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VBAZEB, IIAKHI.TTAN & 1IACTILTOX = i Attorneygat l.aiv. Office Nu. 7 und a South Mum street, Aun Arbor, Müoh. School N.otice. Notice is hereby giren that the followin" is a correct copy of An Act to Compel Children to Atl end School," approved April 15, 1871 : nou 1. 'J'ir People of the state of Michigan cnaii, That overy pareut, guardián, or other peraon, in the State of Michigan, having control and charge [of] any child or children between the ages of eight and fourteen years, shall hu required to send any Bnoh ehild or chililron to ii public school for a period of at least twelve reeks in each school year, commencing on the flrst Monday of September, in tho yenr of onr Lord one thoasand eight hundred "and seventy-one, al least six weeks oí which shall be consecutive, unless such child cr children are excused trom snch attendance by the board of the school district in wliioh such parents or guardians reside, npon its beiug show to their satis&ction that his bodily or mental condition has been suchas to prevent his attendanco at sciiool or applieation to study for tho period required, or that noch child or children are tanght in a private school, orat home, in such branches, as are usually taüfcht in primary schools, or have airead; aoqtüred the ordiiiary branches of learningtaught in tl. e public school: Provided, In case a public school shall shall not be taught for three montli during the year, within hio miles by the nearest traveled road of the residence of anyperson withín Iho school district, he shall not be liable to the provisions of this act. " Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the director of every school district, and president of every school board within tliis State, to cause to be three notice of this law in the most public placea in such district, nr published in one newspaper in the township, for three weeks, during the month of August in each year, the expense oí such publicaban to be puid out of the funds of said district. " Sec. 8. In case any parent, guardián, or otherperson shall fail to comply with the provisions of this act, said parent, guardián, or other person shall be hable to a fine of not lefs than tive dollars or more than ten dollars for the first ofïense, nor less than ten or more than tweiity dollars for the second and, every subsequent offense. Said fine shall be collectod by the director of said district, in the name of the district, in an action of debt or on the case, and when collected shall be paid to the assessor of the district ia which the defendant resided when the oil'ense was committed, and by him accounted for the same as nioney raised for school Durcoflea. " Sec. i. It ahall be the duty of tho director or president to proaecate any ofïen&e occurring under this act, , and any director or president Qg to proaecute foisuch fine v.-itliin ten days aftera ritten notice has been aerved on hun by any tax-payer insaid district, unless the peraon so complained oí t,hall be excused by the district board, sluill bo hable to a fine oí not less than twenty or more than fifty dollars, which Que shall be prooecuted for and in the name of th; assessoi pf said district, and the fine when collected shall be paid to the assessor, ty be accounted ior as in sectiou three of thil act." Dated, Ann Arbor, August 13, 18F3. E. B. IJOND, President of the Board of Trustees of School District No. One, City of Ann Arbor. Mortgago Sale. WnEREAñJmnesE. Selfo and Eliza Ann Selfe, of tliu íownslup of Manchester, county of Washteha-w, and State oí' Michigan, on the lifteenth day of Joly, in the year of our Lord ohg thousand eight hnndred and seventy, exeeuted a mortgage to Charles 1. Howell, of the city of Ntw York, imd State oí New York, to secure the payment of certaiu principal and interest money thetein mentioned .whicb i i , recorded in the office of the litgter ui Peed in said county, on the loth duy of August, A. D. 1S70, ut 2í o'clockP. M.of said day, in líber 43 of mortgages, on page 301 ; and whereas dofault has been made for more than thirty days in the payment of an in&tallmentof said interest nioney "wiiich beoame due on the lifteenth day of Jnly, A. 1). 1372. by reason whereof and pursuant to the terms uí' b:dd mortgage sid mortgagee hereby electa that. so much ,f said principal as iemains vmpaid, with all arroartlgea of interest thereon, shall become due and payable immediately ; and whereas there is claimed to be due and unpaid on said niortgage at the date of this notico, the sum of two thousand nine hundred and forty-eight dolían for principal and interest, als-o an attorney's feo of forty dollars should any pioceedings be taken tofbreclose said mortgage, and no suit or proceedings having been instituted either in law or equity to rciover the same or any part thereof: Noticc ia therefore hereby given, that on the eighth day of November next, at 2 o'clock in the afíernoon, at the front door of the Court House in tl, e city of Ann Arbor, county aloresaid (that being the building ia which the Circuit Court for said county ia held), and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mol tgage, I shall sell at public nuetion lu liiL' hight'st bidder the premises deseribed in said mortgage to satisfy the amount of principal and interest abovc claimed aa due, with the chíirsres of Bale and attomey'e fee of forty dollars : All thóse certain pieces or pateéis of iand situated in the tovnship of Manchester, county of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, known, bonnded and described as follows,to wit : Being the northeast quarter of the southeast quartet of seetion Duraber four Nj, also the northwest (niartcr oí the southpast quarter of said seetion number tour fexcept the lighta and privileges granted to the Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana Hailroad Company}, alao tïie southeast cjuiirter of the northeaet quarter of said Bection number four (4) ; also the following described land towit: beginning easterly ten chaina and fourteenlinks f rom the southwest corner of the cast huif of the north part of the northwest quarter of seetion nurnber three, thence northerly twenty-flve chains, thence easterly four chaina, thence sontheily twenty-iive ehnins, and thiiicc westrly four ehnins an'il four links to the place of begisning, the last description containing tea acres, the wholo of the above described land amounting (oone hnndred and flfty acres; also the BOUtheast ter of the southeast quarter of said seetion number four f4), except fourteen acres heretofore deeded to Luman Sievens, all in towuship four south of range ïiumber three east, in said county of iilil t'iiaw. Dated, August la 1873. CHARLES I. HOWELL, Mortgagee. John N. üott, Atty. for the Hortgagee. 1439td Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT haring been made in the condition of a certain niortirafie made nnd exeouted by Elijah W. Uorgan and Luoy W. S., hia vife, of Ann Arbor City, Michigan, to Peraia L. Tuttle, of Genera, New York, on the tcnth day of December in the yoar of our Luid ouc thousnnd eight hundred and iity-nine, and recorded in the Registert Office, Washtsnaw County, Michigan, on the tenth day of December, A. D. 186, at 3 o'olock P. M. of said day, in líber 41 of mortgiiges, on page 426, and that there is now claimed 1o be due upon Baid mortgage and thw bond accompnnying ths same i he miin oí seventeen hundred and ttfty-Biz dallara nnd forty-eight cents, also a reasonable solicitor's or attorney'a fee shouíd any jjroeeedinga be taken to foreclose said 'znortgRgfl ; and no proceedinge in law or in equity haring been had to recover faid sum of money or uny part thereof: Now, therefore, notice is hereby giren that by rirtne of a power oí' naie in said mortgage conttiined, I shall f!l ;it publio aucüos to the higliest bidder, on the eighUi day of November next, at 2 o'doek 1'. M. of s;i!l ii.iy, at the front door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, county aforessid (ihat being the lilaee of holding the Circuit ('ourts for snid eounlyj uil tho.-jo p iro.Us oi' land küown and deseribed aii luis No. ix, seven, eight, nine, ten and eieren, nnd lots Xo. nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three nnd twonty-four in 'blork iive south in rango iour east, and Iota Na fíx, seven, eight, fourteen, fifteen, Bixteen, seventcen, eighteen and nineteen in block flve south in raníe ñvo east in the city of Ann Arbor, in the Stato of Michigan. August 15th, 173. PEIiSIR L.THTT1.E, Mortgage. John N. Gotï, Attorney for Mortgftgee. 1439 gó EjÉTTËRÏjr all A NEW INVENION.KMtf TERS, PHYSIOTAXS, OLEEGYMEN, EDITOB8 ACCOUNTANTS, MEBCHANT8, professional nnd business men; protccting and kewbtgia alphabotical oniirall lptters, bilis, rocaipta and other documenta duüv aocnmulating n the goneml routine of buatneaa trae ftom (lust, and awy from the observaüun of tho oorioua. In tbis omall cabinot 8,000 letters can bo flled and keji ahvays at hand for roudy roferencr. It is mada of black watauCj is quite ornamental. The Hitnu Gbbinet can hi' tued on tho desk ot hung to the wall. Sendforan lllustiutcd Piice List oud Circular. Addrras, CAKLOS A. TOOK, Chicago, 111b. TliEMAIN & COLÉ, GROCERS AND PROVISIÓN DEALERS ! No. 30 East Hurón Street. A full line of Groosrfea oonstaxttly on lmnd and for BEÜè sheap, iucluding Bugun, Teas, spicea, &c. Country Produce Bought and sold. Bring iu your Eulter, Eggs, Toultry, Fruite, c. V. H. OIi: haa egtablished hiaOoa] Bffloi Kt the (tori of TEBMAIN .V COLE, where all orden -rill ie ottended lo. jjss MICHIttAS CETTKAL UAIuJJJ BUintEE -jiMi: TABLE engertrain.nowlthe sevm, GOINO WEStT " ' - STATIONS. J W ' Í ï B. ij . - - Lñ_iJi5_il I Detroit , leuve, 7 oó 'j 40 i í', rI íl; p: M' f. a Ann Albor, 8M 11 „„ ;! 1(j J. 1 Ohelsea, g 4(1 4 f.:, t 5 ■L - ■ OraMLake, 1007 435 l Z - Juckson, 10 40 12 15 SOS ;,■, P. H. V. K. ,J 'S 1 K(damzoo, ; 2 03: 2 65 8 20 h& OhlcagoarriYe, 8 15 6 3o;" I GOLNO EABT. - , a_ _1 il Ui__;i Chicngo, leave, 5 00 'j 00 5 15 9 m P. M. A. M. 'a w Kulaiuazoo, 1115 2 03 5 00 j 15 Jnckcon 2 30 4 15 8 00 U 30 4 45 Grn-sLake, 2 .16 8 32 ' Chtilsea, 3 24 s .r8 Dextcr, 3 -10 9 2o :■ AmiAi'bor, I 4 05 5 19 9 so 1 55, 6 ,,,, " ' Yimilnnti, 4 25 9 86 10 05 S 1! 1 SS i M Detroit, mi ve, 5 50. 6 40 11 20 3 :(l 7 25 J The Atlantic and Pacific Express run hèu Jackson and Niles on the Air Line. ""Wed Dated.May 26.1873 DETROIT, HILLSDALE & INm ANA BA1LEOAD. OOINIi WEST. -1873O.OISG EAST, stations. Mixed. JlaiU stations. MnïTliJ Detroit, dep... 4:05 A-M. p. u Vj.silanti 7:25 5:40 ünnkers 6-30 M Saline, 8:30 6:15 Hillsdale.... Z Í liridsfwiitor . . D-.O6 6:33 Manchester.... 2 Manchester.... 9:48 6;5S Bridgewater 9-05 - P. m. Saline 95 ó-ia Hilladals 1:10 8:48 Ypsilanti HHM 9Í Bgnkere. . 1:80 9:00 Detroit n:s5 w Trains run by Chicago time. W. F. FAHKEK, Stip't, YpBilmtl. PEING BULLETIN ! E. J. MISOS, HATTERl! Has turned bis back upon Winter and owneij hii stock of SPRING 600BS! Iucluding all the lutest styles of Hats and Caps! ;l G E N T S ' S FURNISHING GOODS, &c. u Which must be so'd. 600DG0ODSANDLOWPRICES Is the word to pasa along the line. 3 1 7 South Main st., AnnArbor. ! IXTÏA OFffl. SECOISTD .ANNUAL DISTRIBTJ TION. THE CHRONO CITE " ELEG1STLT FRAME AM) A SHAKE IV THE IMSTRIBlT1O5 OF 8730 PUË.HIUIS ATIOl V ll(i 10 $41,000. G1VEN AWAY! To every subscriber of that Popular Weekly OÖR FIRESlDE FRM f'liromos are delivered at once. The distributinn will l'OSITIVKLY take place on the TWENTIETH DAY OFAUUl'ST, EHiHTEEN HUXDRED AND SEVENTY-THREE. ÜUK CHROJIO " CUTE " is 16x20 inehes in bí, aoknowledged to be the ünest and bandaomest picture ever civen with any paper. OUK FIREijIDE FKIEMD is nn eight page illustrated iamily and story weekly in its third volume, bas now over SKVENT Y-F1VK TIIOUSAND 8UBSCRIBERtí, and rapidly increasing, "whieh insurea the success of the present didtributiou. The Pubüsbers of Our Pireside Friend have sent to its subscribera this yearover SEVEN'J Y THC UBAND copies oí tbe eliromo "Cute" nd are Bhipptns hundreds eTery day. STJBSl RIPT1OX PBÏCE, THREE DOLLARS PEB YEAE, wlmhidus the subsoribers FIFTT-TWO numbere of tbe best Family Weekly, the ehromo " 0UTB" ñnely framed, and a numbered CERTIFÍCATE entitllng the holder to one sharcin the distribuüon of premiums lor 1873. SL'IiSCRIBK now with the agent or send direct to the Publisher. SPECIMEN CUITES, particular, etc., sent free. A fj V "K FU In every town, at home or travil W iJll X kr ding. Ijart-'u eabh pay and HbW A VrFlIÏ wil premiama inr ge.tling "P T Al i FjIJ olía. The best ou! fit. Send at once for Terms and partieulars. Adtlress WATERS & CO., Pubs, Chicago. Dr. Crook's Wine of Tar 0LSf Contains TegptatIe In ffTfdientn of UruJoubted i3j Tonie value comoined fiLBëm$&, "JfeNk. ''bc wcak nuti ilobil#ffi nil!itntol niiil rapidly 9 iSr Bs JrWrcs tor e exhausted Bw3Pö'iirTRS5Sffl the Livor, umi en unos I'wieP!til B 14-Utt nlxm ZSÜnÍTm S a SiiKrior TonlCi lSoifi528KS.vÍ5?S restores the nppctUe W 'ilFPnrfWTOftff?vj an NtrcuiSieiiM the vffi j'CT Back, Gravel or UiIfTjiTsffHJ fiSmImm 1Bey Hskü!e, diseases jtfgfgSB HgftnMxnnd'ceoraDy TTTSSi Si?"3 tually cures al ICotitphi "Sj" pronouuced e. sneclüofor A sthma aud Brouclii tis. TB Y IX. tíold bjÍS EAi B8TATE IXÍB S ALE, THE VOLNEY CHAPIS HUME8TEAD, Near the north east corner of the Court Hoiipö i square. Tliis pjoperty will bo eold at reasonable pricL-8, iu Iota suitabltj for a resideucc, or forbiiuí neas purposes Also lotB on Milier Avenue ea&t of Tome' green house. Also a Farm of 160 Acres, Wcll watcred and fenced, with good rehará Mijl fair buildings, wlthinsmlle of the Court House In St. Johus, Michigan , andseveral hundred ere o' phie and oak tiinbered lauds in 8&tlutW Ceuut7 Michigan. loanire of B. W. CirEEVER.or 141TmO O. A. CHAPÍN. MRS. M. J. HILTON, M. D., PKYStCIAN ANO SURGEON, Ojfice añil llesidence No. 88 Ann Street, corner of, Inijalh, Ann Arlar, Mich. Sïy Office hours- 8 to 10 a m., and i to 4 p. M."Ï3I Jteferences - PnOF. Saükr, PaoF. lALiiEn. 14Slyl fi'iiA Oft rpf W Aponls wantod I AH P IU $ 4W rlassos oí' workin'jí peoplír, of elther ex, yomiK or old, make more inoney at work for us in their spore momt'njs or aïï tha tinir, thKii t anylhing i-lm.'. rarticulari ftrtt AUdicss ü, ttineon &, (.'yM 1'oiU"', Muiuui


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Michigan Argus