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Centaur l.iiiiuiiiii. There is no pain which the Centaur Liniment wil! not relieve, no swelliug it will not subdue, and no lameness which it will not cure. This s strong language, but it is true. Where the arts are not gone, its effects are marvelous. It las produced moro cures of rheumatism, neualgia, lock-jaw, palsy, sprains, swellings, cakedireasts, scalds, burns, salt-rheum, ear-ache, &c, upon the human frame, and of strainu, spavins, galls, &c, upon animáis in one year than have 11 other pretended remedies since the world began. Cripples throw away their crutches, the ame walk, poisonous bites are rendered harmess and the wounded are healed without a scar. t is no humbug. The recipe is published around ach bottle. It is selling a? no article ever beore sold, and it sells because it does just what t pretends to do. Those who now suffer from rheumatism, pain or awelling deserve to suffer if they will not use Centaur Liniment. More than 1,000 certifleates of remarkable cures, including frozeu limbs, chronic-rheumatism, gout, running tumors, &c, have been received. We will send a circular containing certificates, the recipe, &c, gratis, to any one requesting it. One bottle of the yellow paper Centaur Liniment is worth one hundred dollars for spavin or sweeuied horses and mules, or for screw-worm in sheep. Stock-owners - this liniment is worth your ;ention. No family should be without Centaur Liniment. Price 50 ets., large bottles $1. J. B. Rose & Co., 53 Broadway, New York. Castoeia is more than a substitute for Castor Oil. It is the only safe article in existence which is certain to assimilate the food, regúlate the bowels, cure wind-colic and produce natural sleep. It contains neither minerals, morphine nor alcohol, and is pleasant to take. Children need not cry and mothers may rest. - 1431m6 The Houichold Panacea and Family Llnlmmt [s the best remedy in the world for the following romplaintfc, viz. : Cramps in the Limbsand Ktomuch, Pain in the Stomach, Howel, or Side, Rlmumatism in all its forms. Bilious Colic, Nenralgtü , Cholera, Dysen-ery, Colds, Fresh Wounds, Burns, tíoreThroat, Spinal l'omplaints, Hprains and Bruises, Chills and Fever. For Internal and Kxternal use. lts opttration is not only to relieve the patiënt, hut entireiy removes the cause of thecomplaint, It penetrate aud pervades the whole eystera, restoring iiealthy action to all its parts, and quickeniug the blood. I 'hi' Household Panacea is purely Vegetable and All-Healing. Prepared by CURTÍS & BROWS. No. 215 Fulton Street, New York. For sale by all druggists. 1436yl RcyoiKl the ITIississïppi.- Thousands have already gxme, and thousands more are turniiig their eyes towards new homes in the fertile West. To those to Misaouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado Utah, Wyoming, Nevada, Oregrui or California, Tve recommend a cheap, safe, quick and direat route, via St. Louis, over the Misaouri Pacilic Railroad, which runs its fine JDay Coaches and Pullman Sleepers from St. Louis to principal pointa in the West withou change. "We believe that the Missouri Pacific Huil ioad has the bftst track and the tincst and sufes equipraent of any line west of the MUsissippi, and iti eonnections with rondt f urther West are prompt uw reliable. The Texas coimection of this road is now cumple ted, and passeners are offered a first-class, all rail route from St. Louis to Texas, either over th Missouri, Kansus & Texas R. lt-, via Sedalia, or ove the Atlantic & Pacitlc R. R., via Vinüa. For maps time tables, information :ih to raten, routes, &c, w refer our readers to I. G. Wheelcr, Xnrthern Pbmoh ger Agent, 72 Lloyd street, Buífalo, N. Y., or K. A Ford, General Passenger Agant, St. Louis, Mo Qucstions will be chctrfutlit andpromptly answtred! Fmlgrrni ion Xurningf ! Clicap Farms fn South-west ?l issouri -The Atlantic & Pacific iiailroad Company offers 1.200,000 acres o land in Central and Southwest Missouri, at f rom $ to $12 per acre, on neven years' time, with f ree trans portation from St. Louis to all purchasera. Climate Buil, timber, mineral we;tlth, schools, churches am law-abidine society invite eraigrants from all point to this land of fruïts and flowers. For particulars address A. Tuck, Land Commissiouer, St. Louis Missouri. 1417 Cliildren Ofton took Palé and Sirle From no other cause than havinff worms in the stom iteh. BROWN'S VERMirUGB COHFXT8 WüJ rlestroy Wormt without injury to the child.bein perfect lv WIIITE, and freo from all coloring or othe injiirioua infeiedienta uauiiilj used m worm prepara CÜBTta & BROWX, ProprietojflL No. 21ftJFultcfu.Bès;f,ew Vork. ScH bu Drugfitrfx and Cieniúít,' and dealers in Meet cintt at TwEMiï-iTivE Cents a Bos. I436yl MICHIGAN CENTRAL IUILUOAD. 8UMMER TIME TABLE. Passengertrainsnow leave the eeveral stations, aa ollows: GOING WEBT. I c M M v - -= w w 8TATIONS. W 1-8 _ o S j q M ;n W Ph a. m.!a. m. r. m. r. M.;r. st.'p. m. Detroit, lcave, 7 Oo! 9 40 1 4n 4 05 6 40 1(1 10 'psilanti, 8 28 10 45: 2 66 1 5 30; 7 10 11 25 Aun Arbor, 8 52 11 00 3 lli 5 U 7 45 11 43 exter, 9 2n! : 3 40 6 25! 8 10 balsea, ' 9 40 i 00 8 30 GracsLakc, 1 10 07! ! 4 35 9 00 a. m. uckson, 10 40;12 15 5 05 9 35 j 1 00 P. M.l'. M. A. M. Knlamazoo, 2 03! 2 55 8 20 12 25 hicago arriTe, 8_l_S,__00 I 6 30] 8 00 OPIMO r.inT. !a. íí.'á. mJ r. m.!p. m. hiendo, lcave, 5 00 9 00 5 15 9 00 T. M. A. M. A. M. Kalamazoo, 11 15, 2 03 5 00 2 15 r. m. a. m. ackaon, 2 30 4 15 8 00 12 30 4 45 ross L,ake, 2 Mi 8 32 helaea, 3 24 ! 8 J8 A. Jf. exter, 3 40 íl 20 6 20 nn Arhor, 4 05 5 19 9 50 1 55 6 00 6 H Yp.-iliinti, 4 25 5 36 10 05! 2 17. 6 20 7 20 Detroit, arrive, 5 50 6 40 11 20! 3 30: 7 25! 8 45 The Atlantic and Taciflo Express run between ackaon and Niles on the Air Line. Dated.May 26.1873 DETEOIT, niLLSDALlí & INDIANA EA1LEOAD. going wkst. -1873- aoiya east. stations. Mixed. Mail. stations. Mail. Miz. A. M. P. M. „ Detroit, dep... 4:05 A. M. P. M. 'ïisilnnti 7:25 5:40 Bankers P:30 2:40 ,iino, 8:30 6:15 Hillsdale 6:44 8:05 ridgewater.. 9:"6 6:33 Manchester.... 8:42 6:55 lanchester. ... 9:48 6:55 Bridgcwater . . 9:"S 7:35 p. M. Saline 9:25 8:10 nillsdale 1:10 8:48 [ Ypaihmti 10:00 9:05 ankers 1:80 9:00 I Detroit 11:35 Traína run by Chicngo time. W. F. PARKER, SupH, YpBÜnnti' iíijFffi SECONti DISTEIBU TION. THE CHROJIO CITE". ELEGA1Y1TY i!'ii:i m a su un: ís no; oistuiburio 01 8730 riti:mttis ijkumimí to 11,000. GIVEN AWAY! To every subscriber of that Popular Weekly OUR FÏRESIDE FRIEND Chromos are delivered flt once. The distribution will POSITIVELY take place od the TWENT1ETH JAY OF AU0TT8T, EIUBTËEN HUNDRKD AND EVENTY-THREE. UUE CHROMO " CUTE" is 16x20 inches in nize, cknowledged to be the fineat and haudsomest picture ver civen with any paper. OUR FlREüIftE FKIEND is a'n eight page illus,rated íaaiily and story weekly in Ita thiid volume, las now oveí SKVENTY-F1VE THOUSAND SUBCRIBE11S, and rapidly increasing, which insures tie success of the present distribution. The Publishrs of Our Firesiile Friend have sent to its Bubscribers liis yearover 8EVBNTT ïHCUfe AND copies of the tiromo "Cute" and are shippinfí hundreds every ay. SUHSCRIPTION PRICE, T1IREE DOLj ARS PER YEAR, which rives the subscriberis FIF'Y-TWO numbers of the best Family Weekly, the bromo " CUTE" ñnely framed, and a numbered CERTIFÍCATE entitlinf: the holtlcr to one share in he distribution of premiums for 1873. SUBSCRIBE ow with the agent or send direct to the Publisher. PECIMEN C 'PIES, particulars, etc. , sent free. AÍTTIVT1! In eTer5' 'un. ' home or travAví JjIi i O eling. Large cash pay and lib[r 4 Y'rVTI er;il premiums for setting up II AJlIiU clubs. The best outfit. Send at nee for f erms and pnrticulars. Address WATERS & CO., Tabs, Chicago. L B. GIDLEyT" Successor to 0OLGROTE & SON. DRLGGIST ANÜ CHIÜM1ST IN COOK'S NEW HOTEL, No. 12 E. HUEON STREET DEALER IN IU C.S. TIKlUf IMS, SIRCICAL MSTUI"Ii:TS, run: m im s and liqiors, (FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES ONLY.) Fancy Goods, Periumery, PAINTS, OII.S, VAHNISHES, I.ASS AND PCTTY, PDYSICIAIS1 PBESGBIPTIOKS Carefally compounded at all honrs. PBOPOSE NOT TO BE UNDERSOIE BY ANY FIRM IN THE CITY WHO FURNISH AS G00D AN ARTICLE. E. B. . I III. F. V. 13C7tf HAMBERS' ENCYCL0P2EDIA. A DICTIONAttY OF v Universal Knowledge for the People. BEVISKD EDITION. WITH Maps, Plates, and Engravinga. Complete in 10 Yols. of 832 pages eacli. JUustrated wilh aboui Four Thousand Engraviitgs an( Forty Maps y together with a Series of f rom Etghty In One llnudred EUgaiüJy Engraved Plates - illuslrativt of thñ Subjects of Natural History - now for the FIRST TIME appearing in the work. PRICK PER VOLUME. Extra Cloth, beveled boards, - - $5 5 Library Sheep, marbled edgeg, - .60 Huif Turkey Morocco, - - - 6 5 This Edition is Sold only by Aoents Publishca by J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., PM1 delphia, Pa. SYLVANUS WARREN, 1S9 Woodward Avenue Detroit, General Agent for the Stati; of Michigan. By comprmng Chnrabers' Encyclopeedia with tb New American Cycloptedia, - the wovk with which i is most fr quently brought into comparieon, it wil be tound thut while the U.n volumes of Chambers contain 83.0 pages, the original fixUtn volumes of th New American contain less tlmn 12,000 pHges. I will als" be fuund that a pape of Chambers' contain full ftnt-fifth more matter than a page of the New Ainericuii, making the ten volumes of the i'orme pauivalent in amount of printed matter to at leas thirteen volumes of the latter, not to mention th numeroiis PlateB fabout ftO), "Woodcuts (Bome 4 000 and Maps (Hbout 40). that are included in this editio of Chambovs', and to which the New American pos gessPR no fiorrcspondinp feature. It is conftdentl believed thut as a populwr ' Dictionary of CJmitxi pal KsnwLKDr.E," the work is without on eqitftU the English langunge. 142fiy1 CaA COtfil PT" day! Agmls wantrdl AH $3 IU 5aW olftM! (,f -vvorking people, of either sex yaung or. old, jniUie more money at work fbr jja in tluir epare mororuta or all the time, thftü at áriythiñc e]pe. Particulars iree, Addresa Ü. Stinson & Co Fortla'i, jilaiua H. COHEÜ'S AdvertisementJ BAR6AINS ! BARGAINS ! As I intènd to gire up the Dry Goods trade, I shull offer my whole stock including DRESS GOOD8. SHAWLS, BLANKETS, CALICOS, STRIPES, TICKINGS, DENI.TIS, Cassimers, Tablö Linens, i FLANNELS, NAPKINS, iÚwtíÁ Lace Curtains, Etc., Etc., AT LESS THAN 2STETW YOBK COST, In order to dispose of the wholeStock with all possible dispatch. Eemember this is no Humhug Sale, so cali early and secure your bargains at 33 Siiulli Main St. 1 i TAODGE'S PATENT REAPER & MOWER - ANII SELF-RAKE! J.A. POLHEMUS lus Hollín received his usual aupply of the above elebrtitcd Miichiues, whicli he in prepared to furnish o every farmer in Washtenuw or Jacksou Countiea who want A FIRST CLASS MACHINE. He is alao prepared to furnish all extras for tne lodge Machine. Also, all extras required to repttii the old BALL MACHINKS. Office at the LIYERY 8TABLE OF J. A. POLHEMUS & SON, Cor. .TI a in and Catherlne Streets, "Wheio may be found the most extenêive outflts oí Horses and Carriages In the city, connected with which is a HACK, BUS AND BAGGAGE WAGON LIKTE, Iteady to flll orders at all times. Special attention given to f úrnishing HORSES AID IMKIU.lia-:S FOR FlUERALS. Ann Arbor, May 23, 1873. M27tf N TIME! Wm. Wacner Has opeucd a large stock of SPRING & SUMMER G-OOIDS, Including new and FASHIONABLESTYLES ron-- COATS, PJLNTS, and VESTS, Which he will manufacture in tho best and latest style, and Warrantetl Fits and Work. Also kecps n good stock of READY-MADB CLOTHINU AND Gents' FURNISHIEG Goods "VV'bich will be sold cht_;ip. OALL AND SEE THEM. No.21 South Main Street,- EaêtSIdei WILLIAM WAlilVbll. Anti rbor, May Ut, 1S73. 1424 BACH & ABEL. We have now in store and are receiving our usual large stok of New Spring Goods, bought for cash, and will "be placed on sale at as !ow "prices as any house in Michigan. BACH & ABEL. A large assortment of fashionable dress goods in the new shades. BLACK SBLKS! A soecialty. We have thein direct from the Lyon'ö manufactory agents, and can warrant them made of pure stock. BACH & ABEL. FIFTT PIECES OF THE - MM STÜARTC BLACK ALPACA ! and cali special attention to the 45c, .50c, and 75c qualities. TheseAlpacas are manufactured by Alex. T. Stiiart & Co , and without doubt excel in texture and lini-h any ever brought te this country, BACH & ABEL. Ivom the impovters, diexct, a largs doch of Tafole Lincns, Napkins, DAMASK TOWELSi&C. BACH & ABEL A ÏÜLL LINE OF Brown and Bleached Cottons, Tickings, Deiims, Cottonades, de. These goods we buy by the packago, getting disoounts, and can make low pricee. BACH & ABEL. We desire to cali especial attention to our stock of FRENC1I AND ENQL1SE CASS1MERES, Ana SUITINGS, the largest and best assortment in the city. BACH & ABEL. A FüLL LINE OP SHADES IN THE STEWABT ALEXANDRB KID 6L0YES In both one and two buttons. This Glove has been recently improved, and is now conceded to be the best in use. BACH & ABEL. A Rare Chance TO UET. A large and modern nrw Grocery Hore in Bnchoz Block, Petro t Street. ündf-uhtedly thebest locatlon In that part of ;he city for ald business. A srood large cellar and Dew btirn attaehed to the premises. The rent is $;1OO yearly, to be taken in groceries for my fnmiiv Que. Als!' 8 fine ecw Meflt Market, all complnte, jnininp ra y blok, with moleni impr ivements, marbïc tablfl Ac, iftTgu new fimoke house, lare:e bliek cUtern nnd cellar, ne.w bain and 11 reocly for iisp, with three ftimily rooius abovc. Store rf nts for $-50 yearly ; takt'ii in met for my fiimily nse. ■ Alsi a sraall store iu my bljck, houses, rooma, tc, ■■ ■■■,-' FOR SALB.- Thrce goad lare carriae or farm hrcte?, one fine now carriae, biíggie6,wagonfe,iarinÍD2 tooi. Aifeo three good cnwe llüüti Inquirc of L. R. BÜCH02. HSTEW ruit uní Largest, Most Elegant, and mucii the cheapest tock of flrst-class superlb DRESS GOODS Black and Colors Ever Exhibited in this market is at MACK&SCHMID'S! I o. i WTien first L. COLBY hung his sign )ï C. O. D.- AtNo.29, Vnd otfered Groceries cheap for cash, iorae people said, " he's bound to go to smash. Vnd old-time Grocers would faintly smilt', ■rophesying " C. O. L). will lust but little while. [n sixty dsiys we'H run him off the track, A.nd cali our wandering customers back.' Fhe croakers said and thought it true, 'He'll surely iail beiore the year is Xewl STou can't sell Groceries in this town nd get your pay in greenbacks down; K'here dry goods merchants on every street tVith silkfc and satins, hang out chickena to eat ', VVhere trad e is mixed in every place, At the same counter you buy butter or lace ", Where credit and loss go hand in Imnd. Mr. C. O. 1). but a slim chance will stand." Let prophets and croakers have their say, X. COLBYsells GROCERIES only forliEADY PAYJ And sells so cheap for daily cash He fean no dangor of a smash. And to his patrons all, and business friends, i'Iie greeting of the senson he extends, r young und oíd, a glad New Year, With hosts of friends and lot& of cheer l GHvfl him a cali, and from his stqc Your tables spread with good tlungs more. At that phice you willalways flnd Fresh new Groceries ot best quality and kind- Fverything needful for good cheer at home You can buy at his counter whenever you come. The days are so short this bitter cold winter, Tomention details would weary the printer. But ask if you choose for anything entable, You get it at once, in quality unbcatable I For hungry men who are wenry and cold, He has Oystera hot, Oysters that must bcsold - Oysters pickled, Oyster stew, and oyster fry, Or Oysters any other way you choose to try. He will serve up Oysters at any hour of day, And the best of cigars to smoke on your way. A dish of hot Oysters will do you mueh good. And cheer you whüe seJling your grain or wood. And with cnsh in hand Iay in a store Of Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Flour and many more, Of all things .substuntial for daily uso, Nor treat life's good thiagfl with ibuse; Crockery and Glassware and Fruits to put in them, Nuts, ltaisins, and Uandy, for children who win them. And ye who are blessed with their beau tiltil faces. Will flnd [301 the best of all places, To buy a trine, to bring a simle or ringing laugh, Your pleasure, than theirs, will be greater by hall Tlicu do not torgel to cali on Mr. C. O. IX, And buy of him your Fruits, tíugar, and Tea Though the big a a may f:ill frnm its placv The C. O. D. Z y store is stil] on the rajjfc And does not intern! to fly from the courjaTill crotikers of evil talk themselves hoxase,. Groceries can be sold for ready pay. And Ij. OölToy haslcarneWtt&a wayr Sold flve times more than he expeeUdi- By C. O. D. from loss protected. And the secret he is not af raid tciteil- Keep the bost of all things- wifcfc joiaea löw- be good natured, give good measme And you are bound to sell 1 29! 291 29! A Chance for Bargains ! For sale ai n piet hargajn, ICO A CKES OF CHOICE LAND, lyinf? í miles íron tria city of Tonia 100 acres udwr iraijuovenwiit, with Rood orclmnl, bixrn und slied, and a cora torta ble liose. 'l'orms o f puyment-troin$?,OU tffl fí,i dwu ; bulan un loliR time. Also 90 ACRES. sJxmrt 1'i milra fron Augusta, Kalamazoo County, all improvtd, with good buildings. Terms- extiemely low. Also 40 ACEF.S about eight müísfiom Hastings. Also 80 ACRES on section S in tbe town of Hazelton, ShíaWMM County, about 12 miles from Corunua Well timbered. For terms address the undersigned. Ann Arbor, April 2, 1873. E' B' POIVD TOHN FEED. BROSS, MAKTFACTUREB OF CARRIAGES, BICCIKS, MTIBER WACOSS, Sl'ItISCi WACOSS, CITTEKS, SLKIOHS, &E. All work wsrrantüd of the be6t material. Ropairihgdone promptly and reasonably. AU work wu rante.d to give iríbot ialiilaction. 68 South Main Ueut. 14J2 rpHE A.1ST3ST AEBOE TRADING isseciATioi Ar now reoelvicg the SPRING SÏOCBt OP NEW DRESS GOODS Í . i V. , , ; ' ■'■ Wo I ive the largest tooit oí FIRST-GLASS OARPIT'l Í3ST TI-IE OITSr. ENGLISH BODY BRUSSEL AT$2.0öfÊBTAEDr fripestry Brussel, Super Extra Lowell and Hartford, alsó Medium Super, VVHICH WE WILLSELL TERT èHEAP FöR CASHI Novel ani elegant additlons t eur Dress Goods Stock ARE NOW BEING OPENED, The backwnrdncss of the senson ha cntraed vexy hufíe decline durinL the last fifteen díty intlii price "f Dress Fabrics, whieh will enable ua to give to sur customers a proüt ot 20 to 25 per cent. Every Lady should inspect tiiemT ■ ■i i ■ f,i..t A handsomer line of Dress Goods was never brought to Ann Avbor thau are now opening, at extremely low prices tor cash, which will place thete ebic voodfl within the reach of all who inay favor ns with cali. Kg" We are very thankf ui for the past f a vors on4 hope to continue the same, as we shall mak e it to tha advuntuge of those who favor us with a cali. G. W. HAYS, Supt; pUEE WHITE LEAD- LEAD. g4 AVABItA.VTED % I PURE WHITE" 1 VIEILLE MON TAGNE FRENCH WHITE ZING Parlor Snow White Zind-' CRYSTAL, PA LACE WHITE LEAD. Permanent Gréên For Blinds, &j . - - , WHITE LHABf In Colora for Outside and lasida Painting, Varnishes, Oils-, Color s, Brusie. IBOJi-CLAöiliRirt PAIS!!! Manufactured itom yuré Jron Ora, i'nr Bnperior töi those mad of Clay, Rotten Stne, pirt, &c. . ■ Out Ture jand of WHTE 1EAD offer to th public witfcthipoièitive assiwaaee of absolute purity As much oí the White Lpad sdld as pvixe in dulterted f ros 2Í to 90 por cent., Consumera will consul their iatiest by giving ns. a calL ■ - t . , h _ Jt IT LLIiIS Jc CO., Driiffffifttti,. Ann Abbok, Meoek Cöiner opposite Savings Bank. 1419m5 T)UT YOUE ÏÏONEY WHEEEITWILL DOÍÉE MOST GOOÜ A. A. TEESY : Has a Füll stocè of HATS AND CAPS! IN THE LATEST STf ES. QUALITY ANÍ) KICÉS TO D E F Y COM PE T1TIO Jf , ALSO, A FÜLL LINE OF GENTS' PURNISHING GOODS f-W Call Itefore jmrchumg. 13 South Main Street. gL% TLOUE AND FEED STOEE. HENHY WASOH, (Succi' Ueo. Laubantayer,) At 14 West I.ibprty Street, ill keepconitnt ly on tmncí ii full stook of Flour, ilea 1, Oi,t6, Cura, iHillFetd frc. All elders promptly illled t the loweet cash prices. Cash pajd for Com uad Oat, ii 1


Old News
Michigan Argus