of discipline," went through the performance conscientiously, and as she kissed the last one she heaved a sigh of relief, and exclaimed, " Amen." A St. Louis physieian committed an assault upon a fellow who tied his horse, attached to a load of coffins, to a post bafore the doctor's door. The M. D. objected to such a mode of advertising. A citizen of Connecticut, recently introduced to a newly married man, congratulated him warinly, and said : "Ah, these Litchficld county girls make clever wivos : I've had three of them." The word shah, the h of which (rutteral, is an abbreviation of the Hebrew word mesehiah, which signifies anointed. The Eastein Kings, from the timo of Saúl, have called theuiselvea anointed of the Lord.


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Michigan Argus