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Br an immense practice, estendina thronffh P'.-.-Hi.l l .■ :,,, wi l,in lliat linie trealed maiij thouwnd cases of thoe dleeases peculiar '","■''"""■ I Ito been i uab!ed I . perfect a most potent and a;eeab)e in.-ri i ih.-it ñu-etstheincüI prcsented by rat cjass oí dh-eases with ! c ■■ i.nuty and emcnt'sB. To desi.. mtc t'iiia ïiauuul sieciflc compound I iiivt uumcu u Dr. Piereo's Favorite Prescripüon. Thefnn. hmvc-rcr. Is Hnl :i feeiiic èxorfwlod o? my liost umuieil h ipre, ,,,ii ,.; vs :,,. .j ■ rttial and witiK?u(l n;a!itle8. ■ n close rjer. 1 i.ive whiie winc--ii, ,t positivo reIn U,b fowfpeclsl distases incide t in tiio Reparae ..rgmi.sra (,f w.niaD. „tU-! t 0„ , He climax nr Tonuiiie oiti m' my mndlcal c;iroir. On lts moritïaaii pwitivi "";" ■ ■' ' ' laln ra vi forthis rlnsKoldisea ' and one thal wilUtalltimptana uiioriiUi rrüm' ■ ll ynrtli ai.l iulvirmotriih thelaua wln-h froveri the femáis Bynem i Sbi v, H) ,ia to my aa a phyician. ,V:iv even : Uiai U'wiiJnitö ','■'■■ iuit saiü-mino e: ptir.r.ttion-x rae-nirle luvaHd I .y who oteploys I lor auy of (he aimeiits for wtiieh 1 v;Tu:ii!.;,.id it, I oBer and pril it "er A PO.S1TIVK UABANTEE, If ■ Bc al effect ■ . ,t exDetieuced by the ro-o-thirds i.l the contenta il the ara nsed I wifl.oa retara of the hottlu, two-thirds or thö medicine having been takeu ccording lo (iireotioiis, i i. J the i ase belng one for whicfi I recommend it, prompiJy refnnd thi: moBer püld tor it Had nu the most p rfect conftilenco In lts viii tues. 1 Qould uol Bff r il a, r do uiider thenecoDdltlons; hal baving witnenwl lts truly mlraculorn In thonsands nf cases 3 fVcl ir riufto,! ii,l ,,,(■, -f y Míe in risUin The fulliing ore among those ■'- mil in hlch my Favorito Prescriptlou has worked cttre- a il by inajric and with a certalnty ! before attaluwl by ,uiy m dictne: LottrflrrlTOa, Bicessive Flowing, Palüful Morthlr Poriodn, 8upreíion when trum nnnatnral cause, írrejícilarltiu, Waak Kac!c ProWni '.- tollnjt of tho ü ora, Anteven-ion and liVtroveriion, Besrlng Duwu Bensatioi, Internal Heat Nroui )enrese, Uobilitv, Dcspondenrj' steuea Sfi.-ca-riaije, ('hroníc Coiiiestlon Iniflaiumation and Olcerallon of tlin ricniB iinno:i-,i ■■. brrnnai. or Sterilitjr, Fnmale Wcakm'is ■:.i : ■ i . i : . . t ! ■ chronje d'seascp ncidentto wc.üian not ineutionwl hot. In wiiicii on well i he caaes whicb I mentlouol my P'avorite ProecripMon worka cures- Uie mnr. rel o( lio worM.Thls inc-diciae I do uot i-:!"l as a cure-s'.l, I.ut t fuliris n ■lnffloneM of HM,-p.M„i,w :1 mort pc" ■ i:-t sp-cHlc m pil cnrmio discasos of sexual i ol Hfornan. It wili uot aisaiipoict nor 'la liarm in any stare or eonditiun [twiH he ftmml invalaable In dlacaaei incident to Dreii. tiaucy, anrt eau be taken in moderate doees wiS ci-f'Cl Mfetjr'whlio I i thfit Blate. Indeed, il Ig iIulbor's Vordtul, nnd ao prc-pgrèa the system Ur pavtoriiion lluitit remiers cbild-labor y. 1 tove re-eivH the lieartftelt pralse fn.m h in lrc-1 _of munmt tut the .estiiuaW bcneflta tü'.ia c uik'iTen. I o:Tor ruy Pmrlt Preacrtptlon to the Ladioa of Aioorlea wit a the sinoerlty of au honeet heart, jni for thslr best wtliare. Those who deeire ni ther Information on these rabjeeta can obtain U in my Tbsatibb om Chkonic Í)iseases of tiib GüvEuvnvE ju TnraAKY Okgaxs, eent aerara froni ooeervation pon recelpt of two poi-taira stamps. K treou mlnutely on thoe cUseRsa ?cculiar to Eemales, and gtres much valnable ad vice in i-.'rd in their management. fllt. PlIíiSCE'S FAVOHITE PRr. SCKIPTWN IS StJ,D BV "[ pt'fIraic:ASSIKIJGjiISXS' at w Jlauufactured at the Chemical Laboratory of JL. F. VIERCE, M. I)., lr,,,r ' BUFFALO, N? Y, i I '__- - gemier- - - Il4 1 Ko Pcrson can (alte these Bitters accordlng to directions, and lemain longunwell, provUied their boacs are not destrocad hy mineral poison or otlier means, and vital organs wasted beyond tüe point of repair. Dysix'psia or Indigestión, Headache, Paia In the Shouldera, Coughs, Tlgbtness of the Chest, Dtzziness, Soir Eructatlona of tlie stomach Bad Taste in the Mouth, Billoos Attacks, PalpltatioD of the Eleart, Inilamiiiation of ihe Langs, Pain in the reioa of the Kitincys, ari'l a Imnrlred othor painful symptoms, are the off-spririfts of Dysprpsia. One bottlc win prove a bettt-r ruaiantee of ito merita than a lfiKrthy advertlsemeüt. Por Keinale #'omIji í.-iís. In younj? or old, married or sinsjie, at the d&wn of wouianhood, or tlie turn of lUte, these Tonic liittera display so decided an lnüuenoe tliat iinpröT'ement is 'sooa perceptible. For InfIiiTiinitory nnd Clironlc Rhcil tnatisui aud Gout, liilious, Ui'mittent and Intermlttent Fevets, Diseasus of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Hladder. thcae Bitters have no equal. Buch Diseasc8 u-f caused by itiated Blood. Tliey re a geiitle Piirsfalivc as well as a Tonic, posHcssing the mewt of acting as a powcrfal agent in relieviug Congestión or Inflammatiun of the Liver and Visceral Orgaus, and ia Bilious Diseascs. ïor Skin Uiseases, Ernptions, Tctter, i Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Hoils, Carbuncles, Rin}i-norms. Seaid-Head, Sore Kyes, Erisipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of tlie Skin, Humor? and Pisesscs of the SSln of whatever name or nature, are literallv áug up and carried ont of the syatem ia a short time by the use of tüese Bitters. Grateful Thonsandi proclaim Vineoab Bittïr3 the most wonderíul Iuvigorant tliat ever ■ustaiued the sinking system. DrugKiRts anrl Gen. Atfts., San Francisco, Cal., eor. of Washington aiii.OIarlton Sts., N.Y. 60LD BY ALL DKUGGIofS & DEALERS, Goldsmitk's Bryant & Stratton BUSINESS UNIVER3ITY. Business prncficiilly tawrht aftcrtho counling house syatem. Wooks and husineei papwa are ritten ip from tranaaotiona originaung from tïmng business with the vari ma Buiueas HouBee, Office, Board of Trade, Banks, Sq connected with tbe iustituüon.- PlOiise send foi College Paper jfivingfull particulurs. Addreps J. H. Ooldsmith, President, Butroit, ilich. W. Ë. HE AMES & CO., Flour Merchants 63 '.IO(:l!ltH)(,i: 8THFET, Cornor Phelby. DKTKOI'J', iriCH. ('Uoice Kye and Minnesotn Flouii for Bhktrt' uae a speciilty. Fire Bliek, all simpes and sizcs, frora Jersey and Uhio clays. Fouudry Faciugs aud Supplies -A-. isr. sBiisr, Flo"jr & Grain Com. Merchant ATWATER STHEET, (Betn'een üriswold aud Slielby,) DETROIT. ïkc Liberal avditnces made npon consigninenis. - SCD JOHN H. VfUNBKM, A CO. COMMIPHON MEKÓHANXa IN f lour, (irain, Tork & Seed "i i tem anr tanwn Nos. 50, 52, 54 and ,ri(! Woodbrida Street West, DETEO1T, M1CH. EES Liberal advances made upon couttignments. "a BOILER WORKS All kinds of Boiler and Sheet Iron Wvrk lone to order. All Boilera tested prc'ious io leavinfj the shops. Competent men kept li do reptara. Tubes tnken out,piercedt and reset. Old boilers and tubes bought ui1 taken in oxchango. J. Sc 'i JVroG-RICOOR, 83 Al water Stieet, DETROIT. DETROIT Tliroat aiid LuHg Instituto the cure of CMirrli, Throat Binases, ABthmn, Bronchitis nnd Consumptioa. No. 4 Asrixwwr.r, tI'.imíace, MACOMB ave. Cf ponióle culi inTsoinilly fot un exan-.inution, othexwioe oend for circular. Anexen W. iluroN Wilt.iams, Ji. DM Prop'r. f! jf f Business College, i 1 niínniir )iiee juurnai' fflaf O " "% leXUJ 11U II [Business Practice. "TIOí BEST." Por Journal g-ivinR foll informationof College, HooIis nnd Business Praotioe Addrem 1KA MAYUEW, Detroit, Mich. Marble, Marblelzed Slate AND IKON JIAKTI.ES, All loadinK style0 aud püttorxui. 'ith cvcry variety of oinuineiittü and ]lain enaiuelcd 9RATK8. A cent for " String's patent íire-places." Bcnd for deaoriptive circular. P. A. HÍJ, LINOS, 2S Woodbridse St., Dotroit. AW GUMMER & SHAKPENEK. ACHEAP, simple, nk durable Machine- fasilv opera ted uud running Wlieela i'rom 8xí iiiclies to 12 1 inoh. Price of Machine, $15. Whoela with bevelled, doublé bow-llcl and round lace iroin SS.13 tu $7 .30, koaording (. thioltneM. uin .Macl,ii,,-8$7o,iil$9O, runniug Wheeleupto 34 inchMin diameter. For illuutruted Pamphlete or I'hotosrrnj)h8, address THE TAWITE CO., H13m8 ISi roudsburg, Mom-oc C'o. , Fu: lyoTiCK i Carne into thn premi of tlir snnncrihev on tho Tth iayof JuneliiRt. A HI..U K MAHK i'iiIT .,1,,,,, two raraoM, two white hindfeei, and star Ín fttebead, Xhownrig raquAted to proTe propert .- oav cbnrffPB, und tnke suiil colt awT. "v Superior, Jaly 7, ík. 3. liw A. C. ROOX, flfpfriisEDRg&t L SHTENAW COUNIY 'f, y,yy y Ij y i m fi j NOfARYPUBLIClj! ■ irw'H IILJLj h HCONVEYANCER jiËZlId ÜUK ABSTMCT BQ.OK8 1 As partlally indicated above, are now poetcd t.i dati Fhey t onoe, iu a in.uned „i portad furm, how (He oriïiial chaia aad uil new chaina uí tille. Iubiudcc MUch (is ' AUDITOE GENEBAL'S DEEDS Known as Tax-Titlos, whicli me very numeron in mis County, Decrees, Contracts, Deeds ! WILLS, 5cG. Alsn, now as well as all of the old tindisehar -cd Mortgaprea as fnr back as 184- wblch are lefias Persons taVáz title or morttrages nud Uens wül ïeinemhcrthKtT.ix-Titk's uudother collnlcral ina tcra ore pof found in the nainl mode of soorch by Ind ntl.ho Reiiiatn's oiinv. The books or liiersin tlie UegiHter's oilioo liavr becomrno iiimicrousHnd volumïnous thnt long time is necessarily tcquirod even to malee .- hialy md unrellable seurch. With our faoilitlfa we say to tlm public thut wo cnn show them mie nnrt luie History, mnke Deeds, Hntnun ssiinnients. Diochnrges, 4c, as corrcotlj-, qui'cker and in better atyli; tban any other oiüce in Ü;ü Countv W'e have MONEY TO LOAN ! On Boud and Slortgage en long tiroe. REAL ESTÁTE Sold or exiihanped. HOUSES TO RENT 83acref opposite tlie Observatory for nle in lo:a to suit nurchtisera. ROOT & LEITER, Real Estáte Agenta, No. 1. Greory Block, Tracy W. Root, aud opposite the Poftoffice. Charles A, Lejter. 141('tf ECIIXTCSr of tlxo BIjOOD THE MOST TH0B01TGH PTTRIFTER OV THB BLOOD TET IMSCOVERED. CURRS ALL HUMOHS, FROM A COtMOK ERÜPTION TO THE WORST SCROFUXA. By it use Cáncer are cnred, and Canceroua tumors are dispersed without the surgeon'B knife- Scrofula conquered, and Consuniption preventod and curcd. Venercal Dlseaaes, Mercurial and Minera) Poisons, and their cffocts eradicated, and vigorou health and a sound constitution eatablished. Femalc Woakncs and Dlsease; Dropy, general or partial; Swellings. external or internal; and Tumora are reduced and dispereed íd a ver ehort time. Urj slpela, Salt Rhenin, Scald Head, and Peter Sores are eoon removed by this powerful detergent medicine. Scorbntic Dlseaaes, Dandrafi. Scalror Eouijh Skin, and Pimplos quickly give way, leavinz the skin jmooth and fair. Chronlc Dlseaseg, Fever and Agne, Disorderod Liver, Dyspepsla, Rheumatism, Nerrous Affectiona, General Debility, in short, all the nnmeron diseases cauaed by bad blood are conquered, and giva way before this most powerful corrector, the Küie of the Blood. Kacli bottle contains between forty and flfty ordinary doses, coeting only one dollar. Froin one to four or live boCtles wlll cnre Salt Rheum, Scald Ilead. Ring Worm, Pimple on the Face, Bilea, ordinary Eruptions, etc. From two to elglit bottles will euro Scaly Eruptions of tho Skin, Ulcers, Sores, and (.'anker ia the Mouth and Stomach. Erysiielas, etc. From two to ten boules will restore nealthy action to the Liver and Spleen, will regúlate the Bowels and Kidneys. From two to slx bottlcs will be foimd efrectual in emina Neuralgia, Sick-Headache, St. Vitu' Dance, and Epiïepsy. From flve to trelTe bottles will cnre the Worst cases of Scrufula. From three to twclre boules will cure severe and obstinate cases of ('atarrh. From two to four bottlcs will cnre the worst cases of Piles, and regúlate t'ostive Bowels. From two to tea bottle will cure bd cse of Dropsy. Prlee $1 per bottle, or 6 bottles for $5. Sold by all Drugyists. D. BA5ÍSOM, SOM k CO., Propr's, Biffiüe, H. T. See teetünonials in local column.. f % H THK GRE.VT AT.TERATIVE AND &L1 BLOOD PUKIMEE. W Itisnotaquacknostrnm. Tlie I ingredieuta are published on each ■ bottla o f medicine. Itisusedand recommen dea byPhyaicians TB wherever t bas been introduced. 1 Nfl I' will positively cure HSCRÓFULA W A yBand kindre.d tuteases, RTEVVAf B lnw. WHITE SWELLINQ, tamGOlr' GoiTliE, BitONcnitr, NEKVOUS nEBILITY, BAVCPAI7 C0NSUMPT10N land all diseases arising from aa Jg impuro condition ot' the Blood, KüM GBb Send for our Rosadalis Almanáo, AHSin which you will lind certifícate Hfrom rcliable and trust-worthy Pliysiciaus, Ministers oí' the GoHpe!, and others. SEÍJ3 I Dr. R. WUson Carr, of Eoltiï" + B morc say9 lK' 'las used it in cases of ■ Scro fula and other diseases with uiucl ■ satis faction. tSfW T. C. Ptlgh, of Baltimorp, r. ■ commends it to all persons sufierinj BflBHjB with diseased Blood, saying it is supe I B ñor toany prepara tion he haweverused I il v. Id.l.M.y liall.nt tlin BaltiI ■■■ more M. L. Conference South, aays I ]BJ lio has beon so much beneiitted Dy H itsuse, tliathecheeriully reeommend.1 W&BBtdË itto allhis f rienda and acquaintances. wr H Cravcn & Co., Druggists, at GorI K I donsville, Va.,eay it uevcr Iíjj Uüxü HDB to give satisfaction. IMfc Sum'l tí. Hi I ni.-n, MurfreeoW Jboro',Tennessee,8aysitcured hila ot IB Kheutnatisin when all else failed. THERÜSADALIS IN CONNECTION WITH OUB will cure Chills and Fevcr, Liver Ooraplaint.Dyspppsia, etc. Wa guarantee Kosadalis superior to all other Blood Puriiiera. Send lor Descriptiv Circular or Almanac. Addresi, CLEMENTS & CC, 5 S. Commerce St., BaHinwre, MA, Bef mber to uslc your Druggist for Rosadalis. 1 AMES MMAÜOJSt, Justice of the Peace, Office in new block, North of Court House Money oollectod :mcl promptly paid over. INSTTrtANCH! AGENT. Triumph, assels, $72T 90S 11 North Missouri, R45,4l7.ej Hibernia, " 35U,000.00 REAL JCSTATE. Thnvc80acrcsf land f a mlle from the c!tj imita, flm;ly loc.'ited for frait or gurden purpoeea. Alsu 4o acres. AIbo 10 acres, witH hnse and barn,and alivcl Btronm or water runniij through the bain yard. 60acre6,a mileont. 1 will sell any or all the above clieap, or eichange for city property. J74 JAMES McMAIION. HURRY ÜPTX pAHTIES wishins Wall Paper, Cloth ■ nd Paper 8harte8.HoMan" Winrtnw Pi.ttnre, Coidx. Tunela. &c, all New Stv](., :it Satinfaetorj Prices. by ,T. K. irebstor Co., Bjok.-torc, nearthe Expres OfHce. =T_ - X ipüK SALE ÜN LONG CREDIT ! Arm ArlHir City I.(rts, iilli Kuod title, and weil lo!el for reudeuces üt business. Abo Heveral Mortpiges for anle. Inquirc of i. w. M0E0AÑ. AROUS BULLETIN ! WANTED 2000 NEW SUBSCRIBEIÍS WANTED. More Merchants and Bus;ness men, who knowing their own interest8 will advertise in the Auous. I GET YOUK BILL-HEADS, CIRCULAES, LETTER-HEADS, STATEMENTS At the Argus Office. GET YOUR BALL CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, VI6ITING CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, At the Argus Office. I GET YOUR LAW BLANKS, LAW BKIEFS, LAW EECORDS, PKOOKAMMEt AT THE ARGUS OFFICE. New Type, Best Presses, Good Workintn, AND HEASONABLE PRSCES ! L3f A WOEB TO THE WISF. jEÖIRABLK REAL EtíTATE FOli SALE! The subacnber, on account of il licalth offers his 33 ACRES In tbe oorporation for Jale. Tbfc gronad adioinsthe 8 ï R I JNT a 1 un northeiwf oornei i.„-in. flj rapplied I!:,il COAS tuuks wilh walcr. SIS ADVANTACES Are as follows : Forcity the Huron Hiver meniwiers the sumo same SO to 4U rods, aud is puit of the best Water Power On the River in tfite Ticlnity, mul the elrrntii on the northenst corner ii sirffloiently hirh iind amj.]. to sim ply Hm city nsoeoitiea lur watw and flis yorpcne' THE WESTERN PORTION 2n,l,!'e '"!l(i is ver' rrrnpriafe nnd (raHble for ■ I ublic i ity I cmetery. 'J aity luis no midi vniuiidt iiow bat inu.,i have aoou, and .whnicver (riou'nd tlif pitj does in,! care to use, cn sold at sn 8dTant(te .. much ,t.hat the M of the Water ork S ' and i ametery, ould nominal. It theeits uáwj'íor1"" 8ame' 'lhe 8round8 would be invaíFRÜ1TS,LARGE&SMALL, There beingsorne leo trees now in hearing Vegetables and Pasturage. And iilfto lor MiLK supply,BLGODED STOCK, 1 ilorses, ihcep. And other animáis alwnys in great want by manv in tlie city iinil its viciuity. As city lots udjóinin-Mhe north west corner of thi land are nuw selling frorn three bundred to Öiree hundred and rlfty dollnrs ihew luncls would or oonM .e sold in a shorttiiie to n good advnutnjie and to mucb profil to thu purchawrs Wfl] he pivpn or the Pfimo will be exchanged for Mer oh-intable goud or Drue and Medicines, at cash pricf-s. TRACY W. ROOT. Ami Arbor. Jnn 81 187S. 1411 THËBABCÖCK fïOOK& LA OJJiltt TRUCKS liquipped witli Boboock Fire Extingoishere, Kxtenim- ""! Scaliug Ladder, Grappling llooke and Uhttins Buoki-t LDtiie, I ik. inl.v. Pike xis &c, &c, ircijrliing lesu [h:m 1 ,co Ibs.; eaeilj handled, liundwmcly Ül,ished, nd affürd thé gr ea test pvoi.cclion :it less expense tliaii auy Ijuck in tke Dlalket Jus( wliBtevery lire l. paitmnit wimts. The Hnbeook Fire Engiiiesuud ExtinRutabersare p.ivirg yaluable property .-ill over the country. Send lor tbeir record. B. X. HAltM M, en. A tuit, 11S Wondward Ave DetroitMaiuifnoturer of [ron, Copper nnd Brass Wire ■reuioih, BoltlDg Cloth, BurrMiU Stonm, Bniom Wire nnd Twine, ('opper Weather Vane, Wiie OtMiDWi Ratting, Wire Fcucing and Ornnmental V ire Work. :41üyrl WPKING BULLETIN ! 1 J. JOHISGI, " THE! HATTER! Tías turned bis back upon Winter and oponed hia stock of SPRING GOODS! Induding all the latest steles of Hats and Caps ! GENTS' FUKNISIIOG GOOÖS, &c. Whiiob must be so!d. 600D GOODS AND LOW PRICES Is the word to pass along the line. 7 Sonth Mala .. A mi Albor 1421 STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, A perfect h&ir dressing- not a dye . nor a reBtoratire, but a dressing, elegant -,."1 and economical. H STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE te cooling to tho scalp, imparta a delightf ul sense of Yitality and soituess to H the liair. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, eweetly perfumed and liinpid, rendera the hairsupple aad y dreesea it in any ■■■"H doaired lorm. m STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, ënÜrely vegetable oil, prevenía that drj-ness of soalp which causea dandi-uJf r--L.mmi to accumulate. v ' STEARNS' COCO-OLEiNE contains in ono large bottle more oil and more perfume mh -K I tiiin any othcr - hair Win market, and H"" besides ia sold tweaty-flve per cent, leu than most otliere. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE brightene blonde hair,darkensaub mmi-y urn hair, : Tenders lustrous bruwn and black ammJ hair, ltasena the harshness of coarte hair. STEARNS' COCO-OLSINE IS MADE ONLY BI ] FEEDEEIOK STEAKNS, - CKEMIST, Í Í !ETltOIT, 9IICH. L , Sold evciywliere. Be euro and yet tho d!enuin ' Coco-Olelie, Let no one palm off on you a bottle of Bome cliiap and worthtess imitation of Coco Oleiiic. There are more than twenty counterieit oí it now sold, put up ae near like the gemiiae as tho ' stakers daio and evade the la w. 6 SÖfóo-x T8 PUBELY A YMETABLE PREPARATION, comi poaudsiaa)]rüfwe]l-kDownROOTS, HERB3 and FRUiTS, combtoed -with otlitr propetties, which ia their natura are Cathartic:, Aperient, Nutrltiras. lMureüc, Alterativa and Anti-Billious. Thé vrholei, preeerved iu a Bufflcient quantity or pi-it '■ írom ttie sl'Gu CAÑE to Jteep them Ín aay ollniatii, whichiaakesthe plantation Bitters oneof the most desirable Tonica nntl Catharti-- in ihe world. 'Xkey are intended stfictly as a Tempsrance Bitters only to he nsed as a medicino, and always according to directiont. They are the eheet-anchor of the fecble and debilitated. They act upou a diseatiRd liver, and stimulate to euch a degrtie tbat a healthy action íb at once brouwt about. Ah a reraedy to which Wonttn ewpeciaDy subject it is supereeding every other Etimulüiiu Asa Spring and SummerTonic ttiey have ïio fqual. They are a mild and gentla Purgative as well ta Tonic. Tiiey Purify the Blood. They are aspleudid Appetiser. They make the weak etrong. They purify and invigorate. Ihey cur Dyapepsia, Constipation and Headache. Ihey acta aspecific in all species of disorders which xindermin tb e bodily trength and break down the animal spiril, leüot. 63 Park PW.fl. Tïaw YnrV. ATHAIRON Only 50 Cents p&r Bottíe. ft promotea the GltOWTH, PRESERVES the COLOR, and increaacs the Vigor nd BEAUTY of tho Il.VIlt. t Oron TfrntTT Tiung aoo 1ronVKATHAiBotT fob tF'-h?"11 was firat P'uced in the market hy Professor .. Thomaa Lyon, a gradúate oí Princeton Colloee. The name ia deriveil from tho Greelc, " Kathbo " siirnifym.S to cleanse, vuríftj, rejuvenale, or restore. TS favor ít lias reed ved, and the popularity it hu obtained M unprecedented nnd inorediblc. It increaaM th Gbowth and Beauty of i he Haib. It i a delightful aressing. It emdicntes Dandruff. It prevenís til Hair from turning gray. It keers the head cool, and gives the hair u rioh, soft, glossy appearance. It is tha bame 111 Quaktitï and CIualitï as it to over a QuabK' Woinan's &lorj is Her flair.1 LYON'SÍ h ATHAIRON BOOKS. BOOKST . J. E. WEBSTER & CO. NEW UOOK STOKE JfEAIt 'JUK " EXPRESS OFFICE." LOOK TO YOUK I TE REST AND CALI. eooKs. L.G.RiSDON'S ADVERTI3EMENT. . Now íh the lime to buy i STOVES. i I I will sell them at OOST until further. notice, i ! No. 3 1 S. Main St, Ann Arfoor. j - _ ! , mm ""■- . n The world is full of KM k . Cilildren crying ior L&&&-& McLAIN'S JPa Canflied Castor Oil. HB i B I' Is dellcious,effective anï fa H K jgS Hr liarmless. The repuJsive JB ■HWflL J fc. t:tsto a int snu-11 of llu' C;isMB eYHB torOil is entirely overeóme fT VB W lts t'atJiartic powers aro V T WÊ Mg uut iuipalred. Trice -'ó ets. VEEMIPDGE BONBONS are cleprant and effectlvo. They'resemble Cream Bonboits kept Jn coufectioners' shops. Chihlren lovo tin-m and cry ior tiiciu. ITicu S5 ceuts per box. A P TTT7 " HOFMANN'S AÜUJj.Hop Pilis These Pilis do not contain Quinine or Minerals. Thcy are sogar-coated. Jrlcef SO cts. per Iíojc. Dr. MeMann, Gnrdner, ÏU., saya : " I hnve taken tliem myself and givcn them ío my wife and rhildrcn. Tltey havc rurcd them and many others wJioliíiveuscd tliom." Tliey are madc to curo Fever and Aguo at once. Dumb Aeue and Agüe Fnvers are ni red speedlly. Thcy are simple, harmless, an always rt'ltalile, Directiona in íour lunguages accumpauy tlieiu. H. VV. KLUS & CO., re the Ayeuts. 1 '20vl Chancery Salo. STATE OP MICHIGAN- The Fourth Judicia ( nvilit, in Chaseery. SuH pending in tbe ('i euit Court lor the oouRtyof Wasotonaw, iu Chancerj whoreiu Sarah K. Hudson ia coxnpluinaat and Mtt"ii Hudeon is defendant, at Aun Arbor, oounty n state aferesoyï, tliis 21nt duy of Jane, a d. 187í On reading and tilinta due proof by tuttldavit thai i, above nnmed defendant, Helton Hmlnon, residen j Sí ate oí' Kt niiicky, on molioii of John X. Out ; solicitor lor complainHnt, it ís ordered thai (he saii defeudant, Meltun Hidson , oauae '.is ;ippoarnnce t beentered ia sald chum withln three moaths troi [lic date oí lliití (Hilcr; mul in case oí' appcaxanoe, 1. iHu&e liis anwer to the cornplainant'a bill of con1 ilnint t- be til-'l, and a oopy thereef to bv ■erved o ihe complaiiumt a Bolicitoi within twenty daya aft" lic sen ictï (4a cnpy ol I I .- . ■ ' af (hi trder, and m teiivull tlu e ui.] bill ! ak&n as ■ tbe stdd deloiiduut. And ït i 'urt-her ordered, thát within tifenty daya the b&I ompUinaiii caose h copy ofthia order ter be pul islicu in th Michigan Arffutta eoirapaper pubUun n the city of Ann Arbor, in aaid couniy, and tint rtïd publioiii im ba con' iimcd in sjiid );iper once i oh week for tsix Bucceosii e weeks. JOB S r. fiAWRKNCE, Circuit Coarl ( ommfssiotier for John N". Gott, .W-i?hlonuw County, Miclaiyan olicitor ïor C'omrlHinnnt. 1433 Mortal-,. etst, of Michigan,, the Ï8t" 5? S?" 4 --■■■ on paKë 224. JlM-US ''gura by the sa d Sidnov i ilki tüi ■' tyoi uncí, a , ,-■ '"-■ ríate he. "doSÏSS1!11 satisfy the smonni ol nri ' ■ Si %LL& links tr. tu. i(.heat cornor ,1 i Í''" 11 socio,,, thenw twelTe [121 cl ',na V L ''""" three [43] tok, Sdi „,,,:„ feW" üameter Borth 33 wi,t sixty ewhtfesi ifrv'"0 Í" ' Mortgage Sale. j WSSISi.S&S'S'zs - .1. State of Michigan, on the t2 d a ,,? JuT '"d year ot oatLord thouaai,.! il?l, huS fth seventy-one, ecuted a mo, tge to o i "" the Mi ment of an irataHroent uf saiü i. Lv.L " ' which, carne due on iim day cl I , u' tvm.owr, 1878; byreaso wbereoi and pupMuw t " I ,? ' f ■■ ol aaid mortgag,„id mortgagS berfby.i , cn' thrce doUan, and tlilrty four w w 'if tw,li'ïinterest ia,„1(,v. 1 , atlmi!, "'fMofim??1, Md BhonW any pooeedjng ba takt., to „ idolla". mortage, and uo Suit er por.. LI i„ , f0"?" i apy pari toereo; Noü e i t ncö k ,""'' that on the „v-, daj of Novembtr DljriT o'clook n tho afiemoon oi tliai aat , ,' "l ' nrl lluase, „ th,dtv„f Ani, All''1""1100' ge I .h„U ,,n„ .nhlicMulcno, ' "t e hL"ïUrr ty ihc aiöOTint o! priaaipal and nternabilw1 as dne.with the chaise; cf sneh , ,_- ',r i 1ed pareéis) Umdsitnute and bCnum hl ' """ "' aahlenuT imd stat of Miclminï L , ■ Lwnt7 tl followato wit: beine a i,,V ,ï ', d( number fooi Mj eatt. in the oits "f "fLTS Stat aforesa,,,, a.wa-ibl na fc.ilow Jo i, '"' monoing on the snutl, -im „f 3;,a lo, th „,, ': ""'■ nd even mt-hes eaat of the „,i, , ! J e '(ct .-aid lot, running ,h,f, , ' , ,in , V ' f?-" f2j, threB f.ij, tour f4j an.I five in b! o r "1 "'.í" by and i'aga s addition to Uk o 'v ol Ann aVk eurdn to the rtcordtd pl„t ther of '' August lst, 1873. "". CHAELE8 I.HOWEIX, ohkN. Oott, AttorDe for Mortgagee0"86"" , jjiurtgage ale. day: And wtosieaa d,faBit QM bl!M1 ,. s thanthirtydaysmthopaymBl of „n .„sturat "f ïidmtereBtmoné wfich becarae doe on ki" Uviith day ol Mh, .873, by re.-.fcn whcrèot ud pursuant to the term ot suid mortgafre said onnereby electa thst 8O mueh of iM prinl aa remains „npaid with all .nHMg„ of intníst thereou shall become due and ]..y:,l.l., immodiately: And whorawthereiselaimedto be iue and unwki on aaid inoitk-age at Ihe dat of this notfce rixtni nündred mul thirty-one dolíais nnd wentT-im conti, lor principa] and interest, also nu attente;'! teeot ht.ynoüars sheuld aay prooeedinrs be tk'm to loredosc . an,( „0 B„it or prorllj.' Inga hiiviiifi been iusiitan-cl tit)u r in hv or iqoitTti) recover Ihe une oí uny part tliereof : Sutité therefore kertby giren that on the fiist day of Sovembel next , at two o'clnck in the nltenioon of id day, Rt the fraai dooref il.e ('ourt Houm m the citj oi Ann Mhtn; couuiy aforesaid, (tliat bcms the building in vrhicli the ( ireait Conrt for snid coiimj is held . ;ml by virtue of the poner of nnlecvntsined in sii.i morteage, 1 shal] 11 at pni-lic auction to tbe mgneat bidder the premÍFen describid in snid mongHgeto i.iüsfy tlieiiuiuiiul Of principa] nd inlfrwl nboreclnimed isdue, with the charges of snch mie, and attorncy'a fee of tifty dollrus, uil tliat eert pi(-ci or fi.ircel of land sitúate in the city of Aio Aibor, county nfoiesuid. known, bonnded and desciibed m tolloivs. lo wit: Commeneirjs ' r'"""11 the north line of Huren siiwt, in the city ot Ann Arbor aforeeaid, eightrods .-intl eighteen inches t ot the wel line of i. Melntyre's land, nnd ïonnrag thencs north parallel with aitii urat line of Mtlatyre's land twelve roda, tlicuce west purallrl wilh Bnron stivt to il; eaat lini of Manu street, Ibent aouth twi lve roda to the corner of -Mann and lluro streets, t henee c-ast to the place of bet-innine. August Ut, 1673. SAMUEL P. JEWETT, Assifjnce of said Morteoge, John . Gott, At (or the Assignte of .Moi tgugee. 113;td Mortgage Sale. OiEFAULT haTingleen made in the condition f ■ a uertaix raoi tgageexeenred'b; Eiljrnr M. OMgorJ andDvrli-kals.Uregriryoithecityof nnAibor.Ci.usiy ot Woshtenuw, and srie .t hicliigan, lo Lym" i. James, of Williaxnehurg, Maseadittsêttti, en ft Hfteentli day of June, A. V'. lmn, and recurded ia ÜM offlee otthe Register of Deede, for [he Counijr f nutshttna'w nforesuid, on the serenfeenth dny of ''"''■ . D. 181 tock ., M., in J.iber 32 tlieiei nowrlaiincd to bedne an.l ia:; aia on s: vi mortgDgd nnd nclrt iieconipanyinL' the mKe, thesum ofpimtten li-nand nvebundred dollara and eighty-fonr cenWi ilso trio sura jf time hwidred and eeïeiMJ-ttoc dollarsand soventy-om: t-ents paid hy aid moitpne för insoranee upon buildisgEi, as proTida for li -mu uiortiyrie ; nKn ■ r; i.-oiial'ïe itturnejcr olicitor's fee for ieniccH, Phould 'ny piooeLdinf fc ( aken to foreclose fjiiii mortgruge, ;'nui nop iiiff at lüw or Jn eiuity havinj,' been had toneow ' li.l urn or ai;y part thireof; Now, thereior motice is hereby livcu thai byirirttie f awiwer" t -Jiiein said mortaB foiitain'td, J shall B4-1J t riib ioauction to the highesi bidder, on the thirtewita Inyof Soptemlicr nexl, at two o'cloek in thu.ifiw i noon ofsaid day. Kt the front door of tlie Contf llonse in city of Ann Arbor in gaid County th ' being the plaoe of holding the Circuit Cosrtil, " tain tracta or parosk of land known, boutáií ina describeá ns foüows, to wit : The eqmil nirfi ' lided ono-linlf ol 'tlif Franklin Houw propeity in 'l'e ' ■il j ot Ann Arbor in ihe Couaty of Washten 4tate of Michigan, viz: Commencing ut the I ■as! corner of said l.lork. and running weet eifcbt I -ods, thenoe aorth on tl. west line of lot niimf I wo - ninety-flve feel to X. i'. Pnreon"a llne.thoM I ast on Pnrson's sonth hne s(vniv ií.'íit teel. tJ:ei c l uuth eighteen feet, tbenos i ast tit'ty--i. tctt, tlience I tqutn to the place nf befrinning. And aieolctsthrM md four [3 and -r all in bloeit onenirth. in nng inlB1 I er three cast. in tlnM-it it Ann Aihor. rexeepitoff I mat eigbt feet wide of the north Ihirty-seve f vide of sail ïot nuniber tl. ree, subject to the rlgh 'f Wfty over the e,n;e ) Dated, June SO, 1S73. LÏMAN Tl. JAMES, Mortpi gi John N. Gott, Att'v for Morlpaftee. Estáte of Erastus Koot. TATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Wflshtenfiwrf. t At h wwifoii of the Prebnte Court for the ( (.nnty f Washtenaw. lioJUf 11 Ht tlu' f róbate i 't:, et. in tht ityof Ann Arbor, on VVedneeday, the twenty-ttiw ay of .July. in the year one thousand eight hun rqd and seventy-three. Fresen, Noah W. Clieever, Judge of Frohaie. In the matter of the estáte of Er ast w Poot .ecensed. On resding and iiling tho pelition, duly niñeáfot 'iUy Itoot, pro j in thnt h ct'itiiin iDutt" ant aow on fin ia tiuaoouri. purportisg to le the iê will and testfunent of íid flecensed, muy be "d nitted tu probate, und ihat adininistraiion o ?iúd ■ state may be granled to her or sojue other suitablfi leraoD. '1 licrcupon it is ordcred, that Monday, the fitst ■ ay oí' September nezt, at teu o'cloek in the forenoofl ■_■ aasigned fi the beaiiog oí' sait) petition,o hAt tile deviseee, legatets imd beirs at law of sni teoeawcU nnd all et lier potsosiB intereitted iD ;tid estáte, ai e requircd u apj eer at ' cssion of nid ( 'ouit, tlion to bc Itoldf n B lie Probate Otüce, in tbe City :f Ann Arb(' nd show cause, ií any there be, why tlie prayer ■ he petitiorer nbouïd not be gmnted. And it i urther oxderedi thflrtsaid peiitiover give notiéftotW enone fotereeted i" said eatatei of the pendency o lid jctition, ami ttie bearing thereof, by cinising ■ opy of thi? order tu le published in tb5 V ;vs, a nev, -papp] prhiU.'tl ami circula tin(f inei'io ounty, thret succéösive weeks prfevious to said üay oí [ A tnie oopy.) ÑOAH Y. t HEEVE?, 1436 Judpreof J'vulmte. p TOBE TO KENT! Corner of "Washington and Mnin sfrects. Liirpc nvenient find ono oí' the bost locatioDsin the cityossession g.-rcn immdlatelr. Inquire of HENION 4 srMNKRAnn Albor. May 10, 1973. H26tf


Old News
Michigan Argus