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English Harvest Prospect

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The splendid f'oroing weather wbioh has been enjoyed by farmers during the past ten daya will tend perhapa rather prematurely to ripen tho cereals. It is iiow certain that tho last liaivest, which farmers had taken i'or grauted, will not be ono of' the lamentable faots of tho present year. Tho warm weather has imparted a bright yellow tint to the ripening wheat, and although tho barley will ba inuoh improved by more sunshine, oats have attained full inuturity in uiany parts of the country and in the south ot' Englaad have beeu cut with great expedition. In Essex especially this foct is noticeablc, a considerable breadth of oats being already in staek. Tho extraordinary character of the spring-timo does not soera to havo materia] ly affected tho eondition of the potato and root crops in tho south of England. In Essex, wbioh is one of tho most extensivo souroeB of supply to tho Liondon market, potatoes are a fairly abuudant erop, perf'ectly freo from blight ; and, haring passed the more severoly trying part of thu season, there is evory reasou to bolieve that the tubers will bo f'roe from the nnuoying disesse which caused such great loss to so many growers last year. Tho potato fields aro at present tenantcd by a busy crowd of diggers actively eugaged in supplying the vast diĆ­mand which tho metropolis occasions for the esculent. The majority of the hay fields havo now been eleared in England. In Essex the erop has turned out beyond all expeetation a goud and a oomparatively bulky one. The afterinath is in all casos vory luxuriant. Clover has all the appearanco of vigorous and hoalthy growth, thu genial 6howery experienced by farmers within the past three weeks having greatly improved the eondition of that erop. Ou the whole, wo may conlidontly aifirm that agricultural airairs bear a promising asjject in the South of Kug&ni,-Tke Farmer.


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