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The UniYcrsity Pilis. n M. SMrnr, Fr f Muit in Medica, and Piiarviucy. in tlic Willovghlm Utttters.hj, of Lakt Ei u. O'tio. SMFTII'S UNIVKUSlTY PÏLLS Imvclu-ei. cxu-nsively uscd by Dr. Siiiitli in ms pi i vilo nuil public pracnt-u, mul by miiny pi hi l)reihrén in the prufostion. for vyhom lx luis ó f e p-iied iliiin; tl.ey h;ie ü'si been tlisinuuléoioi yeiieini usb m innñy ol tlic W t'aiein Si otos, mi'i 'In y 'i.'W v,t:uil wuliout n riwil "-'hl-icvcr ih have been tncd. ThPy ure nsually well nclsipi- id id i lic pur poses tor Vliicli ilny ure rrcoin tuemicd. 'l'lu; inciensihg dcnmnd lor ihcs pills, iheir uiipanitlcllcd sticci'tts, :ml iticonrnesi soiicilaüoha of i'm wlio hoyé been restored lo healih by ihsir use, have ind ued tlie propiietor u,p ■-(ni ihem tú the public. I. is not pretended ihtiè pülti will cur dl ilie ills wbjili fl.sti is bi'ir to." vet it t no1 conlidniily belicvei! by ilmupauds vvhoce certifícales niijiht be ohtnined. (weie it dèen cm ih-c iucltiiüiii; Physicians óf liib r puin dun. I Hut these pilla hnvé lio rquai ín the woih', as :i rnthnriic. omi-billious. nliciative mërliqinu; v Stniih's tlritveraity Pilla" mvc ilnir peculiar, ínhfitívo ond uniïorm elii-ct, lo ihu happy cotuhin.iiion o'' vegetable ingfedieñts of whicli ilfej ■nc cothposedv it is the iet.h of mriny vems o' careAil itiresiiiratión and èxperinitUJis diiccu'd hy imich ixpoicncc in the pr tpeiiic-s uf niediciD.ll :.l ' -.:1L' ■ inihei: (ipi.-inuon. tlicy combine the grea'cs. eöerfy nnd efficiency, wiih peif'-ct nriJdnèss ntirf saleiy. so lint wliile they opcinte with gicnt pver, th'T seldoni prodnci1 aickncss or pnin, and iré nt once ndnpted to 1 o h se.s. of all ape? nnclrll doiinhit'8 Tlny :ict diri'cily upon the wliole eyi-iom. torrècti.'g nny nnd ,iü deránee mj rit of ibe sc-ieti)iis. eBpocinlJy of il:e luc ■nul kidneys; and rejncyo uil obsjructiuiis from ilie Btfltiinch íind bowe's. nl tbc same time puii1 } i n 2: the blood, iiiid tbeitby givinj healthy ac:ion nïtd funotiün to t!u; whole 8Biem. The appropriate use ol thia medicine doop en r i rt-l y ;iviy wiih tbr suppnsed ncccFsity ofnll meronrinl prepn'roiioiis, whicli hnvebeeñ so fïéely list-d in all pnitsof öuf conniiy. in tlie nc.'iiini'iuol nll nctive diseasce, of whatsuevcr unni r nnture. WIk n the "University IMIs" nre timely nd ininiptèrc'd, ibcy ;nc o npvcr foilmc pfevefttivc (f bilious, iiiHimiM'iii nnd ren iüciit fcvi rs. :i L'iie nnd fever. bnd lbo bost oí 1II3 nrul mul uïitt iliut 80 of en lenri 10 denth. As a coi sequen! up in the foiPirMnu dlseiiséèi we too ofion (ind dtu - 5V in ibc ililVcit-nt envines of the budy, syntpioiiniic and bilious confumpiion. iifiepiiuiis uf 1 In !ier. min nnd wfuluu-ss oí lbo bronst, clbrpnie njgh, ' iil:ir.H(l ppluii. :iiie cakp, ciüOdic (iiari l.ceü, loss f muscular power, ar.d a general d'1rnngenient of the wháio ni-Hfoiiè sn:cin. N" rlnpsrsol disease are more readily controlled bj ippiopriate ten.edits. tbnn iboee of bilious c!imates; nd none so aisi'tj precentr.d. Next 10 ibe cuiing uf dispose ilriüdy foinitd. "wbitt cm le ot moic consrquence thati iis succtsslul proven 1 ionThe poison which produces bilioi.g afjFctiqns. oftcp lic? cnncenlud ut ibe bysiem, unSerniinini; ibe secret spungs of lile, ond g"ing on wuli itï voik ilf dcitruction fur months. be!(rr it breaUfout in open duciise; du ipg ibis penod. iis.i!ou ctn i!e.ion, igh cojiiïed mine. occasionnl uaint iiudiiiiniit paus ot )bo body, Ih:;k1. t-iiie. an ' Uncu . i,ud sonietmns in thó cxtrerhiiiea, wlih ri variable nj)p-iite, ure ibe Itadiiif,' syinpioiiM t whrii ol the iu;penünii (lün;:{ r. At ibis iiue ijie pi-rsevciinu 01 the 'Uni verhit y I'ills.' accoiil.i ir to ibe beiriii con':iined ilirt;ciii)ns. wiP iieuiinlisc 'he i'riiiisni'iil ptisón. prótnoie n fivc ilisicbaioe t'i l'ilc l'roin ilie hver. rcuove obatructions ipm tlie and b.wc-ln. :iuü rosiortliftihby ecrettojie 10 ie hole sys ein. Tlio UiliveVá'iy Pills'an liccúliurlyadoptcí i Üio tu'c. ti6 wi'll na the prevennon of ibft fol lowing disense: (jiiious. Intern. i 11 tul rind-fifc iniiietn FcveiF, L.vl-i cpnjpininte. .'i-nnilic-e. Inripieni Dinribccn. Agiu; und "r;ver. Chili Fevr Fi'vcV, Riiáli oíMoed to lie N-::d Loss f Appeiiic. A'fivciit. Comp!;i:nip. Cholic A'citfity ol Siom.-'ch. Iiiitrnal Filis. S 1 o ' 1 1 ! n l'.'issie Dropsy.'üiKil C-'Sii i'titFS. fjiiaiye ii(iii of il o Spleen or .Ague Gnh.e, Acute nnc t hioiiic Jlbftin :i!.sn:. Sick f Jor dulie. Fj 11 pUi máiíc'Cou'gb; Flitiilency, Ernptions -intlie Skin, nnd in allc;!St'S oí Torpr of ibe BuweJb. wben Cii'Jtaiiio, Aperient. orAlreiauyc, is neititd. Dr. SiilTH : - Ver!?ir - Í t;:ko much pl.e - sii re ín jeiVirig"'my i'irmuny ín favor ol' ui 1 v;i!u;:b'e 'Univertiiy Pi!l. ' I most cbeeilully recoii uk nl ibt-ni 10 the public aa a sii'e. sil mary . rüsy and eifi;ieni (.1 hartic, lor most ol the ii 1 1'üi-cs iiicidt nt 10 tlns rrjïion of ciuiniry. I"hav m;ulc i'xicnsive iii-c ol ibeni for fo"ur yeais. ii 1 y praciirc. nÍJ bilive ibeni to lic ihe BK-ST iini'-bilii.ns C"b-'ntic. npcr:-Rt nu-dicii e, cvtcombii.ed aml o (Fe red for genernl usc . Yours, truly, " Gl O. LANDON. Fiumh mi, Mjëh Oi-t. 3 I844. Du. Fmiüc- I 1 sii om i a piivileuo tontaie lor pubÜCMUon. whal liiink ol yiiur TiVM-ii-iu Pi I Is. 1 have usi-d t!em 111 iny fnri :v fov tbrci yenre pnbt. and in nócts'eb'ave ilïéy ítíiínj'ptiintei fny f.)'3ciniicn. I i;ive ihein, wiib inipnniiv nid l.oii' fi m.'I icsiilis, 10 11 y Hiiíiüest ap uelli lo iry 'argesi bildrcn. My wi'; and n'vsel' hnve alio!used thèin. and I givciliem to tnj hi e be!p whei riièilirme'is Öèédodi nnd I bi li v ihey are betier ilnn til oihir Pilis ibat everim' dicninade; for I qni acqu ■liincd. w'uh a L' ( vnrieiy ol lliein, and I tliiiik, in C'iiffmriaoi wiib ilif 'l'nieiÍ!y Pilis.' ibi'v n-e not woril using. Yoins. ituiy. ALFliKLM}; 'ÍATF.S. K. Snrnpjon, Druagiíí. of Vpsil.npj. sayy ■I never s.iw a Ful intifnluct.'d so o.-ily np Uu ■t 'nii-i?i:y Pilis; n 1 1 ( I I nfver have éunc'eihRi! gt wc!l in ihesnlí'sof a ncw nrtícleóf mcíliciiiH. n so short a linie. ; s I wnb ilie 4Lrniveiiii Pilis.' U. Gray, of MoorcKÜle, Wcslncniw couniv Michigan, s.iys: f'M custi'tners y.piir 'Uní v;isi"v Pilis' beller 1I1. m nny oibtr P[ ihev evo used.' For tale by J. OW FN fe TO nnd n G. & J. G. IJ1U.. Ue" And by BECKLEY, FOSTKR & CO. A.nh ArtuT. A. h. CHA SF,. Ceneral Agent for Michigan, Illinois nn' incjifn. ggy ïry Ooods at Wholesale. BEE 11KU & AlMK)T OFFKR lor s:,b for ciiih tbc fi luviiir u I'rw York wl;o!esales prices, tronájp'ortuUdñ onlv iddci) : 4i B'tleá Bmwn SheCings ond Sbirting?, 10 Casert lilr.irlicd do tío 10 IM.-s Brown Drillinjra, a Ctiffis do 2000 Ibs Bnumtr, luoti ' Cotlo 1 Warp, Nos. 5 to L0 5H0 " CaixMe Vickihjf, 700 Carppt Wïiri. 10 SiicAps Gmy Clotlj, 100 ! S.iinnfii!--, 60 " (wiPüimMrp, 5J (é B!m; Blncki Brtiwr, Orron, Sieel Mix.cij, nnd Cadtt Mixed iïroud CIkiIis. 150 " Bhirk, C.lored, Figurcc' and Plüin Alpaccns, &0 " Wl.itp, Red, Green and Yellow Fiannplp, 30 ' Super Aleal Bnpino-, 50 " Plaia und VUureá Kfntucky Jeans, lO " " Liüseyr, f0 Cnnton Flannels, 50 pairs Mnr-kinnw Blankelp, 50 piic-'s M. Di-Laine und Cnslimercs, U)0 Hhinkot Shawls, )0 piecP8 7 8 und C-4 BedTicking, 50 ' S'.ripo Imljnkv 50 Blup Diill?, 100 " Pnissian Dinprr, 1000 " Enjlisb nnd Ameticnn Prints, lopelher wiib h ííenerül nssorltnpiit o( 'Tlirrnd., Pms Button". CombïS.GIuvps, Ribbon?, Lacpf Hdkfs. &,c. Sec, rmkinsr thn lafgisat and bwi nssorimprif of poods lo be foimd n tbis state. liï-2 Jpffi'tson nxcinii., one (ioor beio;v lle St Cíiiir Bank Bijil(!inr, Detroit; Oct. 7, i;:if;, Cmo. Sft WILSON'S NËW HOT-AIRCookra mi; STOVKS. and a genend assort v!pr nunt of Parlor. Plato and UHice stovet - lor wood or coal - íor sale by WM. H. NOYES, Jr. ïo. 76 WootH'arJ Avenue, Detroit. 240-if


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