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All Sorts Of Pen-scratches

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Cáí-T. E. B. WArit), of Detroit, who has rocently been eleeted President of the Burlington and Soüthwestern Railway, has issued the following order : " The use of intoxicating liquors by persons in the eraploy of this corapany ia hereby piohibited, and the violation oí' this rule shall be deerned a sufficient reason for the discharge of any employé of the company at once, and without regard to the time for which they may have been employed ; and this rulo will be strictly enforced." Which has the right ring. Moderate drinking in a railroad employé - "or any othcr man " - is premonitory of occasions! immoderate drinking, and the only safety to the Corporation or tra veling public is total abstinence. Eailroad and other great corporations should follow the example of Capt. Ward. With such orders observed and shutting our young men out of much sought positions they will incline to temperance habita and princioles. - The late Texas Democratie State Convention resolved " that it is the bounden duty of the State to niaintain an efficiënt sy.item of fre comrnon schools, and inaure the means of common education to every child in the State." And yet Radioal journalista will oontinue to assert thut tho Democracy of the South are opposed to a common school system, and especially to educating cölored children. This in on the principie that " a lie well stuck to is as good as the truth." - The iron-makers now proclaim that the tariff affords no protection, in fact, that American iron can be laid down in Canada half a cent a pound cheaper than English iron. Which is only sounding the signal for an increase of duty at the coming session. A duty not protective is not to be tolerated for a single moment by these iron men. - The Toledo Commercial holds such. a grudge against Detroit that it inserta tho following item twice in a single issue ; " Detroit now has the ehampion mean man. His name is Tracy. Walking on the street with hls wife, the other day, he took umbrage at something she said, and slapped her face." - At the recent session of the Detroit Conference, Rev. Dr. J. H. McCarty was transferred to the Michigan Conference, and it is eaid will be stationed at Jackson. Churches don't have to wait until " after conference" nowadays to guess who is to be the next Methodist minister. The Bishop's hand is looked into - in advanco. - The reason is now out why Senator Morton finally declined the back-pay. He protested against the increase of salary as not sufflcient, and didn't want any unless he could have more. And so, to be consistent,(?) he refused the half a bite, - The Chicago Timet is indulging in the luxury of a $50,000 libel guit. It is brought by a young lawyer the Times oalled a " shyster," and not by Senator Matt. Carpenter, " the third officer of the Government." Matt. don't aohe for a libel suit. - The Journal (a Liouisville, Ky., paper) has entered upon a crusade against the Ku Klux, its correspondent also acting as deteotives in f erre tin g out and arresting outlaws. Good for the Courier-Jonrnal (a democratie paper, you know). - Lnless the Commercial is mistaken Judge Christiaucy has dui)licated his Lansing purohase by buying a $ 12,000 house at Ypsilanti. In how many houses and how many cities does Judge Ohristiancy propose to reside ? - Puffenbergor and Beane, the conductor and engineer of the freight train whieh recently ran into the passenger train at Lemont, near Chicago, have been indioted for manslaughter. - The Republican journals are crowing lustily over a victory in Maine last Monday ; an unexpected victory their display headings might lead the unitiated to auppose. - Thero were races at Prospect Park, N. Y., on Tuesday ; also at Lexington, Ky.,and Hartford, Conn. ; and meanwhile President Grint was at Long Branch. - In Iowa the Radicáis make a show of virtuous indignation over the salary steal by refusing to let Senator Logan canvass the State. Decidedly thin. - Secretary Robeson has returned to Washington and resumed the personal supervisión of the Navy Department. President Grant is yet off duty. - Grand Rapids is putting 8 per cent. water works bonds on the market in the sum of $200,000, the interest payable senii-annually in New York. - " A disastrous failure :" that's what somfi heartless scribbler terms the recent illness of Mrs. Woodhull. And just because she didn't die. - Hon. Wm. Allen, the Democratie candidato f'or Governor of Ohio, is reputed to have the largest and best private library in the State. - The Jackson Patriot denies the report that a new paper is to be started in that city, with Gov. Blair as editor or publisher. ÏHE Detroit Tribune waxes both merry and facetiousover the followingresolution which was telegraphed as having been adopted by the recent Massachusetts Democratie State Convention : Resolved, That the Republican party is responsible for the seduetion of the Democratie members of Congress to the corrupt schemea of the Republican party to rob the people of their raoney." However, as the resolution in question does not appear in the prooeedings as published in the New York World, we may conclude that the Tribune has had its laugh over a resulution not adopted. The iesolution published by the World touching the salary grab has a very different ring, and will put the Tribune on the defeuse rather than furnish it timber for a joke. It is this : Resolved, That we condemn without reserve the late action of Congress in grantmg additional salaries as unjustifiable, and demand its immediate and unconditional repeal, and we denounce every member of Cougress, whether Republican or Democrat, who supported the law, and received or retained money procured thereby ; and we especially denounce the conduct of President Grant in using the influence of his high position tor its passage, and whose official signature made it a iaw. Thero is nothing about " seduetion " in that, nothing to palliate or excuse the sins of the Democratie members who struck hands with the Republican plunderers, nothings to even exonérate the President whose signature made the bill a law and put f 100,000 in his own pocket. Whcn Rupublican Conventions shaü strike as direct and impartial blows it will do for Republican journals to be humorous and critical. The Detroit Evening News - the two cent daily of J. E. Sckifps, late and long of tho Tribune - claims a daily ciroulation of 8,000 copies. It is a uewa condensar. Tiiere Was a lively timo in the Massachusetts Republioan State Convention held at Worcester on Wednesday. At the evening session Gen. Butler announced hinlself beaten, withdrew hia name, said that ho saw no reason to run independently, aid pledged his support to the ticket the convention might nomínate. After which Gov. WA8HBTTBJ? was nominated by acclamation. The resolutions adopted mildly consure the salary-grab legislation, and cali upon the President to " remove all public officers who havo improperly interfered with tho independence of the Republicana of Massachusetts in the management of their local concerns." Pending the vote on the resolutions Gen. Butler took the floor, "accepted the situation" and the rebuke - the intermeddling of the censured officers haying been in hia interest, and counseled the adoption of the resolutions. Butler'3 model is evidently the whipped spaniel who sneaksaway with his tail between his legs, though his friends and admirers may wnte of his aotion as msgnaniinous. The Transatlantic Balloon - the Daüy Oraphic - didn't go up on Wednesday. The telegraph assigns the reason aa follows : "Professor Donaldson and eight men commenced at three this morning the work of inflating the European bound balloon. At eight, when about one-fourth filled with gas, the balloon bocame unmanageable, and the safety-valve would not work. Pof. Donaldson cut a. hole six feet squaro in the eanvass and the monster was brought into subjection. Repairs having to be made, the departure of the balloon is postponed till toinorrow." The " to-morrow" of the dispatch was yesterday, but the Arous was compelled to go to press without its " special dispatohes," and our readers must remain in blissful igiiorance another week. The Grangers of Minnesota havo entered the field for the fall carapaign with a full ticket for State offlcers, as follows : For Governor - Asa Barton. For Governor - Ebenezer Ayres. For State Treasurer - E. W. Dike. For Secret.ary of State - J. H. Stevens. For General- W . P. Clough. The platform condemns all legislatura in favor of monopolies, the Credit Mobilier frauds, the salary-grab, and the subserviency of the Republican candidate for Governor to the railroads, and declares that old issues have ceased to exist. It alao demanda an ecomonioal administra tion of both tho National and State Governments. and declares in favor of a strictly reverme tariff. Thia latter plank is significant, and its adoption by the Grangers in all their conventions is a warning to the protectionists of Pennsylvania to stand frotn under. Mr. Willits is the champion of the wonnen in the Constitutional Commission. Last week we chronicled hia proposition to submit the question of woman auffrage to a vote of the women of this State, and now we can add a proposition declaring women eligible to all appointive offices : which will open a wide field provided the people shall fall in with the opinions of the Commission and make all State and judicial offices appointive instead of electivo- a thing they will not be likely to do, however.


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