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I -affir ■ 4-i ■ '■..■.■.-."v:x-r-s!w lHS8ftIÜIPJS5.UVERÍ8I00a In tho woiuliTiul u . ■ ■ to whlch tho iv . th dl. ■■ boÜPTes lii hita oombiuod in harmony inoro of i mot sovorpinii curatíve propli.'is il led i : i tho vegethan v. .'o in ono medicine. The : ' t'.iia fact ia ftnnfl in the (fi-eat ■ tl e diseaSM whlch it has ''"'" foand to conqnr. In the (ure of Hronriiitit, cv■ Luiilm, and o,„ ,.ary stagt ■i! Coninmxtlon, it. bas astonUhed the moüi. ::!ty. and ptnlnont pbysicinn prouuanoe t toe greatest Liedical disoovery of the ag. i hile it oi:rvs the oagbs, it strengthen tho systeni nd iruüi,-. tl.r binad, b" It reat and thoToagh blood purifying properties, itourea all .Humor, f,-um tl(e werft Xci-nful to a i iTln.di. l'ln}' ,r :r-ptlon. Meronrlal áiieaíe, lUueral Pnlsons, and tbelr olfoct are eradioated, and Tigorous health and a sound coosntution estaMished. JCj-ysIjwlai, SaK Hkt-urx. .vr oi.. Nralyor Rongh kin. In chort. ah tho nomnrons diseasea cauwd by bad bjooa ro cor quered t.y this poworfal, parifr. (I.C na iKTioiíLíin medicine. 1f you feei du]}, drowsy, debilitatd, 'hT low color of fkin, or Tellowiïn brown cpot on Ti e or body, frequent beadache ordizzïnesi. büd u-te in luoath, interaal hesl or rhlüs, alterr.ated witU hot flnhes. loy ppirit. nd gloomy forsbodirts, ïrreüfu ar Appetite. and tongne costed, yo'.i are 9uiTrin; irosn 1'orpld Xlrer or "BtliiTHHO." Inmfiny(affof "LItc r Coinpliiiil only part of thtnp ympuiirn rieaced. As a rmedy for ali puch catei Dr. Plèrce'8 Ol1on Medica) DiiroTery hai no e jul. aa it p!T-."-ts i)-fcct curei, leaving the liver strengtheiiod ml iicalthy. Fur the cnre of Kabitiiul ConHtl iliun of the bowrlt it i a oever failini; remedy. and thoie who iiv# used it Tr ::iií p'.irpo-H! an? louii in HS praife. tor omira $1.00ü reward tor a medí, cine that will eqaal it for the ci:re of au the dl, cases fur which it is recommendeja 4)H by drnffeistB ut $1 per bettfe. Prpparrd hj Ii. V. Piüiee, M. I)., Sole Proprietor, at hia Chemi. ck! LabOTatory. 1W3 Séneca rtreet, Buüilo, il. ï S eu J yoor addrew lur a j)iuplilct. WítíFLíl!BÍTTlTí$ Ka Prraon can tnlce tliese Rííters accordIng '( directi cía, i ■ irov Ided Ixmes are not destroyed by mineral poison or otlier meaos, aud vital organs wasted buyuiid the poi it ol repair. Uyspiíia or iiiílfprcsiírt, Headache, Pata ■ i i '■■■■ ' ■'■■■ ■ ol i fie ciiosr, itldhi of t lie Stomach, Bad Ta ite iii i lie Mouth, Kili ! .ion oí tilo (leart, Inñammation of the Lunes, t'.nninthe dneys, andahundreri otHer painral off-sj rings or Dyspepsia. One botíle . ■. ■ j aranteè of ita incrita than a 1 icrtiw ment. t ■ ■ Fe mu le i ottipialiita. ín ynnncr or oíd, maiTie Qíle, J the rtawtj of womanttood, or rn ol life. these Tonic BUtera display so dcclded íxii iiiiUicnce that UBprovement la soon, perceptible. For lnfífttmnfilorjr nnd Chronic Tíliou iiinUsm and Gout, Btlloua, Kftnitteac nud latert Kevers, 1! i I, Liver, Kídneyö and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Sucli Discases aro causeil h? Vitiuteil Btood. Tliey nre atetille PisiKtivc na vvell as a Tonlcf possessina thenmrit of actiiiR as a poweríul atfent ín reiievinff Congestión or fnrtammation of itie Liver and Visceral Organs, aiiü íq Bilioua Dis p. I'or Skin lls#4ea. Enjptloñs. Tortor, Sa!t■ . Spots, i';t)'[, Puatules, Hoils, Carbuncles, Hinji-worms, ?cakl-HeaM, ore Eyea, elas. Itcli. Scurís. Dicolorationsof thesktn, Humors and ■ ■ ■ ' nol whatever narae or nature, are litera, iv ilug up and carrled out of tlie sy3tEBi ia a short time br tlio use oí' these Bitters, ' GVafefal Tliounnitdi proolaim Vinigar BitTBita ; lie inosi wonderfal Enrigoraat that ever sustaiiied the sinfcinj! system. Drug(ri9t3 anl (en. Agts;, San Francisco, Cal., & cor. ofVi hiuirtoaand Charltoti Bts., N.v. fiOLÜ Í3Y ALL lRÜGCarS & DEALERS. Uoídsmith's Bryant & Stratton BtTSIWLSS ITNtVBRSITY ighoiise ■ - ■ líird of t'oll AddiN - Leiitj Detroü , Midi. W. E. HEAMES & OO., Flour MTercIiai'its Gü WOIIUUKIIM.Ü STBKET, ■: lbjr. DBTBOIT, MICH. . I iis for Bakei1 use a om Jersey and ühio cla8. l'uuudry Facings imd Suppliea J. 2ST. S_A.BI3ST, Flour & Grain Com. Merchant A'ÏBATEIÏ STBEET, (Between Griswuld and Bhelby,) DETROIT. ÍK5 Libi-rnl aVílance r'onifriiiripnts. CÍ jüii' ii. weui:i,i, (ti. COMU [SION ,1 EtCHiyNTS ÍN Flour, rain, Tork & Seed OFFICE AND WAHEH0IT8Ï Nos. 50, 52, M aud .ji Voodbridge .Street Vestí DETBO1T, MU i. EKjT Liberal advunces íbude upoo BOILER WORKS All kinds of Roüer and ?RiGêl [ron WotK flhn'e td order. AU BoilerH tí-sted previoue 10 teavinv the 1 ni to tío repairs. Tub -a tnken o imï reset. Oíd boilers and tubee boughl i ■ ■ '■. .T. cSr; T, MoORKGOR, S3 Atuaier Street, DETUUIT. Tliroat and Liing Institute For til; eme oí Cataxrh, Throni Diw A al tuna, Bron aud onsum i1 NO. 4 ASPINWALLTERRACE, MACOMB AVE. ully for an examfnation, otherwiae Beod forcircular. ' : ■ . Hilton Wim.tamk, M. !., Prop'r, Mi _ ("Busiiioss Colleg6, "- ;fi"1TTT I College Jouroal, A li II 1RI ■ I'ookkoepings U.J Uv II L Business Practico. "THE BEST."- Por Journul giving fnll informaliuh of (' ■ ■ jtiiii Businese rraotice. Ad3 troit, Mioh. Marble, Marbleized Slate AJID mil 1!IASTI,ES, AUleadíng atylos and patterna. A'iili eTery virictj' of innam' nta] ;mi i l;ii n 'luimeled GrR,A.TívS. AfTcnt for " Strintr'a patent fire-plnces." Send for desciiptive oiroular. P. A. BILLING8, 20 Woodbridgo St., Detroit. CAW GTJMMER & 8HAEPENEE. le MnoKftic- ninily .md running Wheelfl ironi ox3 nicli-. Price of Machine, $15. Wheela wtth bevelled, rlouWe berüw3 nd round '■ S2.1S i S7 .3r tothicki;nS'?O anilSSO, ruaning . För illuistru.. I addrasa THE TAWITE CO., lll.'íraíl 8trcmrUui:vL, M onroo Co. . Pa. lynTiCE ! Carne into thí premin ■ "f itioBiiimcriheron the ?th iil.T, aboiií pro yea i, and Btar in proVe property nay bal i i : . . ' : folt uffaf. 73. 4ie A. C. ROOT: L_:;.WA$HTfNAWCOUMTYr ■ i M' 'lli !iL i,!!1 i. tí . _ ■■ ■ . 's . j il ' jl i] :j OTARY PUSLÍ : n , AMO iJ ! : j-i ENEHAL :,' i; í AliSiliACT 15UOK8! I ove, are dow poeÑ d t ijaté ■■ ■! posted f.jiui.siiov ian udulliii'wcliaiiMui tjtle. Iubiuucc AUDITOE GENERAL'S DEEDS Known as Tái-Titlos, wíiich tiro vcry uumeroua in tlns County, Decrees, Contracis, Deeds WILLS, ScC. Also, ninv na weli aa ill of the old nncUaohugec HJÍO8 as far back as 1824- whioh are legions e or mortffagei and liens will re rax-Title and other nolluteral matter n the nf; mode of aeandi by liulexe tthe Begisler's offioe. The booka or liners in ih ei - office have beooïnosonumerousand volum mous that lontr time is neoessarily requircd mu i make a liaxl j and unrelinble search. With our facili I ifs we say tu th public thnt we cnn show tlicin ti'.l andTitle (Tisiory, make Deeds, Mortgogea, Anign Discliiu '.-.Ai'., as correctly, quiokei and h better style than auy otlier offioe in the County Wc hare ZVIOSnSY TO LOAN J On Bond and Jlortgnye en long timo. REAL ESTÁTE 8oM or excliangcd. HOUSE TO RENT. 33 acre? oiiposite thu übseivatory i'or uule in lots to suit purphasftrs, EOOT & LEITER, Kcal Estáte Agenta, No. 1. OregOTy Block Tracy W., and opposite tlie l'ottoiiice. Uhablis A. Leitek. 14H tf ELHSTGr off tL.o -FtT.rtt-tTr THE MOftT Tri moTTait PtTIlIFIttR OF THE BIiOOD TET DI9COVKRIÏD. CURES ALL ntlMORS, FROM A OOMVON ERUPT1O.V TO THE WOKST SCROFULA. A ♦ By lts une Cancera are cnred, and Caneerotis tumors are diapersed without the sunjeon's knife - Serot'ula conquered, and Consuinptiou prevented and cured. Vencreal Biscaups, Morctirial and Minera) Poisone, anrl tlioir eftVct eradicated, and vigoroua Ue-ilrh and a soand constitution esrablished. Femalü Wcakues aul Uit-.r; Bropsy, general or pardal; Swellings. external or interna!; and Tumors are reduced and dispersed iu a very Bhort time. i r Ipilim, Salt Rhenm. Scald Tiend, and Fever Sori-s are uon removed by this powcrful detergent medicino. Scorbutlc IIscnc, Dnndrnfl", Scalyor Bongh Skiu.and Pimples quickly give way, leaving the skin smooth and fair. Chronle ItUeascs, Fcver and Afine, Bisordered Liver, Dyspepsia, rUicmnatism, Nervous Aftia, General Debility, iu short, all thenumerous diseases caosed by bad blood are conquered, and pive way before this most powerful corrector, the King of the Blood. Kach bottle oontains botwoen forty and fifty Crdinary doses, coeting only One doütr. From one to four or Ut bottles win cure Suit Kheinn, Scald Head, Ring Worm, Pimple on the F;ice. Blies, ordlnary Ernptions, etc. l'pom two toelght bottle will enre Rcaly Eroptiona ol' the Skin, Ulcers, Sures, and Cankcr in the Month and Stomach. Bryalpelaa, etc. From wo to ten bottles will restore hiiilthy action to tlie Liver and Spleen, will regúlate tho Bowela and Kidneys. Froiu tyo to sim bottlea will ba fonnd eflectnal iu enring Neuralgia, Siek-Headache, St. Vitus' Dunrñ. and Epiïepsy. From (ÏTe to twelve bottles will cure tbe worst cases uf Pcrofïila. From thrce to twelvc bottles will cure severo and obstinate cacs of 'at;irrh. From two to fur bottle will cnre the in ■! o;ises of Piles, and regálate ('os ti ve Bowels. From two to teil bottles will cure bad caf of Dropsy. Prlt-e l ier bottle, or 6 bottles for B. Sold by all DruggisUj D. BiXSOM, 8X . CO., Propr's, Enffal, Jí. Y. be testimoníala iu local column. I; ,"', j llt.i, i. .,-. AI.T1 : ITITB AND Jl-tELOOD PUIU1KK. B_ Itisnotaquacknostriira. The I HH H ingrrdicuis ure publislied na eacli t - il boMleofmi ■'■ ine. [tisusedaad IWi Itim recomm e n d e d b y Physiciana Í." 1 v.-i. -ever i i hsj ben introduoeda IV Sffii 'l Vii-' poBitïvelj onre [r-oLnUrULA ;} .Ttil hindred diteaitt, RITEUVA;■- 3iVs-tr, v.iinu awKiLiyff, -,-.(i I' (iOlTHE, BttüNCIU■ '"'&3TS, NEUVOUS MiBILlTY, I A l.VfflVÈAJ7 CONSUMI'TION ■ itnd aM diseases ari3ing froin au ï PBimpure condition ot' t!ie Blood, ,, ; ■■. "'T. Sen! i'or our Rosadalis Almahao, Eíl(n whith you will fiud certifícales mm k JÊjÈ from rcliable and trust-worthy H WM Physiciaus, Ministers of the GosIWBteH lr. It. %rllson Carr, of BaltiHft JHEaf moro, r.ays hfc has used it in cases of f'j i ■ rJ ■ v..::i.i., „iid oiluc-diseasc-jwitil inucli SH " lr. T. C. Ptih, of Baltimore, reI-"' JHommends it to all persons suffei'ing HMH ivith diseased Blood, saying it is supe, ) ' :iorto anvpreparationheliaseverused I JIct. ijnbney Hall, of the Baltiï "&Í nirc M. K. Conference South, says I WH1 }ie has been fio much bench'ttud by Hj itsïise,thathecheorfully recotnmends HVQhBS it tn allhis iriends aad acquaintances. 6 ;m ravti Si t:., Druggists, al OorE 'HHH flonville, Va., say it liever has faüetl BIlhH to ,'ivo satisfaction. Hk Sim'i O. McViditcn, MurfreesKB k boro', Tcnncssce, says itcurel hiiauf EaVMMBB heumatism v.lien allelse failcU. TilERU-ADALISINCONNECTION WITHOTJR will cure Chills ainl Kever, Liver (oraphimt, l)ysptpsi, etc. We puarantee BotADALIS superior to nll othfr Blnod Purifleri. Eeud íor Descriptivo Circular or AlmL'Uac. Addres, CLEMENTS 1 CO., 5 S. C'ommerce St., Ila'iinvrc, Mi, Kemcmbcr toask yourDruggist TaMiíS MuMAUüN, J Justice of the Peace, Office in new blockNorth of Court lïouse Money collccted and promptly paid over. nsrstTRAisrcic agent. Triumiih, nssetg, 3T'2T.ÍOít.ll Hortn Missouri, " 6Ï5.41T.91 lliberuia, " 350,000.00 TCA.t. BSÏATE. I have so acres of land M of a mile from the city imits, lhiely located for fruit or g;uden purposes. Alfjo 40 acres. Aleo 10 acres, with hJUHe and barn,and a Uvel strnain of waterrunntng throngh the barn yard. 60 .-i ■'■t ,-i müe 'ii!. I will sell uiy or all the above ohaap, or exchanga for city property. JAMES McMAIION. HURRY UP ! pAKXIKS wlihlng Wall Papor.Cloth f iml Paper Shade. Hoilnm's. WinHuw Flrtores, Cor fis. Taisel. &c, all N"w gtvle. at Stn,,'.,, ion Price By I. It. Wclwlpr Jk Co., B jok .-loro, near the Expr-e.s Offlce. X--_ x TOll SALE ON LONG CREDIT ! Ann Arbor OityLofH, w itïi u-ood title, and well loatel-tor residenoes oi busmess. AIbo several Mortgg9 for sale. Inquirc of E, W MOKGAÍT lV,lmt ÍARSUS BJLLETirJ f WANTED 2000 NEW SUBSCRIBEIIS WANTED. More Mercliants and Business men, who kuowing their owu interests will advertise in the Akous. GET YOUE BILL-HEADS, CIECULARS, LETTER-HEADS, STATEMENTS At the Argus Office. GET TOURBALL CARDS, BUSIXESS CAED3, VISITING CARDS, WEDDING OABDS, At the Argus Office, JET YOUR LAW BLANES, LAW BKÜSS8, LAW RECORDS, PROGRAMMES AT THE ARGUS OFFICE. Xew Type, Best Presses, Gootl Workmtn, AND REASONABLE PR1CES ! ÍW A WOED TO THE WISE. i ■ ■ ■ - - 1 ■ ' " ■ ... , 1 Uw been bei re the ' m ' '■ OVER THinTY v-firs. It l,is nem yct feiled tfp just'y 1 ' i Btyl id t! ueafor aü pv. ternal Woimds, Cuts, Burns, 8wellinga Fprni', Bruises, &c, &c, for Man un ] Bea,t No family should bc a single day without tl:!, Dniraont. Thp money 1i"n'1'"1 "' iniment is as rer.roI Be pnre c,t tlip irenuln l.y all Drupfrists nnd Country Stores, at 25c., 60c. and $1 00 per Bot'üe. Notice slle, Eiie of l.öttle. &c. i ESlílABLE REAL ESTÁTE FOK SALEI The subscritor, on acoouat of iil healta uffers bis 33 ACRES in the Corporation for sale. ThisgmiBcl djoing the l mvereitj ObsiTvatory on the east, oppositi the strtet. It has a mos1 excellent 8PEING ! On tlie northeust formerly mipplied the Rail iK; Lanjs.s witb water. ITS ABVA&yTAGES Are as foüova : Foroity pnrposes flio Tluron üivpr mfm.ierhtlic samesoroeSC to40rods,and is port oí the bost "Water Power On tlio River n this vieinity, and the elevation nn the nprtheiisl pornerissuffic ently high und nmpli ply tho oity nacessitiea iur wujler and üiepu THE WESTERN PORTION Cin tlie roacl ia very appropriafe and suitable for n Public City Ceinetery. t'ii eitj roundt now but must havesoon, uncl whatever irroun city doea nóteme to use, culi be sold at an advuntnee somuch so,ih:i: thooost of the Wuter A'orka itroMndt and ■ emoti ry. would be mei , . . , . does not want ,.1:il, ,,. uva Uitblu lor FBU1TS, LAEGE&SMALL, There being some 108 trees noiv in hearing Vegetables and Pasturasfé. And aleo for MILKsupply.BLOODEO STOCK, Horses, heep, ni other animiil alwn s:n-gi al want by many ir, io ih ' si ' , nerot il. is land now sellii ■ btcehnndred to tl n nda would oi could besold in n shopf time to n jood adTautagc and w much prufit to the pon haseis LIBERAL TITvIE Will be given or the inmo will be exebanpred Tor Murm.iit.ible {,'ouda or Drngt and Medicines, at cast TRAOY W. ROOT. Ann Vr' ■'!■ 31 18T3. 14] 1 THE BABCOCII fí i Jé HOOK & LADDER TKUCKS üquipped with Baboook Firc Extinguishers, Exten sio! uad tcnliug I, .!(!(].■, , . . ai an ■J:im. Buckets, LaiitttHB, Pild L'olea, Pite Axei ü Iba.; t-iisilv hnndle( , ished. and offord . ptotei hnn ut leba expense tbttD n3 truclï in the mmkei i; ever] Fire U iiártini in wants. The Bab eooli Fire lii grinoa und Firc Kxtmguisln is are bhvíi valuuble girnperty all uier the couutry. Se Ilitij n oord. E. T. B.1KSI1B, Grii-Asfcnt, US Woodwaid Ave li.iruit Manufacturcr of lrmi, Copper and Brae Wirc WlreClolh, Bciltlug Clolh Mili Stones, Broon Wlre nirl Twiue, Oopper Weather Vanee, "■ foiiriícr Railiiig, Wite fonclng and Urn;. mental Wire Work. :10yrl t STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, A perfect hair dressing- not a dye - nor :i nBtoratire, bit a dressing, elujrüiit r--- ■"] and ceunomieal. I I STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE is cooling to th o soalj), imparta íi deliglltfa] eeosa nf vitaüty JL aud soitiiess to t-" u tho hair. STEARNS' COCO-OLEJNE, Bweetly pei'fitnicd nv.ñ limpid, randera tho hairsnpÍiloand m dreases it iu any - - deaired orín. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, cntircly vegetable oil, prevenís thnt drynwa of scalp which f"1" (mlusob daxidrufl p ,. t, - to accumillute. " laaAui t STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE contaius in one large botile more oil and more perfumo wmm o tiitiii any otlicr - hair drossing ■■■Jin mnrliei, and H""" besidos iu eold twenty-Üve per cent. Icwa thaii most otbexs. STEARNS' COCO-OLEiNE brightens blonde hair, darkciiüaub urn ïmir, reuders lustxouB brown and black ■■J buir, lesbeua the harshnesa of coorse hair. STEARNS' COCO-OLLINE ! IS MADE ONLY BY FBEDEBIOK STEAENS, - CUEMIST, t IiETROIT, NICHT. Q RoM cverywhere. Be uure and get the Genuine 'ocn-OIeiiie. Let no oüepalm off on yv labottle of Borne theap a;::' a of Coco Oleiiic. ïhere aro more than twonty connti of itnow Bold, put up as near lite tho gcnuinc as tho jnaktra duxo uud eviide tlie law. ïow?uBhip Drain Notice. Iïf7"HEREA9 ■ the inn dei i ■ i,-; i ci a diich serosa 1 1" Pö ■ freetional qu;iri r i ■ ■ ■ townsliip, notice ii v. m., ioi1 i !■■ i xamipation aüd dotenninmion reyuiied by law. Duttd, Alig. Cth, I WIltLIAia DOTY. Prain CVmmvjoner for f' . , ïr3 .HAOAUPS Magnolia Balm A FEW AFPLICATIONS nrtTTT! A Pure Blooming Complexión. It is Pnrely Vegetable, and its operation is een and feltatouce. ltdoesaway with tlio l'lustaed Appearance cauaed by Uat, Fatigue, and Jixoitemeut. Ueals ttnil rernuves all Biotchesand Pimples, dispeiling da k aud unsightly spot. Drives away Tan, Freckles, and Buubuni, aud ly its gentío but puweitul iuñuenco inanties tliü laded clieek with YOUTHFUL BLOOM AND BEAUTY. rtnld by all Drnggist and Fancy Stores. Depot, Park Mace. New York. VT BOCKS. J. R. WEBSTER & CO. NEW 1ÏOÜK STORE SEAR THE " EXPKESS OPPICE. LOOK T YOUB IMTEBEST AM) (ALL. - BGO&S. Í'L.C.RISDOK!'S j. ADVBRTI3EMENT. Noiv ia tlie limo tu bny PARIiORllATíNG j STOVES. I will ae'I them at OOST until further I , I ío. 31 S. Main St, Aun Arbor. i . , - , . ] LThe world ia full ol j Caildreu crymg lor 3& CanilefS)? OU. HBl Itis ilolicïous.cffcetïveanrt HB, The rvimlsive ama j tasteand smelt of the OasÉ torOil isetitireiy overeóme i WM lts cathartlo gpwem are fm Mm nütimiaiif(l. Prlce 23 ets. 9 ' Mr-LMN'S VERMIFUGEEOÏTBONS are elepant and effectlve. They resem ble Cream liunbuits kept in eoiifectioifers1 Bhops, (Jliiklren lovo Uicui nwX cry ior LUciu. Price 26 cents per box. A r1 TTT? HOFMANN'S AU" U Jj.Hop Pilis e Pilis do not contain Quinine or Mïnerals. They are suear-coated. l'i'ice, 50 ets. per liox. lir.McMann,Gardner,ÏU.,sa.ya: "I have taken theiii u ven tlicm toniy wlfo and il. Tliey havo cürrd thom and niany otliers wnoliavenscrttïiom." They are made to cure FelAffueatonce. DumbAcrui ■ I !Ters ero enrert sneedlly. . iple, barmless, and always relfahla, Dlrectlona iu luur luimuagco acK. "V. Jii-Lls Sc CO., ut the Agenta. U20yl Real Estáte for Bale. HfcíAN, County of Wnghtenaw, bs. tn the matter of the ebtate oí' Kbenezer WüstJ . Noticeishereby u;n, ti, al in nuce oí uu order granted to lit undersigned, ■ ian oi tbe estat ■■ I 121 - di zer ■■■ni' Probate lor the connty ofWash, oo the íiiih day oi August, ,. d, 1873. títere wxAl be sol hi public vendue, to tbe highest bidder, at the ■ oí the I onrl House in the citj oJ Aim Aibor, in tbe county of W anteo uw, in said . od VVedncöday, the twenty-fourtb day of Seplexubor, a. d. 1873, at ten o'clock n th foveoopn nf day (sybjeci to ill encumbraucea by mi Bxi&tiug at the time oj sale , the fullowiug di . stnte. to-wit ï Thai pioce ui paras followa : commeuoing nt the raer of tlie west half oi' the novtheast ■ . -ii Hcetion twenty-one, tovnahip tw.o f2) soulb i raug ;. thenco north one desxe and twelve .'L", tuinutee weal six chaina and twenty-fotir jiii-1 Din -i..-iJi liuks to tbe Boutheasi Bide of the Dixnce on tbe Boutheat Milt oí' the Diz:id sonth flfty-six degrees west to tho northirner of h lot of lan ■■ ■ ned by E. L. oed by John Lennon, theoce al ight ai ' droad till it intersecta the quarii ! ddlinfi to the place of leginiiing, contaii ing one acre and eleven roda of find, be tho same more oí lesa. AIso that pS lun i b rinning on the line between the easi sof the nurthi t;-t qnartei m .- f towuship two south oi range tdx easi : ■ i ter of the hignway leading from the city of Inn Arbor to the vlbüie of Dixboro, and running ■ ■ outfl 'i, de ee and Biteen mlnutea east, ind seven ty-th'ree linka to of the eaei half of aaid northH'ler of section twenty-qne, thpnceeast oIodk qu&rter line two (:') ehaim and thenoe north twenty live degreea ind twenty links to ïhe plaof of i tai ing one acre of land more or Ie, i síti i State. i, August 5th, A. P. 187B. ll,, JAMES J, '■ Guardián. Estáte of John C. Bnrkhardt, Senior. liTATE OP MICHIGAÍT, County of Wcahtenivw.B, i 'n.liait Court för the County ;'; bate' : cein fcheCity . ■ be twentj - year one thonsand eight hundr á ' bate ín the - ■ of JohnC. BTirkhardt, ■ ■ ■■ M ■■. i.ii, admiuisti ;i ni of fluid eHi ■ o conrt and ■ t he is now prepared to render his final acoouní ts such admini i '. ih;it 'Pxisdny, the dny of f-'eptember noxt, ai ten o 6 ailofing 8 oouni . . i ted in said I TI OÍ snicl Court, {'■■'f. to he holden al fhePi in the i'" ni' Aim Arbor, in báí I shotí Qimse, ishould ■ AimI it is furthei' onicrcd. tluii Ktddudtothepereo] ■ in snid .-;iio, of the !■■ .i fjie btariiig ■ ■ py of o] . ■ tishi ó hi Un '.■ ; spaptr pi nted and circuiré weeks prcvioui I Mortgage I ' - D ; ■ a. eluiineú Ann Albur, Wmh '" "■' cit, ;; mgth saldo lin, , ln '.'i'fy'ihe ! m 1 1" Cjllílft I stlWk 3È S5Ï f60 ;' '■ ■ ■ ís rï'VMlllthM-- ' links,,, ent fortyronr r i j . ,i 'n '; fromwhichan i'l ,■„ - v ,'f f " ""h as numbered one [1], two [2], three m ,Om nin [91 ten 10], and ele m?" Moïtgage Sale. ' WHEEBAS John U..r and Kliza ri.i city of Anu Arbo ■, ( ;„uut v oí vv-i h? ' of State íMichiga.,, on the te"i, d.y o' Juk" " eventy-one, eiccutod t „„h,: , ' " ( llowdl, of the eity o; .ew York" o JmnS l office of the ttegtaterof KfflÜ D. 1MI..I ;.:... o'cl, ck in tb artexnoon of wft4 in lil)i-r 44 o. m„nt...., .,„„,„:;,. ;.,2. " "Win, default ham been made tor ore Uin til S tn,':1 '.-lull,n..1,t„(.,lll,Jiu ',, t"1"11 1873; byra, on wherfoi and puMuanttïiflL'tai: oi said mor gage, suid moi I -agèe hen l.y 1 „ , "■ muohofwdtpnuop.a.u.. 2d l$?An PTW' im'nditrtv;and!wLeCr&Z.'?i to be due and unpiiid 011 „aid mortgngc t tl tt thia notie,... u-u Ihou-undtwo liuLdd ,d tÈS." ure. doUaraaud tliirtj foor oems, tui in rni l' interest moa , sku„ J "[:'■ abould anj procdins be taten i„ i„" ' mmtgage, and üoauil r pioceedinga hibt ï pal thei of; Xoti „ i t, ,.,e or' h r , v 'r ""!= o day of Novembeï „?' k in the atternoon uf tlial íi, t,'„ j " I "'".'"■"l : ■..!., .1,0 „ "ij I id moiltMÍe ,„"'? I tv ,.! pmioipaJ a id inteie-t íbo2SÍ ! aej-sfeeof fiftydoMHis: All tl,oe c, , , " f '„" ! '" l"dJtte and bein(í ,n t), ,"? enawundstttWot Miohig„n, ano ,.„2 I sto wil : 1,, „ ,„,,-, 01 Jut „i muir to L I blocknunibertwofijnorth of Hni-m, Z I mencbjonthesoiith:iiieof said !oi i],íi:t óne f, I i iwelve feei aud ftTe inchM. "íeilí 1 v.i-1, Ui PMb( line oí suri -,t , V(ll parallel w,,hth,.5,.,,th i,,,",; IA ]':"" ! eoi Baidloteev, Auyust ist, l..Tö. CHARLES I.H0WE1.L, Johh N. Gott, Attomeyforllortgag0"8"1 Mortgage Sale. lyHEEEAS wm.u H. MaUory nnd Hde ï. TT Mali ry, ot the city oí Aun Ailiw, couuljrf Waehteimw, umi State ..1 , ichigan, un the itcaS ■ lnj oi tíupteuiber, one thuusand eigut Jmmlieil ud venty-two m cuted a moi gage ,o JuhnK. Gmt i( the ame place, to .secure the pnyment ot cmsn ramal nnd nter.8t lo.mey tliênm meotiomi i ut ree, ided in tlic cftic.' oi tl, Itegisteroí J, eJin8aid eouuly. 011 mi'.lli di '1 lol i;i. a ... 1872.U1 4.-.. o'clock p. j!. in Lib,. 1:1 '" ■üiciiiaid morj(t.i ïlt8li ; O" tillfeuihdni ..i Jabiun i. d. 187S, to Samuel r. Juwttt, ujllie'cily in L.b No l.)i .i,.,u, in ntoi. iIi.-3cilnlolJily, a. i. .8iï,unag 8S, ai ;.:,„ uViuck i-. m. ut nú üa' ; - eittuh Jihí" let ii n ; lln" :1 tLe pjiym, nt ..1 aniusiallBitiiiir snid uittiVBl money wUcli bteanie une on the tii01 Mar h, 873, I y reiiftn wliucol. nd pursuimt to Uie oi aid m, , m0„. I lecls iliut Vo mucli i.t 8id püiapal a.s lom;, HLS Uüril wilh üli HlMHKIgia Oi inlflts! thereimah 11 int .me due and p:.y..lle imnniiiatelj: Iml wherms theie iscl;iiDieu tü be nnd urniid ":l -:i; ; ■ o naie oi notice sixiu ty-one Qdl1iut and tiveniy-dii " Pal and nb n sr, also un Hlcr'nn'i -i ouW nny pinoi dingg le tita to toveclose said mortguge, and uo suit or jnontd1 T ' ■- having been insti;uud eitlitrin l:,w i uiiy o recover tbe sami ra any part thereoi : K„tiie oreherebj (tiven Ibat on the flrst d.ij ufN Tcmber two i 'cli'ck n tl"' attemoou of tuid ilay, at the front door oi the Conti House tkc ci'j irbor, oounty afoiuaaid, tiiat teiog tbe building in whieh tlie Circuit ('"in-t lor sjiid couwy ' . virtueol the power of sale miaiBtd in saiu mort({iif-e, I ülmil sel] ,-a pnMic mciion toito : the preniise descnbtd ia b ,id nuty the aniount ol piincipa] nnd intoist ilwve claimed as doe, mi:] the charges ui ■ rlitïle, miiihvV fee (it fitly diiilais, ,11 tlmt-ccrtii ■; paicel i1 land sitúale iu t]:t city cf Am nforesaid. knuwn, bounded smii I lowa,1owit: Commencinp at a jointon i lie noith line oi Huron street, m Hip city ot Am I Arbor aforesnid, eigbtnv!s anrt eitthtt-en inches n I )t the west line of D. Molnlyre's land. and iumnS I i with said west line of Md I yre's land twelre ïods, Uieuce west parullfl uit I Imon Btréet to the eaat lint of ilann atreet, tltm "' tbscornci ;t irann and Hun henee east to tha place of bezinning. A.ugnat lat, 1873. SAMUEL P. JEWETT, u-e of aaid Jlortgag. John X. Gott. Attornty tbr the Asbignee of Mortgagee. 143;td Mortgage Sale. nEFATTLT haviug been ihm in the condiiion of I h eertaramortgageexecuttdig Edgtu-M. tug"ï rlikrtL.tfregoryofüiecityof nnAibor,i u ty of Waabtennw, and State of Michigan, toL)iw E D. J times, of Williameburg, Moac ach ueettp, on tl I ftiteenth daj of Juoe, A. D, L4f64, mui record i in & I office oí the Rtgister of Deeds, lor the Cornil) t: orea lid, on the seventeinth ■ . A. I). I&64 hi v;.t o'elock a. m., in Libi ■ Afc"tgy ■ - ■ . ■■ ■' tbat tbere is nu ■ it) be dne andutipaia on said mort page and i)(;i ï itccomp myii'r the saine, the suiu uf wnetten 'linU' sand &1 i clolljirs bi3 eiglity-four -'nfi i ilso tlie smn of three hnndred and seventy-tfe , ■- r ute pi id by said raoill ■ tjpe for 1URU1HUC6 apon s provided fw ■ s;dil moztguge; rIbo u Tei9iwnhe attorney' ; tolicitor'a lee íc servicep, sb i ld jn? ]■!■{ ■. ( tin - ';' taken t o foieclc?e Buid znorfgipc, i'uni nu j-ifffC' f inifs :it luw or in equity having been hd toieeovtfl said mhü or any ptr1 thereol: Js'ow, iherrf"1 motice ia hereby g-iven tbitt b uu:ir vt nyuvn0' sale in nttiá mortgnm eontnincd. 1 shall sellatr0! licauction to thehighesi bitUk-r. -i t)-.v tinrte"1 dny ui Septembi r m-x' . at two u cïeck in theatiM 1 noon ofsHid day b1 the Trtmi áoor c-t tle Coni B Hoiiae a ihi' city of A nu Ail--uv in miil ('muiii '' holding llie 'ircuit Courtf i ho-. ',,■!■!■ tu i n tiacts or prcels oflHnd kno ■ i 08 toilows, t wit: TIn vided oöe-Iinlf of the Frank lin House prorWy "' j city of Arm Arbor in the t'ounl y oí' WnghtfiiflW1"' I Ktate of Miehi ; ommèucin t tïertt' ñaal eorner oí said block, and runninc ■w-ípteif'1 rods, theuce Dorth on the west line of lot ntimH tv.o [2] ninety-fivfl feet to X. P. PareoD's line, th rast on Pureon'a &ou1 li line bi vi nty eig-ht feet, tïiew pouth eig'htceo feet, thencetiiöt lifiy-i. leet, tJten soul h to the place of befrinning. And tlo Iets If iMitltoisr ;;; sud i allin biockone north, in raup; nu"1' ber three enst, in theeity oí Aun Arbor. i'fvi-cptingtl ■iit feel wide of the north thnty-seven IJ vide of eaid lot mimbertLree, subject to the flgW of way over Hie Biime.J Diited, -hiiiö 80, 1S7S. l.V.MAN P. JAMES, Mortgi'ge6' John N. Gotï, Ati'y fi r .M. rtgagee. Estáte of Erastus Koot. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw. At a seesion of the Probate Court lor the fona.'f of Waahtenaw, bolden ut the Probate üince, in í' city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the twenty-ti'i1L dy of-July, in tbc year on e thousand eigbt ho dred and rent] -tbree, Present, Nonh W. Oheever, Jndge of Probtite. ín the matter vf the estáte of Ernst u R00'1 ed. On reading nnrl fiHng the petition, duly verifica, Polly Root, praj in tbnt a certain iniü' ment now en fiie in ihisrotirt, purporting to ■ lust wil] nnd testament of , m;,y be b; miUed to prob&te, and Ibat adininistraiion ot'sn"1 eatatemay De granted to her or soine other suitaW pereon. Thereupon I is orderM, that Mondity, tlie flaj oi Keptembci neacttai I . 1 1 ho forenoo be ftssigned fur Uu ol snit! petiin. that tl ■ . siis i linv of sa;a ; all o! lier persous inleivpted lD Mid estale, ore rfquirt-d tt op] er Jlt Í' of Mii'l Co rt, tl en to be holden ' the Probate Office, in the City of .Ann AiWf w hy the prny the peiitiorer ■■...'' na lf ' ■ ordei-eO, that snul petitionei jrive noticelo. interest ecl i1' shíí] estufo, oí He jifndeiic!'Bíúd petition, and 1!ir hetirinc tlu-rcof. bj oiuib'??" ■ thie order tu be jmMi: ; ."■11 cuIíH n:: i '(iniitv, three succemÍTe weeks previous to said c!a)rOÍ copy.J NOAH W. CHEETER, Judfreof ProM O TOBE TO RÉNT1 Corner of Wiiphinirton nnd Msin sfrepts. ÍII?T' lonveiii: i of the best locatiónsin the CI '' ■ ion giren ímmedioteJy, „ Inqui HÉKION 8t 8UMNJ ' Ann Albor, Mflj t, TS. I1


Old News
Michigan Argus