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OCR Text, lIAliiilJIAM &MAMIÏ.TON ls. 7 and D South ttioh. piNJiNtÍAIi STAÏ'EMJENT 1 Diatriot No. Ouo, City of Ann Arbov, to IiLCniPTS. From Tax voted to pay tèaohera'udariea,... (11,100 üu lux roted to pay nul, aniton' arrepairs, and im-identals 5,150 00 lax vutcxl to pay bond due Feb. iBt, 1873' ." - 4,000 OU lux roted fo iy iutercat duo on bonds Feb. Ut, 1873 2,(140 00 Tüx vntiil to iiiij bal. dua treasurer and claims not auilittiü...... 450 00 Primal? school fuud, i ,r -,„ ï,wmiM '. 8,2 00 uitínl 8,88625 uas for lyoeum llaniage on sent, thwud, 160 $31,031 01 EXPEKDITUBES. Paid teachors' salarien, $17 1 53 34 ilonda uf diatrict duo Feb. lat, 1873, ... 4,000 00 Interest duo unboud Feb. lst, 1873,... 2,ti40 oo Junitors' servicos tj;,o 00 Iiibuinnce,. .jol iy Hiiltiuee due treasurer, 167 79 1 'or fuel, including purehases for coming-winter, 2.403 10 luniuure, repairs and innidentals 2.IH2 52 Bills not audited, piobibly, 500 00 Bttlanoe m llanda oí troaflursr, 627 OG $31,031 01 The present ndebtedness on bonds ia aa follows : Bonds duo Feb. Int, 187, i7,'0 00 " " " " 1874, 7,000 00 " ■' 1876 9,000 00 " " " " 1877, 9,000 00 " " " 1S7B, S.UOO (,0 $39,0' 0 00 n hioh arnount boars iuterest from Feb. lst, 1Ö73, at 8 por oent. Dited, Aim Arbor, August 20th, h?, JAMES B. &OTT, Secretary. Mortgage Salo. DKFAULT haring been nmde in the conditions of u certain mortgnge executed on the secondd;i oí ber, A. I)., Iboy, by Elijah W. Morgan and - 8. Morgan, lúa mfe, of Aim Arbor, Michigan, to Bdward L. B i Iministrator of NormanC. Gtoodale, Lateof Washtenawoounty, dei and John Utniey, oL said eounty, and recorded the same diiy in the utticc of the Register of Oeeds, tor th county of Washtenaw, Michigan, in Liber 41 of i page 878, and tho undivided half of li tied by said Edi tale of Xoiman 0. ;!.!. M, !■ . loodale, v. liiflh fth doy of Non 1871', aai numbertwo of Assignments of Mortgages, on page ■; n; whichmoi te is claimed to be due date of this notice, two thousand two i u ty-four dollars and serenty cents, for principal itt, and uleo v reasonable attorn providrü in suid mortgagc should proceedin taken to forL-i.:. . ame, and noprocedinga haring been taken .n la w or in equicy to recover the amount due ' any part thereof ; Thereiore notice is hereby ijivc-n tli;it by virtneof the power of ale contained in said mortgitgo and pursuant to the statate in such ids andprovided, on gatnrday the Bfteenth dayof November, A. D., 1873, ut ten oYloek in the forenoonof thut day, at the south, or front door of the '(iurt House, in the city of Ann Arbor, that beiiiü liif pluce where the iicuit C'ourt tor the connty of Washtenaw ia held, there will ) sold to the highest described in aaid xoortgage, or so much as niay be aetlessary to satiKfy the amount ao due as aforesaid, and Interest ;iud eost and expenses allowod bylftw, for the advertleeraent and sale of said pil wies, excepting the aonth hal) of lot nnmber flvc in block number tlireo south in range three east, in the ciiy of Aun Arbor, Michigan, which haa been released from Baid mortgageby a release exeouted by John Henley and Amanda ir. V Goodale i' W, Morgan and dated the Uth day of August, 1873. That pari. of thepremises desoribed in eaid mortgag which will be sold at tlie time and placo aforesaid are described as follows, to wit : All tliose pa: land known and de&ctibed as bts number one and two, and the south nine fcet in idtli of lot number three in block number two north, in range number tliroe east, and also 1ol.s n'lnibt-r four and the north half of lot nnmber flve, in bloek number three south, in range three east, in the city of Aun Arbor, Michigan. Duted August 20, 1873. JOHN IIENLEY, ilortgasee. AÍIANDA M. V. GOODALE, Asaignee of an undivided half of said Mortjrage. 11. E. liiAZEi:, Att'yforilortgagee and Assignte. 1440td. Mortguge Sale. WfHEREAS John Claii and Eliza Clair, of the " city of Ann Arber, County ol Waahtenaw and State "i Michigan, on ihe tenth dtiy of Juiy, in the Df uur Leid onu ttiuusnnd eiht humlYid and i Howell, of the ruv oi New Yorl , ment of certain pri interest money there■ i "i m the otace ui the Register of Decds in said i'ounfcy hi ■naw, on the twenty-sevnth (i:iy of July, A. D. Lb71, at 5:2i o'clock in the alternoon of said day, in libcr 44 of mortgages onpage 7Í2 ; and. default haa been made for more fhati thirty days in the payment of an installmeüt uL said interest money which became due on tiie flrst duy ot January, A. ü. 1873; by reason whereoi and pursuant to tlie terma of said tnoTtgage,sald mortgagee heri'ty electa thataa oí saiti principal aa reinains unjaid wiili all arrearaeesof interest thereon, hall beeome doe and Ie Immediately; arin, whereas, there olaimed to be 'Int and onpaid on said mortguge at the date of thi.s notice two thouaand two hundred and twenty:md tliirty four cents, for principo] nnd iitereal money, alsó au uttorney's feeoi fifi y dollars eding be taken to foieclose suid ase, and no suit or pn having Lietn instituted eithf r in law or equity to recover ;]c sume or any part tbereof; Notice i therefore hereby ffiven . ath dayof November next, at two o'clock in the afternoon of that day, at the fiont door of the i onrt House, ín the oity of Ann Arin,; county, (that beingthe building in whith the Uourtfor said County of W'ashtenaw is held), and bj ratue oJ i !-■ power of sale oontained in said mortI Bhallseüal poblic auotion to the highest bidder, the pretoisea i scribed ia said mortfrage tosatisfy ihe gmount of prmoipal and inter&jt above claimed as dne, with the charges of uoh tale and an attorney'a fee of flfty dollars: All those certuin pieces or parcela of land sitúate and heingm the County of washtenaw and state of Michigan, and describid aa followsto wit: beinga part of lot number two in block number two tí) nortli of Huron Street, ran-e number four (41 euct, in the city of Ann Arbor, and State aforesaid, deaoribed aa lollows to wit: commencing on the south iine of said lot thirty-one feot and aoven inches east of the south-webt corner of said lot, running thence ea?t on the south line of said lot twelve feet and five inches, thence north parallel wlth the east line of said lot seven rod, thence west parallel wilh the south lme of said lot twe've feet and live inches, thence running south parallel wlth the west line of said lot seveiTrods, to the place of beginning; Also lots Xo. one O), two f2), threeC8), four (4j and five in block "0,"0rmsby and Page's addition to the city of Ann Arbor, according to the recorded platthereof. August lat, 1873. CHARLES J. HOWELL, Johx N. Gott, Attorney for Mortgagee. Mortgage Sale. DEFAUIT been made in the condition of a certain mortgage made and ezwnted by Elijah Morfran and Lucy V. S., hia wiic, ui Anïi Arbor City, Michigan, to Persis L. Tnttle, of Geneva, Ne.w ïork, on the tenth day of December in the year of our Lord one thuusand eight luindiud and sixty-nine, and record ed in the Register's Office, Waehtenav Üounty, Michigan, on the tenth day of December, A. D. L86Ö, at 3o'olock P, M. of said liber 41 of mortgages, on pa$e 426, and that tbere is nou clairaed to be dut iipon s.tid mortgage and thu bond aocompanying the aame the sum of sevcntecn hundred and seventy dollars and thir+y-four oenta, also a reasonable solidtor's or attorney's fee ebonld anyproeeedtaken to foreoloae said inortgae; and ao pzoceedings in law or in Lq.uity hanng been had to reoovei Baid sum of rooney or any pai't thereof ; Now, therefore, notice is in reby given that by virtue of ;i power of Bale in wüd murtoage oootained, I shall sella,! publie anotion to the highest bidder, on the Bf e ui li of Noi smber nexi, ut 2 o'clock P. M. of Baid day, at the trun i door of the Couri Houee,in the city of Ann Axbor, county aforcsaid (that bemg the . place of holding the Circoit Courta for said countyj all those paroels of Land knowo and describo! as lots No. abc, seven, eiffht, nine, ten and eleven, and Iota No, nineteen, twen t y, twenty-one, twctity -two, twenty-three aud twenty-four in bloet ii '. Bouth i ii range four east, and lots No. six, scven, eight, fonrteen, Qfteen. uxteen, ae ven teen, eighteen and nineteen in block nvesoat)] In range flve eaat in the city OÍ Aun Arbor, in State oi ilichigan. August I6th, 1873. PEBSI8 L.TTJTT1.E, Mortgagee. John N. Gott, Attoiney for Mortgagee. 143Ü Mortgage Sale. WHEREASJam s E. Selfe and Bliza A tin Selfe, of tb torroship of Manchester, oounty oi aaw, and Stal oí Michigan, on tlie fifteenth day of Juiy, in the year, of om Lord one thousand eighi hnndred and tted h mortgage to Charlea J. Howell, of the otty of New Yoj State i t' Ww York, to secure the payment of certaiq principal and interest mohey tber ín mentioned, which i rdedin the office of the Reg ister of Deeda in said oounty, on the loth day of t, A. "I). 187(1, at 2 ■:■ o'clock P. M. of said day, in líber 43 of mortgi ; and woereai dcfault has been made for more than thirty days in tlie payment of an installmentof said inn rest money which b tc&zne due on the flfte ath day oi' J uly, A. í). 1572. by reason whereof and pureuant to the terms ui said mortgage said mortgagee hereby electa that eo mnch of said principal as remaina nnpaid, with all ernjaragee of Intei-est thereon, shall beoome áe and ■■ i immediately ; and whereaa there U olairaed to be duo and unpaidonsaid mortgage at the date of this notioe, the sum of tw tnonsand niñe hundred and i'mty-ciü-ht dollars for principa] and interest, alao an attorney's fee of forty dollnra shonld any pioce dings be taken toforecloee said mortgage, and no aait orprooeeding s haring been instituted either iri Law or equity to recover the same or any part thereof: Notice is therefore hereby given., that on the tttti entb day of November Qext, at 2 o'clock in the ofternoon, at the front door oí tlie Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, oounty aforeaaid (that being ilding in which the Circuit ( 'ourt for said coun ftld), and by virtue of the powi t of Bale contanu d is said mortgage, 1 shall aell al piiblic auction lot hé bighest bid ■ i !iL premisea desoribed in said mortgftffe tQ satisfy the ftntouni of principal and intereel aboveclaimédasdue, with tho cbaTges of sale and atitorty dollars: All or pareels of land situated in the townsnipof Manchester, county of Washtenaw, and Ê i . pounded and deaonbed as follows, Éo wit : Being the northeasi quaxteroi tho sou " nu.irf t of section Dttmber four i'i, also north■ . rteroi tbesotUhea&tquarter ol - grant■ ■ o and Nori hern 3 northeagt quart c of said section aumber fouj y. also the followi ■( to wit : beginning ■ mi fourteenlmbs from thesbüthwesi corner of i of the north parí of the Dorthweet quarter of seetion oumbei three, thence nty-flve chaina, Ü ■ four : henee Bontherly twenty-tive chains, and rly four chai] c links to the ming, the La on containing ï, Lbe hole of I d lana nmounting to one hundred ajwiflíty dores; also tho loutheast ter ol ist quartei of said lection numb ■ hcretofore deeded to Lu ■■ , til in towsship fouï range numbet three east, iusaid eounyot' 1 Augu-fl 15 1873. ■ . , 0 : ■■,.,■. Johw X. Qott, Atty. ('■■ I439td The NEW EUCKEYeT AND THS SUPERIOR GR Ai N DRILLS. As tbe season is near at hand for Drilling, I will cali tbe attention of Farmers to these Drills. They are both rigged wich attcchments for changing hoes from straight line to zig zag almos!; instantaneously to obviato the difficulty of clogging i Koddy or Stony ground and with the improved force feed. JACKSON WAGONS, Salt, and "Water Lime always oa hand. M. KOKERS. P. 6. I want each and every man that owes m. Spriuguud last Surnmer to quaioup,' ÏIICHIUAN CENTRAL KAILR0A1). STJMMER TIME TABLE. Passengertrainsnow leave the severnl station ai followe: ' GOING WEST. =- ál áfjTT STATIONS. J H i a! B '-. t "3 S I li " S_ __s_ __ 5 w A. M.A. M. P. M. P. M. p. M. p7 Detroit, leave, T mi 140 141, 405 S lió ï'psilauti, ■ 8 28 10 45! 2 55 5 36 7 10 n B Aun Arbor, 8 52 11 00 3 16 5 55 ; 45 n % Dexter, 9 20 S 40 0 25 8 10 __ Cneuea, : 9 40 ' 4 00 i 8 30 GtausLaka, ' 10 or in 9 00 „ Jacksun, 10 40 12 15 5 05 9 35 ig p.. p. m.: t. .' Kalamiizoo, 2 03! 2 55 8 20 12 25 Chicago arrive, 8 15 1 8 00 6 50, 8 00 aotua bakt. . ili lililí { ?_lUtllil a. r. . w, P. M p m i OMciigo, leave, 5 00 9 00! 5 15; 9 00! P. M. A. M. A. M. Kalamazoo, 11 U 2 03 5 00 2 IS , P.M. A. V. Jackson, -1 SQ 4 15 8 00 12 30, 4 45 örassLake, 2 56 8 32 i i ChelMa, 1 3 24 8 58 i „. Dexter, ;i in 9 20 6 a Aud Arbor, l 08 5 19 9 50 1 55 6 00 6 Si Ypsilanti, 4 25 5 30 10 05 2 IJ 6 20 7 iO Detroit, arrive, 5 50 6 40 11 20 3 30 7 25 í U The Atlantic and Pacific Expresa run betireen Jackson and Xiles on the Air Lint. Dated, May 26. 1873 DETROIT, HILLSDALE & INDIANA EAILEOAD GOIXG WEST. - 1873- GOINO EA8T. stations. Mixed. Mail. stations. Mail. Mil. A. M. P. St. Betroit, dep... 4:05 a. m. p. ï. Ypsilanti 7:25 5:40 Bankera 6:30 2:4 Saline 8:30 6:15 Hillsdale 6:44 Ï:(1S 6: IS Manchester..,. 8:42 6:5i Manchester.... U:J8 6:55 Bridgewater . . 9:n I:3i . .„ , k. Salina 9:25 8:W Hflladale 1:10 8:48 Tpeilanti 10:00 9:! - 1:30 9:00 I Detroit 11:S8 Trains run by Chicago time. W. F. PARKEB, Sup't, Ypsilanti. CPE1NG BULLETIN ! E. J. JflHISBÏ HATTEE! Has turned bis back upon W inter and opened h stock of SPRING GOODS! Including uil the latest styles of Hats and Caps! GENTS' FURMSHING GOODS, &C. Wbiofa must be sold. GQOD GOODS ANO LOW PRÍCES Is the word to pivss along tbe line. 7 Soul h Main St., Ann Arbor. HM T7S"fTEHOFMANN's All UJCj.Hop Pilis These Pilis do not contain Quïnine or Minerals.' Thcy are sugar-coated. Jrtce9 HO ets. per Box. Dr. MeJfann, Gardner, JU., says : " I ha taken them mysell and given theiu tomy wife and cnlluren. Tbey have cund them and many others wno nave osed tbein.1 Tlu-y aro made to cure fever and Aguo atonte. Diunli Aguo iuu Acrue Fevers are cured SpeedUy. Tlioy are simple, harmless, ana alwaya relfable. Direcüoaa In íour languages , euiupany Uieuu H. W. KLLÍS & CO., re tbe Agents. 1420yl TREMAIN & COLÉ, 1GROCERS AND PROVISIÓN DEALERS ! No. 30 East Hurón Street. A f uil line of Croceries constnntly on hnnd and for salticheap, Sugars, Teas, Spices, &c. Country Produce Bought aml sold. Bring in your Butter, Eggs, Foultry, L'ruits, &O, IV. KI. C'OÍjK has eatablished his Conl office at the ■ TEEMAIN -v COLE, where all orders wiU be prumplly attendetl to. 1438 1 ■ - ' - ■- -. l,f AMIOOD: HOWLOST, SR2r HOW RESTORED. Jus! published, a new edition oí Dr. Culver" ell's Celebr&Ltedi l--ss:ijr on the radicai e" [without medicine) oi Svebmatobbhcba or S esa, Involuntary Seminal Losses, ImïotiscTi Mental :.nd fhysieul Incapacity, Impedimenta to Marriaure, ■ ' - llni' ni taduced byaelf-i mal extiaTBgance. Prioe in a i iled envlope only six cents. I he oelebrated aiitlior, in tliis admirable easT denionstrütes from a tin, y yeais'suci : U.ii tkealarming oonBcnuenoes of 6elf-aousj niay be radicuUy cured without the duneroua i inteinal medicine or the applioation of the kniffi uointiiig out n mode of euro Kt once simple, certaiBi taal, by meaos of wbioli every euflerer, "" matter wht hlB oondition may be, may cure hiinseii cheftpiy, piirately ;ind radicaUy. gar This leeture f hould be in Uj lrmdsoteveir knd every man in .hultintl. Heut andei sc:ii, in pi plain envelcpe, tonnyadarefl8! posi-paid, on Koeipt of f-.ix cents, o.' iioat stamp"' Adtlreos the Êublubim, CHAS. J. C. XLINE & CO., 187 Boweiy, Nw YoYki Poalottice Hov. 1888' 1 Kttiyl


Old News
Michigan Argus