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Proposed Street Railway

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-A meeting was eld Mononday evening last, at Smith's Boardïg Hall ou State street, to consider the project ! constructing a street railway. Got. Felch tos called to the chair and E. B. Pond appointd Secrdtary. Prof. Ten Brook stated the object of the neetiug, and also presented eatimates made by -.ngineer F ulier for a railway f rom the depot o Hurou street at the Court House Square, ïence to the northwest corner of the Uuiversity ampus, and along North University and Washenaw avenues to the triangle beyond the resience of C. H. Millen, Esq. The estimates, (phich were thouglit to be sufficiently high, put ie cost and equipmeut at about $13,500, the esign being for a light rail and one-horse cars. Prof.. Ten Brook also estimated the probable eceipts, based on the travel between the Fifth tvard, the railroad, and the business part of the ity ; also between the same points, the central ortion and the University, churches, upper chools, cemetery, fair ground, etc. These estimates made a fair showiug for a profltable inestment. After a free canvass of the estimates, a motion ras carried declaring it expedient to take measures to procure the construction of the proosed railroad, and a further motion was carried ppointing Messrs. Felch, Cooley, W. D. Smith, 'en Brook, H. W. Bogers, and Fuller a committee to prepare the necessary articles of assoiation and procure the actioa from the Council narked out by the statute The residents and j)roperty holders of the Sutth ward, ospecially of that portion of the ward lying east of the University grouuds, eem determinad to enter immediately upon üke work, and if proper encouragement is given by capitalists and others interested in the prosperiy of the city, Btreet cars may be running by the time snow nies. Our city covers so much territory, and it is so long a walk for residents living in the eastem portion, or in the Fifth ward, and espeáally for adies, to reach Main Street - the business center- for purposes of trade or in the daily and regular pursuit of their calliugs, that a Btreet railway would be found a great convenience. Besides the residents west of Main street and in the central portion of the city are not without interest in the project. It is as long a distance for a lady to walk irom the corner of Main and Huron streets to the uew University Hall, where all the lectures will probably be in the future, as for a Sixth ward lady to walk " down town " to do her shopping. And aither lady may ride both ways for either purpose for 10 cents, in a street railway car, and save the half dollar or more a hack passage will cost. But all these reasons in favor of the propoBed railway the reader can enumérate for hiinself. Besides, a street riilway may give new Ufe to our city, and so we vote for the experiment. Au adjourned meeting is to be held on Tues day evcning next at the same place as before. The coming Fair of the Washtenaw Coimt Agricultural and Horticultural Society will b held ia this city on Wednesday, Thursday, an( Friday, October 24th, 2ótli, and 2Oth. The olft cers are usmg every endoavor to mako the fai a success, and if the farmers of the, county i which term we include horticulturists and stock growers, look to their interest it will be. Brin in your cattle, horBes, sheep, swine, poultrj fruits, grains, vegetables, domestic manufacture Show what you are doing and can do, and hav a good time generally.


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