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JNEW URLEANS, AugUSt l. - In reBponse to a oorumunioation f'rom citizens oí' Monroe, as to the proper oourse to be pursued regarding Louisiami affairs, John MoEuery writes a letter ad vising a State convention in December, and the appointment of a committee to appeal to Coiigress. At'ter reviewing tho Keüogg usurpation Gov. MeEnery says : " The present deplorable condition of Louisiana demanda for her rescuo from oortaiu ruin the ndoption of one of two remedies; either the resoue of her government, trom tho ignoranco and eorruption pervading in ahnost every departnifiit, by the united action of tho intelligent and honest people of tho State, or an utter surrender of the Stato to the Federal Government, trusting that that Government muy instituto an honest home Government that will spare the people tho confiscation of their property novv gradually going on, and consequent and inovitable bankruptcy and ruin. "Toany one educated in the theory and genius of our Government, the latter alternntive is hard to accept, but auy governmcnt prouiismg a bet ter future, however irregularly instituted, ia preferablo to one promising certain iiapoverKment and general baílkraptcy. When a people find themselves Kurrounded, as we are, by desperate and Btraightened oircumstances, coinmeroe decaying, agricnlture domoralized, Capital with mercurial wings in flight, real estáte depi and dépreciated 50 per cent. since KlIitiií'.s rule, and, in fact, all values on the, decline, all tuis ia a state of boundless resouroes, and Biraply and alone due to the fact of bad, dishonest, illegitiüiate ii-overniiient. Dussessink' neither the Con' of tno peopi st-n „ , it ia natural that they will accept relief from any hand tbat extendí it, and will not sfcop to inquire as to the regularitv or irrecgularity of the authority exercieed. "But 1 hopa that fate is aot so imperativo that wu sliall be driveu to accept 80 desperate a remedy, Let us hope better of thoee who hold our destiny in their hiind.s. Let na appeal eamegtly to Congress, that that honorable bodv, casting aside all political prejudicea and party rule, will do simple justice to a mueh wronged and Djureil people."


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