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Tf a cnrioni thing ro (.onsidor how many people tuero aro in the woiUl whoff daüy habita are very little superior to those of the beasts of' the íield. They do iiot understand tho use of the batu. They aro giiilty of all sorta di dirty practioeN, and it i rme of their peculiarities tbat tbey earè nothing whatever for tbtannoyance or discomfort they infliot upon others. They are halt' unoonscious that their own bubita are very objpütionablp, aiid eousoqtiently tlioy do not always reílect that they give great oftbnso to others. They livo like pigs thomsclves, and naturally fancy that the mauners and cuatoins of the sty aro uni vorsally popular and agreeable. Consequently they go about the world a nuisance to everybodj', and aro utterly' inoapable ot' learning anything from the examplo of better people around them. Tho spitters aro aiaong the most offensive of this nuinerous class. Ihey havo no respect í'or man, woman, or ohild. You seo their traoka in eveiy thorought'aru and (;very puíjlio building. They would aH aoon make their mark ou your best earpet as on tho roadway. Half the people to be nu t with in the streets are dangerou to pass, i'or just a you got up to them they discharge a volley which you aro likftly to receive t I I 1 I f'TK i i i m,.ii1 nrí4li Alié1 i - . , , , L ■ 'ii' ■.' v '.i'ivi, n u iivm ii"i,M ui " dodging " it. Ladiea, of courac, suffer the most. Thoy cannot get out of the way. And the chowers care little for their feelings in the matter. Tbey regard the world as a huge spit-box, and would resent any suggestien as to th fllthineas of their actions as an infringeuieiit of personal liberty. In cars, the nuisance is almost worse than in the streets. The driver very likely chews, and his contribution to the universal spittoon are carriüd through the car, to the great delight of the passengers. Oa man will seat himselï' by the windo-.v at the upper end of the car and begin scattering his favors on all sides of him - on the mat, out of windows, to the right, loft, or any side he tnay momeiilarily funcy. The wind maf be ahead , and thus diffuse thu shower in a spray through tho oar. liemonstranco is us.- Ush. " A man bus a right to Rpit, hiisn't he i " And if you don't like it, you cnn gf:t out of the oar and walk. Thene persona aro what n ffimous lecturer Ciills " beasta way down." The language sounds strong, notwithstanding itn obscurity, but the Amherst young uieu nrobablv understand it. At anv rat. there can be but one opinión among decent peoplo with regará to thisfoul habit ot' spitting. It is a thing to be ohocked, ií' possiblo. But if finybody asks us how it is possible to do it, we shall be obliged to say that we do not know. Thia is ontof those evils which wo cau only describo without professing to be ablo to suppiy ri reniody. - .Y. }', Time.


Old News
Michigan Argus