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„ Circulara. „Bill-Heads. _tter-Heads. _ BhippinS Ta8s# Priuted nt tlie Aeoüs office. lln the best style and cheap. Don't order elsewhere before cal]nr. gutisfaction guaranteed ia every respect, philosopher'a atone : Advertise - m e AE('rsPjesident Read of the Missouri Stato Univ iras n our city a few days ago, aud gavo tlierijiv'i:ty a "look up." exceediug dry weather prevailing, i a short supply of water, every citizen Mdd be caref ul about tire. Xhe laat quarterly meetingjof the IL.'. rtmrch "L tllis city- that is fot the current con., , iir- i to bo held on Sunday next. __prof FeiEZE and famüy arrivedhome from (Urtffo years' sojourn ubroad m Saturd „jireaHin good health. Trof. F. is glad to fcbaclt aud is ready for duty. At the recent pay day at tho carfaetoryin iliiaü. 195 mechanica were paid offan I can't Arm Arbor have souie owafacturing establishment ? ïte Detroit Aunu a I Conference of the M. ï'psilunti on Wednesdayi b t Bishop Wiley, of Boston, luto editor ofthe'L"''s' Rtpotoiy '3 to preside. _ Bmnnier is layhig on a hoi and heavj hal d t the Jatter end mui worsethan that the drouth (Jorn, potatoes, and all kinds of iopssre sufferiilg for want of rain, whilo far„enare una We to plow for f all crops. „The published list of teachers in the Mar,U schoob for the coming year indudes the Ilias Julia M. Baret and Miss Ella i Hui" ol "r's c'3r : "ie tt)1"mer preceptress, mn) the letter teacher of French and Germán. -Prof. Watbon hasdiscoveredanother planet : liively littlo 1'elioiV of the eleventh magnitude, Scïool-book makers who can't keep up with tut new world Watson and PeUM-will have to serve an injunction on tliem. - The stuof o Í9 all on the front of the new rjiieisity building and the stogings removed. jhe oh has been well done and the quilding has ilaúhed look. Tho old buildings or wingi lave been re-lined, greatly improving their apsinsoe. -Barntm's agent makes us tho generous ;,f,r of 16.00 and five tickets for $10 in adverfoin1' for one of hls exhiljitions in a city "40 miles awuy " - we to exert our influence gratis Bbehalfofan excursión train! Wc can't bite at that liook : it is too nearly hare. -The public schools of this city open on Monday next. Ëxaminationa for atin take' place at the oentral building to-day and tciOTOW, commeneing at 9 o'clock a. m. The infus of non-resident pupils promise's f uil classes, and speak well for the good name of our school aliro:id. - Dr. Hateh arrived in our city on Friday minglat, from Kansas, wliithcrhe had been in pursuit of his educational work. He vaa lroking very mucli himself. He has now gone kibis home at Brooklyn, N. Y., expecting to jturn and visit the Detroit and Michigan Conferences at their coming Bemions, On Monday the decisión oi Judge CiiANEon tksecoml imition to dissolvo tlie injunction pronrad by R. A. Beal against A. W. Chase and the Ann Arbor Printing and Publishing Comymv iras ftled in the Cierk's oitice. Judge Ousuheld that the answer of the Compaay, - totoi the principal defendant, Chase, not beüigin, - made priacipally on inforuiation. and Wiefauduot uneijuivücally denying the equities and allegutious of the bilí, íurnishel no ground íor a issolntion ; also that the alleged tale of Chase to the Compaay, made aftor the filüig of coinulainant's bil] and after the hearing a motion to dissolve, was too iate to bö pload in svoidance or entitle defendant to a dissolution ; also that the alleged laches oí coraplainant were not sufficiont the motiou to dissolve was, thereforc, rcluctantly deuied. - Tte answer of Chase was immediately filed, and notice of a third motion ,to diïsolve serredfor a hearing to-day - Friday. It is understood, however, that Judgo Cbanb is absent mí can not hear it. On Friday of last week the aeveval prisoners held for trial by Justice ïhatchkb, of Chelsea, charged with the murder of Martin Breitenbach, m Lyndun, were brought beiore Judgo Cuolkï ui tlio Supremo Court on a writ of ialeas corpus. After a full examination of the ridence on which thoy were committed, Jndgo C. decided to admit the parties to bail in the Bereral Bums as followp : Walter Metcalf (idenKfisd as the one striking the fatal blow), f 8,000 ; Heury and Eüsha Marsh, $2,500 eacli ; Ezra Mareh and Edward H. Bycraft, $1,500 each ; orge Bycraft, George Metcalf, and Eben Mirsh, (1,000 each. Bail was immediately uffered ml accepted for all the deiendants except the two Metcalfa and they wero Uiseharged from jail. Goidex Weddixg.- On the lóth inst., afterlooii and eveniug, the golden wedding anniver7 of Walteb Bilbee and his wife Lucy was lbrated at the resideuce of their sou-in-law, Joseph Wiutlaez, near this city. About forty penons- relatives and iuvited guests - wero The youthfal couple received nuinor"nspresents 111 gold and silver, and in turu prented fivo beautiful silver cups to ñve grandcïüdren, the prsentation being mado by A . Mc"ïtsolds, E.s.j. Appropriato reinarks were We by Eev. Riohaiíd Coedley, J. G. Bukt, ""dB. E. Xichols ; a poern, written ior the oction by JIrs. M. McHeynolds, read, and a toontiful slipper partaken of. Mr. and Mrs. B;lbee wore born Nottingham, Englaud, both in ' and came from thero to their preseut home 11 Ann Arbor to wn in 1818, where they have ev Bince resided. The Sharon H.-trvest Picnic, held ou Wednos% of last week, proved a great succes, and we Imow that we missed a good thing in not l'"g "one of them." Full 500 people gathered, " aU(l J'oung, and there was a merry timo and afeast of fat things, with aftur-dinnr talking by Messrs. A.NDBEW Robisgn, Wait Peck, and Col. ■ H. FellowB, wlio recalled mauy interustin "nuuBceacea. Pro3ecuting Attoruey Allen', a ron-born boy, was present and made a t-'; Eev. L. 1'. Tomki.vs talked ; tlie set adss of the day was givon by ltev. V. C. Wat. ubject: " Physical Advantages of Amusement "nay." xiic musio wad discooroed by the Wchester Band. An osooiation was organized with a view of rePetitiouaimnally of thé day"s fostivitiea. jAletter was received a few days ago at the Postoiïiue in Ihï.s city, addressed to CKablíjs ü. y, P. II. Cuming from the office of the pnter-Oeiieral at Washington, and bearing - 1 ))usiueá3," it had au orniu"0 look and : iderable fluttertiug for levaL hours. It proved, liowever, to be a mís"ctiou, and ta return to Postmagter DjiAH uco aray of sun-sliino coming through a " cloud. The Postmaster "explains" iliat e lias a " joking " friend holding a liigli clerica lotion at headqiíáTters, l that it was a "put 'ïjob'onhi!