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Foreign News: England

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The news by the Cambria is 15 day later. At the date of the previous odvi ces, there was a general expectation founded on the failure of the potato crops, and the general scarcity on th Continent, thnt the British ports would b opened. But it is now decided ihat thi will not take place. The corn market continúes torise, anc the averages to fall. The latter no stand for the week at 14s. ; but the belie is gaining ground, that before the end o the year, with the advancing market, cor will be admitted et the lowest duty - shilling per quarter. The inferior des criptions continue to keep down the ave rages, but only for a temporary period. The cotton market partakes of the de pression into which every description o business is for a time plunged. There is little doing, although, as compared wilh the inactivity of the previous fortnight, the market wears symptoms of animation. American wool continúes to command attention in the English market, and is compeling with the same article from the possessions in the Pacific. Towards the end of the present month a large sale will tako place, 500 bags of which wil! be the produce of the United States. The revival of trade cannot failto bring this article, which is becoming a formidable item in the exports from America, into general use and popularity.The railway speculations in England ïaving wholly exploded, the consequen:es are now severely feit. Disasters of all tinds, and frauds, are following the folly f these adventures. The London Times has published a do:ument relative to the railway interest svhich has excited much interest and a jood deal of alarm. The document exïibits the astounding number of 1,263 proected companies, to carry outwhich will equire nearly two-thirds of the National ■ lebt of England ! '■ The Bank of England had advanced he rates of interest to 3é per cent. OREGON. I Dr. Elijah White, Agent of Indian i flairs for the Territory of Oregon, arived in St. Louis on the 22d of Novemer, through in ninety days from Oregon 2ity ! He was accompanied by only hree men, all claiming to be cilizcns of kVilliametteCity. Dr. White is on his , iray to Washington city, the bearer of a , nemcrial to Congress, the St. Louis Remblican says, from all classes of citizens ; n Oregon - American, English, French md half-brecds - asking the extensión of he aulhority of the government of ihe Jnited States over that infant Territory. Dr. W., left the beach of the Pacific on! the 30lh of July, and arrived in the colony about the lüth of August. The Legislature, then in session in Oregon city, officia Hy requested him to bear a petition cmanatingfromthnt body and unanimously s'igned by them - also by the Judge of the Territory and Executive Committee - to the Congress of the United States. - EIc lolt on the 16th of August. Dr. W., represents the Williainetic Colony to be in a flourishing stritc, and is of opinión that Orf gon, at no distant day, will rival many of the Atlantic States in ngriculture, science and arts. The printing press and types for ihe first newspaper in Oregon was daily expecled toarrive. The Williamette colony nu rs 8,000, and iri a letter to the Republican, Dr. W. states that they are going forwarc most vigorously and prospcrously, altho: some inconveiiience is lelt for the wan of a circulating medium, ai.d the estab lishment of proper commercial regula tions. He represents the sober, industri ous and intelligent portion of the colonist as greatly pleased with Oregon, nnd it prospects, soil, climate, &c.


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