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iVESrRABLK BE AL ESTÁTE FOB S -A. L E I Tfae subsenber, on account oí iil health oA'ei'fl hia :í:í ch ks Iil the rorporation for sjilo. This ijround ndjoins Ihe L'inveisit) Obscrvaioi y on the east, oppoeite side oí the strePt. Tt has t raoi-t excellent S F Ft I N O ! ( ii the northfast 009118% lormeriy Böpplied the Rail rtmd tanks with water. ITS ADVANTACES Are ;is foUows : Foreity purposes the Huron Iïiver mennderathe same aontL' SU tu 40 i'ods, ;ml is pait oí the best "Wateï Power On the River in tliis vioinity, and the elevation on the northeuKt corner is Huifa'eiently liii?li and unijile to sup ply city necesüities tor water ;mft rire purposea THE WESTERN PORTION On tlie rond is very appropriate and suitable for a Public City Cemetery . The city has no such groulld now but niust have soon, and wlmtever friounds the city does not caie to use, can be sold at tn 'advantng-e, ■0 mufih so,that the oost of the Wnter Worka frzoundc and ( emetery, would be merely nominal, li -it does not want the same, ihe gxoundfl WOuM be inval uable for , FRU1TS, LA.EGE & SMALL, There beingsome K'O trees now in beaïng Vegetables and PasturAge, And alfto foi MILKsupply.BLOOOED STOCK, lloi-ses, Miei p. And other animuta ilwuys m great want by m:uiy in the city and itH viciuity. Aa city lots adioining tèw northwcst corner of thia land ure now sellinti fi'ora threo hundied to three hundred and iitty dollars i landa would or oould be sold in ;i short time to ( good adviintiigc and to nnnih proHt to the purchosers LIBERAL -rilVlE Will be given or the nmewill be cxehanged for Mar chiiutable goods or Drug and Niedicinrt-, at cue] prices. TRACY W. ROOT. Anu Albor, Jai) 31 1873. HU -v, 1J ANHÖOD: 11 OW LOST 3ET HOW RESTORED Just published. a new odition of Ilr. Ciilvcr wellN C'elebrïittcl Essay on the radical mr (without medieinej 01 Si-kkmaioükhika or Semina Weakness, Involuutaiy t-miiiíil Loases, Imimulncy Mentul tiTid Jt'hytiicül Encapacity, [mpedimeittt ! Mm rinyt?, etc, also, (onsiiml-iiun, Eimleisy and Vu a índuced by elt-mduígence or txuul extravagimce. B9T1 Pnce in a seak-d envelupe, ouiy si.x cents. The culebrated aullior, in tlun admirable essHj cleavly demoublrates iicini ;i thnty yeiHH1 uucceBfifii practioe, that tlic alanning cotiBcaaeneea rf self-abue iiüiy be rudically oured without the dangeroua um internal medicine or the nppMoHtion oí thp knlfe pointiug out a mode of cure at onoe simple, cortaii and effectyal, by moans of which every Kufferer, n matter whtit Iiíh condilion may be, muy euro himae) cheftply, pvivately and ratHcally. BrtT This lecture should be in tho hands of ever youth and evevy man in ihe lund. Sent under seal, in a pláin envelope, to any address poêt-paidi on i-ifceipr. of ;ix cents, or two post stampa Addres.s the l'ublislicis, CHAS. J C. KLINE & CO. 1 27 Bowery, .New York, PostotticD Box, 4 586. 143liyl T) EAÏ7 ESTATKFOK SALE. THE VüLNRY CHAPÍN 1IIJMESTEA1), Near the north east corner of the Court Houee square. ThU pjoperty wil! be snld at reusoimhk priesa, in lotfi guttable for a residence, or for busi Alsolots on Mili er Avenue east o Toms',green house. Aleo u Farm ol' lüO Acres, Wel! watered and fonced, with good nrchurd ar.c fftlfbulldiugS, withiniimile of the Coart Housein St.Jonns, Michigan, andseveral hiindredncrea o piiie and oak timbored lunds in Sayiuaw County Miebian. In,ureof B. W. OHKBVHÉB.or HlTmü C A. CHAPÍN. WÖMAN. lv ;in mmt-n-1 prftrtlco. PxtpnHinc: thronjrta a wrlod of yöÉTB, Ikhíiiit wiiiiin Mi;ii time tn'aird nuniv ïiiiniitiul capes i tho ■■ oi-rn peculiar 10 WUIllrin, 1 ll;n t' b.'fll VlKtWV'l !' P''l1' (T H tllOPt potent and agreeable medlciiw tlml mwtsthi i i-acions presenteö hy tlmt clas i ili -iw witli po-itive certainty and eacfnes, To desígnate tuit uáturui ípecific compDtind, f li!ic naiued il Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. The term. however. Ie bui 8 feeble expression of my most matttred appreciation of lt.p value. baeI apon actual and wituesfled reallUes. Aa a closft observar, 1 have while wimpMiiia ï t s positive rcnlts in the few special dlseaeeu incident i we separate uriraniMii j woxnan, ïtngled it out ui ilir rliinax r r.twn i nu Kcm of iiiy mediral carci'r. On lta raerlts as a positivo, pafe, and effectoal remedy ir rhis riti- ofalraaeep, and (uie tlmt wlll at all times and under all circamptances act klndly and in harraony with the lawi rhichgovern the frttiale Bystem. i hui williiig to etakï my roputatinn íih a phypiclan. Nay, even more, bo couüdent am ] tlmt it w 11 not disappoint the most santnnne eïpectatlonsof a singla in valid lady who omploys it for any of the aihneuts tor wbich I nicomruond it, tliat 1 nfler and Rell t nnder A POSIT1VI5 lARANTKK. lf a beneflclal effect is uot experleuced liy the tima Iwo-thirda of thf contenta of tho hottlf are nsed, I wlll, (ni return of the bottle, two-thiid of tho medicine having been taken according t directionn. and the case being oue for whicn I recotomend t, prorapüy rofund the moin'y pald lor it. Had I not. the mopt perfect oonfidence in lts virttles. I coilld not offer it as I do under these conditions; hut having wltnesBed its trulv miracnlous cure in thousands of cuses, 1 teel warrantod and porfcclly af in ri-kl.m hutu in v reputatiou aud my raoney on il inerlt. The followinf; aro amoiif; thofie diseaees m which my Favorite Prescriptioii haa worked curea- as 11' by magie and with acertainty never before attained hy any medicine: Leuforrhrpa, Excessive B'lowing, Patnlul Monthly Perlods, SuppreBfions when IVom uuuaturiil cantes, Irregufaritleg, Weak Back, Prolapsos, or falling of ttíé üterns, Anteversion and Ketroverbion. Beariug Down Sensations, ïnternal Heat, Xt'rims Depression, Debüity, Dospondency, Threatened Alisearriago, C'hromc Congestión, Inflainmatlon and ülceration of the ütems, Iinpotency, Barrenni;ss, or Sterility, Female Weakness, and very many other chronic distases lucident to woman' not mentioned here, in which, as well hs in the cases which I have mentioned, my Favorite Prescription works cures- the marvel of the world. This medicine I do not extol a a eure-all, but it admirably fulfllls a .iiiXlt'iii'NH oï purpose, being a mott perfect speelde in all chronic diseases of the sexual eystem of womfin. It will not disappuint.nor wlll it do harm in any state or condition. It will be found iuvaluable in difeases incident to preg. iiancv, and eau bo taken in moderate doses with parfeel safetv while in thnt Btatc. Indeed, it is a iïlollier'tt Cordial, aud so prepare? the eystein for pavtnrition that it renders chlld-labor easy. I have recaslved the hearttelt praiee l'rom huridreds of mmurs f"i' the 'tiestiiaaule benèflts thiis conferred. I oflbr ray Favorite Prescrrption to the jLadies of Araerica with the eincerlty of hu honest hnart, and for their best, welfare. Those who desire further information on these snbiects con obtain it in my Treatisk Cbbonic Uubmbs of tuk GiNItRATIVE AN-ll ri:IXAKV (I.AVS. ri'llt S'CtllO from observation apon receipt of two postage stampa. It treats miimtely on tbose diíeses peculiar to Femalea, and give? nnich vamabie advice in regard to their management. Olt. PIKKCE'S FAVOKITF, PRESCRIPTION IS SOI II BV AM, FIKST l.ASS DUUKGISTS, at $1.50 por bottle. Mauufactured at the Chemical I.aboratory of . n. V. PIEBCB, M. 7., J'rop'r - Bl'FFALO. NÍT. Viiifcar Bitters are not a vile Fancy Drink, made of Poor Rum, Whiskey, Prooi Spirits and Refusa Ltquora, floctored, spiced, and sweetened 10 picase the taste, ctlieii ''Tonica," " Appetizers," " Restorers," &c, lead the tippler on to drunkenness and rviitj, but are n true Medicine, made from tlie native root and herbe of California, freefrora all Alcohulic Stinuilants. Tltcy are the Great Blood Purifier and a Life-giving Principie, a Perfect Renovaior and Invigorator of the System. carTying off all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. enriching it, refreshing and invigorating büth mind and body. They are easy of administrador!, prompt in their action, certaiu in theii resnlts, safe and reliable in all forms of disease. n Pcrsoii cu a ike these Bitters accordng to direct ion s, and remain long tin wel!, provided their bones are not dcstroyed by mineral poison or other meaos, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. Dyapepsin or Indigestión Headache, Pain n the Shouiders, Coiighs, Tightness 6f tlie Chet, Di.cineas, Sour Eructationa of the Stomach, Had Taste m the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Henrt, Inflainmalinn of the Lungs, Pain in the reppons of tiie Kidneys, and a hundred other painfu! symptoms, are the oiïsprings of Dyspepsia. In these complaints li lias no equal, and one bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Kor teníalo Complainti in young or oíd, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so deeïded au influence that a marked improvement is soon perceptible. lor lufln timiatory and Chronlc H.ieumatism and Gout, Dyspepsia or Indigestión, Bilious, Remiitent and Intermhtent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have been most successful. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. They ure a Genlle Pnrgatlve as vrell as a Ton ie, possesstng also the peculiar merit of acting as a power fut agent m relieving Congestión or Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Orgaus, and in Biliotts Difeases. For Skin Diseases, Eniptions, Tetter, SaltRlieum, Btotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carhuncles, Ring-worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itcli, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle in such cases will convince the most incredulous of their curativa effeets. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its inipurities bursting throogh the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it wlien you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it when it is foul ; your feeliugs wil! teil you when. Keep the blood pure. and the health of the systetn will follow. Orateful tliousaiids proclaim Vinegar Bit tkrs the most wonde iful Iuvigorant that ever sustained the sinkine system. Pin, Tape, and othei WormsT lurking Ín the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed, Says a disttnguished physiologist : Tliereisscarcely an individual upon the face of the earth wliose body is exempt from the presence of worms. It is not upon the healthy elementa of the body tliat worms exist, but upon the diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed these living monsters of disease. No system of Medicine, no verinifuges, no anthelminitic?, will free the system froiu worms like these Bitters. Mechanica! Diseases. Persons engaged in Paints and Mineral, sucli as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beater3, and Miners, as they advance in life, wiü be subiect to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this take a dose of Walker's Vïnegar Bitters once or twice a week. as a Preventíve. mii-.ii-, Remittent, and Intermittent Fevers which are so prevalent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohío, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cmnberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during seasons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. There are always moreor lesa obstructions of the liver, a weakness and irritable state of the stomach, and great torpor of the bowels, being clogged up with vitiated accumulations. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a poweiful inrluence upon these vanous organs, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr, J. Walker's 'Vinkgar BiTTHRS, as they will speedily remove the dark-coliïred viscid matter with which the bowels are londed, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generaüy restoring the healthy functious of the digestive organs. Scrofula, or KIik' KvH, White Sweinng, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goiter, Scrofulous Infl;unmations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore fiyes, etc, etc. In these, as in all other constitutional Diseases, Wai.ksr's Vinegar Bitters have shown their great curative powers in the most obstinate and iniractable cases. Dr. Walker' California Tinegar Bitters act on all these cases in a similar manner. By purifyïng the Blood they remove the cause, and byresolvmg away the effects of the inflammation (the tubercular deposits) the affected parts receive health, and a permanent cure is effected. THe propertles of Dr. Wai.kkr's Vinegar Bitters are Aperient, Diaphoretic and Carminative, Nutritious, laxative, Uiuretic, Sedative, Couuter-Irritant, Sudorific, Alterative. and Anti-Bilious. The Ap:rlet and mild Laxative properties of Dr. Walkek's Vineoar Bitters are the best safeguard in all cases of eruptions and malignan t fevera, their balsainic, healing, and soothing properties protect tha humors of the fauces. Their Sedative properties allay pain in the nervoua systent, stonmch, and bowels, eitlier from inflammation, wind, coüc, cramps, elc. Their Counter-Irritant influence exteuda throughout the systein. Their Diuretic properties act on the Kidneys, correcting and regulating the flow of urine. Their Anti-Bilious properties stimulate the liver, n the secretion of bile, and lts discharges through the biliary ducts. and are superior to all remedial agents, for the cure of Bihous Fever, Fever and Ague, etc. Koriify tli 1ndy against linease by ptirifying all its fluids with Vinhgar Bittbrs. Nu epidemie can take hold of a systein thus forearmed. ïlia liver, the stoinach, the bo%pis, tlie kidneys, and the nerves are rendered disease-prooi by this great invigornnt. Dlrections.- Take of the Bitters on going to bed at night from a half to ono and one-half wine-glassfulL Eat good nourishing food, auch as beef steak, mutton chop, venison, roast beef, and vegetables, and take out-door exercise. They are composed of purely vegetable ingredients, and conta;n no spirit. J WALKER, Prop'r. R. H. McDONAL-DA, CO., Druggists and Gen, Agts., San FranLisco, Lal.. and cor. of Washington andCharlton Sts., New Vork. SOL1J BV ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERSX X HURRY UP ! PAUTIES wlshing Wall Paper. Cloth jind Pdper Sliades, Hollands, Window Fixturcs, Cotds, Tassels. fec, all New Styles, at Satinfactorj Prlces. by J". R. Wcbjlcr t to., H ik Moit, ucarthe Express Office. X x WASHTENAW COUNTY huJkw ban km Éu mm L jNOTARYPUBLÍC!,:! AMO - J GENERAL jj JU !JJ JliCONVEYANCER jJIL- JLJ P" W 'T. ANNARBOR 'l Cü! . . ■■:■ ■'!' ili '. ' ifl'lil'iiilli OUR ABSTRACT BOOKS! Vs p;irti;il!y itulípntfíl abve, are now ]ORtod to date. l'lu'j it tnn-i1, in i oondenaed or posted form, show he orijjnal cha.n and all nes ohainsof t.itl. lust aune, uch ae A.XJDITOE ÖENEBAL'S DEEDS, Kibtiwn fis Táx-Titles, whióh. are vovy muñeron iu Lhia County, Dscrees, Contraer?, Deeds ! Alna, nu-.v ts well ns 01 of the oíd andlsobarged Uortgnges :i fai back as l,4 - vhleh are leionn. Persons takístitle or mortgaaea ad lienH will nímeiubrr tlmt Tux-Titlcs fiad other cullnteral matten ure ii"! fouod ín the usual mode of searoh by lüdexen itthe Regfetere oöieè. The booka or libera in tbe Etdistsr's oiiice have beoomeiio aumcrousftnd voliuuinous thitt lontr timr is neeeeaarfly ruuired even to nmke a haaty and unteliable Bearch. With ourfaoilities we ;ty t the publio tlmt. we can show them t i tl andTitle ECistorj", make Deeds, Mortg'ages, Assignjii'.MtN. DÍBOhft] ■-. -, ts rnri'i'Oly, qiMrkfr and ÍH better styln thaii nny ol her olfio6 in the County. Wc bttve MONBY TO LOAN ! On Bowl and iiortgageco tong tin?.-. REAL ESTÁTE Soldoröxehanged. HO0SES TO KENT. 38 nerfomoeite tb Observatory forualeiD tota lo snit paronasera ROOT & LEITER, Bval Eetiitfl AgonU, No. !. Qmgaj Block Tracv W. Koot, tuid oppoaite the I'ostoifico. Ohabi.f.r A. LeitEk. Hlotf múánefít mtmsw Br. Cox' HIvo (Crntipi Sjrup has been kmnvn and osed by rbe medical profession over 100 years, and is a renieay for Colds ind Concha bas an older and better repntation tliun any otner Cougb medicine ever offered to the public. It is known aa heCompound Bympof Sqnillp. and a formula may be found iu every medical dispenvatory. Sr. RuiiMoin'N IIIvc üjrup and Toln, in addition to the ingrediente for Cox's Hivc Syrup, contalae Balsatn of Tuin. decocüon "t SkunkCabbag Rooi and Lobclia, a combination that must commend ir to eviTy oue as a superior retneriy for Croup, U lnMin: Congh, Aslhma, llr IiIIIpi, CoukIim aud ColdN, indeed for sll affectlong of the Tnroat and Lnugs whcic a Cough Jlediciue ia neceseary. I liï Syrnp Ib Carpfnlly Prepared nnder Hie personal dlroction of a regnlar Pliysician ol'over tweuty years' practice, whose eignatare i ttached to the directions ontlie bottle. lts taste Is very pleusaut and cliildren like rainily should keep it as a ready remedy or Croup, ilds, etc, ainung the chiidren. I). Bansom, Son & Co., Piopr's, Buffulo, N. T. DR. J. R. MILLER'S VMVERSAL M AGNETIC B ALM. Tlils medicine uut ) witb proprlety be called nu " IriiirrkHl Rvmed) ," as it is ast supertseding all others as a general rainüy medi:ine. It cures, as if by MAGNËTIC INFLUENCE, Neuralgia and all pain. and is therefore very properly ermed "Magnetic Balm." It is purely a vegetable reparation. It has no equfll ns e remedy for Cholera, Cholera Morbus. Diarrhna, Dtjsentcry, Col ie and all Jtovel omplaints. lts tliuely nse wfll cure Ookls, Croup, Diphthcria, Quinsy, and all Throat affectlons. Whrn properly used, Fever and Ague, and other complaiuts incident toourwusturn and aouthem climates, are easily broken np. Nervous Pain, Nick-Hcadache, and Rhenmatsm are cured by this medicine when all others have alled. Toothacne, Efirache, Burns, Chilblains and 3raises are rclieved at once by lts use. The aenulnc lias l. Hansom A '.' rivate Revenue Stamp on the outside, and Dr. J. Ifc. tfiller's Magnetic Balín blown in the bottle. Examine closeiy, and bity none but the genulne. (old by all Druggiëts. Price 25 cents per bottl. D. Eassom, Sos & Co., Propr's, Buftalo, N. T. H Til!'. OKFAT Al.TKÜATIvy, A-VD fcp&i BLOOD PUKIF1KB. B Itisnotaquack nosfrnm. The I ÊÊm ■ ingredieota are publislied in eich l V M botlle oí' medicine. Itisiiseilttml B reconfmen il cd bv Phyaiciana B wherever it has been intro'luced. I H I1 will positively cuia SSCROFULA W A UamJ kindred diseases, RHEUMAI ■lr0, WHITE SWELLING, Jf; ;; GOITÉ.E, BRONCHI■y5, NEHVOUS ItEMLITY, 1 tb, IiYCIFIEAT CONSUMPTION ■ and all diseasea ari3ing from e.n 9 P k impuro condition of the Blood, Ljr:!'! tor our Kosadalis Almasac, lin which you will find certificatea ■JiHfrom reliable and trust-worthy V H Physicians, Ministers of the Gos■ pel, and others. H ■ Dr. K. Wllxnn Carr, of Balti■Jmoret says be has used it in cases of ■ Scrofulaand other diseases with niucli H satis faction. HyS ' Dr. T. C. Piifrh, of Baltimore, ro■J_Bcommends it to all persons suflering BgBBH with diseased Blood, saylng it is supeH rior to any preparation he has ever uaed ■B 1 I Rn-. Uabnejr Ball, of the Balti■ more M. E. Conference South, says B he bas been so much benefitted ny Hfl ■■! itsUHC, thathecheerfully recommends ■■■BH it to all nis friends and acijnaintauces. B BJ Craven Co., Druggists, at GorI flB B aonsville, Va., say it never bas biled BBB to cive satisfaction. ■w B m,„' ;. McFadden, Murfree ■TW M boro', Tennessee, says i t cured him of VMiÊm Uheumatism when allelK failed. THEEOJADALISIN CONNECTION WITH OUR will cure Chills and Fever, Liver Complaint, Dysliepsia, etc. We euarantee Kosadalis superior to all other Blood Puriner. Send for Descriptiv Circular or Almenac. Addres, CLEMENTS & CO., S S. Commerce St., Baltimore, Mi. Bemember to aslt your Druggist for Rosadams. p '. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, A perfect ha ir dressing- uot a dye - öor a MKtoratire, but a dreeaing, elegant C3 an eC" STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE is moling to the scalji, imparts a delightful senne of vitality Jand softnesa toHtlie hair. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, Bweetly perfumed and limpid, rendera the hair uppie and y - ttcewei it in any - - - desirea ibrm. "i STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, entirely vegetable oil, prevents that dryness of ealp which t i causes dandruff - _. to accumulate. " pH ' STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE eontains in onelarge bottle more oil and more perfume _ -tlian any other - h a ir dressing 'ir market, and h- beside is aold twenty-üve per cent. less tban most others. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE brightens blonde hair, darkenaaub ■im- urn hair, í'tíiiderslustrous brown and black mm hair, les8t,D8 the harstmesw oí eoarse hair. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE 18 MADE ONLY BY IEEDEEIOK STEAENS, - OHEMIST, IIHTKOIT, MIl'H. P Sola everywhere. Be surc and get the (ïeanlne Coco-Oleïne. Let no one palm off on you a bottle of some chttap and viortltUsx imitation of Coco l. in . There are more than twenty counterfeiU of it now sold, put up as near like the genuiue as the makers dare aud evade the law. T IVE ÖEESE PEATHJiRS PIRBTQTJALITT, iVonst lyonhand andforsaleby RACE Sr A BEI. ARGUS BULLETIN ! WA1VTED 2000 SfiW SUBSCRIBERS Vlore Morolmntrt nd liiiHiuess inon, who knowing tbeir own interosts will flvirti?e in th Ar.aus. GET YOL'R BTLL-HEADS, CIBCULAB8, LETTER-HEADS, STATEMENTS, At Hio Armis Office. ET YOUR BALL CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, VLSITING CARDS, WEDDIXG OARDS At the Argits Office. QET YODE LAW BLANKS, LAW BRIEFS, LAW RECORDS, PROGRAMMES, AT THE ARGUS OFFICE. New Type, Best Presses, Good Workmtn, AND REASONABLE PRICES! 2 A WOBD TO THE WISF. Has boen lx"!' ■■ t; ■ ■ AnicriinM puhjio OVER TH II! V ,.: ■■ . ft I ; nevei ve ísiled to prive p 'rfi siH fac 'on, uní] bu justly been ntyl I t'o un ni tW all cxternal Wumuíí !'i .r weUlugu, fiprai". Bruisen. .'■■.. ' . h r M ■ n ;iai) Beast No family should lin i !ry{le dny ■without tliis I.inimrnt. Tlio money Wfinidod unios tlie ],iniirunt s au repre' sonted. Be surf aml get the frcnuine MEXtCANMi;STAN; T.INTMKXT SoW by all Drugistg and Country Stores, at 2i., 50c. and $1 00 per Bottle. Sotw Btle. aixe of hottle. &c. HAOAN'S Magnolia Balm A ÏKW APPLICATIONS SIAKE A Pure Blooming Complexión. It is Purely Vegetable, auü ita oneratinn iB nenn and feit at once. Itdoeaaway with tba i'lushed Appearaui-e causort by Heat, Faügne, and Eioitcment. Heals and removeB all Blotches and Pimplps, diapeiling dark and naightly spots. Drives awy 'l'ati, Fiwkles, and Sunbnrn, and by its gentle but i.uweiiul iuttueuue mantlea the faded vheek with YOUTHFUL BLOOM AND BEAUTY. efolcl by all Dmggiat an.l ïiinry Storo. Depoi, 63 1'ark Place. New Vork. THE BABCOCK HOOK & LADDER TRUCKS Kcmipped witli Babcoek Fire Extin-;uishers, Extcn siou and Scahng; Ladders, GrappIIng Hooks unc Clmms.Buckets, Lanteins, Pike Polea, Pike Axes &o Ac weisfliing loss ihitn l,Ou Iba.; ejisilv handled handsomely finished, and afford t)io Rreatent protection ut lesa'expense thiin any truck in the malket lust whiit evcry Fire Department wants. latcook Fiie Engines and Extinpuishor are savinf vahihble property all over the country. Send lor their record. K. T. BABNIüIt Jen. Afeut, 118 Woodward Ave . Detroit Manufacturer of Irou, Copper and Brass Wire Wire Cloth, BoltinK Cloth, Bnrr Mlll Stones, Broou Wire and Twine, Copper Weather Vane, Wue Counter Rmliiif;, Wire Pencing and Ornamenta Wire Work. 141Oyrl Goldsmkh's Bryaat Xstraïton BUSINESS UNIVBRSITY. Ruainesa prncticiillv taught after the cciuniinii houso system. üooks and business paper are wrltten up trom transactious otiginttting trom doing biwines withthe various Business Housis, Offices, Board of Trade Banks, &c, conneoted with the uistitution.- Picase send foi College Paper giving full particulars. Addres J. H. Uiildsmith, President, Detroit, Jlich. W. E. HEAMES & UU., Plour Merchants 63 WOOUBRIIMiF. STRUET, Corner Shefty. DETROIT, MICH Choice Bye and Minnasotfl Flours tor Bakers' use a upecinlty. Fire Hri-k, all ahapes and eizes, froiu Jersey and Ohio olays. Foundry Paoings and Mipplie. Flour & Graiü Oom. Merchant ATWAÏKB SXBKFI', (Uctwcen riswold ;iud Shelby,) D KTKOIÏ. Ky Liberal avdanow pinde upon cimsigiiinent!. " JOHN H. WKNDELI, CO. CÜMMI88I0N UKKOHANTP IN Flour, Orain, Pork & Seed OVFICB ANII W.VRRHili'Ki: Sos. 50, 52, 54 and 5( Woodbridge Btreet Vet, DETROIT; M1CH. ■Í3" Liberal udvances ninde upon consifiniiioiits. "a BOILER WORKS All kincln of Boiler and Sheet Iron Wurk done to order. All Boilers tcsted previoua (0 leHTing tlie sho. Competent men kept todo repairs, l' taken out, piêrced. and reset. Old bóÜBM and WBM boufjht or taken in exehange. J. & T. MoGBEGOB, 83 Atwater Str.ct, DETROIT. ETHOIT ïhroat and Lnng Instituto for the cure of Cutarrh, Thront Dinue, Asthlna', Uroni-hiü and C'oiisumption. NO. 4 ASPINWALI. TBUEACE, MAUUMU AVK. If poasible cali pewomiBy 6 " exanination, W. HlI.TON WlLLTiMS, M. !., 1 rop l. - jT Rusiness College, ■ IlI nirlinfiT i Collese Jurnal wIRTukW rLs.lllllj UU I' l BüBiness Practice. U'fMij BKST," Jouinal (,'ivinK full informltlon of College, Hoeks mul Bnsraen l'nicti.e tormatioE " jjaA MAyHEWj jjeteo, Mlch. Marble, Marfoleized NIntt AND IKON OTAVri.ES, All Ieudine styles and jmttcnw. With ovevy v; of ornamental and plin enmeled GBATJB. Ajrent for " Striug1 patent Sro-ldaow." Wnd for eaCr.PA.VBrLCl"JN8. 29 Woodbridge Bfc, Detroit. JOHN FEED. BROSS, MANUFACTl'KER O CARRIAGES, BICOIES, MM&ER WOSS, SPR1S WAÜOW8, f ITTERS, SI.tHillS, &c. All irork warranted of the best material. Repairnïdone promptly and reiuonably. All work warraStcd to give pïrfeot .atirfartion. 68 South Mam treet. 1422 I Mortgage Sale. WHEKEAS James E. S elf e and Eli.a A uu Selfe, of the towuslup of Manchet r, oounty oi rashteunw, and State oí' Michigan, on tbe ftfteenth lay of July, in the yeni of om Lord OM thousand ■i{iht Immlred uid H-wuty, extvuw-d a luorlffago to darles J. HowpII, of the eity of New York, and HfUííof Ne.w York, toset'urr the paymeut of uertaiu mncipul and interest money therein mentiontd, hieh murigugr w reoopded m the omce of thu Kegstt'V ii Deeaa insnid oounty, on the Hth dy of Vu gust, A. 1). 1870, itt 2 - O'olbck P. M. of said day, a líber 48 óf mórtgagfcH, on paga J1W; ba4 uhereas iofanlt haa bf-u mutUf foi more tlmu thiity dayt in hf puyment 't un instaUmentoi iuúá interest money wïiicli btfoame duè on the fltterntb riay o# -Tuly, A. D. LSTS byreahon whereot' and purnuant to Uu.' (jermn )l said said uiovtgayte hereby eloetH iht nuich uï (tttid pviiK'ipal ab rmunins unpaid, with uil irtuafuges úf intei-CHt fhéreon, hall beemne iJue and imini(!iitfh ; and wluroa vh'ir is uUrimed to due and unpnid on suïd mortgag u thé date ot this ïiotioo, the boko of tw tliousarui nine hundred umi forty-Mifrlil. dollars tor primapiil and intret, nlso an attorney'a feu ot foiiy dollars n)iould auy plooeadtBgB be taken to foxeclom aald mortfraffe, and uo uit oi proeeedtngu iiuvnia béev insiitnied eitlir in law or emiity to teuover the Hone o any pavt thereof : Npttceis thèrefore htoreby givn, thai ou ntit -uth day oí November ncxl , at ' o'otooïc in the afternoon, at the fumt door oi the 6onrt Hour-e in thr dty nf nn iVrhnri flminty nfhramiid (that being the building in hirh the Citcuil Court for nairl cottB tv is held), and by virtuc of tho power oi' sale confeained in aaid moi-tgage, 1 shali #eï ut public tiuction to the hifiheHt bidiUïv the prt:mi.-i-s daaaribfld in said moxtgiuce ío ntwi'y tht amount of ptinoipal and intcient above (tlaiiaed M dne, with the ehaití'íM oí anle and ftttomey' tt-t tt' foity doBttra : All tliose ert bfD piocí'- oí parcela of iand öituattd m the towushij) ol Manchester, county of Woshtenaw. and State of SI icbigan, known, bnundcd :tnd dfHoiibfd as follows, to wit : Bfiing tliB iiortheiist (piurtt'i of the southeast quaxter of nection numter four f4j, aUo tlie north went qnarterof the wmthfastquarter ot' said eotion auinber four fexoept theiigrh,ts and piiTÜege graui edtothe MiuJiiiiu Southern and Northern Indino Rnilroad C'ompauy), ulso tlifj smt heust (uarter of fch northeast bnarter of anid section number four (1) alsu the foilowteg desoribed land to wit : beginnin wwtwly ten chaina and fomteon links fvointhe soutl wokI corner of tfie east half of the north part of th noithwest quaiter ot sectiozt number three, tïieiu inivilieily twonty-ftve chuina, thenoe eaaterly fou chaina, tlience son.therty twt nty-ftve chBinaj nd thenee wosteïly four chrtiua and four links tothe plaer ot beginiiinii, tbe lawt deription oontft4ninf7 trn (ujres, tlie whole of the above deserilwd land tunounting to one huudted and tiíty aeres; alw the soutlieaat ter of the southeast quartr oí unid section niiinher toui (4), t-xcept t'ourtfen acres hcretofore deederl to EAUrian Stevens, ill in townwliip four soutl) oí' runge nurnbrr thror past, in sid cnunty of U'aelitenaw. Pated, Aufftint In 1873. ;HAKLES J. HOWELL, MtrtKKW. John N. GtíW, Atty foi the Hortgagee. H:Wtd Mortgage Sale. DEJFAUXT having been made in the condition of u certain mertyage mude and exewited by Klijah V. MOTgun and I.uiy W. S., his wit e, ot' Ann Arbor City, Michigan, to I'ersib L. Tuttle, uf Oeneva, New Vork, on the tenth d;iy of December in the year oí' our Lord one thousaud cihl luuulred and sixty-nine, and record ed in the Register's Office, Wachten uw ('imnty, Michigan, on the tenth duy of December, A. D. 18BÖ, atSo'clockP. M. of líber -il of mortgag-es, on page 4ü5, and tliat there its now claimed lo be dut w pon said mortt?nge and the bond aceompanying the same the sum of sevonteen iiundred and seventy dollars and tliirty-four cents, also a reanontble bolidtor's or attorney's fee should any proceediaga be taken to forecloae said inortgage; and no ]innM -odiiiüs in law or in equity having been had to recover taid sitin nf inoney or any part thereof : Now. therefore, notiee is hereby given that by virtue of a power oí' sale iu naid inortjiaif: (ontained, I shall sell at public auetion to the bigliwtt bidder, on the tifteenth day of November nexl, at 2 o'clook P. M. of sid tliiy, at the front door of the Court Houpe, in the city of Ann Arbor, county aforesnid ("h.-it beinp the place of holding1 the Circuit Conrts tbr said county all tliose purculíi oí land known and deaeribed as lot s No. six, Beven, eight, nine, ten and eleven, and Iota No. nineteen, twenty, twenty-on, twenty-two, twenty-three and twenty-fonr in block tivt south in range four eat, tnd lots No. ix, even, eiilit , fourteen, fiftef-n, s-ixteen, seventeen, eihteen and nineteen in blork five south in rane fivc e:iht in the city of Ann Arbor, in the State of Michigan. August Kth, 1873. PER8IS L.TTTTTLE, Mortgagee. John N. Gott, Attorney foi MortgaRee. 1439 In Chaucery. UT ATE OF MICHIGAN, Fourth Judicial Circuit, Í5 In ('hancery Snit, pending in the Circuit Court tor the county of Washtenaw, in Chancery, at Ann Arbor, this twenty-ixth day of August, a. D. 1873, wheiein t'arah Jane Miles ia eomplainttnt, and George Miles is defeudant. It satisfactorily appearing by HÜidavit. tluit the said defëndant, Geor?e Milos, is a resident of this State ; that proeess tor hie appearaiice has been duly iatmed, and that the saine could not tfe aerved by reason of Iiíh absence from, or conoealnvent withiu, the State : On motionof Craiaer Ai Granger, Solieitors for coraplainant, it is ordeml that the aid defendant, Geoige Miles, appear and auswer the bill of complaint flled in said cause, within three inonth.s from the date of thia order; and in dofault Uierrof that tbe said bill be taken 'ub confetfd by the said defendant. And it is further ordered that this order bc published within twenty days after date in the Mirhigan Artuu, a newepaper printed in aid county, f.nd that said publication be continued in snid paper once in each week for six weeks in 8uccetBion ; or that the said complaina t cause a copy of thia order to be personally aerved on the said defendant, George Miles, at least twenty days before the time titove prepcribed for his appearance Ann Arbor, August 26, 1873. J. F. LAWRENCE, Ono of the Circuit Court Commiasioners Wawhtenaw County, Michigan. Csaveu & Gbanuer, Solicito for Complainant. U42w6 OHAMBERS' ENCYCIX)PiEDIA. A DICTIOHABY OF Universal Knowledge for the People. BEVISED EDITION. WITH Maps, Platos, and Engravings. Complete in 10 Vols. of 832 pages cacli. JUusiraied witk about Four Thoumnd Enffravingi and Forty Maps, together with a Sfries if frma h.inhty In Om. llittidrtd Klrgantly Kilgraved Platen - illudrativv of tht Sutyects of Xuluml fíisioi y - itow for the fikht TiMRappearinff tol thr mark. PRIOE PKR VOLUME. Kxtru ('lom, beveled boards, - - i'i 50 Library Sheep, inarbled edge! - - tí oo Hult' Tiirkey Moran, - - - 50 This Edition is Soi.p iiy Aoents. rubljshed by J. II. I.U'l'lXOOTT & CO.. 1't.ilndelpbia, Pi. BTLVANTJ8 WAURKN, 18 Woodwaid Awiiiu-, Detroit, Genera! Agent t"i t)' sua_ of JVtidiigan. By comparing Chambers' Eni'yelopa;dia with the Xew American Oyclopwdia, - the worlc with wbih it is most ïn tiuently bronghl into comparison. U will hetound thöt while the te.n volumes of ChaniherB contain 83-0 pages, the original tUUeti volumes of the New meriran eontuin less than 12,000 page. It will als., l.e found that a page of Chumbera' eonluiiw full imc-lifUi more matter than a patfe of the New American, mailing the ten volumes ot the tormer equivalent in amount of prlnted matter to at least thiitcen volunte "t the latter, "Ot to mentlon the uiniieioUBl'lateBl.ihoutSII), WooJcut MU 1 ÜÜO), and Map [bout Wl. that ure moludea in Una eriitiun of CTiambera', and to which the Ne American possesses no correspondinr features. It is eontldently believedtbt " a populM " Diotiojabii óf Ckivejsu. Kncuvlkixík." the work ir without an eqanl in the English languag1 I26yl A Rare Chance TO LET. A lftre aud modern new firoeerv ?tore in Buchoz Block, Petro t Street. I'ndonbteilly the bent location In that partofihe city for said business. A cood lar"e cellar and new barn attaehed tolhe preminea. Thê rent is $800 yearly, to be taken in groceries for mv fanniv use. , . , . Alsn Hne new Meat Markat, all complete, jolning my blo"k, with modern impn.vementK. marWe tahle &c lare new smoke house, large hrick cistern and cellar lièw barn snd all ready for use, with three fanuly rooms above. Store rente for -.'5l) jearly : taken In ment for my fainily use. Also a small store lp my block, houses, rooms, c, FOBS ALE.- Three ?nod large carriage or farm horse one flne new carnaje, buKgie8,wagou6,Iarro. tagl,. Al8o three 8, fc R BÜCHOZ_ Mortgago Hale. DEFAULT haringteen made In the mditt a mortgage, executed on the flrst ,i-,v Í,'1' of Mv, . D. IH72, by DolTci Pattee .„ idne, St?"i miei 'jl Heecl for the enuntv r( whi,,,, tt. - Mhiftan.oiMhoiHthasyofM" in hhtr 4 i.r iiioiiL'Hk (in ]..,- 'i .; ' ' "■'- ÏHfWSM, .. 1 v .,t M:....7 i ,!" ■" ■igneil v.v ..,„1 Hiilm-i Calkin m ] ,i.,,,,ú ' ■üdii'li üid aHi4UUl'hl Kn reri,i(l,il u , d It, , "'"' OIH..mth!M).dyoi .M„,,h. .,.,,, Ol i-ipniln-Til - r HlültgRKfw. mi j.ii, y;5: 'i i'l.umpcl ti) hp due anrt uoiwid on uuid moriïusi '',''7 Ute hfioot flve hnndred and lotu dnll„rB J„S "V hwenty-ÜTO doUara (6). nu itinnlaied u ;„;,] ': "' pjre, uud no proefedings eithei al [„, ,„. "'" 'nivinu been intitnted tn mmn t)ic mme ' lrttheof: SoticeieheTebyBivfuthat bj IS ..f thFJWWei Of Mie in -;llrt mortu:if. PontniuS 1 ■iliiill, on Tueaduy, Die nimh day ut SeptemW il 1873, at one ii'ciock In tbc afternoon of thgt .i,' ii the front dcoi of the Oom-t Houw in the ,-,,. ■ Vnn Ai bor, IJotmty. MíoIüjíhh (thut h ins th plnee of holdini; th Circuit tjnuri in .lDj , mm county), aell nt puWic Biiction, to th hiih, M.l.lci, ttii-pn-misM ilc-ciilw-d in su,] n orteaíeh sHtisfy tlie iiniount of principnl iln,] interest aloS oiuimcd hh Uue, with the cburges ol Bueh ,s!L],. ,i liman iiticntu-y tvcof twonty live dollars aa sti'ijul tcrl in saiil mortipigi.', to wit : The ent half „j .i„ tollowiufi dfiícriíieíl land sitnHte in the townsüm al Vuaihiiiti, Wnxhtemiw Cuinity, MichiRun, commml cinii mi then8{ nl wcat (iinrtti iine „t secUon lom I: in township timo [3] noutli oj nogt teven r-i enst, in the center of the hipbwity Imdini out of tl villaje of Ypsilanti ou tlie easl side of the Huron lüvei ; thenceiunningeast along the said quutn line twenty-thwe [M] chaina and eighty-eight [Mi links to the southeast cornil oí gaid quarter seeliorifrom thence north on the line ot suid iiunjtJ sectiou, thence twelve f!2J ch:iins and Hitten iiv links to a stake trom whioh a red ak tree ten fliiinrthes in diameter leanin south HO west tliiitv tm link, añil a red wik thirteen [13] inchea in dinmetn forty four [441 link; thence north S4" wt twenty-one [21] chaina and thirty-nine [89] links to the center of tlie first mentioned hiphway to a stk from whie.h an Knlif.h Cherry siat [ti] inches in dinm. eter leuns north sixtv-three ítiñ] dfKrruM u i,_.' hree (43i linkB, and a loenst tree three [3] inch,., L iametor north 33 west sixt jr-ei(?ht [6] links theno. outh oinp [9] degrees west, along the ocntur of aaH ïifihwas1, flfteen fl5"; chuínH and nineteen ()9 1 o the place of beginninpr, contnimng in all thiity and .3-100 of an acre of land, rflflerving f rom the abore doscription three [3] anca from the north end it$ti oJohnMiller by I'Atvt Pattee, nlso reaervlsi , . numbt'ied one fl], two [2J, three [3], tour Í4].9eve7], eii?ht (8], nine [9], ten [1(1], and eleven [ii „ attee.'s additiwn to the city of Ypeülanti. J)ated, June 6tll, 1873. LORENZO TAHOU, Ainee (r.oBiiE L. Bachman, Att'y tor Awtgnee. Mortgage Sale. Il"HftKKAK John Clair aurt Eliza Clair, of tbe t city of Ann Arbor, Cnunty of Washtenaw and itate of Michigan, on the t emir day ot JuJy, ñ tb war of our l„Mrd oue thuuhuud eight humired and wventy-onè, exeeuted a ittortgbge to Charles J I Elowell, of the i:ity oí New Yofk, to Mccure tlie par! Luent of eeitain primipal and momy tbenu raeátioned, whieh mortgage whb recorded in the I ifit-e ol the (ïqpKftqz ut D#id0 in said Coiinty of Wamhtunaw, on the twenty-weventh da'y of July,A l. 1H71, at ó:; oVlock in the afterooon oí' aid dVv ' in libor 44 of mortgaget n page 742; and. wherta, I iefault ha been made tor mort! Hian thirty days in the paymeut otan instnllnieut cf Naid interest money I whiuh becanifl dus n the firnt day ol January, A. ])', IH7-"i; by reabon wheroot and jmrauant to the ternül of Haid mor teage, said mortgHgfce ïiereby ele;t ■ muuh of aid principal Ht i emains unpaid with all u rearages of interest thereon, hIiuII becoiue due mt jisyablf.1 immediatoly ; and, wheretts, thcre ih tiaïanj to bê due and unwaid on wiid (nvrtgage at the thiH notiee two thonsandtwo hundred and u three dolían and thirty fbax centH, tor primij , interest money, also an attoruey's fee Ol lift y tlolhvr, hould ituy proceedmg he tnken to íoiccloáe üi raortffage, and no snit or pioct-edings ha ing bn b stitutfcd exthfeiiu luw 01 equity to recover the Bamen itny part thrt-of; Notiee in thoreibre hcreby givta thaton the tifteenth day'of Noveiubcr next,at hto u'clo4'k in the afternoon of that day, at the bont da i of tlie Oottrt House, in the city of Ann Arbor ia said comity, (that being.the building in whidh the Ciwuit Courtfor suidCounty of aihtenaw i held), and by virtue of the power of Kale contained in saidmotttíitge I Bhall ïfcll al publie auction to the hiyhpst biddei, the premisen describfd in s;iid mortfl'Bge insaiify the amouiit of pvincipal and interejt nbove cluimed au due, with tho charges of nueh sale and n i ney'sfeeof Üfty dolíais : All those certain piecesor parcelt of lund sitúate aud beingio the Countj d Waahtenav and stuit of Mu-bin, ana dettuiibed a? foliowh to wit : böng a part of lot number two in block imijjbor tw(t (J nortb of Iluruu Street, range nutnbor foui f4j eabt, in thu city f Ann Arbor, md 8tnt aforesaid, dewrribed followa to wit: cu mcurnig on the soiith Hiie of said lot thirty-one ft and neven tncheo eaat of the Miuta-weat tornw ol aid lot, running thence east on the outhlineof said lot feet and &V6 incbea. t henee aorth parallel with the eat line of said lot w-ven rods, thenne west parallel with the sóutb line oí' said lot twelve teet and rive ineheH, tht-nce runninparallel with the west line of naiá lot weven roda, to the placti of bttginning ; Also lots Xo. one fl). two f2j, three (;ij, lour f4j and tive in block C," Oia by tiid Pagt.-'s addition to the city of Ann Arbor, ,■ cordmg to tlie reoorded plattheieuf. AiiKiistlst, 1873. CHAfiLES J.HOWEIL, Mortgogei John X. Gott, Attorney for Biortgftgee Mortgage Salr. DKFAl'LT having been made iu the conditiomoi ii certain mortgage exeouted on the -eond (Lyo! November, A. IJ., 1860, by Elijnh V. Morgan ud Lucy W. 8. Morgan, bis wife, oí Aun Albor, Mitligau, to Edwardlj. Koyden, as adniinistrator of XoiluanC. Goodule, hite of Waöhtenaw county, deceaaed, and John Henley, of lid eounty, and recordi game day iu the othce of the Register of Deeds, tu the couuty of Washteuaw, Michigan, in Libel 11 ui raortgages, on page 378, and the undivided huif nf said mortgage was duly nnsigned by suid Kdwaró" I Boydeu, adiuinistrator of the estáte oí' NoimanC. Goodale, dceeased, to Amanda M. F. Goodale, rtiil aaid assignment bears date the fifthday of -N'ovemba, 1870, and is recorded in aaid Reg-ister's plfiee, in Lib number two of Aseignmenls of Mortgugeb, on paye (4d ; upon whieh mortg-age there is claimed to betiue at tlie date of thia potio, two thousaud two liundred and sixty-füur dollars and seveuty cents, for principal and interest, and alao a reasonable nttorney'a fee provided in said mortgag% should proceedings be taken to foreclose the same, and noproeecHugs having been taken at law or in equity lo recover the amooil due or any part thereof ; Theretore notice is hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale eontnined i said mortgage. and pursuant to thestatute insiics onse made and provided, on Saturday the fifteentl day of November, A. U., 1873, at ten o'clock in the ibrenoon of that day, at the south, or front door of the (-ourt House, in the city of Ann Arbcir, tliat t ing the place where the iieuit C'ourt tor the countv of Washtenaw ia held, there will besold to thohighest bidder the premiaea described in said mortijage, orso muchasmay be necessary to Batiafy (heamount due as aforesaid, and interest and oot and expens" allowed by law, for the advertiaement and sale of mm premise8, exceptiug the south half of lot numlKinw in block number three south In range three east, in the eity of Ann Arbor, Michigan, which hns ln"' lensed from said mortgnge by a release executed J John Henley and Amanda M. F Goodale to Eiijm W. Moigiiuand dated the llth aay of August. 1That part of thenremises described in said morlga wliic will be old at the time and place aforesaid at( described as followa, to wit : AU those parce land known and detcribed as lots number one m two, and the south nine feet in width of lot numoe' three in block number two north, in range numW three east, and alsO lots number four and thenortfi hall' of lot number five, iu broek nuinbei thres wutn. in range three east, in the city of Ann Arbor, Mict-igan. Dated August 20, 1873. JOHN HENLEY, Mortgagee. AMANDA M. F. OOODAlA ' AHHiitnee of an undiyided half of said MortpP E. E. Fbazer, Att'y for Mortgagee and AssiLM 1440td. Mortgage Sale. OEFAULT having been made in the condition I acertainmortgageexecuted'byEdgaiM.ür'! aml Dorliïka N .Gregory of the city of nn Ai ty of Washtenaw, and Stnte of Michigan, lol.;""" 1). James, of Willianmburg, MaseachusettB, on 1 flfteenth day of Jone, A. D. 1H64, nnd recorded in I mee of the Register of Deeds, for the Couiity o Washtenaw aforesaid, on the seventeenth daS June, A. D. 1864 at 8JÍ o'clock a, m., in Líber w J Mortgage, page 422, and that there is no to be due and nnpnia on said mortgage and ■ aecompanyine the sume, the sum of nineteen sand nvehuudied dollars and eighty-foui aUo the aum of three hundred nnd tiv dollars and serenty-one cente paid by sai.' gee tor insuranue upon buildinB, a proviotd lor said mozttrage ; also a reasonable attorae] I . solioitor's fee for servlceü, should my piocetdinf taken to foreclofe said mortgoge, and no prooee11 inR8 at law or in equity having been had torecovti siiid aum or any pitrt thereof; Now, therelor motice i hereby giren that by virtue of a power in aid mortgage contained, I shall sell al P lic auction to the highest bidder, on the thirtwnt day oí September next, at two oclock in the: noon of naid day, at the front door ot tbe Conrt Houso in the eitv of Ann Arbor in said Connty Itl beiiig the place óf holding the Circuit Courtsl, al thosetartain tractB or pareel of land known, bouD0 nnd described a follows, to wit : The equal u1; vided one-half of the Franklin House property ' city of Ann Arbor in the (Jounty of Washtennw State-ot Michigan, viz: Commenoilig at the aonijj east eoraer of said block, and running wef e'ï" rods, thence north on the west line of lot nu"' Ivo (i) niuety-tive fpet to N. P. Parson's line, east on Parson's eouth line scventy cight f et t outh eighteen feet, thence east flfty-fix ieet, tliew outh to the place of beginning. And also lot w" and four (3 and 4] all in block one north, in ranpe nober threoeast, in the city of Ann Arbor. fexceptmf "" cast eight feet wide of the north thirty-aeven ! wide of said lot number tl.rte, subject to the ngn' of way over the same.) Dated, June 20, 1S7S. LYMAN D. JAMES, MortgegWi John X. Oott, Att'y for Mortgagve. Real Eslate for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahteiu m. In the matter of' the estáte of Ebenew West, incompetent. Notice is hereby given, UuH ■ juiisuance of an order granted to the lindel (iuardian oí the estáte of said Ebenezer i ' !he Hon. Judge of Probate for the oonnty of "'"' tenaw, on the fiflh day of August, a. d. 1873 will be Bold at public vendue, to the highest oída at the south door of the Court House in the ertj ' Ann Arbur, in the county of Waslitenaw, m " stnti', on Weduesday, the twenty-fourth day oí W teoiber, a. d. 1S73, at tn o'clock in the foienoon thatday (subject to all encumbranci s hy monga or otherwine existiiiR at thf time of snle), thetuiu fna iewuibed real eslate, to-wit : Tht pi ce or r ' cel ot land described as follows : commencmg al '"; outheaxt corner of the west half of the nortlK'" quarter of seo.tion twenty-mie, to-neliip lo (2 som of range six (Hj east, thence north one degree tm twlvefl2J minuten went lx chaina and tweiity-j"' and onc-hnlf links to the southei.Bt side of the ua boro road, thence on the Boutheast side ot the w boro road sonth flfty-six degreea west to the non '" east corner of a lot of land lately owned by K. '■■ Kuiler, and now owned By John Lennon, thenee ri(?ht angles with said road til] it intersecls the v"r ter aection line, thence alonfi said line to the plM ". bezinning, containing one acre and eleven rou land, be th same more or les. Also thnt piece ' pareel of land beginning on the line betwetn the e and west halve of the northeast quarter of seotio twontv-oneof township twosouth of range six ■"" : in the center of the highway leading trom the city ■ Ann Arbor to the villape of Jlixboro, and rnni thence south nne degree and ntteen minutes e ■ along sHidlinesixchaiusnnd seventy-three link" the southwest corner of the east half of 'a.I'0,"'e past quarter of section twenty-one, thence ist !■ j the east and west quarter line two (2) chmn ■ twenty-sevenlinka. thence north twenty tive tcjtn west neven ehain and twenty links to the P""L heginning, eontaiiiinjr one acre of land more or m aaid State. Dat#d, August 5th, A. D. 18J3. . 1439 JAMÈS J. PAESHALL, Guordw.


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Michigan Argus