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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. fBStLaw. Office No. 7 and 9 South ,iWet.Ann Arbor,Mich. - rOE. Dealer In Coal. Office withFKLCH V JgjuLST, O"" S1w8"n 8on8' 8tore' C"r-' rthand Hnron 8t. -rTérTS THATCHER, Attorney and Kn'elor at Luw, iVo. 4 Ewt Huron Street, „iiW.Mich. 1386 7 IBROB MINERAL SPRIWG8. I "2 17, Hslo, M. O., Superintondent. Office ►■ corner Manu and WeetHoron Street. 'fTTwORDEIf, 20 South MalD strest, ftinuAriior.MIch., Wholesale and retall deal''„nriQoods, Carpeta and Grocerles. p 1351tf ,7ïni & SCHMID, Dealers In Dry Qood, )[rocerie8,Crockery,&c. No. 54 South Main ;tr%et. TTÍfTÁCKSOlV, Dentlst.successorto C. B. IV Po'ter Office corner Main and Hurón street. 'he store of R. W. Ellis & Co , Ann Arboi, Jíj, 'nestheticsadministered U required. „ j J0HNSOBÍ, Dealer in Hats and Caps, l, ,'m straw Goods. Gents' Furntshing QoodB, J : so ISouth Main -treet. Ann Arbor, Mich. SÍÍÍbÍIÍ" WHEDON, Life and JíJelMiirance Aseuts.and dealerBin Real Estáte. jteoii Hurón Street. rTijiXTÏBEl'i Dealere In lry Goods &c..Ni 6 South Main Street. Ann libor. 1 áffSOIV SON, Grocern, Provisión and Vommisíion Merchante, and dealen" n Water i Sod Piaster, and Plasler Paris. No. 16 East j;ron street "ÏDHETTI, vvholesale and Retail Dealer i Roadv lade 'lothing. Cloth, Cassimeres, ji.iiidQent's Fiirnisoing Gods. No.9 8ootfc dít Street. irïTwAGNEK, Dealer In Ri-ady MadfOloth ' ' Int bs Cussiineres Vestlngs, Hat, Caps. .-;iet Bags, &c 21 South Main street. 'IL1I0BE & FISKE, Bookiellors and Sta' n M-dical Law and College Teit Books, dolicdMiecellaneous Books. No. 8 North Main .■tet.Grefory Block, Ann Arbor. TÜAH W OBBKVEK, irTORNEY AT LAW ! llumth E. W. Morgan, East side of Conrt House CHARLE M. WOODRIIFP, Attoroey at Law and SOLiaiTOR IN CHANCERY. Ojí, Arcade Bhck, Tpsilanti, Mich. (Muña made and promptly remitted. All legal business faithfully attended to. 1426 iïOCKEKY 8LASSWARE & GROCERIES, J. & P Donnelly Jminitorealargestock of Crockery, Glassware, 'iïiWre,Catlery Grocenes, &c, 4c. all tobe iiunusaally low prices. ïo.12 EastHuron Street, Ann Arbor. ïmtf J. & I. OONNEIAY. fOHN qTqALlT" DEALEB I3ST ?HE8H AND SALT MEATS, IABI), S ATS ACiKS, Etc, 0rtct8!olidteiiii(lpromptly llled with thebeat Ml in the rnurket. 31 Kast W ashington Street 1 Arbor, Sept. lith, 1869. 1285tf hR.C. A. LEITER CONTINÚES TO PÜT UP AND FILL Physicians Prescriptions, At ill honrs, at No. 1 Uregory Block. C. A.LEITKR & CO UiArbor.Dec. 28d 18T1. 1354 JE.C.B. PORTER, DENTIST. M in the Savings Bank Block, Add Aitjor. i Operations on the Natural Teeth Performed with Care. 'SÜRPASSBD FACILITIEB AND EXPBRIBNCE Bh ahtTficTal teeth, f) lilVE EACH INDIVIDUAL, '"inH( troper sixc, rkapr , color, hrmnettana natural expresfion 1S44 HURRY UP ! PttTIES wiihlng Wall Paper, Shades H'illauds, Window Fixtures, Cords, i"5. Ac , all New Styles, at Satisfactorj :'. bj J. r. Webster &. Co., 9toiy,nar the Bxpiees Office. 1- x "W. A. LOVEJOY, ÏOBACCONIST ! Doals in both !IE CUT AN1) SMOKING TOBACCO, W, Pipes, &c, iT x). 7 EA8T HUBOM STREET, to the Express Office, l(stt S. ARBOR, MICII. )ELLINGHOUSE8 FOÊSALE dm11 7o11 built brick hoise. with two Wek hoL"0 l"ï % fram5d Also a good kousen? 5? '"'med hou; a mail le oo fi?, O01110'. intended foraddin? afront, Cother h,.l'i and a ""onable credit. 1"1aon6v13u?'rEDi""So many wihing to .Woffi f ?e thmt ! can ready obt"in ■-'est to17 mve8tment8 at ten per ,A,ril23.1873. ■!w.MMM. lIVE ÖEE8E FEATHjíRS 'Ton turna and forsaleby BACHfr ABEL.


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Michigan Argus