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Doings Of The Common Council

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The Coinmon Council met in regular session on Honday erening iaat. Present: Mayor, Keeorder, Aldermen Dow, Deubel, Grossman, Lut., Molntyre, Porter, Khodes, and Seabolt. A resolution was adoptad ontering the alle; extendin; ïrom Washington to Liberty street between Main and Fourth street, to be graded and paved, and designating Aid. Dow to inake the assessment upon lot or pareéis of real estáte fronting süid alley, in accordance with the ordinance. The Board of Health reported back complaint qi L. C. Risdon relative to a penstock on West Madison street, discliiiming jurisdietion, and the same was retened to the Aldermen of the Second Ward. Aid. Dow ofïerred a resolution directing that the moneys collected for liceuses be ke])t as a separate fund, which was laid over uutil next meeting. The following resolution was adopted : Resolved, That the Michigan Central Eailroad Company be requested to see that the croBsingi on the streets of this city be kept open at all times for the safe travel of teams and footmen. and tliat the Recorder be requested to notify said corapany of the passage of this resolution. Bills were allowed, payable bom the funds designated as follows : From general iund, ... $4":{ 40 " " street fund, - - - 2 OU " First Ward fuud, - 60 12 ' Second " " ... 342 89 " Third " " 131 19 " Fourth " " 18 00 " Fifth '... 12 00 Certain billa presented by the Board of Health were referred to the City Attoruey. The bill of C. B. (irant, ex-City Attorney, was allowed at $76. Aid. Dow, Deubel, and Porter were appointed a committee to examine gravel pits dí E. W Morgan and others, with a view to purchase for um of the city. The Council then adjourned. - -■■ -V' ■■ Wc have received a large and beautiful poster for the fair of the Colorado Industrial Asociaation, to be held at Denver, commencing Sep tember HO and eoding October 4. It can be seen at the office of Cook's Hotel . Also the premiun list for the fair, arranged on a very liberal scale and aggregating (16,000. Auy AEOU8 reade wishing t examine it can see it at this office It gives evidence of a live people in that far oft I Tei-ritory. A dispatch frum liuy City to thc Detroit Tri huur, duteil Bept. 2, aays: "Some time sinoe gsreral capitalista from Aun Arbor and East Snginaw pnrahjwed the McDowell f oundry . Last eveninsf artiolee ol association were fileJ, the rompany heing styled the Industral Works of Bay City, the capital stock being íl()0,000. (ïeo. ( '. K imball, of East Saginaw, was elected l'resideut; K. Wells, of Aun Arbor, Bad Treasaror. To-day the coinpany took possession and will iiniiiediately commenoe the erection ot' a brick foundry three storics high, 60x66 feet ground diinensions." When will some one be able to telegraph to tliR Tribune that oertain Bay City and East Saginaw oapitalists have or ganized a ooinpany to manufacture anvlhing ii Aun Arbor? We pauso lor a roply. A daring highway robbery is reportad :is hav ing been perpetrated in Sharon, about three miles north oí' Manchester, 011 Fríday faronoon last. A DiTinaii peddler named Hill, who Uves at Blissfield, was stopped by two meu who ovcrtook him in a buggy, tnocked down with a club, and robbed of í'228 in money. .Tolm J. Kobisou WHfl in OUT city on Monduy, and advised us that the sospected highwayinen lived - one ui Freedom and the otlier at Chetsea. Ve bTe heard of no arrest as yet.


Old News
Michigan Argus