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Local Brevities

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„Cïrcufers. Bül-Heads. _ tetter-Heads. printed ut the Aecuts office. In tlic host style and cheap. pon't order Isewhere beibre oallaifr. itisfaotion guaranteed in eveij respect. 'The philosopher'a stone : Advertise- in flrtinatra. _ nniversity boys are gathering in. J Resident Anell is expected home next _ II' vou have a house that yon wisli to rent sllVfrtise it in the Aaous. „He criminal calendar for the coming term the Circu'' Court is an unusually large one. fl' V. Bliss has opened an uuction, notion ji'tnick" store on Main street, opposite the jors oificc. _fl'e are want of money to meet our bilis jkeep the wheels in motion. Don't wait to ; apon, Ilev. Gr. L. Foster, of Howell, who h:is munv friei'ds in and abont this city, has accepted " a ill" ff"11 f16 Presbyterian Church at Lapeer. - Abel has heen in New York for some days, lid on l'is return will have something to comnnmicatc to our readers greatly to their -X. B. Colé wishes torent bis dwelling on hteww avenue - partially furnished. It ia .fcsrable location tor any one conneeted with tiie Iniv. t-i1.'. LWagner Utheflrstof the clothing dealers in our city to ndvertise his fa II stook of goods. 1 ue has enlarged his store, pul iu a Jarge stock, iml meaiis business. - ïhe recular term of the Circuit Court will c#n'on Monday next, September 8th, Judge ('mie presidiug. The .jury will bè ealled nnTuesday, at 10 o'clock a. m. The AlleíííianíaiiP, well known :i.s eoncerters, jish to give au entertainment in this city. Any Üon wishing to engace thein can learn address and tenns at this office. -There was a moderate luit fine ruin Sundny mumngi and more of the same sort on the afternoon of Weduesday. Now tliat the speU is totfnmore may be ezpected.

- Alfred Hennequin, instructor in French in the University, was married on Monday last to Carrie, daughter of the late Prof. Fasquelle, the Rev. G. D. Gillespie officiating.

- Butter is reportd scarce with an upward temlency, and the milk men oomplain of a short upplj of the lacteal fluid. We hope that they lili not Bubstitute chalk and water.

- Prof. Hilgard, successor to Prof. Winchell, arrived in our city on Friday last, accompanied by his wife, and will be reaily to enter ujion lat; Wlth the coming University year. - The thirdmotion to dissolve the Beal-Chaae. Aun Arbor Publinhing Gonrpaay injuncti..n, w;i gued at length onFnday and Saturday last. ecision hu aot vel been announced. - An adjourned street railway meeting was held on Tuesday ovening, whith resulted in a letennination to "investígate" a Httle beforê bacribing the stook and commeneing work. - K J. Johnsoi) advertiaes, in another column, uses to be sola at aiiction on the 13th inst., oka preriously disposod ot These houses are desrably located, and persons w-.mting to purchase will do well to ejfltniine the property be!ween this and the date of sale. - H. Coheu, one of the most IÍ1im;)I advertisn 'm the Arous, has removed to Detroit. He i it lie expeets to sell as inanv gooda to Ann Albor people as though iu business here ; fMch is an nitiniation that more Ann Arborians goto Detroit to trnde than ought to. -It is Dr. Dunster and not Dr. Bunsten who iitolecture in Dr. Sager's place, during the raming Medical term. We wrote D and marked D in the proof slieet, but the pesky B slipped in nspite of us. We niake our apology to Dr. Dunster for chanfjing hia name to Bunsten. -Prof. FVed. H. Gerrish, M. D., of Portland, Miine, has iccepted an invitation to deliver the raime of lectures on Materia, Medica anti Physlology, in the Medical department of the Uniwrcity, for the next session. This filis the vararovcaused by the tomporary absence of Dr Cheever. - John S. Newberry, Esq., of Detroit, who psduated at the University in 1847, was in our rity on Tuesday, looking up quarters for his boy -aprospective grandson. Mr. N. was aceompauied by Mr. H. A. Wight, also on tlie same raid; and both gentlemen by Han-y Rnssel of ''S, as guide, -We are sorry to licar that a laxga number ofmechanics are moving from our city to other '■"'s. Nothing to do is the reason assigned. & imildinjT going on, and no prospecte for the Can't an earthquate disturb some of o oapitalists ? " Finished " may be written on ntalls milcss n new k-af is tumed over. 8. li. Winchell, who was last year principa) ' the High School of this city, at a salary of W00, has been released from an engagement Ml'eeumseh, at $1,800, and has accepted a posi"t Milwaukee, Wig., corresponding to the " WW here, at Í2.500. And yet the Board of this city is charged witli paying extravagant kiries. M. Wheeler, Ewj. (our "Foreign Corlent"), wife and two daughters arrived wu on Monday last, and are in good health. l!y sailed from Bremen-hafen on the 12th uit., "er Leipsic, haxl a rough and long pasJpittaching Baltimore on the 30th. They waght with them the remains of the daughter 'dsister-Chrj-ssie-who died at Bad Soden, 'ia, July23, 1872. Their msny fnends are ei to see them home. The express train going west at a little 'wllo'clock Tuesday forenoon, came in coliob with the wagon of Mark Burhans, an gentleman residing in Northfield, at the Mag Of Detroit street. The wagon was dsmohshed and Mr. B. considerably bruised. ipecial policeman LeSuer who had been retired Jy or two pre-ious was put on duty again on oaesday- in consequence of this accident. Ontging is one that needs constant watching. TE Coünty FiiE.-The Akgus made a misa e last week in clating the coming County a" for the 24th, 2óth, and 26th oL October. It wUhavesaidSEPTEMBEB; so please to note ''"TO-tion andget ready to come in with J liorses, sheep, cattle, swine, turkeys, chick"" lieut, corn, oats, vegetables, fruit, flowers, a'iu'ctured articles, etc. Washtenaw ought SuT' "P the largest alld best Clinty Fair in the (' e, aU(1 { she dogs not .t . ti of her farmers, stock-growers, liorticultur, 8' "1"1 manufacturera. A Fair cannot be made uccess by the labor of a few officers unless inj L th c-Peration a'id support of those Lrted- Tkerefore don't leave your fine Jn aua colts at home, or your blooded stock, iiaveUr fluits' "r ailJ'tliins else that yu may i aiul then turn up your noses atthemeager " )"" pre-determined títere thould be. ghteenth session oí the Detroit Animal at y fe.nce of the E. Church, was oammenoed 8idi f ""' " Wednesday, Bishop Wilsy preWsí.i 'le 'irst cail ofthe nni27 memThe erf?5me"answeie1 to their name3tttw t1 WÍ" continue until s?lne time in