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lüSltïESS DIRECTORY. -THJUlKIin AN HAMItTO raLwi 2P? Nos-7 aDd 9 South tfe# a" Arbm' Mieh rn,E. Dealer in Coal. Offlee wUhFELi-B V 'iiüST. r 'w9 n sons' Store, dr , f„'rtb KnroBSt; i.rrS TJITCHEU, AHomey nnd i'1 i.r at Law, No. i Knt Hurun Street, m: anüBAi spuijíos. 1 j ..,' -I il l( Snpjrlntendent. Office i!d'ta2,c-irnerMiinn and 'at lluro Streets. iVFS & VOROGX, 20 outh Main Btre, IV lonAror.Mich., whnleaale flnd rctail deal, Carpeta anii OrocerieB. ïasitf ,rll ie SCMHID, Dealers lu Dry Goods. HúJa5irie,Crocltery &c. No. 54 routh Maiii ,!r-e! "7"Pj4CKSlN, Deutlst saccearor to C B IV p,rter' Ufflee corner M.tlnaud Huronat.reete Z'totion rR. W.K1II (o, Ann arbor. 2L M6etlrdmlntateBd f required. Er JrtHVSOX, Dealer in Hatu and "npe. ('ut Stn I ■' ' I i.-uts' Kiirqighing Ooods. ,'si ïsnat i -Main troef. nu Arliof . Mich. .„irilLAJID & WHEJDON, Life 'and V ! riuc 'jent, ■intl dealerin Real Bstate. I,;,', Iliron Str'pot ■ ñíríTi AB1ÍÍ-. UitHler in 'TyGoods Grojj n,.t,c &c N.'i 6 CAOtb Main Street. Ann lt , ÍÍIÍfSOS SíT, Gr.icern. Provielon and 1 ' -inti MTchiinls nnii dialers in Water "i, ' UnH Plueter. and Plus'er Pnrie. No 1' Eat íimr. íireit i-il TAttilEB, Daler In R ady Madf'loth 11 ,,', .itb 0 wimerc Vcstings, HatH. Cap r,,i t B r.'s. &c 21 -oaih Main street. WjAH v' OQEEVEK, Ai'TOSNEY AT LiW ! E V. Morgin, Enst slde orConrt House 1S31 fói C. G A H B , Dcntisi, Suwessor to C C. I Jmfs&SSFNitro tía Oxid MUtËnp"1' -v UiisndmniBtcred ÍÜ(y j when neceHrr. 3 Office over J Daoh & Abel' Jr store. WM' No. 26 South VW iík_jf jX-i-" Main St. 1K6'. JÍ. J. HILÏON, M. D., ffiïS'C'AN AND iiüHGEON, ijfe ik Residence Ao. 88 yliin Streef, turner of Ingalh, Ann Arbor, Mich. ï Office houre- 8 to 10 a m., and 2 to 4 r. m."5B tiímicri-TOT. Sageh, Pbof. Paljieb. HSiyi JHAHLEs M. VVOODRl.' FF, Attorney at Law and 50LI3ITOR IN CHAKCEBY. Ofice, Arcade Blode, Tpsüanti, Mkh. Mïtimis made and pvomptly remitted. AU lea ksinesa fuithiully altended to. 1426 'EOCKEK Y OLiSSWARE & GROCERIE8, J. & P Donnellv inelDitoreilsre stock ..f 'rocker). Glaenware, liUfWare.T.ildy Gioctncn. &c, ie. all tobe slíatniíuciifllly low priree No 12 Bast Unron Street, Arm Athor. liatf J. ie V. DOKÍNEI.XY. j [OHSG. GALL, DEALER ITT MAND SALT MEATS, HUD. SU8AGRS, Ktr.. Wenwlicited and promptly illed with thebeBt ■Uintheinarket. 31 Washington street inUrbor. Sept. i'-th. 1869. m&tf fjTc. a. LEÍTiLlí C0N1INÜES TO TUT UP AND PILL ftysicians Preseriptions, At all lionri", at No. X Gregory Block. . A LEITBR & CO. imArlior Dei. .2(PS71 13S4 jjiuirpüKrKKT"" DEISTTIST. Ofiw in the Savings Bank Block, Ann Albor. "1 Cperations on tt e Natural Teeth PeifoiffiBd with Care. is3imPAS3I.D FACI1ITIES AND 3XPSRIENCE Wu mimi teeth, f 'HVE CH ISmVIIÜAL, ""'Mi'Ue oropet nizt, hapr.,:o;(T. firmncBtand 'tnt'tr tl : tor e è ion 1244 HURRY UP ! PHriKS wlabing Wall Paper, Shadet i I', Winiliw Fixtures Cods, j1""1". Ac . 'ill N'ew -(tv'I.w ,t sti factor) Jitei. 0) J. u. Webster & Co., "K3tir-.n!ir ihe E piene Olïce.l L X W. a. LOViJOY, T0BACCONIST ! Deals in both E CUT ANÜ SMOKING TOBACCO, 8mff, Pipes, &c, 50, 7 EAST HUR0 STHEET, kt to the Express Office, lS(,tf AN ARBOR, MICII. W Í0 L20 p'r d"y ' Agenls wantcdl All 'thr clamua of workin pi'ople, of ork fñ?' y01111 "' oíd. malte mor mouey t "mt i, "sn "elr pare moment or all th ALV" ' anytMug elre. Purticulars fr. " . Btlnwn i co fortlfinil, JUln


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Michigan Argus