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ANN AuBOR, THUItrtJ)A, Wept. 1 1, 18.Í. APPI.KS- Ureen, 25@3''c. 22@25c. CoBN-Brings 50(355c per bu. Ohickens- Dvessed liiio. Eoos- Command 14c. Hay- $8(B13 per ton, aocordmg to quality. Honey- lu cap, 20@25c. Labd- The miirket stand at Sc. Oats- 3Sa36c. PoTATOEe- New 50c. Wheat- We quote White at $1.50ol..V,. Detroit Produce Market. Latest quotations for leadins artiele of country produce- ept. 11, are as f.llowü : WHEAT-white, $l.@l.0: unil)iv, 1.30l 43. Babley- $1.80C92 iCpvr ceutal. Rye - 65@75c per bu. COHN-50@62C. Oatb- 36@40o. Potatoes- 50@P0c. DRF.88ED $ti.40iifB.7r.. Hay-$1Sí22. Butteb- n;a23c. EoO8-150ail6c. Lard-8@9c. Hokey- 19@24i-Wcl.-39(á45c. per lb. Detroit Live Stock M&fkt From the Detroit Free Press. Michigan Central Oattle Yaríis } Mondar, Sopt. 8. The week has been moro favorable to stock, and had the last inarket resulted more favorahly quite an iuflux would have cnsuod. The ahipnenta dosigiied to participóte in tliis wcek's narket were mostly transhrpped to take chances n tho markets in the East. The receipta for vo reeks witc ;is follows : STATK. Cattle. Hoga. Sheep. Week ending August 31, :{0(i 3,471 3,408 Week ending September S, 343 2,066 4,r24 Total (4Ü ,"),ó:!r, 8,0!)2 vía Chicago. Stock received for fcr&néhvptnent : Cattle. Ilofjs. Week ending August 31, :.:íiiu 2,646 Week ending September S, 2,119 4,280 Total 5,408 (,820 CATTLE. The market remanía unchanged. Lots presented were about the same in quality as last week, running mostly from very scraggy heads to medium light heads, auitable for medium class city beef, which grade even was a difflcult task to aaaort from the f 3w Iota convertible into beef. Why a choice quality still continúes acaree may only be accounted for in one way_ viz., that the unusual volume of extra and choice cattle which were previoualy ahipped realized such a disproportionate price as to frighten sliíppers ao that no more ventures would be made for a whilc. Such, at least, is the present outlook that many operators have abandoned the held till pricos rule more favorable. Throughout the week and on the principal inarket day cattle were not demanded, and such transactions aa were made resulted from present uocessities. The choicest lots, in which the average was not more than 1 ,000 lbs, brought about $4, few finding aay m:i1b by weight. The other Iota, lighter from 2100 to S00 Iba., aro quotable from $'.'aS 50. Shipments Ea1 rere light Sunday and to-day. HOOS. Complivints are still made of inferior quality of Michigan hogs. Packers were more anxious to secure good lots, but unable to get their orders fllled. Kumeiically the market was better represented and operators obliged to take what lots were in. Sales made were, for black hogs í4 2Ó; other grades from a!) 80 npwards. SIIEEP. The vast number of shipments to this in:irkrt still continúes, and to such an extent as to affect the rulings of the market considerahly, the choicest lots, averaging ninety pounds, only bringing $4 40. Quite a number ot lots were sold by the head at a figure wliich realized the seller only $'i i and often but $o 50. Some ots have been in the market quite a number of aya, and some were satisfied even with the mail pricea reahzed. Kino's Cattlk Yabds, Dktroit, Monday eveuiug, Sept, 1 . CATTLE. The oiïerings tliis morning were not op to the average number, and consequently moved rather inskly, but the demand was not sufficiently trong to advanoe prices - in fact, several lots of good to choico butchors' cattle sold at figures hat would not have been accepted last week ?he following quotations will cover to-day's ales : Choice beeves, young, large, w.'ll fattened, weighing froni 1,200 to 1,400 lbs. 4 00 a 4 50 Good beeves, well fattened, steers and heifers, aveaging 1,000 to 1,200 lbs, ; -, a 4 00 kïedium grades, fair steers, averaging 950 to 1,050 lbs., 3 00 a 3 50 Workmg cattle, well fattened, averaging 1,000 to 1,300 lbs., 3 75 a 4 00 Common stock, medium steers, and fair to extra cows, in cenr nt'sii, ouu ro i,uwu lus., .)U a o f) Thin cattle, 2 25 a 3 OU MILCH COWS. The offerings were rather light this moming, and prices were notmuch changod, A very few good common oowa aold at $30, and some fair grade cqws wpre hold at Y40nB0, with fevy buyers. SIIEEP. The market waa called about 25c per cwt. off, hut sales were made by tho head, and it is diffioult to determino. The offerings were only moderate ; 162 of fair quality, weighing "6 lbs. each, at ÍÍ3 per head ; 107 of good qaality, averaging about 80 lbs, at $3 per head, and a small lot of lamba at $2 62 1-2 per head. HOOS. There were a few small lots offered this morning. Twelve choice little hogs, weighing from 175 to 180 lbs, at $4 35 per 100, and 19 good hogs, weigliing 240 lbb each, at $4 25.


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