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Those Members Of Congress

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lOK, if indiana, being one of. them -whovotedagahistthe retroactiva orbaekpay feature of the salary-increaae bill bat who took touk their share ot' the plunder and excuso the taking uu the ground that the law they had opposed was a luv despite their votes, tbat it legally tixod their pay, tjiüt had it reduoed it thcy should h:ive been oompelled to submit, and that they sbould not be asked to"fly in the teeth" of the law just because itB provisions aro in their favor, aro neither ingeuuous nor logioal. Leaving entirely out of the discus&ion whether $7,500 a yeai is or is not too muoh for the average CcngrcEsman, it is certain that dating the increase back two years is not a whit botter Jlian plundering the treasury - eall it legaliied plunder if it so picases Mr. Niblack. " Might makes right" is the only maxim under which the advocates of tho back-pay steal can shelter themselvos, and thoso who opposed bnt particípate iu the profita can put thomselves in 110 better position, They should stand squarcly up to the rack and make no foolish defenaes. - Thero is more plausibility in the reasoning of Mr. Ho AR and a few othor memburs who took the pay and undertook to give tho schools or other institutions in their distriots the benefit of it. Tlicy reasoned that their constituents had tho taxea to pay ; that to " cover" their share of the steal into. the Treasury gave the benefit to the whole natiori ; and that the districts and States whose Senators and. Representativos run their arma f uil length intoUncleHuni's moneybag would get the lion's sharo of the uionoy refused, while to give it to their district was iu iaot refunding as nearly as possiblo to thu body of tax-payers who wero compelled to pay tho increase. Without going over the samo ground we seeond the appeals made from week to week by the Regiiter, in favor of building up mauufaotories in our rnidst. üur city, as wo havo at divers times, and through ruauy years, tried to impiress upon our citizons, can be built up and prospered in no other way. Merchante we have of all grades and in all branches in sufficient numbers to do tho business of the surrounding country, and increasing tho numbers will not advance the interesta of the city, as no communily can thrive and fatten by simply buyiug and selling from or to each other. A new merchant simply divides a limited business, but conimands no new population as customers. Thorefore, to spread our borders and infuse new life manufactoriea ure needed. Manufactories need tot and will not dopend upon the citizens of our city or the inmediato adjoining country for their customers. The State and the nation will bo their market. Manufacturing is not living by trading jackknives. Manufaotoriea will bring us skilled and intelligent Mechanica and their families, to buy lots, build dweil, ings, increaso our population, renew our life, and nmke a eoimminity, of producers instead of outj of traders and consuméis. Will not our oapitalists - thoso who are prises awayfrom home - turn their attention to building up manufactories here f Let the Hurón be made to work for the city and steam strike hands with the Huron, and tlien all will not bo stagnation whon " trade is dull." It is given out that " tho Controller of the Currency will probably recommend Uongress to authorizo an additional issue of twenty-five millions of national bank notes." Which is not just exactly the thing for the Controller to recommend or for Congress to do. The ainount of national bank currency should not bo fixed by law, and the Controller should have no control of its distribution among the States. A free banking system is what the country wants : let anybody or any Corporation put up tho requisito socurities, draw the per centago of circulation to which they are entitled, make their reports in accordance with tho provisions of the law, and obey the law in all other respecta. Then wa shall havo a flexible system, and tho issuo will be rcgulated from rnonth to mouth and year by year, by the lawsof trado rather than by statute Banks will be established wherever there is capital and a demand for its use in the banking business, and will bo discontinuod when no longer needed or found profitable. Tho security to tho bill-holder and the depositar will be the sanio as now, and one monopoly will bö effectually disposed of. "An Eqüalizeu:" that is what the acute Gen. Butleii styles the bill increasing tho salaries of Congressmen and abolishing niileago. As it gives tho tnembsrs from ' Maryland and "Virginia, living within a stone's throw of tho capítol, the samo' salary as tho mömber from Oregon or the delegato from ATaska -and inileage to neithcr - we can hardly soo whore the equalization comes in.' The $19,000 drawn by tho Oregon member, used by BtTTLEB as an illustration, was an excoption, and its being brought to the front shows that the hero of Fort Fisher and tho salarys-teal is hard pushed. Cutting off tho mileage leavea tho puy or perquisities of membors just about as unequai as bofore. Reducing it to throe or five cents a mile - by the nearest traveled route - would have been an absolutely equalizing measure now that Congressmen havo to pay fare like ordinary individuals. Butlkr should inVent ti more plausible defonse next time he spouts. Detboit is indulging in an injunction suit, Judgo CoCHRAiY, of the Superior Court, having issued one rostraining the Common Council from making tho socalled central market lease to J. S. Newi'i H i-:ï and his associates. The proposed lease or tha rosolution ordering it was passed over the Mayor's veto. Tho parties praying an injuuctiou allege a swindle upon the public as well as personal damagja, and also allego in their bill that respoi'sible parties will give $10,000 (doublé the Sum NïrWBïfflBY & Cü. are to pay) and pay all taxes, provided it is dotermined that tho city caa legally exocute ths proposed lease, - which is denied. At this distance it looks 08 though tho city was pruposing to Soll tl valuablo franchise foï i i-ong.


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